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» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 9, 2009 @ 9:35am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Tu peux pas être nostalgique à 18 ans!

Je refus d'y croire.

Nah, je blague. Vielle âme?

je suis un chat ;)
jen ai 9 vies!!!
non mais serieusement cest que hier jai vu mon amie que je connais depuis le debut du secondaire et on se rappelait des belles annees hahhaa
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 9, 2009 @ 9:16am. Posted in last to pose...gere!.
Coolness: 116275

» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 9, 2009 @ 9:09am. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 116275
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 9, 2009 @ 9:07am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 116275
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 9, 2009 @ 8:58am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 116275
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 9, 2009 @ 8:57am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By JOJO_BIZARRE




Shindy: pas 5 ans dans mon coeur mais pas loin!

jvais prendre un peu de whisky dans mon cafe siouplait :)

RUINED X 291852346903478093735 : SALE PLUIE DE MERDE
ruined : nostaligique
ruined : jme suis levee en retard=pas eu le temps dme preparer alors jvais faire dur toute la journee et jsuis vraiment trop superficielle pour pas que sa me derange =(
ruined/made : l'idiot qui a annule ENCORE nos plans ¬¬, mais cest bon parce que jsuis degueulasse aujourdhui...
made : mon superviseur cest un imbecile, jai tellement hate que le directeur sen rend compte haha
made : "pic-nic"+bouteille de rose dans une rue au centro hier soir! haha
(tellement de chose qui spasse a 9h du mat...)
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 9, 2009 @ 8:40am. Posted in Hipster Sighting.
Coolness: 116275
peu importe ce que cest, cest pas beau. nononon. :)
» LeChat replied on Mon Jun 8, 2009 @ 4:32pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
tu veux du chocolat? :)
» LeChat replied on Mon Jun 8, 2009 @ 4:32pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By CORRUPTER
pis après ??

» LeChat replied on Mon Jun 8, 2009 @ 4:32pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Moi aussi! T'as une demie-heure de lunch, donc.

C'est poche, hahah. :S

Ouais mais........
jai finit de travailler LA!
bonne demi heure :)
» LeChat replied on Mon Jun 8, 2009 @ 4:29pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
8 ¬¬
» LeChat replied on Mon Jun 8, 2009 @ 4:27pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By CORRUPTER
tant mieux pour toé ..... si tu crois vraiment que je suis " retard " à ce point, cé que tu l'es pas mal + que moi ..... gneuuuuuuh !!!

» LeChat replied on Mon Jun 8, 2009 @ 4:25pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Ruined: Bored to tears at work.

nanananere... jfinis dans 5min :)
» LeChat replied on Mon Jun 8, 2009 @ 6:44am. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By ENAIRA
T'es donc bin drole XD

naive tu veux dire hahhaha
et jaime rire ^^
surtout de moi hahahahhahaha
» LeChat replied on Mon Jun 8, 2009 @ 6:43am. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 116275
» LeChat replied on Sun Jun 7, 2009 @ 2:37pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By THE_WORM
So, you're in love with one of your friends, but she has a boyfriend and probably wouldn't have sex with you anyway.

What you will need: 1 x knife, 1 x ring, access to a sunbed, the ability to grow a beard.

Step One: Place the ring on your wedding finger and avoid contact with your friend for a month.

Step Two: Stop shaving and use the sunbed to gain a tan.

Step Three: After a month when your beard is full and your tan is noticeable, remove the ring from your finger.

Step Four: Remove all your clothes and break into your friend's house.

Step Five: Use the knife to cut your body in various places. Avoid the face. If possible, focus on your back. The more blood the better.

Step Six: Enter your friend's bedroom and lie face down on the floor. Wait for her return.

Step Seven: When she enters the room pretend to be unconscious. Allow her to turn you over and try to wake you for a few seconds before you open your eyes. The injuries to your body will serve as a distraction to your nakedness. She will be more concerned about your wellbeing instead of fearing the naked man in her room.

Step Eight: When she asks you what's happened you should ignore her questions. Instead you must act confused and ask the date. If it's September 15th she will say 'September 15th' to which you must reply 'No, what year is it?'

Step Nine: Upon hearing the year say the words 'It worked.' Pretend to lose consciousness again for a few seconds, implying that whatever it is that has worked took a great effort.

Step Ten: If your friend is a curious person she will probably ask 'What worked?', even if she doesn't ask this question it is important that you now say the words '(Insert Friend's Name), I'm from the future' in your most deadpan voice.

Step Eleven: Pause for ten seconds to allow the incrediblness of the situation to sink in. There will be no reason for her to doubt your claim, because your beard will make you appear many years older and your cuts would add weight to the idea that you've come from a post-apocalyptic future where a war is currently taking place.

Step Twelve: Raise your left hand to your face. All women are very observant, so your friend will immediately notice the tanline on your wedding finger. If she is educated to a decent standard she will realise that you are married and your ring has simply disappeared, because clothing and other items cannot travel through time. Your nudity will support this.

Step Thirteen: Now comes the hard part - The monologue. In your own words you must give a speech in which you mention all of these key points:

a) You are married to each other in the future
b) Her current boyfriend is dead
c) The world is coming to an end. It's up to you to pick a reason, but I would recommend a war against machines. This whole situation will be backed up by the Terminator franchise
d) In the future your relationship is not going well
e) You've come back in time because you can't help but feel that she would have been happier with her current boyfriend if he hadn't been killed
f) Her current boyfriend is going to be hit by a bus on a day six months from her present. She should stop him going to work that day
g) If she does exactly what you say this current version of yourself will be erased and you will never get married. If she questions this flaw in your time travel logic, because you cannot change the past, simply reference Back to the Future

Step Fourteen: Unless your friend is made of stone she will now be overcome by emotion, especially at your selflessness. Get to your feet and go to kiss her goodbye. It is important that you do this with the confidence of a man who has done this to her many times.

Step Fifteen: There is now no possible way that you aren't about to have sex with her. You're naked, kissing her, in her bedroom, agreeing to erase a version of yourself from history to make her happy. And as far as she knows you've had sex many times in a future that will no longer happen, so she thinks to herself that maybe she should have one memory of it.

Step Sixteen: After having the sex, ask to borrow some clothes then leave.

Step Seventeen: Shave off your beard and coat your wedding finger in fake tan. Carry on as if nothing has happened. There will be three possible outcomes:

1) During the sex some feelings that she didn't know existed are awakened and she will leave her boyfriend for you.
2) Life will carry on as normal.
3) You will be filled with guilt because of this moral grey area where you aren't entirely sure if what you've done counts as some kind of low level rape. You will take your own life by hanging, overdose or wrist cutting.

jaimerais que quelquun me fasse sa.
jaimerais VRAIMENT sa XD
surtout que jy croirais probablement HAHAHHAHA
» LeChat replied on Sat Jun 6, 2009 @ 2:30pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 116275
» LeChat replied on Sat Jun 6, 2009 @ 2:29pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 116275
16 bit - shallow
» LeChat replied on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 4:06pm. Posted in Lets dine in Hell... ( The 6 Most Terrifying Foods in the World ).
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
If you're referring to Balut, it has a strong smell but it really isn't so bad. The amniotic liquid tastes somewhat similar to a strong broth, the egg and embryo is a lot like your usual hard boiled egg, but with some more gooey chewiness... all in all, just get over the fact that you're biting a chick's head off and you'll be alright :)

» LeChat replied on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 2:05pm. Posted in Lets dine in Hell... ( The 6 Most Terrifying Foods in the World ).
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By BASDINI
i saw this shit in korea

est-ce que ta vomis? =)
» LeChat replied on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 10:00am. Posted in Bliss VS Bind @ Bassdrive Wed June 3rd.
Coolness: 116275
jadore bassdrive.
» LeChat replied on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 9:29am. Posted in romance and sexuality.
Coolness: 116275
peu importe ce qui te tracasse il faut toujours etre honnete. si tu veux une relation stable, qui va duree longtemps il faut que tu sois confortable avec la personne. ce qui veux dire que tu peux lui dire nimporte quoi et la personne ne te jugera pas et ne le prendra pas mal ou ne se fera pas d'idée.
» LeChat replied on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 8:54am. Posted in Le proverb thread.
Coolness: 116275
Good things come in small packages!

(jsuis vraiment petite!)

Update » LeChat wrote on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 9:07am
Never judge a book by its cover
» LeChat replied on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 8:44am. Posted in I can't get a tan....
Coolness: 116275
moi jai la chance detre blanche l'hiver et trop bronzé lété!
irlandaise et algonquienne haha!
» LeChat replied on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 8:18am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
made: derniere journée de la semaine
made: forward hiiier <3

ruined: ENCORE MALADE QUAND Y FAIT 20 DEHORS sryslral dksg!!!!!!

Update » LeChat wrote on Fri Jun 5, 2009 @ 1:28pm
ruined: tes plate
» LeChat replied on Wed Jun 3, 2009 @ 4:48pm. Posted in Bliss VS Bind @ Bassdrive Wed June 3rd.
Coolness: 116275
» LeChat replied on Wed Jun 3, 2009 @ 4:24pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By VERBOSE
did i read jagerbombs about one page back?

jagerbombs FTW.

jagerbomb <3
» LeChat replied on Wed Jun 3, 2009 @ 6:35am. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 116275
» LeChat replied on Wed Jun 3, 2009 @ 6:33am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
Some alcohol mix with milk.

Not Jaggermeister.

baileys <3
amarula <3
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 4:29pm. Posted in topic.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By ONE.LAB.RAT
i love cats

» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 4:29pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Jager is the best seriously. it tastes good with EVERTHING.
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 4:02pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By JOJO_BIZARRE
We should all drink are sorrows away!

Jager bombs =)
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 3:56pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 116275
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 3:53pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
merci ^.^
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 3:52pm. Posted in Epic Coalition.
Coolness: 116275
oui parce que jsuis vraiment paresseuse des fois le matin et jai pas envie de faire mes chx... et vu que mes cheveux sont COMPLETEMENT mort (bleach... jsuis pas une vraie blonde ;)) quand je dors ils deviennent FOUS = jai un VRAI bed head et jsuis trop superficielle pour sortir de la maison comme sa =)
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 3:50pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Ruined: in an early Tom Waits kind of mood. Not the later whacked out stuff.

Break ups are always easier when the other side doesn't send you mail every now and then to remind you that hey, that pain in your chest, it's still there.

jte comprend =/
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 3:39pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
Originally Posted By LADY_A
B-b-b-but, I never ever recognize you -_-

Ffffiou, je viens d'avoir le plus gros chocolate craving EVER, j'ai pris 10 minutes pour aller m'acheter des cerises maraschino enrobées de chocolat cadburry's.


aaaaaaaaaaaw jen veux =l
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 3:39pm. Posted in topic.
Coolness: 116275
miaw miaw miaw miaw miaw =)
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 3:33pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 116275
non! il est galant quand il prend pas ses meds =)
» LeChat replied on Tue Jun 2, 2009 @ 3:29pm. Posted in Epic Coalition.
Coolness: 116275
hahahahha =P
ouais probablement... mais ya pas loption "revoler sa tuque" dans la liste! =O
LeChat's Profile - Community Messages