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» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 7:48pm. Posted in the 30 greatest conspiracy theories.
Coolness: 77390
LOL @ faschisistic.

Yeah man, FYI TL;DR just means too long, didn't read. That's not fascist that's completely neutral. I just didn't feel like reading it all and it was sort of like a flood. Floods suck. I write paragraphs.

Most people don't read em. If it mattered at all then there would be cause for anger and upset if people were to post TL;DR. But if someone did that to me I would go, good lord did I go on, laugh at my own silliness, and call it a day.

But some people can't do that. Don't get so emotional and crazy over a web forum. I know your butt hurts, but like, don't be so butthurt.

» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 7:42pm. Posted in Ahahahahahahhahahaha.
Coolness: 77390
No no no, I have a way better speaker:

Of the house, yo. For real.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 7:40pm. Posted in rave.ca & neoform , the stuffed fat shit from rave.ca.
Coolness: 77390
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 7:38pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 77390
Originally Posted By LYNZYN
the whole island of montreal would riot!!!!

So say all of us. Cop car still burning. Oops.

Yeah what if they rename them though? Because I've always like the sound of les Habitants over le Canadiens, and frankly I doubt most of Quebec is fond of that name. I personally hate that they refer to the team as a single article.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 7:29pm. Posted in The General Good Advice Thread.
Coolness: 77390
Don't break a consecutive streak of good advice with irrelevant nonsense.

Also, don't shit where you eat.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 7:07pm. Posted in Ahahahahahahhahahaha.
Coolness: 77390
Hey that wikipedia definition sucks balls. Trolls bring lulz. These guys are not lulzy.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 7:05pm. Posted in miss rave.ca 2009 le concour .. lol.
Coolness: 77390
Yes... the tiara, the lights, the speech about childhood education and the economy. I've been waiting for this moment all of my life.

Oh lord.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:49pm. Posted in People of Little Italy / Petite Patrie.
Coolness: 77390
This is correct mate... I will PM you my digits if you have forgotten them. But yeah, I'm going to need a job for the pint season to truly begin.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:44pm. Posted in People of Little Italy / Petite Patrie.
Coolness: 77390
Sorry, didn't get the message till now Craig. You smoke again? Fuck.

Yeah I was too stoned. Oh snap, you wrote that yesterday.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:42pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 77390
Oh shit, how do I extinguish a car fire?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:41pm. Posted in Senate Bill Almost About To Pass Obligatory Service For 18y Olds.
Coolness: 77390
Yeah so he's a ranting paranoid at times, but if you read it all he's definitely on to something. I didn't this time, because well... Neko man, one video per post please, and stop the updates. Debate, don't dominate.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:40pm. Posted in What should I not miss in London, UK ?.
Coolness: 77390
This sort of lineup had better start catching on over here. I would be in heaven at this event, and I can't figure out the lack of interest in breakcore in this city. Really baffles me. Look, if one of the biggest festivals in England consists of that sort of a mix of acid, breakcore, jungle, dubstep, and basically all the newest sounds in electronic music, why is the best that Mutek can do a bunch of minimal tech (there is none at Bang Face) and the most radio-friendly of the dubstep scene?

Just putting it out there. Those involved in jungle, dubstep, breakcore, hardcore, tekno... this is the model we should be following. Enough with the one-genre parties, enough with shitty rave nostalgia. We need a Canadian Bang Face.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:31pm. Posted in miss rave.ca 2009 le concour .. lol.
Coolness: 77390
Oh non non non, Raphaelle sera en tabarnak d'être nominée comme Miss [ Rave.ca ] c'est genre des personnes qui s'en câlicent (man cette forme est sûrement introuvable) de [ rave.ca ] totalement.

Mais babe de l'année... oui, selon moi. Malgré c'est juste Mars alors c'est façile a dire et çe n'est pas si hot un appelation encore.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:27pm. Posted in Senate Bill Almost About To Pass Obligatory Service For 18y Olds.
Coolness: 77390
I'd love to understand what part of talking about Germany indicates that I'm American. I consider that worse than calling someone a gowf in prison.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:26pm. Posted in What should I not miss in London, UK ?.
Coolness: 77390
Argh... Bang Face is the sickest party ever... so much breakcore and idm greatness last year. If only I could make it there...

X&Trick, Ebola, Shitmat, and VSnares eh. Plus Ceephax and fuck fuck fuck fuck why can't I go to England?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 1:17pm. Posted in The General Good Advice Thread.
Coolness: 77390
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
Don't cook bacon naked

Shit man, where were you two weeks ago? I did this and got a crispy penis.

Yeah, as an addendum, never get so excited about the bacon that you pitch a tent.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:52pm. Posted in Stupidity getting to a new low.
Coolness: 77390
North Ontario invented the Poutine. But that doesn't mean it wasn't invented by French Canadians.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:49pm. Posted in Montreal Canadiens.
Coolness: 77390
Alright everybody, who's ready for the Sacramento Canadiens?

[edited three times due to failure to come up with an American city]
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:48pm. Posted in crazy people.
Coolness: 77390
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:45pm. Posted in The General Good Advice Thread.
Coolness: 77390
Don't be a Menace to South Central while drinking your Juice in the 'Hood.

» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:42pm. Posted in How to unlock a celphone.
Coolness: 77390
It depends what sort of phone you're using, but I believe you have to reformat using a program called DaVinci or something of that sort. I was trying to do it a while ago so that my phone itself didn't have all the shitty Rogers-bundled mp3 players etc. on it, and so that I could change SIM cards with a minimum of problems. Never did it though, ended up with a Blackberry and a better plan by bitching efficiently to Rogers.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:27pm. Posted in In The Spirit of Rave.ca.
Coolness: 77390
Oh I actually have. There's a point where you start to wonder who got crabs first.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:26pm. Posted in The General Good Advice Thread.
Coolness: 77390
Don't wizz on the electric fence kids!

Update » JasonBeastly wrote on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:26pm
more advice: turn shitty music off for above video.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:23pm. Posted in VHS over DVD.
Coolness: 77390
Ferrara rules... I fucking love me some Bad Lieutenant. Cop violence and sacrilegious nun-rape with crucifixes. Mmmmmmmm.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:18pm. Posted in Senate Bill Almost About To Pass Obligatory Service For 18y Olds.
Coolness: 77390
Originally Posted By MIKE.LITORIS
wtf is wrong with you dude? Are you even American? why the hell are you freaking out over stuff like this?

If anyone should be afraid of this it's me, I've actually filled out my selective service papers for the US. If there ever is a draft, I could be called up.. but I'm not worried cause it won't happen.

You mean the guy above me right?
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:17pm. Posted in In The Spirit of Rave.ca.
Coolness: 77390
I dunno man, I don't remember Patchouli smelling like buttsweat and moldy dreads.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:16pm. Posted in scooter rave.
Coolness: 77390
Well, this is coming from the guy who listens to Scooter while on his scooter.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:15pm. Posted in The General Good Advice Thread.
Coolness: 77390
Don't play soccer on a combine.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 12:13pm. Posted in the 30 greatest conspiracy theories.
Coolness: 77390
Wow. This list passes all of those off as "theories"? I guess it's easy to be one-sided when you're in the educated press, taking spoon-fed knowledge at face value.

MK-Ultra was an experiment that took place right here in Montreal at McGill University. Nobody will talk to you about it because it wasn't supposed to leak, but there are a few psych profs who will confirm that it was a real study and that yes, random people got dosed. The part where it slips into theory has something to do with "supersoldier" training. That part is b.s. Also it was the OSS, not the OSI, that paid for this study. That was the inexperienced secret service that existed before the CIA and broke tons of rules now in place.

9/11 - need we say more, that's no theory, it's clear things are being covered up, but perhaps the theories are wrong.

The Illuminati existed around 1776 and was led by Adam Weishaupt. Whether or not this A.W. replaced George Washington is the question pertaining to the conspiracy theory the Telegraph article hints at, and the Bavarian Illuminati may have dissolved or disappeared, but names were still found on a list and ties between the Rosicrucians, Merovingians, Freemasons, Knights Templar, and several other organizations that have existed since the crusades are actually well documented. Robert Anton Wilson goes into the teachings of Weishaupt at the end of Illuminatus! and actually deflates a lot of the paranoia regarding this secret society. But this doesn't mean that a sort of Illuminati doesn't exist, just that this theory is faulty. The Hapsburgs, Bronfmanns, Rothschilds, all play into the banking conspiracy (why wasn't that on the list), but it's not really a conspiracy if it's not really hidden is it? Rich people want to stay rich. What else do we need to know? People who were in power want later generations to hold that power. Obvious enough.

So when we get to New World Order theories... who isn't trying to impose their own New World Order? Maybe different political groups give the impression of different goals but everyone is aiming for some sort of utopia that comes after the crunch. It's a weird pseudo-religious concept that has slipped its way on to many lips. It even says "Novo Ordo Seclorum" on the American dollar bill. But nobody here needs me to repeat that. It's just odd how we never question what the hell these weird latin mottos actually refer to. Every other country seems to at least have some clarity to their nationalistic symbolism.

As for the Priory of Sion, I believe both Jean Cocteau and Erik Satie (might have been Debussy and not Satie, I forget) were members, and from what I understand of Gnostic beliefs, there is nothing secret about the Catholic church steering Christian debate away from any leftovers of paganism. In "The Barbarian Conversion" by Richard Fletcher, the author explains how many pagan rituals and cults were absorbed into early Christianity, in a syncretism that became an appropriation. Before we knew it, the Christmas tree was a part of Jesus' birthday which was suddenly at the same time as Yuletide, though the Amanita Muscaria mushrooms festooning the trees were never explained. Mary Magdalene existed, but Christianity went Patriarchal, and to this date the mass media still acts like it's blasphemy to dare challenge established global religious empires.

So... all I ask is... conspiracy theories? Or loose threads of larger discourses? Because I can't help that feel the label "conspiracy theory" is a loaded term suggesting that anybody who dares question the status quo dismissal of such ideas is a paranoid nutjob, that the theory has no basis in fact (which would make it a speculation, and not a theory), and that there are "conspiracies" to hide this information. In truth, these are all ideas that people do not like to entertain, and which are considered taboo on a greater scale, and the only conspiracy is people's own fear that they don't have the right to question the world around them.

TL;DR: There are no conspiracies, only scared little pussies who want the mass media reality to explain everything.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 11:42am. Posted in Senate Bill Almost About To Pass Obligatory Service For 18y Olds.
Coolness: 77390

Obligatory Service already exists in Germany, where at 18 you either join the army or do community service of some sort. This is paid however, so this is generally a point in the average German's life where they start to do social work that actually does a lot of good. Even the military isn't so bad, because Germany kind of doesn't get involved in war these days. Well, not as publicly anymore. Seems at some point in history something happened to give German soldiers a bad rap. Wish I could remember what.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 11:39am. Posted in scooter rave.
Coolness: 77390
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 11:38am. Posted in miss rave.ca 2009 le concour .. lol.
Coolness: 77390
I'm Miss [ Rave.ca ] somebody kill me.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 11:37am. Posted in The General Good Advice Thread.
Coolness: 77390

I heer teh dag give god advise.
» JasonBeastly replied on Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 11:35am. Posted in killing in the name !!!!!.
Coolness: 77390
Yes, I pulled an asshole move, but it's still a fucking forum and nobody ever said we had to sit here taking everything seriously and getting all worked up over type. Plus the guy just wants tons of attention. A few people on this board do. Including myself incidentally! Well what do you know. But I'm mostly trying to get lulz and win to return to the board, and I doesn't afraid of anything.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 1:56pm. Posted in killing in the name !!!!!.
Coolness: 77390
Hurr Durr I'm a Durr
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 1:56pm. Posted in opus card.
Coolness: 77390
Yeah man, I think, I think it may just be, because I look kind of scary with a handlebar mustache.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 1:55pm. Posted in insulted by a comment from the aired bc gang police report on global.
Coolness: 77390
Jail the freaks, I sez. Show them they need to cut their hair and get real jobs. Fuckers probably don't even vote. Tears me up to think of it.

The youth of today.

So lost.

So that's why they should all get orange jumpsuits and learn a trade.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 1:51pm. Posted in killing in the name !!!!!.
Coolness: 77390
Man, if it gets you that butthurt maybe you should an hero too. DO IT FAGGOT! I dare you. You don't have the balls to do it, do you Bliss?
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 1:50pm. Posted in In The Spirit of Rave.ca.
Coolness: 77390
I dunno man, it depends what you're looking at to begin with. Set, Setting, Dose, right? Thing that started bugging me about psy trance parties a long time ago was that I felt like I'd always be walking into the same fucked up sensory overload trip with the same colours and the same style of music... after a while, you know, I wasn't getting any new revelations! I was just on some broken record trip.

Now I trip and I have to deal with utterly complex shit that goes above and beyond wondering if people are reptiles or if I should actually wear only clothing that glows under blacklights. I finally started to grok fullness and understand the complexity of life without buying into hive-minded brainwashing.

Beware the psy trance trap. You are all at risk of hypnotizing yourselves to be a bunch of paranoid colourful smelly freaks who think that you somehow have a way to save yourself from all the aliens who don't dig your music because they're possessed.

You know who else thinks we're infected with alien genes?

The scientologists.
» JasonBeastly replied on Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 1:43pm. Posted in opus card.
Coolness: 77390
Man, am I the only person who has consistent beef with the STM? I get treated like shit all the time, especially when I run into problems.

I've had an OPUS card for a while and I tried to put 6 tickets on it via my debit card at Laurier station a few weeks ago. The transaction went through ok but no receipt printed out, which was rather infuriating because when I tried to pass the turnstile the card didn't work. So I went to the ticket taker and told him there was a problem, and the nature of it, and he called headquarters at Berri UQAM, basically accusing me of lying. I was totally calm and I explained it with only a slight tone of frustration, but you know, the kind where you're telling the guy "wow, look at my bad luck, can you fix it". He still didn't believe me, even when I said that I think the machine just ripped me off for $12. He claimed it was me who fucked up and not the machine, and wouldn't let it go until I paid for a new ticket (no free voucher) and was directed to go to Berri-UQAM and wait in line to get reimbursed. I was on the way to catch a bus to Toronto so this was totally not an option.

End of story, I got my money back, but only after a few weeks out of town where I had no means to discuss the problem with the appropriate authorities (read: subway nazis). It seems that somehow the error was registered at my bank and they put the funds back.

Just to explain myself, prior to this I've had to deal with the following crap:
- racist ticket taker tells my short bearded friend that he can't go on with the transfer he has, in French, and then rages at him for not understanding when I was saying to the guy "hey calme toi, il ne parle pas Français" which led to the guy going on a tirade about Anglophones and how we're all shitheads. I came back with some sort of "TU TE PREND POUR QUI ESTI"...
- I get on a bus that's 20 minutes late, realizing I'm going to be on probational status at work because of this, and tell the guy that he's let down a whole bunch of commuters, somewhat angrily yes, but I made my point, paid the ticket, and sat down, and he stalled the bus another 5 minutes sending a security guard to the back to tell me to calm down or he would have me removed from the bus, to which I replied that the only thing I'm pissed off about is that I'm almost a half an hour late for work because they don't keep schedules... I stayed on and nearly got fired.
- I ask occasionaly for "six tickets" in French, because it says "tickets" and not "billets" on the French sign stuck to the window, and the guy tells me to repeat myself so that I say "billets" and then tries to take me to school on how I'm what's ruining the French language. I shook my head and pointed wordlessly at the sign, then went in.
- Before the OPUS card my weekly pass would be demagnetized by Wednesday, apparently because of my cell phone and my magnetic keycard for work. I would try to pass by the ticket booth by flashing it instead of running it through the machines that couldn't read it anymore, and the guy would tell me, every day, to try and run it through the turnstile again. He called over two cops one time and had them harass me and check if it was a fake, although I had already had this discussion elsewhere. The cops told me that it was my own fault for having a cellphone and keycard so nearby, or for putting it in my wallet - WELL WHERE THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO PUT IT THEN?

Is this supposed to be a world-class subway system? Because it's not. This is why the TTC will always be "The Better Way". We meant better than the ESTI de CUM.
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages