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» daFTWin replied on Thu Nov 28, 2002 @ 8:27am. Posted in - C - atherine.
Coolness: 277180
*Stands on the side and watches the game*...

Uhm.. I dont wanna sound harsh but... if you'll pay attention to the first page of this thread *pulls out a copy and shows Catherine*.. you'll notice that Ben started the thread in order for me to get in contact with him. Now, if you'll have a look here *points to post where everything gets cleared up* you'll notice I state that he misspelt my name on purpose. He was just never able to spell my name right and now that he knows how to spell my name right and also knows that it bothers me when its spelt incorrectly (due to things like this happening and having to clear it up) he purposly misspells it. So uhmmmmmm yyeaaaaaa... Tipsy meant me :b.. meeehehehee.. *jumps up and down and does the "im the bestest person in the whole world" dance*

And Cherryonionkiss... don't you think its kinda juvinille to follow ur ex from discussion board to discussion board at a lame attempt to annoy him?... I mean if you and your friend Jackie keep saying he's such a lame ass loser whats the purpose??.. If my ex was a lame ass loser the last thing I would want to do would be to follow him around on the net and go on..*pauses and looks around to make sure no ones listening..then thinks "god forbid me for saying it" and wispers* ....rraaaavveewaaavvveee.. and annoy him.. I'd almost be giving off the impression that I was infact, still experiencing emotions for him and calling him a lame ass loser, or whatever, was just a poor cover up to decieve all the other users who really have no idea...I'd want nothing to do with such a loser, what a waiste of time.. but thats just me.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Nov 28, 2002 @ 7:36am. Posted in Uhhhmmmmm yyeeaaaaa.....
Coolness: 277180
Since when did you girls turn into a bunch of bi panty-freakin' vaches??.. What next, you'll all become femenist vegeterian vaches and be all for soy bean milk and have ur own float in the gay pride parade???

Ya'llz be dummin.. and shit.
dum dum dum dum dum dum dum

*Note* those of you who drink soy bean milk are vegeterians or have your own float at the gay pride parade, please do not take offense to above comments.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Nov 28, 2002 @ 7:26am. Posted in Gay or Straight?.
Coolness: 277180
Thats not it at all.. it depends on what constitutes being bi.. kissing another girl and holding her hand and hugging her ect.. doesn't make you bi.. some girls think it does.

If a girl can get those feelings for a girl she gets when she has a crush or falls inlove with a guy and it really feels real, as in "YOU KNOW WHEN ITS REAL" .. then I guess she is a bi.

Oh and if your doing it cause its hip to be bi and to sleep with girls and boys then you aren't bi. Your just comfortable enough doing both.. or you really badly wanna be cool.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Nov 28, 2002 @ 6:51am. Posted in Skittles rush tuesdays @ lanjeu.
Coolness: 277180
"brave-breaks-advanced-future-progressive-tek-house-trance" ..????

I knew I was right when I said everyone could play their own styles of musik.. I have the feeling its gonna sound alot like newage breaks..

Baby Dino played at Something special, I likes it.
I think hes asking if you'z guyz would be interested in having Baby Dino play at lan jeu.. but thats just a hunch.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Nov 28, 2002 @ 6:22am. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 277180
When a friend who is moving to another continent decides to throw a party so that he can be together with everyone one last time and some friends don't try their hardest to see that friend one last time. I would be sad and dissapointed if I was throwing a go away party to be with all of you one last time and some of you weren't there.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Nov 28, 2002 @ 6:16am. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 277180
The cold weather.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Nov 28, 2002 @ 6:13am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 277180
The cold weather.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Nov 28, 2002 @ 5:58am. Posted in my discussion with cloud9ine.
Coolness: 277180
I think its funny how important age is to you girls, unlike most of you guys (in the "scene") .. almost like first impressions. I've noticed that (and have had it pointed out) that you "older" girls really don't like us "younger" girls. Why is totally unknown to me. Wether it be that you see it as threatning or just because you think we're as ditsy as you may of been when you were our age, I don't think it makes any sence, and it causes issues like this.

Most of the people I hang out with are older then me but gave me a chance. For them age has nothing to do with it. They saw that I was a chill person for the age that I am.

At first they were like "haha, your so young" true, but you're the one hanging out with me and enjoying my company. Were you friends with people 5,6,7 years older then you when you were 17? Dont you wish you could of been that cool? And they saw it from my point of view, which was, they were the 22, 23, 24 year olds hanging out and totally enjoying themselves with a 17 year old. Not taking my age into account because it didn't matter. And it doesn't.

When did age become an issue when making friends and having fun?

Ofcorse I don't have as much life experience as they may have, for that reason I sometimes can't relate to them. Thats hardly ever and if anything I learn from hearing about their life experiences, just like they may of possibly learnt from someone else.

Basicly all im saying is this, if you let things like first impressions and age determine who that person is then you don't have the right to have an opinion about that person. If someone bases their judgement of me on my age and decides not to bother with me, or talk to me because of it then you don't deserve the right to talk to me, or have anything to do with me, or have and give an opnion about me because you don't know me. You didn't give me a chance and you decided to pass on your chance at getting to meet someone, you may infact find, really neat. Thats your choice.

Maybe you're content enough with your friends and the people you know not to care about what people think of you based on first impressions or age but neither do I. People can think whatever they want of me and not give me a chance but, thats their choice and stupid one at that. Im always willing to give anyone a chance and see what they have to offer because no matter what their age may be, I may discover that this person has alot to offer and that we can relate to each other and have alot incommon ect.

If age was reflected on personality then I definitly think I would be older then I am, and I think you would be younger based on what i've seen so far, but for all I know I could be wrong and you could be a completly chill person. I've never met you and have never had the chance to talk to you and get an honest impression of you but, I am an honest straight forward person and I dont mind telling you what I thing of you so far.
» daFTWin replied on Wed Nov 27, 2002 @ 3:18am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 277180
not this?!
» daFTWin replied on Wed Nov 27, 2002 @ 3:17am. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 277180
HAhahahaa.. I think everyone on the hulla board is going to be very dissapointed that megan isnt involved.
» daFTWin replied on Wed Nov 27, 2002 @ 3:15am. Posted in Sometimes you wanna go....
Coolness: 277180
Slap everyone you dislike in the face.
» daFTWin replied on Wed Nov 27, 2002 @ 2:58am. Posted in Post-parties lack of motivation.
Coolness: 277180
Damn. I dont even get that feeling anymore..
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 7:19pm. Posted in Things that leave you unimpressed.
Coolness: 277180
Shut up.
I can say the exact same about boys andit would be true so watch me im gonna...

and how self absorbed they can be.
we can do everything for you. and be everything you need... but when we show interest, you lose it. but when we you hurt us enough, and we have to kill all the emotion inside of us so we can move on...

you suddenly show interest again, just to try to keep us as around/interested...
cause you just love attention.

I wish i were gay. it would make everything so much easier. girls make so much more sence."

and now the truth has been told... god has it ever
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 7:17pm. Posted in Sometimes you wanna go....
Coolness: 277180
wrap urself in someones arms =)
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 6:07pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 277180
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 6:04pm. Posted in Sometimes you wanna go....
Coolness: 277180
*looks at nat really confused*....

"Do the party"
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 2:34am. Posted in This guy's great!.
Coolness: 277180
Omg you have got to be kidding.. look at his gay ass helmet.. fuuuucck, hes a loser.
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 2:28am. Posted in one night in laval.
Coolness: 277180
I was dummin.. and shit.
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 2:25am. Posted in i love you.
Coolness: 277180
I want you all to know that ben was just joking when he stated that I only love people who feed me drugs, and he will take back his comment as soon as he gets the chance but can't seem to eddit his posts.

I love everyone.. I prolly love the people who feed me drugs less because their part of the problem not the solution...but thats not true I love 'em all.
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 2:19am. Posted in - C - atherine.
Coolness: 277180
The fact that he made the thread Catherine with the -C-.. is just to bug me .. The msg is for me.

Jackie, I was just buggin but thanx anyways and Noah, I know you mean cloak Catherine not me. :)

Update » clown wrote on Sun Aug 26, 2007 @ 10:51pm
200 person capacity.. come out early to be safe !!

no tickets.. only at the door !! :)
» daFTWin replied on Tue Nov 26, 2002 @ 2:09am. Posted in i want one.
Coolness: 277180
No, they had you in mind, room for you and your big bag of shut up.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 5:50pm. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 277180
When ben patronises
» daFTWin replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 5:44pm. Posted in - C - atherine.
Coolness: 277180
YEa..esspecially when threads about me turn off subject ... I'll give you a call.

Update » DJ_DTM wrote on Sun Aug 19, 2007 @ 3:21pm

I am excited to announce that harvest festival will be taking place September 22nd & 23rd on a 320 acre art property with 89 20 foot tall, 20-30 ton each sculpture of heads, hands, horses and more perfectly placed throughout the entire property.
Also there are four bodies of water and magnificent rolling hills and hard wood forests with great pathways.

The artist / owner has been working on the site for some 25+ years and is an amazing person and we at harvest are SOOOO happy to be working in partnership with him on our passion that is harvest showcasing his works of art that are sure to amaze all of you.

Honestly this land is the most incredible and inspiring land ever used regardless of the activity, and we all have no idea what we did in a past life or what ever to deserve such the fortune as to find places such as Rocco's, Montana's and now Peter's to host our passion Harvest Festival... each time we decide to search for a new home it brings huge uncertainty to the gatherings future but thus far what it has given us all is a site that is even more breath taking then the last. it would seem change is good.

we are very happy to let you know HARVEST IS A GO FOR 2007!!!

» daFTWin replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 12:45pm. Posted in .::.:OUTERSPACE.ENERGY:.:::.:Review:.::..
Coolness: 277180
Yea.. I would of felt the party was worth it had someone not lost something that made me really really happy to finally have, and cost ME alot of money.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 12:38pm. Posted in Things that leave you unimpressed.
Coolness: 277180

When someone knows what they want and know they could have it, but for some reason they'd rather loose it.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 12:36pm. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 277180
When you lend your friend something and they loose it and instead of telling you, or saying sorry they act to high to know what your talking about then they avoid you.. STUPID PEOPLE.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 12:15pm. Posted in Marriage.
Coolness: 277180
Old people are gonna take over the world.. you wait and see...
» daFTWin replied on Mon Nov 25, 2002 @ 2:07am. Posted in .::.:OUTERSPACE.ENERGY:.:::.:Review:.::..
Coolness: 277180
LOL.. oh man.. One thing that pissed me off tho was waiting so goddamn long for the bus in the morning, thanks richard for getting that HUGE lightbulb for me to give to ben (even as a joke). Isabel and I were the first people waiting for the bus we waited from 8:00 until past 9:30. Jack kept saying "I just called in 15 minutes" or "by 9:15" then rumours about an hour then he said 15 minutes and that there were gonna be 2 busses. I was just pissed that by 9:30 1/4 of the people at the party wanted to get on the bus and I HAD to leave.

Oh and to someone who's avoiding me, because you lost something of mine that I leant you because you spent 100$ fucking yourself up and ended up looking like a retard all night: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR AT LEAST SAYING SORRY. It would of at least shown that you cared.
» daFTWin replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 11:58pm. Posted in shyness.
Coolness: 277180
Isabel, you still crazy.

Theres a difference between being shy and not shy.

Not being shy doesn't make you opinionated, it just means that you are able to view a new situation with ease.. I hate when your with a group of people and theres someone new who never says anything, I always try to make them feel more comfortable by talking to them cause I know I would hate to be in that situation.
» daFTWin replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 11:48pm. Posted in .::.:OUTERSPACE.ENERGY:.:::.:Review:.::..
Coolness: 277180
Uhm... I went crazy and got quite a bit of money because my mom was going out of town and she always likes to make sure I have waaaayyy more money then I need so I decided to go to the party since thats pretty much what everyone else was gonna do.

The fact that I went crazy really comtributes to the fun factor I had at this party, it was my third night staying awake, I had a really bad headache and from the second I had checked out every room and given all the music a chance I realized music was the last thing I wanted to hear. Im happy I went tho, I would of regreted not going.

Being crazy makes you mean and funny.. I was hillarious!!!... At one point I was dissin every single person, but after a short period of time I realized it was funnier in my head then anything else and thats where it should stay. Im soooo glad I got to see so many of you I hadn't seen in a while *Didz, Yeshai, Soumaya ect..*

*Theme of the night* " Y'allz be dummin and shit.. and ur ugly!"
» daFTWin replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 11:28pm. Posted in Marriage.
Coolness: 277180
I don't want want kids. I don't really wanna get married either but, if the right person came along and asked me I might say yes...or wait until like after retirement and marry someone who enjoyed all the same little things in life that I do and we would enjoy them together..I guess in my case I would see it more as a bond.
» daFTWin replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 11:17pm. Posted in Cheer Up Isabel!.
Coolness: 277180
Yea, the school thing has gone on a little long.. I know she had to change you schools.. why didn't it ever happen... *mWAh*

Update » DonLouis wrote on Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 4:48pm
» daFTWin replied on Sun Nov 24, 2002 @ 11:13pm. Posted in i love you.
Coolness: 277180
woohooo!!.. I love Amber also!!!... And a couple more of you ;)
» daFTWin replied on Sat Nov 23, 2002 @ 6:59pm. Posted in saphir and the guy from toronto.
Coolness: 277180
Omg.. that was soo funny after the whole Morgan thing!! Damn, I can't get over how stupid some of these are...

"Sally uses a washcloth and scrubs herself."

"Johnny doesn't smell like a wet dog when he gets rained on!"

And this one... Johnny always says " I'm not racist, one of my best friends is a nigga.. I mean black"
» daFTWin replied on Fri Nov 22, 2002 @ 9:22pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 277180
AHaHAHAHAa..crazy mad fun.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Nov 22, 2002 @ 9:20pm. Posted in Miss you.
Coolness: 277180
[ www.. ] maybe ill be there.. you never knoooww.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Nov 22, 2002 @ 6:54pm. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 277180
*Hits izabel with a bag of SHUT THE FUCK UP*
» daFTWin replied on Fri Nov 22, 2002 @ 6:52pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 277180
Lucky charms
» daFTWin replied on Fri Nov 22, 2002 @ 6:51pm. Posted in Entertain Me!!!!!.
Coolness: 277180
Very well put now, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID DIRTY SLUT ...and take your bag of SHUT UP with you... BITCH.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Nov 22, 2002 @ 6:35pm. Posted in Entertain Me!!!!!.
Coolness: 277180
Who said we were joking??..

Awww the widdle babies lonely.. would you like to go throught my bag of SHUT THE FUCK UP and see if you find anything you like?
daFTWin's Profile - Community Messages