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» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 6:59pm. Posted in $@#!% Drums.
Coolness: 147010
Originally Posted By DEADFUNK
mrd 150 have no bass whatsoever!

yeah they're rather crappy :P they're my headphones for listening to music at work!

Originally Posted By DEADFUNK
i think its pretty nice, id layer a snappy snare on top of that! (maybe just use the transient of a snappy snare, or something)

ah thanks, I'm not crazy :)

I just listened at home, with a much better sound, and it sounds much better! Actually I don't think the snare needs more gain, rather a sharper attack... and kicks are ok, my headphones + soundcard were messing around :P
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 6:51pm. Posted in -=Camo & Krooked=- Presented by Twisted Bass - August 29th 2009.
Coolness: 147010
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 10:38am. Posted in $@#!% Drums.
Coolness: 147010
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 10:32am. Posted in Boy wants to be a Transformer!.
Coolness: 147010
wow hahah
I wonder if this is going to be a case of natural selection or the origin of a new race of mutants :P
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 10:02am. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 147010
pfff hahah
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 10:02am. Posted in $@#!% Drums.
Coolness: 147010
DAAAAAAH looks like a huge monster :P

VS my Sony MDR-V150 headphones :)

(yeah, I lose)
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 9:53am. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 147010
Originally Posted By ZOMBIE8MYBRAIN
How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand.

When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.

Hahah :)
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 9:51am. Posted in $@#!% Drums.
Coolness: 147010
I listened to it in dynamic headphones on my laptop from work, with just the standard soundcard/chip... maybe you're listening on monitoring speakers or neutral headphones ? (which would be best for the production stage)

...or maybe we don't seek the same sound :P
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 9:48am. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 147010
Originally Posted By RECOIL


I'd be curious to know how much I've actually spent on records, shipping, and the long-distance calls getting stacks of dusty records in England played to me over the phone. I don't know what the grand total is, but it's a lot. not to mention all the time and work I put in to find what I was after. but I never expect any return on that. anybody who does is just delusional.

a lot of DJs.. they get into it chasing an image. they just wanna be rock stars, and they will suck the dick of the Devil to get status. so instead of being about the music, they're all about slick marketing, shameless self-promotion, inflated booking fees and atrocious ego.


the real heads are the ones who do it for the love

Same here, I totally agree :)
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 9:13am. Posted in $@#!% Drums.
Coolness: 147010
I just listened to the 2 versions you posted, and I find it sounds like it's been put through a little overdrive and a lot of gain :)
The snare still sounds "behind", in the mix... maybe you would like a sharper and more dynamic sound for the snare, with a more punchy attack (I don't know how to do it on a computer, though). The kick could benefit from the same treatment too, although I think it needs it a little less than the snare.
There are a lot of layers and effects, which are a little too loud in the mix, in my opinion.

And I like this track :)
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 8:59am. Posted in Question about Cats.
Coolness: 147010
you never know... but chances are that, in this case, the full-of-life and playful kitten will probably annoy him and disturb his much enjoyed laziness...
they could also get along very well, but you cannot know for sure beforehand!
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 6:37am. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 147010
Originally Posted By RAWALI
Problem is, gov wont give producers money to pay for the bills... so djs have to pay so producers can pay the bills... but then promoters wont pay djs enought to pay for records... cuz people really like paying as little as possible to get into a club... cuz they broke

so... wtf? we keep doing this shit for the love i guess? gonna have a hard time stopping anyways... thing is lot of people on every level do this shit for the love so at least we get to share the pain of our addiction

some people are wankers some people aint, give love to those who give love and let the wankers wank

In my view, everybody's a (potential) artist, and there shouldn't necessarily be "full-time artists" getting all the money they have from their art... I mean, not as it is right now. Music and other arts are part of culture, like education and science; how come education is free and schools get millions invested in scientific equipment, but nothing for art ? That's simply because there's a competition between nations and states, and because the world has been at war since the dawn of time... and science can get you weapons, medicine, architecture, etc.; whereas art, according to how the "main" societies of the world evolved so far, can't get anything "useful" in that view of war/competition/protection from nature/...

The thing is that art needs science: building instruments, making paint, getting multimedia technology, etc. But I also think that science needs art, and that it's really not something anchored in the mind of "rich and prosperous" societies, nowadays (I'm not saying that was the case before, either).

I just think culture should get its right place alongside science. It's not an easy balance to do with the current society, I agree. Science comes from the brain, art comes from the heart; and today, having a brain is clearly regarded as much more important than having a heart, in our society. I think both are as important, and that the balance should come from there.

So, let's come back a little to the topic of this thread (yeah I guess you think I'm ranting off-topic, by now)... what I mean is that music should get its place in our education and public expenses from the State. I know it's not easy nowadays to do music, because it costs money to buy instruments and equipment, to produce records, and to set up shows... but all these costs can really be reduced, seriously; and not only from allowing more funding from the State, but also by doing all this in the idea of sharing, and not profiting.
The costs are important because everybody tries to get their monetary profit at each stage of the process, but really, everybody would get more in the end if the idea of sharing between everybody was put before any money... and I'm not talking about the "worth" of everyone's job in this process, here. Just look at the free parties, and try to feel how art is often much more beautiful when done spontaneously and freely.
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 6:09am. Posted in scan your face !.
Coolness: 147010
that's what life's all aboot, anyways... gettin' dem funny looks :)
» flo replied on Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 6:06am. Posted in Showering - At Morning or at Night?.
Coolness: 147010
public showers are full of flying polyps !!!
» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 5:40pm. Posted in [KAN 036] Merkurius - Live Forever (DJ Mutante Remix).
Coolness: 147010
oué j'ai écouté aussi du coup :P rien que pour comparer
» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 3:23pm. Posted in [KAN 036] Merkurius - Live Forever (DJ Mutante Remix).
Coolness: 147010
hahah bien massacrée la toune :)
c'est baon ske t'en as fait là !
» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 3:22pm. Posted in the confessional..
Coolness: 147010

» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 11:46am. Posted in Millenium, Body Paint evening.
Coolness: 147010
you mean ? :)
» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 11:36am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 147010
hahah :)
» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 11:36am. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 147010
Ok this was badly phrased... my bad.
I meant that culture is necessary and has to be supported by the State, but that it's not something which should be seen as a product for sale, nor with a capitalist eye ; I mean, not by associating a monetary value to culture and introducing competition in it.
» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 11:32am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 147010

» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 8:59am. Posted in Showering - At Morning or at Night?.
Coolness: 147010
yes that's the other reason I could think of :)
I said "most" ;)
» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 7:52am. Posted in Showering - At Morning or at Night?.
Coolness: 147010
Originally Posted By GAMOS
Im a morning shower person. I find it wakes me up. And I dont like the feeling of putting clothes on as soon as I wake up unless I take a shower first.

Same here...

I think most people who shower before going to bed do it that way because they were raised like this and never changed their habits. Usually, when you're a baby/kid, your parents wash you during the evening because they have much more time than in the morning, and they want you to sleep better and clean...
» flo replied on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 5:29am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 147010

Update » flo wrote on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 7:53am
Update » flo wrote on Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 7:53am
» flo replied on Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 7:19pm. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 147010
exactly... copyrights protect art, and art is not for sale... it's part of culture, which is not something we should put money into... (in my opinion!)
» flo replied on Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 10:42am. Posted in Forget de full moon wolf T-Shirt this is wayyy better :).
Coolness: 147010
hahahahhhhh i want it !!! :)

where did you get that ? is it for sale ?
» flo replied on Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 10:40am. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 147010
indeed :)
btw, south park authors wish the episodes to be freely available on the net... they're "illegal" only because of this stupid concept of copyright and big businesses that make money off the artists.

seriously, who's the stupid asshole who invented the concept of copyrights and patents ?!

PS : ok i checked it, this was just a rhetorical question...
» flo replied on Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 6:35am. Posted in Which new series should I catch on ?.
Coolness: 147010
new extra Dollhouse episode !!! :)

[ flyfile.us ]
(much faster than from megaupload)

for more info : [ featuresblogs.chicagotribune.com ]
and : [ en.wikipedia.org ] (scroll down to ep.13)
» flo replied on Sat Jul 18, 2009 @ 5:24pm. Posted in scan your face !.
Coolness: 147010
think of the people in my office ! i did it several times :)
» flo replied on Sat Jul 18, 2009 @ 1:11pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 147010
» flo replied on Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 4:33pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 147010
ok c'est pas mal intense et tripant ! :)
merci :P

Update » flo wrote on Sat Jul 18, 2009 @ 9:17am
aoutch j'avais pas vu les autres photos de lego de pussyvamp... trop malades ! :)
» flo replied on Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 3:12pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 147010
naon chconnais pas mais ça l'air d'être un beau chef-d'oeuvre en lego :)
» flo replied on Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 2:57pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 147010
Daf just won this thread :)
» flo replied on Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 2:04pm. Posted in Une femme meurt écrasée par un bloc de béton tombé sur la rue Peel.
Coolness: 147010
ayoye... sérieux, les infrastructures m'ont toujours fait peur, à Montréal, tellement tout sketchy et vieux... les appartements, les routes, les ponts, les balcons, ...


[ fr.wikinews.org ] :

17 juillet 2009. – Hier, un bloc de béton de plus de 200 kilos s'est détaché du 18e étage de l'Hôtel Residence Inn Marriott sur la rue Peel, à Montréal, il est tombé sur une femme de 33 ans. Celle-ci était entrain de souper avec son conjoint, qui avait prévu de la demander en mariage.

« J'ai arrêté et j'ai vu que les vitres étaient toutes cassées, raconte-t-il. J'ai pris mon cellulaire et j'ai appelé le 9-1-1 », a déclaré Jeff Bailey, un piéton qui marchait avec son fils lors de l'accident.

« On arrivait en taxi quand on a vu tout le monde sortir en courant », raconte Mme Marie Fidèle. « Des gens criaient. Ils disaient qu'une bombe venait de tomber. »

Le serveur du couple était sous le choc, indique Justine Lafon. « Il m'a dit qu'il avait organisé quelque chose avec le copain de la femme. Apparemment, il devait la demander en mariage », raconte-telle.

Des experts, ainsi que la Régie du bâtiment du Québec, étaient sur les lieux afin de prendre les mesures nécessaires à la sécurité des passants et également pour déterminer la cause de l'accident.

« D'autres panneaux devront être corrigés ou remplacés rapidement pour éviter qu'ils ne tombent dans les prochaines heures peut-être. »

— Pierre Beaupré, un ingénieur en construction.


[ www2.canoe.com ] :

Au lendemain du décès d’une femme de 33 ans, tuée par l’effondrement d’un bloc de béton du 17e étage du Residence Inn de Montréal, la direction de Marriott Hotels, en charge du complexe, qualifie l’événement «d’incident tragique».

«Nos pensées et nos prières sont dirigées vers les victimes et leurs familles», a déclaré, aujourd'hui, la direction du complexe hôtelier, par voie de communiqué.

Elle souhaite également réitérer que «la sécurité de sa clientèle et de son personnel est une priorité pour le Residence Inn Marriott».

Problèmes de corrosions?

Selon certains experts, des problèmes de corrosions pourraient être à l’origine de la tragédie. Les supports métalliques auraient pu rouiller, ce qui a fait céder le bloc qui pèse entre 500 et 800 livres.

Toujours ouvert

Pour le moment, les activités de l’hôtel continuent de se dérouler normalement.

La rue Peel demeure fermée à toute circulation entre le boulevard Maisonneuve et la rue Sherbrooke et le restera probablement jusqu’à la semaine prochaine le temps que l’enquête soit complétée et qu’une inspection en grandeur du bâtiment soit effectuée, pour s’assurer que l’immeuble est sécuritaire.

Le dalle de béton s’est écroulée hier soir, vers 18h. Elle a fracassé la verrière du restaurant Mikasa Sushi Bar, situé sur la rue Peel, où une femme mangeait en compagnie de son conjoint à l’occasion de son anniversaire de naissance.

La femme de 33 ans, Léa Guilbeault, est décédée sur le coup. Son conjoint, Hani Beitinjaneh, également âgé de 33 ans, a été sérieusement blessé à une main. Il aurait eu des doigts sectionnés, en plus de subir un important choc nerveux.

Plus de détails à venir.
» flo replied on Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 12:26pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 147010
Originally Posted By ONE.LAB.RAT

hahah :)
» flo replied on Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 7:04am. Posted in So who here actually buys their music?.
Coolness: 147010
hahahahhh :)
» flo replied on Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 7:01am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 147010
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
It's Ass Rammer!

You just got me all wet :D
» flo replied on Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 11:49am. Posted in The most dangerous thing you will ever read..
Coolness: 147010
ark ça doit être trop dégueu :P
» flo replied on Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 11:48am. Posted in Turntable Rewire.
Coolness: 147010
aaaaaah ok :)
i always forget that taxes are secretly hidden until you have to actually pay, in north america...

ok so it was still 4 bucks for love, in the end ;)
» flo replied on Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 11:22am. Posted in Turntable Rewire.
Coolness: 147010
hmmm that's cheap :D
flo's Profile - Community Messages