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» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 4:05pm. Posted in Skittles rush Tonight! Special guests!.
Coolness: 277180
Yea, thats what I meant.

My mom always told me to dress warm and shit to make sure I wouldn't get Pneumonia and id be like whatever and then she'd add you can die from it. My moms a crazy lady tho.

.. im scared. Please get better.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 3:43pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 277180
" Disco stu does not advertise"
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Christmas List.
Coolness: 277180
ooOOOOoooo goodie!!

I want...
it worked last year even tho it came a little late. I fully understand that santa cannot be everywhere at once.

Oh and for tipsy to be better.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 3:28pm. Posted in Next!!!.
Coolness: 277180
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 3:25pm. Posted in if the world ended tomorrow....
Coolness: 277180
I unno.. I think I would do what I do everyday but be able to spend some time with every single person I love and care about.

That or I would do things I couldn't do before, like walk around naked and stupid stuff like that but video tape it all.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 12:45am. Posted in Skittles rush Tonight! Special guests!.
Coolness: 277180
Thats not cool, you should make it another night.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 12:24am. Posted in Next!!!.
Coolness: 277180
*busts out a platter and starts doing some crystal meth*.. *stops when everyone is staring at her*... what?.. This is what you believe I spend most of my time doing anyways..
» daFTWin replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 4:48am. Posted in xploited- december 5.
Coolness: 277180
I for one will for sure be there :)
I missed out on this weekend but I guess I have the chance to make it up. ;)
» daFTWin replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 4:43am. Posted in Noah's party?.
Coolness: 277180
Haha.. spread the word... where do people get these things??
» daFTWin replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 4:31am. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 277180
"Meth will make you evil"

Hey, you think if people were going on about K the way you do about meth all those K- addicts and what not would be the happiest people on earth.

Maybe if they weren't spending 90% of the time putting up with people bickering about it they wouldnt be so negative.
Kinda like a smoker.. If I was constantly reading about the effect of smoking (which I would rather read then all this) and be putting up with someone constantly bickering about it i'd prolly always be craving one and be fucking bitchy as hell cause you wouldnt shut up about it.

But thats just a theory.
» daFTWin replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 3:58am. Posted in Who is This??.
Coolness: 277180
HAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAAA!!!OMG megan, that picture of Miles is soooooo funny. I was laughing so hard I think I woke up my mom :b didn't he only go to one hulla dressed in kandy?? I gotta find a good one of me. I dont think the best ones are scanned pictures tho.
» daFTWin replied on Wed Dec 4, 2002 @ 3:50am. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 277180
AHhaahAHhHAHAAHAHaaa... IM ignorant about drugs??.. thats all you ever seem to say to defend yourself "YOU ARE IGNORANT ABOUT DRUGS"..

First of all, YOU have no fucking clue who I am, what drugs I do or how I go about doing them so, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Secondly, Im so ignorant I know that there isnt enough of a market for crystal meth in montreal and for that reason the only stuff comming in isnt being brought in by bikers but, that the people who are bringing it in are bringing in good quality stuff. How am I so sure? They brought it in for themselves and people got interested.. why would they themselves do jib?
Thats another thing. Theres Ice, Crystal meth, and jib. Ice being the "creme de la creme" and jib being stuff you pick out of a dumpster. Jib isnt what we have.

Those pictures you find on the internet are of (as elliot put it himself) "jib faces" people who are so addicted to meth they'll do any kind.

So please dont act like you know what your talking about when you mention all your quantity and quality bullshit.

"Face it, this lack of control on all sides have ruined the rave scene completely. It's people like you, people who don't give a shit about themselves, that have ruined it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH...".... Uhhhmmm I guess your talking about yourself since you used to be addicted to PCP did you not?? I on the other hand have never been addicted to a drug or let my use of it get anywhere near out of control.

HA!.. I think I have a new signature "It's people like you, people who don't give a shit about themselves, that have ruined it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH...".. I think if your going to personally start attacking people, esspecially me (someone you dont know) and make comment like the ones you have you should read every thread talking about crystal meth and see what I have had to say about it.
I dont even know why I bother with an ex-PCP addict who clearly doesnt know what hes talking about.

Oh and scott, yes, I totally agree that there are people who do drugs like shrooms and beer and weed and will never do anything stronger or crave to.. but I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about the ones who do, and you cant dissagree that there are people like that.
» daFTWin replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 6:38pm. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 277180
Scott your "I'm just anti drugs-that-fuck-you-up-and-ruin-your-life-easily-and-quickly" comment makes no sence.
A drug user (most of the time) doesnt start off using "fuck-you-up-and-ruin-your-life-easily-and-quickly" drugs. They like experiencing different drugs, they get used to the feeling a drug brings them and sometimes they get bored of it or something knew comes along and they want to try it. It doesnt mean that they are going to become addicts of it and let it fuck up their lives, they just want to try it.
Others sometimes find something that they like and stick to that and don't feel the need to try other things.

So before you say your just anti hard drugs understand that most of the time the drugs that you arent against introduce them to the drugs you are against.
» daFTWin replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 6:09pm. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 277180

You people are going about this all wrong.
If you can see that no matter how much you post about the effects of crystal, how much your worried and concerned. If it obviously isnt changing anything and you REALLY do want to help then im gonna tell you how you should be going about this.

Realize that your friends choice is to continue exploring this drug even tho you've tried to stop them.
Then, instead of putting up a bunch of sites about the long term affect of the drug, put up a site where your friend can find out what to eat and how to stay as healthy as possible while on the drug and after.

It really does help. I know where to find the things my body needs to do the least damage from the drug and prevent the long term affects from being as severe as you would think.

Those sites and those pictures you put up are of the worste case senarios as if you all believe thats what all users end up like. I have met people who have been users for 6 years but because they take care of their bodies you would never be able to tell.
» daFTWin replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 5:50pm. Posted in Safe.
Coolness: 277180
It'll be funny when things still go missing, maybe then you'll realize that maybe YOU did loose it and stop accusing innocent people till the point where their crying.
» daFTWin replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 5:47pm. Posted in Post-elevation sort-of-private party.
Coolness: 277180
Can I use your phone?
» daFTWin replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 5:44pm. Posted in CC help.
Coolness: 277180
Same here, anyway I can.
» daFTWin replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 5:32pm. Posted in Who is This??.
Coolness: 277180
Hey!.. I came up with the whole elliot looking like he has to pee thing :b
» daFTWin replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 5:12pm. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 277180
"when a bunch of ravewave users started doing it alot and their friends who care about them started getting worried"

Scott, what constitues as alot? I know your very anti drug so is someone even trying it alot?
» daFTWin replied on Tue Dec 3, 2002 @ 4:54pm. Posted in kafwin.
Coolness: 277180
Its all good I haven't been on my comp. since like 7?? last night. So don't worry about it.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 6:40pm. Posted in Xploit-Question/suggestion....
Coolness: 277180
I also think its a good idea but its not good to point fingers.. like I suggested in the review go on different boards and put up an address where this person or these people could send back the money given the chance. I dont think reward money is a good idea.. any money raised should be added to what was stolen.. if anyone has any info but doesnt wanna get in trouble they should be able to contact one of the cc members annonimously... it about having a good consience and doing the right thing.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 6:15pm. Posted in xploit.
Coolness: 277180
Wow, that really sucks.

I think you (the cc krew) should go around various boards putting up an address or location, that the thief/thieves could return the money to if he/she/they felt like doing the right thing. Given the the chance they may want to. Ofcorse their identity wouldn't have to be known. Maybe you could even go around a few record stores and put up a poster. It can't hurt to try. I hope everything works out.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 5:59pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 277180
no, sickies dont get beer.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:55pm. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 277180
I brought myself into it and surrounded myself with it. The worst part of it is that before I even got into it, and something that I have realized recently but couldn't prevent, was that I, among others, made it present around some of the people you are concerned about. I never encouraged it, nor will I ever. I will never encourage drug use but I also think its something a drug user makes them selves more and more available to. All I did was get involved with current users at the wrong time :(
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:38pm. Posted in cool as ice :).
Coolness: 277180
Man, you people are overexagerating the situation. There isnt enough crystal meth in this city to get anyone addicted to it first of all, and there never will be, or at least not for a very very very long time. Lets say one of us was hardcore into it and something bad happend.. Where would the fucking concern be then?.. You'd prolly all be sad, and tell each other over your pm's that it was horrible and you knew that person really well, you saw it develop and change the person and its really affected you. Bullshit. I really don't you would be. So stop acting like you care, cause when the time comes to actually care you wont be present.

Yes, there may be some people here smoking it right now, but the ones your concerning yourself with aren't smoking nearly enough to get addicted to it or for it to be turned into a big campain on CRYSTAL METH AWEARNESS.

I respect your concern, I understand and think its great to make people fully aweare of what it is they're doing.

There are some people who are doing to much of it at the momment and it really sucks. I just keep having hope that there wont be any left soon and this can all be over.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:19pm. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 277180
Well obviously, if you can prevent the mental addiction it will never get as far as a physical addiction.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:11pm. Posted in ravewave kids.
Coolness: 277180
No, he wasn't. He just thinks your term for vedging after a party (crack out) means something else. I also think that he may believe everyones into meth if certain people are present, which isn't true.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:06pm. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 277180
Hey spooky and Aone, Ephedrin IS the main ingredient in crystal meth actually.

When alexi made sure that his friend didn't smoke anymore wasn't because an ambulence was going to come, geez, nor was it to his own advantage ie. him getting more because his friend wasn't.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 3:50pm. Posted in RaveWave Initiation.
Coolness: 277180
HAhahah.. hey megan, remember the power puff girl wand.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:30am. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 277180
Figuring out that you never knew how it was you felt.

And the fact that I should be asleep. I wanted to go to school today. I just didn't know it was today already, Instead I was wondering what I was gonna do this weekend.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:22am. Posted in Sometimes you wanna go....
Coolness: 277180


Build a device which would block out things I didn't want to know and hear.

» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:15am. Posted in What are you craving?.
Coolness: 277180
Assurance and simplicity when faced with a tough issue...like

The answers to any question I could ever ask.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 4:06am. Posted in Things that leave you unimpressed.
Coolness: 277180
Crappy HuGz...
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 3:46am. Posted in wtf is up with peoples bitching.
Coolness: 277180

1) Elliot, YOU and sam were the first people to ever offer me ice, not Alexi. This guy that you all talk so negativally about, actually stopped people from giving his friend anymore ice. Out of concern... nothing else, it wasn't being greedy, he didn't gain anything in anyway, he was just concerned for her.

2) Someones gonna offer it to you because either a) They don't like smoking it alone, its true they don't.
b) This person is a dealer looking for customers. simple.

3) Someone who can resist something for 16 years without caving has alot of will power.
When your with a group of friends and they hand you a that joint, you dont have 16 years to decide that, yes you will try it. That joint isn't going to be around in 16 years.

I can say that I have a strong will power against PCP because I can easily say no when its offered and, not consider it at all.

But that isn't will power.. that, is not wanting something.. and they're 2 different things. Will power is the power to resist something you want, something you have interest in. Not wanting something is, not caring for it, not craving it, basicly feeling neutral about it. You don't care for it.

I think being able to resist something that you have been curious about for 16 years is proof of will power.
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 2:41am. Posted in wtf is up with the crack smoking?.
Coolness: 277180
You know, not everyone is going to end up like you. To bad though ;)
» daFTWin replied on Mon Dec 2, 2002 @ 2:11am. Posted in Finally, I have arrived.
Coolness: 277180
Welcome..Couple words of advice tho..

1) Leave this place now and never post again, while you still have enough will power to resist.

2) Don't post in all those " You know your ___ when , Things that make you___," threads and, reaveal as little as possible about yourself. You'll really believe that the other members are your best friends because you speak to them so often and know so much about them yet, you *THINK* you may of met them at a party. Or actually have and chill with them.. sometimes.

(Guess you haven't taken advice so far since you've still reading this).. *wonders what the point of going on is*

3) If you are going to chose not to listen to me and not leave NOW! Please listen to this one, at least. Never take anything seriously here, too many people do, and its more enjoyable and fun when theres action and everyones just buggin' each other.
» daFTWin replied on Sat Nov 30, 2002 @ 1:00pm. Posted in bag of shut up.
Coolness: 277180
Who said I was in a bad mood??.. Its all fun and games... until someone gets hurt, right... are you hurt??

Wait I don'tcare :D

» daFTWin replied on Sat Nov 30, 2002 @ 12:57pm. Posted in What turns you on?.
Coolness: 277180
grrrrrrr baby, very grrrr ;)
» daFTWin replied on Sat Nov 30, 2002 @ 12:44pm. Posted in .::.:OUTERSPACE.ENERGY:.:::.:Review:.::..
Coolness: 277180
Yea thats what I was thinking. Was paul even around when astro happend?.. I wasnt there either but thats cause I couldn't make it. I still have my ticket and now refer to it as one of my two "sshh" parties cause I say "shhh" whenever someone starts talking about it. I would say that there are more candy kids, or maybe just three really wacked out kidz who are really extreme and it just looks like a whole lota kandy kidz but it really isnt thatmany more.
» daFTWin replied on Sat Nov 30, 2002 @ 12:39pm. Posted in bag of shut up.
Coolness: 277180
"A)ohhhhh i think you know why.."
.... right.
daFTWin's Profile - Community Messages