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» DynV replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 10:52pm. Posted in Breaking News: Jack Layton for Prime Minister!!!!.
Coolness: 109525
What the fuck is up with politics, do you really think you'll make a revolution? Even if there's a referendum for separation in Quebec, and you can be sure I'll vote for it, it's not like it's going to happen ; wait until all the money problems start pouring in then see the "support" drop in the few more referendum for separation to be done.

Politics is just that, politics. I dream of a nation but I'd be quite content to TRULY have the 101 law applied in Quebec. Parizeau and his dream of a separate nation before his death, hah! It won't happen before mine ; I'm confident a peaceful separation take quite some time.

So let's get that asshole out of ottawa and the next in line will slowly become an asshole as well, maybe not as much but one none-the-less. Harper is buddy-buddy with our neighbors but perhaps it's not only ideological, perhaps there's real reasons that we started to bend to their empire ; maybe a couple more years with the liberals and they too would have started to collaborate in wars of aggression and buying better that second-hand military merchandise. We'll never know, those documents are quite classified and there's likely just a few very trusted people that know the whole story.

When I'll vote, I won't think it will make a real difference, I'll just show some mild support for my ideology fully knowing it's just a pat on the back.

But I guess this is symptomatic of our society. Just take for example OUR habs, that we only show support when they win. What an amazing support! (I don't give a fuck about hockey.)
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 8:27pm. Posted in Coincidence or Fate.
Coolness: 109525
Was Jesus God? Bill Maher's answer

@ 0:45
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 5:03pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
made: rusty got to me so I sent 10$ to soma.fm
ruined: wtf is wrong with my mind?!
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 5:02pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 109525
Joey Beltram - Across The Hemisphere
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 4:57pm. Posted in The NEW My Dream Thread.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By YOSHIN
i dreamed of everything that happened at the party, and everything that is happening in my life, but in a very twisted order. :)

I'll assume it's

Update » DynV wrote on Wed May 4, 2011 @ 2:15am
I had a disheartening dream, it took me all day to put the pieces together but it's now whole. There was a facility with terrible conditions, no running water, no toilets, humans were treated worse than rescued pets. I don't know if it was a segregation institute or it was created for the benefit of the attendees. Even the regular sized room were a bit smaller than a prison cell. I think children and/or weak people were inside. At some point the "hole" was shown and the initial size was barely bigger than a body, enough to have the one inside become mad, but it was an illusion and it was a few times bigger but very small. I have a hard time remembering the end, different ideas mix together ; maybe from different dreams.
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 4:51am. Posted in Is McDonalds PLUR?.
Coolness: 109525
I like their turnovers @ 2 / 1.40$ as well as muffin & tea (for 1.40$). I avoid their menu (burgers, ...).
» DynV replied on Sun Apr 24, 2011 @ 2:11pm. Posted in Votre idéal chez l'autre?.
Coolness: 109525
lucky you didn't lend her money as well!
» DynV replied on Sun Apr 24, 2011 @ 12:22pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
» DynV replied on Sun Apr 24, 2011 @ 9:00am. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
Here's a scenario : on one side is the future with a gatekeeper wearing a military uniform and the other side you see in one room basic human rights, family, sanity, ... but the gatekeeper slam that door while bending over to let the fat cat in from the other room.
» DynV replied on Sat Apr 23, 2011 @ 4:37am. Posted in Coincidence or Fate.
Coolness: 109525
I stopped caring about such BS when at some point I feel at top of the world then 6 months later feel at my lowest. beside there are much more important things : [ www.rave.ca ]
» DynV replied on Fri Apr 22, 2011 @ 6:11pm. Posted in Ghost Cities - China.
Coolness: 109525

Vast new cities are being built across China at a rate of ten a year, but they remain almost completely uninhabited ghost towns. Racing to stay ahead of the world economy, is the superpower about to implode?
"There are around 64 million empty apartments in China," claims analyst Gillem Tulloch. It's all part of the Chinese government's efforts to keep its economy booming and there are plenty of people who would love to move in, but the properties are priced out of the market. It's after 2pm and in the new city of Dongguan shop owner Tian Yu Gao is yet to serve a single customer. "It's a bit boring," he sighs. His open shop is a rare sight in the Great Mall: once heralded by the New York Times as proof of China's astonishing consumer culture, today it is an eerie vista of emptiness. "It can't stay this way," insists Tulloch, "when the bubble bursts, it will impoverish vast numbers of people".

too bad there's no transcript. :|
» DynV replied on Fri Apr 22, 2011 @ 3:42pm. Posted in The NEW My Dream Thread.
Coolness: 109525
There was a family I had nothing to do with, that's pretty weird because I'm always part of my dreams, and in their quarters was a pay-by-the-minute pet food dispenser. The dispenser did a few tricks, making it expensive for a full purchase but I didn't think it justified the vending machine ; perhaps it had some educational purposes (so the kids would learn the value of money). Anyway putting a few pennies in the dispenser would have it function.

Suddenly the family was outside with an object about as large as 3 people laid on top of another with the same (color) palette as the dispenser and similar exterior features, the object had retractable parts which moved erratically.

Then the family was inside a van with the same palette and as there were visiting, the back stretched to unfold another larger version of the dispenser. Someone put pennies inside the slot and the van seemed to become drivable so the young teen male got behind the wheel and they roamed around town. At some point they followed the traffic but were going pretty fast, likely more than 50kmh (maximum city limit), then the early teen driver tried a few abrupt maneuvers to test the vehicle, it gave indication that it could tumble so the teen said it was dangerous ; all along the father was calmly enjoying the ride in a passenger seat.

The dreams finishes as the family was heading for the owner to bring the dangerous vehicle back ; still with the very young men behind the wheel.

Update » DynV wrote on Sat Apr 23, 2011 @ 3:24am
I remember the van was worth 700$ (perhaps 800$ but certainly under a grand).
» DynV replied on Fri Apr 22, 2011 @ 12:59am. Posted in O C D J - Tue. Apr. 26th - Hardcore! Zone-33 + Moebius + 1labrat !.
Coolness: 109525
OUAIS! J'espère que mes trucs me le permettra.
» DynV replied on Thu Apr 21, 2011 @ 9:40pm. Posted in Invalids in motorized wheel chairs who go too fast.
Coolness: 109525
J'arrive pas à trouver de la documentation en-ligne mais je crois que le manuel d'apprentissage pour mon permis de cyclomoteur incluais les tricycles électriques pour handicapé et qu'ils pouvaient circuler sur la voie (tout comme une voiture). Le mieux que j'ai trouvé semble les inclure [ www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca ]
Un cyclomoteur est un véhicule de promenade à deux ou trois roues dont la vitesse maximale est de 70 km/h, qui est muni d'un moteur électrique ou d'un moteur d'une cylindrée d'au plus 50 cm3 et équipé d'une transmission automatique.
» DynV replied on Thu Apr 21, 2011 @ 4:50am. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
le bilinguisme canadien c'est avoir les lois/rapports fédéraux en français. pour le "service", ajouter des heures d'attentes pour te faire servir ou te faire dire de revenir quand un des seuls employés va te parler avec son français cassé (au même point que Duceppe parle anglais).

pourquoi c'est une excuse de français en-dehors du québec mais qu'ici on fais des pieds et des mains pour les anglophones ? je crois jamais avoir manqué le "press # for English" comme 2e option aux numéros québecois.

je parle dans le vide parce que ceux qui votent pas séparatiste s'en calisse.
» DynV replied on Wed Apr 20, 2011 @ 12:30am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 109525
Akhentek - Piksee
» DynV replied on Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 12:22am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 109525
Depeche Mode - Halo
» DynV replied on Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 12:19am. Posted in House plants.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By THE_PINK_POPO
i was even able to kill a cactus..lol i suxorz

» DynV replied on Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 9:05pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
"It's not Stephen Harper's government, it's the goverment of all Canadians," Liberal MP Dominic LeBlanc told CBC News. "You'd expect this kind of directive to be issued by the ministry of information in North Korea."


On a side-note, I didn't expect a typo from the CBC.
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 4:00pm. Posted in Long Dark Tunnel - May 7 - Old School Jungle.
Coolness: 109525
event link: [ www.rave.ca ]
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 3:58pm. Posted in real life south park.
Coolness: 109525
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 1:41am. Posted in your video of the day.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By FLO

» DynV replied on Sun Apr 17, 2011 @ 9:35am. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
[ www.montrealgazette.com ]

^ title: PQ wants francophones, allophones barred from English CEGEPs

Barred is a bit strong but requiring to have A+ (maybe A but that's stretching it IMO) in the official language seem appropriate to me.
» DynV replied on Sun Apr 17, 2011 @ 12:23am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 109525
Key Processor - Dirt
» DynV replied on Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 2:49am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
+: Bleu Elizabeth bio
» DynV replied on Thu Apr 14, 2011 @ 8:32pm. Posted in The Legalizing Marijuana Thred.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By THE_PINK_POPO
do we want everyone getting stone everywhere... its just gonna be another excuse for people being lazy ...

change that for alcohol (especially hard liquor) and you have your counter-argument. people would still know that stuff is bad and something like educ-marie would likely be created with its taxes.
» DynV replied on Thu Apr 14, 2011 @ 8:21pm. Posted in O C D J - Tue. Apr. 19th - Happyhappyjoyjoy! Aliceffekt, Deadfunk + +.
Coolness: 109525
» DynV replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 7:40pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
I wonder if this thread is about bashing the bloc or promoting whatever party you prefer, if it's the former then I wonder why you think the conservatives are assholes...
» DynV replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 6:44pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By RECOIL
I'm really curious to ask.. how many people here want Quebec to separate?

I'll vote yes but I won't demonstrate for that unless the same BS happen again where external influences get involved in an internal affair.
» DynV replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 5:57am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
ruined: flat tire in the morning after I got out of the club, I had to fill it 3-4 times as I got back home.
made: the tire hole wasn't so big that it didn't hold air, so I didn't have to take the night bus and risk getting back to a frame suspended by a u-lock.
» DynV replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 5:51am. Posted in Ocdj Vilify, Fishead & Vndl.
Coolness: 109525
Quelle belle soirée, et dire que j'ai manqué le meilleur (merci ZombieExtraCrispy).

La relève *tousse* hipsters *tousse* y ont trouvé leur compte en se défoulant au rythme de VILIFY avec des genres allant de trucs plus dubs à du dubstep moderne (beaucoup d'oscillations) en terminant avec du hip-hop qui fût très apprécié.

Puis FISHEAD a fait son apparition sur les platines avec quelque chose d'approchable alors certains sur la piste de danse y sont demeurés mais ça s'est relativement vidé alors que le rythme a diminué pour faire place à des trucs plus mollos et/ou expérimentaux (que j'ai bien apprécié) mais il est revenu en FORCE en remplissant la piste de danse avec du gros beat même que ça criais. Le nombre de styles et les fabuleuses transitions en ont fait une prestation impressionnante.
» DynV replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 5:27am. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By BAD_CHEMISTRY
So anybody watch the debates?

yup! I thought Ignatieff pulled it off but was pretty arrogant but not nearly as arrogant as the "poor" prime minister asking for a majority government because otherwise he'll be "forced" to work with the evil doers opposition that will ruin the economy.

As always Duceppe sucked, he knew it and we all know it, but a bunch of people still will vote for him, including me.
» DynV replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 8:45pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By PUSSYVAMP
ruined: my gf and I broke up. =(

» DynV replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 3:53pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
As usual, you've completely failed to understand me.

He wasn't alone to "fail", do did I.

Originally Posted By strik_ix
Voting with your tax money would only make the rich man's vote weigh more than the poor man's vote.

That's some far right winged concepts right there.

It would still mean 30+ Million people voting, just that a very select few's votes would be worth hundreds of times more than the regular joe...

I understood the same thing.
» DynV replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 2:19pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
Good point. That's your take on it and it make sense ; I have another but you wouldn't care.
» DynV replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 1:47pm. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Oh and fuck le Bloc...

I don't go around saying fuck NPD and fuck Liberal, I only say

vote ABC.

I'd like to know the issues the Bloc voted that piss you off so much ; I highly doubt the Bloc ever voted that the language of the majority be overthrown by the minority (ie: Franco-Ontarians take-over with French).
» DynV replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 12:11am. Posted in If you didn' think the Conservative Government was Stupid Before....
Coolness: 109525
holy fuck! just when you though they were acting like assholes, it gets even worse. this is the start of the conservative dream coming true.
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 8:18am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 109525
David Bowie - Let's Dance
» DynV replied on Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 8:08am. Posted in O C D J - Tue. April 12th - Hard 'n' Breaky w/ Vilify, Fishead, VNDL!.
Coolness: 109525
Sweet! I thought there was a subgenre I haven't heard of with the same initialism. I never danced to IDM in public before, I goofed off to it in my room, but WTF do I care about what people think of my dances ...unless... (-_-) there's a dance patrol ; you better not start one in your evening! >:(
» DynV replied on Sun Apr 10, 2011 @ 9:06pm. Posted in Host One On The Grindhouse with NC-17 - 2011 - All new bangers! 320kb.
Coolness: 109525
headbanging to this while catching up on geeky stuff.
DynV's Profile - Community Messages