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» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 3:44pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Woah watch it it's going all pyramid, like some sort of MLM scheme.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 2:40pm. Posted in New Z-Ro album, panned cover.
Coolness: 77385
Good, now I have something to do while on crack!
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 2:34pm. Posted in New Z-Ro album, panned cover.
Coolness: 77385
Z-Ro has a new album out called "Crack".

Here's the cover:

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 2:35pm
Of course, it's been replaced by this one:
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 2:19pm. Posted in How is babby formed? .
Coolness: 77385
Babby is make by the sex. Need explain?
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 2:18pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Yeah I noticed, but I'm not even in the slightest bit affected by it so it's easy for me to keep it going. Dude wants me to meet him in Verdun and deliver a beating on him. He wants so badly to be the victim. But I won't do him that service.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 2:16pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
I'm sure trying to troll this site is going to win you brownie points.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 1:12pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Does any of this make you angry, Jesse, or are you having fun with it? It's just a question for diagnostic purposes, and it'll explain the reasons why this flame war keeps re-emerging.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 1:03pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Oh, you're right, my gear sucks and I have a fake british accent. You know me well. You got better gear in your studio? Whose studio? Anyone want to take bets on how long it takes him to pawn everything in it?
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 12:48pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Originally Posted By LIL_RUNNA
Originally Posted By lukeperil
Yeah well, I don't need to do it, do I? Life has a way of sorting itself out. I just don't like the idea of a sociopath methodically working his way through a community of people I respect and I certainly hope we stop you on time.

dude have i been around in the last 4 to 5 months no .. that give you a clue that i dont want to tlak or see any of you ?! i dont care about you small people ......

ill keep masa advice in mid and let you little puppies play by themselfe continuing to invent stories n beleiving them but when and i say when you little wensiten tools of destruction of people and youre fake trenduness is gone dont come crying ... and luke peril i rell yshouldve put ma hand in youre face the first time i met you ......

Why? Because I speak and see the truth? Because I saw through you and you should have known right away that I didn't understand what you were doing in our fucking loft when I never invited you? We had our eyes on you the whole time and sure enough you were asking me mad questions about our records and the laptop and this piece of gear over there and that piece of gear over there. Now we can't find cables, records, CDs (oh I know you like those), headphones... sounds familiar. Took a while to sort it out. I was ready to slap your face when I saw you because I could see you trying to work me with your pretense of knowledge of my interests and your attempt to weasel your way into our entourage. I have encountered sociopaths before. I know the minute I see you types now, and I know what you're playing at. Even the retreat from responsibility... it reads like a textbook case. Either deal with it or fail.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 12:34pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Yeah well, I don't need to do it, do I? Life has a way of sorting itself out. I just don't like the idea of a sociopath methodically working his way through a community of people I respect and I certainly hope we stop you on time.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 12:10pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 11:34am. Posted in Where's the pole.
Coolness: 77385
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 11:21am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Ok, post all his personal info on 4chan and let the chaos ensue.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 11:18am. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Ok buddy, take your meds, here's your diagnosis.

[ en.wikipedia.org ]

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 11:19am
IE yes, Jesse, you are a sociopath. You don't even respect your mother, holmes.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 7:26pm. Posted in uNDER sOCIETY.
Coolness: 77385
Don't know how to say this, but never, ever, book me again, without telling me when it's going on, where it's going on, and leaving me out of having to take care of any sort of responsibilities for something that I didn't have any involvement in originally, especially not on the day that I lose my job because I come down with a rather dangerous case of blood poisoning from a nasty infection from a second degree burn. I'm really glad I didn't end up going, I think the hospital was a lot more fun than all the stress this would have put me through as driver. How can you organize a party if you don't have anybody who knows where they're going? How can you assume that you have the soundsystem and DJs taken care of if you've never contacted them with details?

Seb, Sabi, I like both of you guys on the level of character and you're definitely fun to party with, but this is not the way to do it. I feel really embarassed to be associated with this sort of SNAFU. You can't go to BC when you have a party booked, you can't leave someone with no way of being contacted in charge of communications, and you can't expect that myself and Mikael are going to bail you out just because we have our heads on our shoulders. Prioritize. I can do my own parties, I don't need to take over on a sinking ship.

Ti'cris de con!
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 7:11pm. Posted in Tout nu, tout seul devant le mac.
Coolness: 77385
Hein, si elles sont les filles tellement hot, pas trop de maquillage, ni trop grosses ni trop minces, on sera trop occupé avec notre affaire de fappage non-stop pour laisser les commentaires.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 6:47pm. Posted in How is babby formed? .
Coolness: 77385
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 6:45pm. Posted in my trip to bc with Jesse aka runa 1 (drama).
Coolness: 77385
Glad I never trusted this guy. Routine con-artist sociopath. Bordering on psychopath. One could say it was the very hand of God that put him and Mickos in the same place at the same time on a failed voyage to the left coast, like both of them were in need of a lesson. Who learned in the end?

In the morning you go gunning
For the man who stole your water
And you fight till he is done in
But they catch you at the border
And the mourners are all singin'
As they drag you by your feet
The hangman isn't hanging
So they put you on the street... yeah

You go back, Jack, do it again
Wheel spinning round and round
You go back, Jack, do it again...

When you know she's no high climber
Then you find your only friend
In a room with your two timer
And you're sure youre near the end
Then you love a little wild one
And she brings you only sorrow
All the time you know shes smilin
Youll be on your knees tomorrow

You go back, Jack, do it again
Wheel spinning round and round
You go back, Jack, do it again...

Now you swear and kick and beg us
That you're not a gamblin man
Then you find you're back in vegas
With a handle in your pan
Your black cards can make you money
So you hide them when youre able
In the land of milk and honey
You must put them on the table

You go back, Jack, do it again
Wheel spinning round and round
You go back, Jack, do it again...

Sooner or later everybody you ever crossed will corner you and you'll get what you deserve. But you want it so badly that the best thing anybody could ever do is not let you shake your karma, and you will remain at your stagnant loop in time.

If you have a problem learning anything other than "I'm a good con" or "They'll never figure me out, I can fuck them all over" then chances are you are a sadistic, paranoid, self-loathing, sociopathic person who feels that he is persecuted and trusts nobody, so you turn that energy into your motivation for your intricately complex mind to scheme and backstab wherever you can. I didn't fall for it. I could see right through you. You will not prosper. And chances are you have a class action suit awaiting you.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 2:04am. Posted in rainbow trip flyer is up!!!.
Coolness: 77385
You guys should book Zunicorn.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 2:03am. Posted in Here kitty, kitty, kitty,,,.
Coolness: 77385
Too furry, but incredibly cute. I wish I could deal with that much hair, but I can't. I'm allergic. To hairy pussies. Well not in the other sense, I'm down with nature. That is I'll go down on it, even if some crazy black dude preaches about how that shit needs to be shaved.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 1:57am. Posted in finding ca$h....
Coolness: 77385
I've personally been playing a game with myself to see how long it takes to find quarters. I find them regularly at strange times. My fixation used to be on finding triple numbers or the number 23 and I used to have such regular occurrences of both syncing up with weirdly appropriate events. Every triple number is listed in Aleister Crowley's 777 as being significant mostly to different demons, 333 for instance being associated with CHRNZN, demon of deception, hallucination, and lies. 23 is just supposedly another form of the law of fives, 2+3=5 hence it has sort of the same significance, but in the I Ching it represents "Falling Apart". Similarly 23 has always been a weird number for anarchists and other people toppling towers or systems, and could be considered the number of entropy to a certain extent. The quarter thing, however, has been way tougher. I've been having a hard time convincing myself it could work. Hence I don't find too many. I got the idea from the first chapter of "Prometheus Rising" by R.A.Wilson, a book everyone should read in my opinion. But damn, why can't I convince myself money could just show up? I could use an errant $50.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 15, 2008 @ 4:06pm. Posted in LHC live.
Coolness: 77385
Did you say underage?

» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 15, 2008 @ 4:03pm. Posted in Zomg.
Coolness: 77385
^- TYPO!

Why are you always online? Are you really, really pale?
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 15, 2008 @ 4:01pm. Posted in New TRICKY album.
Coolness: 77385
But everything in between Premillenium Tension and this was utter fucking junkie garbage.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 15, 2008 @ 3:53pm. Posted in Tips, pourboire 15% ou moins?!?!!?.
Coolness: 77385
Servers and bartenders are usually egotistical and proud bastards who freak out when any of the food they're carrying isn't correctly done solely because it threatens their tips, which rocket their salary into a bracket way above that of the lowly $11/hr cook, or the less lowly but still lowly $20-25/hr the chef makes. The chef de cuisine, if he is an executive, will make tons of cash, maybe even millions a year.

But he would have to be the restaurateur. Servers make wads. You get a low base rate because you are surely going to be making mad amounts of tips from each of the table, which are taxed. No they're not mandatory, they're necessary for your salary to be sufficient to live off of. But the rules are that tips are taxed, minimum wage for food service is lower than min. wage elsewhere, plus some places do not have crazy enough service to pay the bills. The reality is that food service is an industry with serious imbalances, because the kitchen needs to make enough to buy food and drink, then cover the salaries, with food waste calculated in. Things have to sell before they are no longer edible, and with the amount of errors that can possibly be committed in a day, this price goes through the roof.

If you are working as a bartender this applies equally to liquor costs, dinner cheques, whatever it is you are dealing with, and I can at least sympathize with bartenders because of how much they have to manage. But they are not working anywhere near as hard as the cooks are, no matter what they think. So being jealous over wages there is just stupid. We make the food, we should get more. Cut and dry. Plus we should get a portion of the tip that is often for the quality of the food and the quality of presentation over the server, who didn't do anything but smile and serve. Servers, in kitchen slang, are referred to as "the scum". Try to find a place where we don't think that.

Case in point for why servers are scum. Yesterday Benoit, the night bartender who rolls in at around 8 and stays until 3, who never says hi to anybody in the kitchen, who is a fake asshole 95% of the time and just a douchebag the rest of the time, decides to come in on a day off and order 24 oysters. Then he has the nerve to return them, saying that he wanted them without the vinaigrette, wasting 24 fucking oysters. No respect for the kitchen, no care for cost controls, and absolutely no foresight to think how that will hit us the following few days. I bet he whines consistently about people not tipping him although we have famous people rolling in consistently and dropping several bills on him an hour, while we continue at the same rate in the kitchen. Thankfully, we get a cut of the tips. But a small one. This is progressive for kitchens. Plus the base rate for the servers there is apparently higher than elsewhere. Also very progressive, who knows though if it's affordable?

Don't bite the hand that feeds you. But the hand that brings the plate to the table isn't really doing very much at all other than expediting and remembering lists, then bringing stuff to tables. The big stress factor is volume of people, and the desperation that comes from being paid less just because some people tip. Not all people do. So yes, I sympathize with the situation. But if you aren't making enough as a server or bartender it clearly stems from one of the following: a shitty service time or too short a peak time (nightclubs, case in point), bad management who don't give a shit about you, or a job that just isn't much of a challenge. If you want to make cash in this industry you have to push yourself as hard as you can. It's not going to roll in if you're just running the bar at some hip hangout, with no compensation, even if you make it into BoM. If you have talents in the field take them where they'll be appreciated instead of bitterly doing volunteer work and then feeling all shit upon when people don't have the cash to tip. Who cares if everyone who shows up there knows you, you have to be able to survive too.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 15, 2008 @ 3:20pm. Posted in Dread falls.
Coolness: 77385
A mix of epoxy and liquid concrete tends to work great as a dread fall fixative. You can make it yourself and apply it liberally to the scalp, then stick the dread falls in place.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 15, 2008 @ 2:58pm. Posted in Tout nu, tout seul devant le mac.
Coolness: 77385
Wow, you found some really shitty videos there Dee. Classically shitty.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 15, 2008 @ 1:30pm. Posted in bike mesenger are cool.
Coolness: 77385
McKenzie are definitely cool. Go Golgo, you am the collest bkie messnengengengngner.
» JasonBeastly replied on Mon Sep 15, 2008 @ 1:30pm. Posted in Nu Ravers and Old Ravers.
Coolness: 77385
Ok... start a new thread already where you talk about random shit, this one is totally off course and boring to see at the top of the shitpile.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 3:03pm. Posted in Tips, pourboire 15% ou moins?!?!!?.
Coolness: 77385
I've had way too much bad experience with cabbies to want to tip them anymore. One guy took off on me with a twenty after saying he'd go get change, he started driving off once I gave it to him and I felt like a total idiot, but I took the plate number. Then I couldn't remember the name of the fucking company or their phone number... groooan.

Another time I had a cabbie do an entire coke deal during the ride which jacked the price up, then he had the gall to ask me if I wanted to buy any. Of course I did. Just not from him. There was no way I was going to try shortchanging the guy, he was fucking scary looking to top it off.

Yet another circumstance, a cabbie beat the living shit out of me because I couldn't pay a $11 cab fare in the middle of winter, with 3 feet of snow all around, then I got charged in the end for assault (me fighting back was on his camera, but somehow it wasn't on when he attacked me) and had to pay him a peace bond of $500, plus I got a transportation fraud charge. Fucking insane. And apparently I can't appeal it.

Fuck cabs. Fuck them all. They always honk at me on my bike too. Motherfuckers.
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 2:49pm. Posted in I need some help with this song...
Coolness: 77385
Man I remember the first time I saw Zunicorn play live, I was like BOOSH!
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 2:47pm. Posted in more cowbell!.
Coolness: 77385
Yeah um... wait till you hear this... Eurocore MVP by Venetian Snares

[ www.morecowbell.dj ]
» JasonBeastly replied on Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 2:40pm. Posted in LHC live.
Coolness: 77385
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 1:41am. Posted in Hard-core une semaine sur 2 au Saphir....
Coolness: 77385
If you guys haven't seen Synthamesk before you're in for a treat, this guy's stuff is warped! And I'll be dropping a live PA finally, after a little too long a stall... expect no less than absolutely insane!
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 1:38am. Posted in I, Rainboo, will be needing models for make-up..
Coolness: 77385
Make me beautiful again.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 1:36am. Posted in :: DJ Information.
Coolness: 77385
Wow Katrina's getting press! Look out for this one, that's all her own tracks she spins.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 1:34am. Posted in Fred: 1 - Fruit Flies: 0.
Coolness: 77385
Actually Bliss, I think they go where there's fruit. Hence the name. You know, fruit fly. You get it?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 1:33am. Posted in You Can All Stop Worrying Now - McCain is Fucked.
Coolness: 77385
Hey wait guys, does this mean no more oven baked crispy goodness? I love the tasty flavour in those bite sized taters.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 1:32am. Posted in Huge collection happy hardcore & Freeform a vendre.
Coolness: 77385
You don't have "Rainbow Adventure" by Zunicorn by any chance, do you?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 1:31am. Posted in who's hotter.....
Coolness: 77385
Hurnh ahey oooooowaheyoyohey woooooorrrraaaarrrggghhh hurnh a hey.

^- Creed impersonation.
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages