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» DynV replied on Tue Mar 29, 2011 @ 1:43am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
-: It hurt so bad, I had trouble breathing, I was so lost. I thought it was going to last all day, good thing it didn't.
» DynV replied on Tue Mar 29, 2011 @ 1:07am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 109525
Pete Namlook & Geir Jenssen - Gebirge
» DynV replied on Sun Mar 27, 2011 @ 3:35am. Posted in New Haven Wants Janitors to Pay 1/3 of City Debt.
Coolness: 109525
le message a pas l'air à passer, tsé quand le meilleur taux d'intérêt que tu pouvais pogner était 20-22%

pis que toutes les jobs se sont faites siphonnées. tsé toute la grosse marde appelée Crise des Saving and loans. ben cet article me fait ben penser que ça va recommencer.

le sujet du jour: S&L. entk tant mieux si vous vous en crissez.
» DynV replied on Sun Mar 27, 2011 @ 3:23am. Posted in The topic of gifts....
Coolness: 109525
I love giving drinks to DJs that play a few tracks of speedcore. :woohoo

I hate being pressured into giving, if I feel like baking a cake with a 1$ box for your birthday, so be it. If I feel I have extra money a month and I think about my love (platonic) for someone, I'll do a shopping spree or plan a special day with with him/her.
» DynV replied on Sun Mar 27, 2011 @ 2:45am. Posted in Name your favorite astral projection tracks!.
Coolness: 109525
Sugar Rush popped in my mind from the very far time I listened to psychedelic, as I click on youtube search box, I remembered it was by Man With No Name.
» DynV replied on Sat Mar 26, 2011 @ 6:12pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
ruined: my roommate has been talking loudly, sometimes bordering yelling, on Teamspeak/Ventrilo/Roger Wilco/w/e all fucking week sometimes up to 3am
made: I just thought of a way to get back to him: I'll go pick up my trumpet, which I have absolutely no skill at, and will start practicing. I'll show him how it feel to also practice "le droit de vivre". fucker.
» DynV replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 8:04pm. Posted in New Haven Wants Janitors to Pay 1/3 of City Debt.
Coolness: 109525
tu réalise qu'ils utilisent la "crise", qui est en fait un abus de pouvoir des hauts-dirigeants financiers, pour faire baisser les salaires de simples ouvriers ?

ils traitent un pays tout entier comme une entreprise non-fonctionnelle, en passant le blâme des supérieurs sur les subordonnés, au lieu de faire le ménage dans la gestion et qu'ils assument leur partie du ralentissement au lieu de tout refiler aux "pions" ; c'est bien correct comme philosophie d'entreprise comme c'est entièrement la créature de celle-ci, en autre mot : si t'es pas content dégage, et si ton boss fini par savoir que t'es pas content tu va être sur la liste noir.

le problème c'est que la philosophie s'étale au niveau d'une nation mais tant qu'à moi les gens ont le droit d'avoir un niveau de vie minimal pour pas être physiquement restreint (affamé, maladie débilitant dût à quelque chose pas trop dispendieux à prévenir) et un bonheur minimal pour avoir une alternative au suicide ou te trouver une gang pis partir squatter très éloigné dans la forêt en vivant comme un indigène.
» DynV replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 3:14pm. Posted in New Haven Wants Janitors to Pay 1/3 of City Debt.
Coolness: 109525

PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Washington. And across America the battle continues: who's going to pay for the state, municipal, federal deficit crisis? Well, the city of New Haven has a novel idea--maybe not so novel. But at any rate, here's the idea: privatize the custodial services in public schools. The janitors that clean the schools up now make about $20.90 an hour. So how about we privatize it and pay them $12.50 an hour? And that's called efficiency. Jeannette Wicks-Lim is an assistant research professor at the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and she recently did a study looking at just what these cuts would mean, both in terms of cutting the deficit and what it means to the families involved. Thanks for joining us, Jeannette.


JAY: So what did you find? First of all, what's the plan? Why do they want to do it? And what are the consequences?

WICKS-LIM: Well, the idea behind privatizing the custodial services for the New Haven public schools is just as you said in the lead. The city's saying that they want to find ways to cut the budget deficit, and one way to do that is to privatize these services. What's being considered right now is having a private firm, GCA Services Group, take over custodial services that's currently done by city employees. And one of the things that this does is it drastically cuts the pay and basically eliminates the benefits for most of the workers that would be working as custodians in the schools.

JAY: So, first of all, what's the size of the municipal deficit? And how much dent would this make in the deficit if they do it?

WICKS-LIM: At the time of writing this report, the deficit, the annual deficit for the city, was projected to be about $42 million. This has been revised downward because of--the Connecticut state budget has been announced, and now it's about $22 million. So, you know, in the original report, I note that the savings that the city would expect from going to this private contract for these custodial services would represent about 19 percent of the deficit, so a pretty good chunk of it. Now that the deficit's now estimated at $22 million, it's about 36 percent of the deficit that would be cut back by doing these--moving to this private firm for the services. And this just gives you a sense of how large the cuts are to the pay and benefits of these workers, 'cause, I mean, if you consider the fact that they're coming from lowered-income working households and they're being asked to take about a third--more than a third of the burden of the city's deficit--and this represents about--these workers that are currently doing custodial services is about 186 workers. That represents about--less than 0.5 percent of all the households in New Haven.

JAY: So the point here is less than 0.5 percent of all the households in New Haven are paying more than a third of the--taking care of a third of the municipal deficit.

WICKS-LIM: Exactly. Exactly.

JAY: So lead us through a little more. What do the workers do? And how much are they getting paid? And what will they end up with if this privatization goes through?

WICKS-LIM: Sure. Okay. So these are the custodians. You know, anybody who has school-aged children, you know, runs into custodians in their public schools all the time. You know, these are the people who make sure that the hallways are clean, that the cafeterias are, you know, cleaned properly, that maintain the basic quality of the buildings. So you just think of them as the caretakers of the physical learning environment for these kids in school. It also includes, you know, groundskeepers, people who are doing some auto-mechanical work. But again, you know, basically these are the people who are taking care of the physical environment at these learning institutions. So the basic change of that is: The average wage currently, for the custodians, is $20.90. Under the privatized contract, this average wage would fall to $12.50. So it's a cut in wages by about 40 percent. In terms of benefits, one of the really significant changes is that right now the custodians work full-time. The entire workforce is working full-time. Under the privatized contract, about two-thirds of the positions would be part-time. It could be more than that--I had to estimate this a little bit. But at minimum, two-thirds of the positions would be part-time. And all those part-time workers would have no health benefits and no retirement benefits. The current full-time workforce has both of those benefits, health and retirement. So these are not only drastic changes in terms of compensation, but also in terms of the work hours, so the potential earnings, so the amount of--even, you know, at a very much lower pay rate, they're working about half the hours.

JAY: A part-time job at $12.50 an hour without benefits one would assume is going to be a much more transient workforce.

WICKS-LIM: Absolutely.

JAY: People are going to come and go. So how much interaction do these custodians have with the kids? And how stable is the workforce that's there now?

WICKS-LIM: Right. Well, you know, these custodians are working through--in the school building throughout the day and during, you know, evening activities. So these custodians interact with the kids all the time. Again, you know, if anybody has a school-aged child knows that when you go into a building you're going to run into custodians. And, you know, I know from my own personal experience that my son, you know, knows some of the custodians in his school by a first-name basis 'cause he interacts with him so frequently. In terms of their tenure, one of the things that I found to be a significant characteristic of the current workforce is that the custodians in the New Haven public schools average about ten years of job tenure. So they've been working at the same job for about ten years on average. If you look at custodians nationally, what their job tenure is, it's four years. So this is a huge difference in terms of the number of years that you can expect a worker to stay at the job, you know, in this custodial occupation. So I think that is something to really raise the concerns of parents of kids in school. You know, do you want to have a workforce that's sort of coming in and out, in and out, who are on a very regular basis interacting with your kids and taking care of their school environment? Do you want it to be a workforce that is, as you put it, transient? Because [inaudible]

JAY: So where are we at with the politics of this? Now, we should--just for transparency's sake, we should let it be known that the study you did was partly financed by the union that represents the custodial workers. Is that right?

WICKS-LIM: Yes, that's correct. I'm very straightforward about this in the report. I say right up front that this report was done at the request of Council 4 of AFSCME, who's representing the custodians in [inaudible] schools.

JAY: And what's your methodology? How do you arrive at your numbers?

WICKS-LIM: This is a pretty straightforward report. It's just a matter of comparing the current contract--you know, and so I have a copy of the current contract, and then the contract proposal, the proposal that's been put forth by the GCA Services Group. And it's just a matter of very patiently and conscientiously going through and comparing wages, hours, and benefits, and then looking at some government data sources to see, you know, the difference in workforce characteristics. I'm very careful to document all of my estimates, my data sources, my methodology, what assumptions I needed to make. Those are all documented within the report in the technical appendix, which is [inaudible]

JAY: Where are we at with the politics of this? This is a proposal in New Haven.


JAY: How does it get decided, and when might it get decided?

WICKS-LIM: Well, currently, the negotiations have been at kind of a standstill. Now, there are going to be arbitration hearings coming up in May, and that should determine what the outcome will be. You know, the union and the city have not been able to come to an agreement by themselves, and by the contract of the union, that requires third-party arbitration to decide.

JAY: What exactly are they negotiating? If they're privatizing, they're essentially taking this whole sector out of the union.

WICKS-LIM: Right. Well, the idea--the negotiation is whether or not the city can actually go forward with this.

JAY: But does the union have to agree? Or can the city do this arbitrarily?

WICKS-LIM: Well, the union can, with its current contracts, try to negotiate a different contract so that the city does not go through with privatization. Now, I--you know, honestly, I'm not a specialist in how labor relations work, so I don't know, you know, how much is going to be actually negotiated in terms of can the city do it, what the terms are that would allow them to. But I do--what I understand is that the arbitrator does want to have a sense of what the impact would be on the current workforce. So there is--you know, part of the decision is what impact will it have, and therefore, can the city privatize.

JAY: As you said, the income levels goes down by about 40 percent. Is there any guarantee that even if they do privatize, the current workers would be offered these jobs?

WICKS-LIM: No, there's no guarantee. I mean, this is a private contract that can--that--you know, in their proposal, the GCA Services Group say in their proposal that they'll practice preferential hiring for the current workforce. But, you know, they acknowledge in their proposal that these jobs are not jobs that are going to be desirable to the workforce. I mean, if you think about what [inaudible] having these jobs, you know, currently the average salary of the custodians is about $45,000. They make about another $5,000 in overtime. But when you look at what would happen under the private contracts, they're talking about an annual earnings of about $13,000 for a $12.50 an hour job 20 hours a week. I mean, the size of that loss of income is huge. So, you know, the GCA Services Group recognizes they're going to have to put forth a huge recruiting effort to get a workforce to do these services, 'cause they can't--they assume that they will not be able to retain the current workforce, which I think is--you know, in today's climate, you can imagine that workers will find themselves forced to take these jobs because of the high unemployment rate. On the other hand, these jobs are not going to nearly allow them to meet the basic needs of their families. So, you know, they are really stuck in a really severely difficult situation.

JAY: And the reason this is being considered is 'cause they don't want to consider raising taxes in any way.

WICKS-LIM: Well, you know, I have to say that I'm not sure what the actual intent of this is, because, again, in the cuts to these wages and benefits, and, again, the hours, I mean, these jobs, is so drastic. And if you think about the fact that it's basically the city saying to about 186 households that you're going to have to take on, you know, 36 percent of the city's budget deficit. It seems to be about something else. You know, this is really turning one set of jobs that basically meets families' needs and turning them into jobs at poverty-level earnings, no benefits, no retirement benefits, and just earnings that a family cannot sustain itself on. So something about the severity of the cuts tells me that there's more politics to it than just trying to balance the budget. But I'm not intimately familiar with the politics in New Haven. I just know that it's striking how severe these cuts are.

JAY: Now, one of the other things that you point out in the report is that these people are now going to qualify for food stamps and Medicaid. So in some ways this actually shifts some of the costs over to the state and federal level.

WICKS-LIM: Yeah. I mean, if you, again, think about what's going to be happening to these salaries, going from about $50,000 on average down to $13,000 on average, you know, even if you account for other household income sources, which amounts to about $18,000, you're talking about a household making about $31,000. And that qualifies them for major public subsidy programs like, as you mentioned, food stamps, which is now called SNAP, Medicaid, housing assistance, the earned income tax credit program, childcare subsidies. So in effect these subsidy programs will be subsidizing the low earnings that these jobs will be offering under the private contract.

JAY: So, just finally, the big argument for doing all this is supposed to be savings through efficiency. So if part-time workers can clean the same amount that full-time workers could, isn't that some efficiency?

WICKS-LIM: Right. Yeah. The mayor describes this as providing more productive services under the private contract. But, you know, one of the things I did was I carefully looked through, you know, the number of hours that is required under the current contract with the 186 full-time workers, and then compared that to the number of hours that would be required under the private contract. And in actuality there's basically no difference in the number of service hours. So you're not talking about doing more with fewer resources, that is, fewer labor hours, but rather you're just talking about cutting pay for these workers, so there's no--you know, in terms of the proposal, there's no indication that there's an efficiency gain.

JAY: Thanks very much for joining us, Jeannette.

WICKS-LIM: Thanks.

JAY: And thank you for joining us on The Real News Network. And don't forget the donate buttons here, 'cause if you don't do that, we can't do this.

There you go, I knew it was going to happen: S&L crisis will start all over again, although this time its stretched.
» DynV replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 3:09am. Posted in what are you looking forward to most this summer ?.
Coolness: 109525
Offroad scooter... if things turn out right.
Perhaps picking up cycle-touring again ; someone would have to give me back my tent through.
» DynV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2011 @ 10:45pm. Posted in jungle!.
Coolness: 109525
oh no! I gave support to psychedelic. X(

please don't ruin my day even more.
» DynV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2011 @ 4:24pm. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By M-A-X
Were just helping the people of Libya gain their freedom by themself and protecting the population from Kadafi's army. No troops will be send, no occupation. When Kadafi's ass will be kicked once and for all, only the people of Libya will decide what they want as a nation.

» DynV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2011 @ 2:47pm. Posted in extreme rave bust.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By DATABOY

» DynV replied on Thu Mar 24, 2011 @ 1:15am. Posted in The Lyrics Thread.
Coolness: 109525
Sacrifycia - Wreak Havoc

Destruction on holy days
The day of the devil has already passed
Rampage soon makes its end
Arsons of the apocalypse may reign!

Denied is the cross, jesus and god - holy whore in refusal
Burn all wrong teachings - churches in pyre
The end of all life is achieved!

Minions of darkness, burn all the rotten flesh
Reject the prophet
The jew that proclaimed lies!

Destroy humankind to the last inch of skin!

Aflame are the thrones of the countries
Divided, defeated by terror
Unified in only one way that makes sense; Sphere in fire

Join the dark side! Kill all resistance
Kill yourself in the process
Destroy all landmarks, achievements and projects by this useless kind!

Minions of darkness, burn all the rotten flesh
Reject the prophet
The jew that proclaimed lies!

Destroy humankind to the last inch of skin!

Thou shalt never be born again
Never to see the light of day
Lies have called upon the apocalypse
Now religion, suffer! For your aeons of misleading!
Together, let's destroy... yes!
Wreak havoc on ourselves!

» DynV replied on Wed Mar 23, 2011 @ 11:55pm. Posted in jungle!.
Coolness: 109525
Rave Radio: Akibel - Jungle Mind (0/32)

Yes jungle! I log on the radio and it's psychedelic.

» DynV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 10:44pm. Posted in Libya: A War We Shouldn't Believe In.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By BASDINI
this war is dumb.

» DynV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 9:31pm. Posted in Have You Ever Met a Conservative you liked?.
Coolness: 109525

» DynV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 5:22pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525

ruined/made: unless I have a last minuted change of heart, I'll be doing the work alone: [ www.rave.ca ]
ruined: end of term fears
» DynV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 1:57am. Posted in les enfants.
Coolness: 109525

[ melindahinsonneely.com ]

You really don't want to wait until your mid-30s if you're a women that don't abhor the idea of giving birth.
» DynV replied on Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 1:48am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
made: ATA function: I received a call on a cordless phone through VoIP!
ruined: sound is horrible!
ruined: I think I'll have to do a term-paper alone that 3 are supposed to be working on. X(
ruined: I think my friendly roommate is a thief, one of the food items I just brought and stored was missing soon after. I give you my word he said... @.@

Update » DynV wrote on Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 2:09am
He also bantered about what was that item anyway. The good old trick of deflecting doubt: "Oh he doesn't know what it is, how can he have ate it?".
» DynV replied on Mon Mar 21, 2011 @ 4:47am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 109525
MattWood how much are you paying basdini to be your political tutor? you make demands like you're paying him premium amount.

on your browser, there's likely a text field on top where you put text which you'd like to know more about, you can be creative and use it. also there's books and documentaries about such previous practices ; yes history repeat itself until some lessons are truly learned. you might want to look at US turf: south america ; and now with conservatives in ottawa, the whole northern part has been annexed (the already had mexico).

now do some searching or find a librarian that know about political books and do your part.

MattWood simple curiosity: are you a tree hugger?
» DynV replied on Mon Mar 21, 2011 @ 1:52am. Posted in Downtempo.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By FISHEAD
Pete Namlook

How could I have forgotten about that!
» DynV replied on Sun Mar 20, 2011 @ 12:19am. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 109525
je suppose que les gens appellent la police quand ils ont toutes leurs facultés et que tout va bien.
» DynV replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 11:02pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 109525
and I suppose people call the police when people have all their faculties and everything is hunky dory.
» DynV replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 5:21pm. Posted in Downtempo.
Coolness: 109525
I just log on soma.fm & note my favorite tracks ; fav stations are Groove Salad & Space Station Soma.
» DynV replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 5:17pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
made/ruined: idiot salesmen tells me battery prices will go up because of what happened in japan.
» DynV replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 5:08pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 109525
screwhead I certainly shot before, I had a rifle in my hands while hunting before I was even 10, and my aim is not bad. Although I never used a hand-gun, I never shot a human.

In my example, I assumed the cops knew about the threat when they got the call. I understand if they have a legitimate reason to be scared that they panic.
» DynV replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 4:37pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
Cops are the only legal force against violence, it's only natural that they make mistakes and if there are something like a million arrests per year, 40 per ten years is a damn good percentile... maybe I'm misunderstanding your figure tho...

shooting to kill someone that attack you with a knife is pretty fucking stupid! it's a fucking semi-automatic gun, try a calf first? then a shoulder, then the gut. the liver won't put someone cold too fast but will surely have him on the ground. how many bullets that things can shoot a minute? the only excuse is if you don't give a fuck or are too stupid to think this can't happen to you.

but that's the best-case scenario, not the premeditated ones that does happen much much too often for the level of civilization we're at.
» DynV replied on Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 1:33am. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 109525
don't go crying to your representative because they won't ask their friend, holding a telephone in one hand and controlling its puppet in the other hand, to have the puppet stop what it's doing.
» DynV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 11:52pm. Posted in Host VS Bliss.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
it occurs to me that all the replies in all these threads would make a decent rap album

» DynV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 11:47pm. Posted in stupid french versions of songs.
Coolness: 109525
it does suck!

but let's say we go back in time and you were an englishwomen where the lingua franca was latin, would you like to hear a lame translation of your favorite latin song that you mostly don't understand?
» DynV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 11:45pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By V.2-1
Create a blog, a website, a Facebook page and tweet about it, post on Digg and such. Tell a few friends to tell a few friends and next thing you know, 15 873 people worldwide will "Like" your Facebook page and comment on concrete actions to take.

» DynV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 11:37pm. Posted in say no to intervention in lybia.
Coolness: 109525
friend of US ask for a favor then get it. ...or did US friend really want to ask for it? it's easy to hise yourself behind a puppet.

unless the propaganda machine (media) start to veer to something else than what most in power want (haha!). it's most likely that all your lobbying effort will end up in the trash can of your representative.
» DynV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 9:09am. Posted in KO Benny Page 7e anniversaire des soirées KO D&B.
Coolness: 109525
event link: [ www.rave.ca ]

Benny Page! :)
» DynV replied on Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 9:03am. Posted in Nothing about St-Patrick's?!.
Coolness: 109525
» DynV replied on Thu Mar 17, 2011 @ 3:27am. Posted in people who say 'Bro'.
Coolness: 109525
c'est ceux qui répètent ça à journéjournée longue que j'sus pas capable : Ah putain!
» DynV replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 8:50pm. Posted in Man turned away at border over decades-old charge.
Coolness: 109525
no big deal to me.
» DynV replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 8:32pm. Posted in Looking for a used vid card..
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Make and model please?
SO I can see the interface:)

can't, at an old place. I only plan to go there in a couple weeks, unless you currently have no functioning system at home or something. I really think it's PCIe but I'll only find out where I get there.
» DynV replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 8:28pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 109525
maybe a lot of protesters condone venting frustration in a violent matter and don't think of the consequences? and if they make the effort to protest police brutality, they're willing to take some of it in protest?

is there some sort of humanist reason that protesting need to be peaceful? yes, violent protest is not thought through but the gathering is protest, not advancement of the cause. even reading COBP website you could see that they don't object (perhaps even prefer) confrontation, so I don't see the big surprise that a lot feel no empathy toward the system, much less to authority ; it's not a far stretch of the mind to figure they condone violence toward them.

I do agree that violent protest is useless, thus why I left after more than a few violent incidents, but I have no judgment to pas to the ones condoning violent protest. again it's clearly labeled as protest, not a peaceful one nor a movement for the cause. so if they want to be political while laughing at some frustrated kids breaking wealthy shop windows, so be it. I just hope they have the sense not to cry when they get arrested.

but what's your point of posting that? are you hoping that a few acquaintances of those condoning violent protest will try to convince them otherwise after reading your post?
» DynV replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 6:28pm. Posted in Looking for a used vid card..
Coolness: 109525
I got one but I think it's 256mb & AGP 8X, it could be PCI, it's like 4 yo.
» DynV replied on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 6:09pm. Posted in protest against police brutality.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By NADS
I went once and never again.

same here ; unless they organize themselves thoroughly but I don't see anarchists doing that.

Originally Posted By yoshin

fixed my previous paragraph.

Update » DynV wrote on Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 6:24pm
cops, just like security guards, will make the effort treat you right only if they have a reason to ; if you look nice (a crook can't look nice!) or seem to have money to sue them silly if they even attempt anything on you, or are a criminal in an organization that pay them (I'm sure that's a lot).

I tend to look like a hobo and when I ask for help at a school guard, they give me attitude like I'm wasting school air but when I'm asked my school card and take it out, their attitude change. I had a similar experience with a cop.

a lot have no respect, they genuinely dislike people and are more than happy to have a profession that doesn't require them to have to change their way.
DynV's Profile - Community Messages