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» ImNotACornflake replied on Sun Sep 27, 2009 @ 5:09pm. Posted in The Facts.
Coolness: 27480
Originally Posted By YOGSOTHOTH
He loves himself. He only feels bad about how this situation has affected him, if that. I lost some close friends through tragedy when I was young and never ever witnessed anything so callous as how he dealt with this in the immediate aftermath - pathetic. He caused a lot of pain with this after the fact. She was loved by many, many people who were scorned by him.

I only hope he gets some help before more people have to learn the hard way.

Hope so too, would hate to see another person get hurt by this boy's reckless actions. =(

Update » ImNotACornflake wrote on Sun Sep 27, 2009 @ 6:54pm
I've also lost friends in car accidents.

He really IS only showing remorse because he got busted. He might of loved her, maybe sure. But wasn't he dating someone liek right after the accident? [From what I've heard] That shows A LOT of mourning for his deceased "girlfriend"? no?

We're not conducting a [ ] trial here, we're just settling what's fact and clearing up the foggy confusion. We all have rights to an opinion, and if you want Screwhead to shut up and stop voicing his, wouldn't that be repressing him from what everyone likes to say.. "freedom of expression?"

It's simple, if you don't like this thread, there's tons others that would suit your prefferences. :)
» ImNotACornflake replied on Fri Sep 25, 2009 @ 8:51pm. Posted in The Facts.
Coolness: 27480
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
He already has..

I may not be a psychologist or have any professional education/studying in the field, but I had a fairly fucked up family and had a lot of issues of my own growing up (one of which was showing signs of being a sociopath).. I was seeing shrinks 3 days a week from when I was 4 years old up until I was 17, and I've learned a lot of things from experience and interaction with them, as part of exercises to learn to keep myself "normal".. Part of those exercises is learning to identify triggers or behavioral patterns so that you can analyze and stop yourself from doing/thinking things that are "wrong", and he was showing so many of them in his choice of words and reactions he might as well have just confessed from day one.. Like the saying gows, we can smell our own.

Wow, I think that the fact you could identify these traits so easily is well.. amazing. >>'

I read some old posts from Dj wood/whatever he calls himself. x_x'
And he pretty much just lashed at anyone who tried to disagree with him or put him at fault. [especialy you..] His cover story was crap, I saw on google what the car had looked like, you definatly dont get that kind of damage from 30-40km of spinning on black ice.. I don't know who he was trying to fool. And I agree with you, he did a poor job of someone mourning. He definately did do damage control first. And if he wanted to actually get away with it, he would of done something as simple as changign the picture of his facebok group, every group about her has a picture of her, no one else, just her. Maybe if he died in the car crash too, and someone put that picture up of them, sure. But no, he's not dead. There's definatly soemthing wrong when the girl's best friends and family know he's lied.

People shouldn't feel sorry for him, they should feel sympathy for the girl's family, her friends, and for her. They should feel sorry for Angie, because she trusted a guy who acts like he's invincible. [from what I read from his posts he acts like a tuff guy but lies and manipulates people to a disgusting level. He acts so shameless and reckless..]

You seriously have to be the most selfish, self-centered, heartless bastard to lie and then say "It's not my fault, it was her time" like what the fuck?! Who writes that about someone who dies in an ACCIDENT! caused by THE GUY WHO WROTE THAT.

Like wtf. That just pissed me off.
I'm going to feen on animal crackers until I'm in a good mood again. >>'
» ImNotACornflake replied on Fri Sep 25, 2009 @ 9:28am. Posted in The Facts.
Coolness: 27480
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
The article doesn't quite get that right.. What they posted on facebook (and I saw myself, including some of his public threats before he shut down the facebook group) was that he was never going out with her; she was NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND, and she wasn't interested in him on anything more than a platonic level. The whole "OMG my girlfriend just died" thing was an attempt at getting people to pity him.

The situation is tragic but this is sinking low at a whole new levels.

I would of never made a facebook group in her honour if I was the driver, especialy since from what I'm understanding he's a huge liar.

He's going to dig his own hole over this.
» ImNotACornflake replied on Thu Sep 24, 2009 @ 9:58pm. Posted in The Facts.
Coolness: 27480
Heh. Those are always the one who get busted. Multiple times.

Anywho, let's see if Mr.Dim-I-Drive-Without-A-Real-Lisence-And-Speed-On-A-Narrow-Winter-Street could man up and take the consequences for all his actions without pulling a hissy fit.

This should be a very intresting outcome.

Keep us posted YogSothogh :)
» ImNotACornflake replied on Thu Sep 24, 2009 @ 9:44pm. Posted in The Facts.
Coolness: 27480
Yeah. But judging by his actions here and elsewhere, one can hope his sentence forces him to take anger management classes.

And a 10 year driver's license suspension.

* sigh *. I wish this judicial system wasn't such a fucking joke.

-Judging by what you're saying, he's done other things to fuck up, or everyone just knows he's going to screw up again after he's 18. right?
» ImNotACornflake replied on Thu Sep 24, 2009 @ 8:48pm. Posted in The Facts.
Coolness: 27480
Wow. I just read this thread & this guy seriously is a complete idiot.

1st off, most girls in their teens go and tell their best friends right away if they're going out with someone. He either seriously wishes they were going out too the point where he resorts to lieing about it after she's dead.. (lame & pathetic... -_-') He most likely lied because it took him like what? more than half a year before he actualy ADMITTED beause of the evidence they had against him.

He probly only pleaded guilty cause he had his back up agaisnt a wall..
ImNotACornflake's Profile - Community Messages