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» DynV replied on Sat Feb 26, 2011 @ 5:15pm. Posted in “We’re Broke,” Say the Rich....
Coolness: 109525
the only reason for people who can sit on their asses while being hand-fed and "massaged" for the rest of their lives to give a nation work is that their garage get an extra rolls-royce per year.

getting richer for doing nothing, what a nice concept! if you considered the risk-factor, there's none when they're insured or have a government guarantee.
» DynV replied on Sat Feb 26, 2011 @ 4:11pm. Posted in SJU present KILL THE NOISE ( EWUN , LA ) w/ ELO!I & HEIGHTS @ BLUE DOG.
Coolness: 109525
lien de l'événement: [ www.rave.ca ]
» DynV replied on Sat Feb 26, 2011 @ 2:37pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
ruined: I can't believe all the bullshit people tell all the time. humans are wired to lie but I find it ridiculous. I prefer boredom than bullshit. :(
» DynV replied on Sat Feb 26, 2011 @ 12:52pm. Posted in comment je fais pour me faire inviter aux party privés ???.
Coolness: 109525
y'a p-e une autre possibilité, ils gardent la fête privée pour l'instant pour faire de la publicité en lançant des invitations et quand l'événement approchera, il sera changé comme public.

sinon si c'est vraiment privé, c'est pas mal plat débarquer dans une fête privée sans être invité ou accompagner quelqu'un qui l'est ; tu te fais regarder croche, te fais donner des commentaires ou carrément refuser l'entrée.
» DynV replied on Sat Feb 26, 2011 @ 9:41am. Posted in rants.
Coolness: 109525
I didn't masturbate before going asleep the night before and got awaken by a stiffy.

about the slow walkers, let's use the no car day (where they block traffic downtown), to introduce let's kick a midget day. we'll invite the marathon grunts that Na are so found of.
» DynV replied on Sat Feb 26, 2011 @ 9:33am. Posted in Implied Consent?.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN
'for the record', i'm sure that judge is a fuckin' rapist himself ... probably descended from a long line of witch burning inbred pedophiles.

exactly as I thought, it made me think he date-raped, or tried to, a few times himself and as long as there's a sign that there might be possibility of sex then he can go on until he get punched in the balls. because that's what his dad or uncle told him: if a women really don't want you, she'll try to kick/punch your balls, because all real men know that a no is just a yes in disguise. @.@
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 10:02pm. Posted in rants.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Well, doing/feeling/saying something without reason is just fucking stupid! What are you, a hormonal 12 year old who can't make up his mind because of all the changes going on in his body and brain chemistry?

there was a reason... I also realized it was fun so one could do it without a reason. and what do I care if anyone disagree with what I'm doing in Silly Games, I'd be wasting time in a place aiming those that want to waste time?

Originally Posted By kountess
So basically.. you are upset because you cannot see something because it's private on facebook? and you wish you could see it? ...
i don't understand people who are mad because of facebook, I mean, if you dont want to join, fine, but why HATE it with such passion? it's not like it cost anything...? if you want to see the stuff that's on facebook, just join. and if you don't care, just get over it?

do you realize how many people are on facebook? or at least have an account on it? do you also know that most popular websites have almost all their page public? the thing with popularity is it affect the future. the future heads of big websites will likely be faced with privacy ethics and will factor the seemingly careless reaction to a blatant disregard to non-members. my hate is to all websites that condone setting page private to something that isn't even remotely ; yes if just graduted and your parents took a picture of you holding a framed diploma I understand that it would be set to private as otherwise you wouldn't have uploaded. but the issue is the behavior (as I see it) is all pictures are private and the only ones that are made public are those one would be willing to put on your resume ; you know those that you wear business apparels, stern-looking, perfect lighting and planned backdrop. meanwhile everyone share links to that website and let an impression of freedom as it's just another public website, but it really isn't.

just imagine a store where they'd loan special glasses at the entrance to members allowing to see documentation, displays and items and all those that doesn't have those glasses would only see an empty warehouse with some empty pedestal and empty frames, everything white with the exception of the exit sign and perhaps 1, 2 or 3 staple items (those clean-cut pictures and texts (I'm a graduated...)). that store would suck big time and even if you were thinking of joining you'd wonder what would happen if most stores became like that then would restrict membership. but then everyone start talking about it, you see it everywhere, on your favorite websites, on the papers, on radio and television so everyone talk about these items that require those special glasses enticing you more and more to join them and disregard the reason why you don't want to join them in the first place. then people don't even mention the subject of links to that site anymore, they just post links assuming everyone can and want to see those link ; then your ethics doesn't just restrict your choice anymore, it leave you out.

just like many sites don't post pictures of directions anymore, they assume all have broadband and just embed the map, sometime not even stating addresses. I understand I have to live with gaping holes in websites because I block Javascript (and flash) so that is a choice. but if I only had dial-up or a 1024 x 768 display (when sites assume 1280 x 1024), it wouldn't be a choice.

I more than disagree with their policies, I hate them. I'm not debating whether or not I'm hating the site, you can dismiss my opinion but you won't change my mind unless they start condemning their loose privacy practices or people mobilize themselves (HAHAHAHAHA, only free junk food or crap products seem to do that anymore).

screwhead too bad if you think I'm a paranoid problem-searcher (lacking a better term).
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 1:46pm. Posted in rants.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
By NOT using Facebook, at this point, you are essentially ostracizing yourself from where society is evolving in terms of connection with other humans.

This is the kind of thinking that lead to decisions like this one: Some years back I had some important government business (income tax, business registration, ...) to do and its system required to install a program which only run on windows then log on the website.

Even if you discard my belief that civil servants get bribe from Microsoft so they keep using a system that switching to Free Software would allow the same quality for the same cost or even less (you'd need additional technical support but there's established GNU/Linus support companies), yeah so don't mind that, what about the users? I suppose that system is supplanted by now by something multi-platform, but it's the government, they're suppose to provide service for the poor as well and those that feel guilty about using pirated software. But if you go back to that time, people didn't know much anything beside Windows and if we all "evolved" into Windows, those kind of practices would have continued.

Anyway the issues is that so many pages are set to private while their content is not really private. Should I create an account and join a group that try to rally people sensitizing people to responsible use of privacy allowing a freer internet?

I was hoping people would just start spewing hatred at whatever they felt like, sometime for not real reason. Leadership -1
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 1:19am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
+ I made myself a big pot of potage.
- onion cutting + eyes.
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 12:42am. Posted in rants.
Coolness: 109525
I didn't think a rant was appropriate in What Made/ruined Your Day? so here I go:

fuck facebook, facebook can lick my fucking boots and I'll go next door step into some dog shit beforehand, facebook is a rotten disgusting fucking pile of maggot-infested garbage and is fucking taking internet back. FUCK FACEBOOK! I wish there was a way to type that would be equivalent to screaming into a blow-horn so I could yell at my heart content how much I fucking hate it. You don't want you boss to find out you got a bird tattoo on your ankle? Invent a fucking pseudonym and make sure you never post your face or name while using it. I guess facebook is for dimwits that prefer to turn internet to a semi-private network than use their brain just a bit.

In fact I hate all site that have private pages for things not remotely private. You're scared some pedophile might use your kid picture to alleviate himself? Don't post in on the internet, at all! If you need to go through it, use encrypted emails and make sure the recipient understand that s/he can't transmit it on a public network without your express acknowledgment. You don't want your wife to inspire some random gu

I find revolting those that dislike the practice but just give in because of it's popularity. I wonder who's the spineless asshole that invented the proverb "If you can't beat them join them".

Update » DynV wrote on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 12:59am
scrap that wife sentence and replace it with this: You don't want you boss to find out you got a bird tattoo on your ankle? Invent a fucking pseudonym and make sure you never post your face or name while using it. I guess facebook is for dimwits that prefer to turn internet to a semi-private network than use their brain just a bit.
Update » DynV wrote on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 1:01am
I wish I was a writer so I could go on for another 10 pages.
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 12:18am. Posted in SJU present KILL THE NOISE ( EWUN , LA ) w/ ELO!I & HEIGHTS @ BLUE DOG.
Coolness: 109525
Je peux avoir le lien de l'événement ou la date que je le trouve sur le calendrier ?
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 12:07am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 109525
Skinny Puppy - Smothered Hope
» DynV replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 5:36am. Posted in Mortal Kombat VS Donkey Kong.
Coolness: 109525
» DynV replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 2:07am. Posted in VNDL & Harmsworth @ FORWARD Feb. 24th.
Coolness: 109525
event link: [ www.rave.ca ]
» DynV replied on Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 1:01am. Posted in fl;uck offf los chep promtoaz.
Coolness: 109525
wiiin wiiin wiiin j'suis pas content! mon attitude de merde fais plus rire pis y faut que j'me justifie.
» DynV replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 4:54pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By SPARKLZ
made: Pre-ordered my copy of Duke Nukem Forever. Gonna be fantastic.

Let's become friends so I can come watch you play.

Ruined: fuck bailiff and small slaim court fees! justice is a right some say...
» DynV replied on Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 4:39pm. Posted in Lil' Sixteenarmedjack.
Coolness: 109525
Facebook Login
You must log in to see this page.

Please make sure those "social network" pages are public (general plea).

Unless I get paid, I won't log into them.
» DynV replied on Mon Feb 21, 2011 @ 9:20pm. Posted in fl;uck offf los chep promtoaz.
Coolness: 109525
tu va rire du gars parce qu'elle est plus mince que toi mais toujours aussi petite?
» DynV replied on Mon Feb 21, 2011 @ 9:17pm. Posted in fl;uck offf los chep promtoaz.
Coolness: 109525
how "easily" Neuromyth get laid

"girlfriend" getting down to business

» DynV replied on Mon Feb 21, 2011 @ 8:17pm. Posted in fl;uck offf los chep promtoaz.
Coolness: 109525
he think he's so smart posting idiocies feeling untouchable but at a mention of his penis size get him personal, even going to violence ; me hockey big guy! no matter his size I bet he's a sucker puncher.
» DynV replied on Sun Feb 20, 2011 @ 7:03pm. Posted in psytrance.
Coolness: 109525
» DynV replied on Sun Feb 20, 2011 @ 1:07pm. Posted in Cutterfags thread.
Coolness: 109525
[ rave.ca ] c. Cutterhead

2011 QCCQ 745215

JD 3549


« Procédure allégée »





« Chambre civile »

N° :



1er novembre 2011




Jean Le Martelleur, J.C.Q.


[ rave.ca ]

3e rangée 5e rack 4e fente dans la ferme à serveur sul bord du fleuve, Montréal (Québec)

Demandeur/défendeur reconventionnel



Dans un trou loin des événements que les restant de [ rave.ca ] va, Montréal (Québec) H3G 1B8

Défendeur/demandeur reconventionnel




[1] Le demandeur reproche au défendeur, qu'il est trop cave pour savoir quand lâcher de défendre sa cyber-rputation.

Question en litige
[2] Les allégations litigieuses se retrouvent sur un forum de discussion. Il fait perdre plein de temps avec toutes ses ostis de niaiseries pis ses citations de wikipédia qui mènent à rien.

Les faits pertinents
[3] Le défendeur vient même pas aux événement de musique électronique étant le principal sujet du forum.

Faits accessoires
[4] Le défendeur écrit souvent en majuscules et fait peu de sens lorsque qu'il se sent moindrement cyber-attaqué.

Preuve et discussion
[5] Lets Play Real World Now. by Cutterhead created on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 4:10pm


MAINTIENT la réclamation du demandeur/défendeur reconventionnel.

REJETTE la défense et demande reconventionnelle du défendeur/demandeur reconventionnel.

CONDAMNE le demandeur./défendeur reconventionnel de payer au défendeur/demandeur reconventionnel d'aller aux événement de musique électronique listés sur [ rave.ca ] et offrir aux participants 1 bière par post stupide et 2 pichets par post ralentissent les laptops poche, le tout avec intérêts au taux légal majoré de l'indemnité additionnelle prévue à l'article 1619 du Code civil du Québec et ce, depuis la date d'assignation soit le 5 mars 2004.

Le tout avec entiers dépens contre le demandeur/défendeur reconventionnel.


Jean Le Martelleur, J.C.Q.
» DynV replied on Sun Feb 20, 2011 @ 6:33am. Posted in Governor says NATO, Afghan forces kill 64 civilians.
Coolness: 109525
insurgents cause at least three-quarters of the civilian casualties in Afghanistan.


they never miss a chance to add propaganda.
» DynV replied on Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 5:27am. Posted in KO drum n bass round 3 feat dj Noone,Lyon,France.
Coolness: 109525
event link: [ www.rave.ca ]
» DynV replied on Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 5:10am. Posted in your video of the day.
Coolness: 109525
Unreal Music: Temple of Vandora
» DynV replied on Fri Feb 18, 2011 @ 9:33pm. Posted in Cutterfags thread.
Coolness: 109525
Faites attentions à ce que vous écrivez parce qu'il va nous actionner.
» DynV replied on Fri Feb 18, 2011 @ 8:54pm. Posted in Fuck-off cheap promoters !!! (like Hexa-5).
Coolness: 109525
all this talk of contracts... how would you plan to enforce them? a contract is only worth how much its signer is distrainable.

I know of more than a few cases where not-so-small businesses should have bankrupted but still acquired goods/services hoping that it would be their miracle solution.

there's a reason why landlords do credit check before accepting a lease.
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 6:01pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
ruined: analysis is just too darn hard! it's like writing (as in poetry).

hopefully there will be a made before the end of the day.
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 5:48pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By PSILO
who's slowing what???

not everyone has octocore 16GHz or w/e you got.

or maybe it's just my shitty laptop video card.
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 5:41pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 109525
Noah or a forum admin: I think Cutterhead embedded quote "attack" slowing computers down deserve a nice little time out.

Or do I need to post this in a special thread?
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 4:16pm. Posted in lets play real world now..
Coolness: 109525
» DynV replied on Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 1:49am. Posted in PARTY SPEAKERZ /// ELITE FORCE /// 19 février 2011.
Coolness: 109525
c'est vraiment dommage que ça coïncidé avec ma mi-session, j'y serais sûrement allé. :|
» DynV replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 8:22pm. Posted in Luna-1 Returns To Montreal.
Coolness: 109525
cutterhead it's illegal to spit on the street and it's illegal to burn a yellow light, good luck finding a cop that will enforce either of these. in the same manner, good luck having a forum reputation defended ; i know of harassment cases were the lawyer just told their client to change their phone number.
» DynV replied on Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 3:47pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By THE_PINK_POPO
at steves again:

me: can i help you sir?
client: *starts laughing*
me: *looks right and left for coworkers being stupid* ... is there a problem sir
client*laughing for 5 minutes*
me: sir can i know whats funny
client: ive never been served by a girl before
me: well theres allways time for a change ..aint it?

Eerie! Like we dropped a generation.
» DynV replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 10:45pm. Posted in Looking for... "you know what" ;D.
Coolness: 109525
cops know exactly where to look for drugs, some just get paid to look the other way around so they try to get those that make a bit of money.

corrupted pigs!
» DynV replied on Tue Feb 15, 2011 @ 10:40pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
ruined: alone for my paper
made: [ theoatmeal.com ]
» DynV replied on Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 1:46pm. Posted in ELEKTRIC ZOO samedi 19 février.
Coolness: 109525
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It's free and always will be.

Could you create a [ rave.ca ] event & copy-paste what's on that page in its description?
» DynV replied on Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 10:27pm. Posted in Cruz Control presents James Harcourt / Aerodrömme, Friday April 15th..
Coolness: 109525
event link: [ www.rave.ca ]
» DynV replied on Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 10:24pm. Posted in Electric Soulside (Belgique)+Zimo+Moebius and more 18Fevrier@Warehouse.
Coolness: 109525
event link: [ www.rave.ca ]
» DynV replied on Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 1:20am. Posted in If I could live in a music video....
Coolness: 109525
I cheated. >:>

With the destruction of the Illuminati and the Knights Templar, nothing stands in the way of the great utopia: the purest democracy, where every person in the whole world is counted by the great supercomputer Helios. With all of humanity now one, inequality and war have become obsolete.
DynV's Profile - Community Messages