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» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 7:03am. Posted in Changes.
Coolness: 277180
Used to have that.. a long time ago. You would enter the persons Alias and you'd be able to read their posts alone.. no one used it.

And noah.. These Icons are out of control!!!! Its awckward to reply to a thread in which what im writting is I unno.. sad but I forget to change the icon and I get a fucking big smiley face.
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 6:34am. Posted in Things that make you go 'Mmm'.
Coolness: 277180
-Delicious banana split royales.
-Apricot brandies.(with sprite ofcorse)
-Good tasty food.
- When I lie down in bed and close my eyes for the first time in over 20 hours.. or just most of the time.
- A massage when really needed.
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 6:29am. Posted in Things that give you hope....
Coolness: 277180
Thinking that whatever happens, in the end everything just might be ok.
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 6:17am. Posted in who should be banned from ravewave.
Coolness: 277180
Man scott, I already talked to you about this. I posted that before we talked. If that conversation isnt over i'll gladly finish it with you.

Ian, you think by reading what people right on the internet means you know them. Ive met you around 7 times since I believe the middle of the summer. I thought we've gotten along pretty well but I would never make a judgement like that about you because I honestly don't know you well enough. If you (or anyone else) think you have any impression of who I am from what you read off this site, then im sorry but you don't.

I think i've been pretty good at keeping my opinions about most of you to myself. Maybe im totally mistaken and need a good nights sleep. In which case im sorry I judged you without even knowing you.

Either way, I don't think anyone should be banned. We all have the right to be here. No one has done anything worth being banned for, so far. *looks around suspiciously*
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 5:49am. Posted in Skittles rush cancelled this week.
Coolness: 277180
***From TIPSY***

Since I am in the hospital for a while and Olee is to incompetent to come out of his room once a week, I have no choice but to cancel this tuesday night at Lanjeu.
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 5:40am. Posted in Heeeeeeeeeeeere Tipsy....
Coolness: 277180
Im sorry, but im not about to post that. Your right fred, YOU do have the right to know, just send me a msg ;). It would be aprreciated though if others who do know would restrain themselves from posting it to. Just out of respect.

What I will say though is that he is in the hospital and he can't wait to get back home to his smokes, his computer, and the 40 he left beneath it. He'll be back soon enough though, the hospital is just doing its job. :)
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 5:32am. Posted in Who Do you Hate the most right now?.
Coolness: 277180
No one yet, but im really starting to dislike people.

Eldar: You better fucking take that back. Joke or no joke, I don't care. No wonder you looked so nervous when you saw me tonight.
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 5:28am. Posted in Im new...lets Rave.
Coolness: 277180
*Bounces up to sase chewing gum rapidly*... *Hands him a lollypop, places a sticker next to his eye and gives him a hug*..Welcome!!:D teeheehee
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 5:25am. Posted in I new 2 :).
Coolness: 277180
You may want to watch out what you say. They may start thinking your opinion makes sence and scare them. Then they'll associate you with Ben and crystal meth and want to have you banned :b

Risky stuff newbie ;)
» daFTWin replied on Sun Dec 8, 2002 @ 5:13am. Posted in I Hate You!!!!.
Coolness: 277180
OMG. This is.. this is.. this, is what you always do.

We forgot to call you back. IT HAPPENS. I talked to you on the phone for like 20 minutes last night. No, I didn't notice you were crying but there was alot going on around me and you know that. If you were this mad why didnt you tell me instead of keep me on the phone *thinking* I was clearing things up if your going to go do this. You didn't sit at home all night waiting for our phone call. You went out, did your own thing. We never said "go home and wait for us to call". Things got messed up.

"i hate selfish people."
"but they just remind us why true friends are so special. i know you must have some good friends."

If we didnt care we wouldnt of called you, I wouldnt of kept asking you to come join us, I wouldn't of stayed on the phone with you so long explaining to you what happend and then hung up thinking everything was ok. I asked you several times what you were doing today, I told you I was going to be at the hospital for a while but that I wanted to see you because it had been a while. If you were this upset and felt like having nothing to do with me anymore THEN TELL ME.
There is no reason for all of this.
I've already appologized, but frankly im tired of this.
I have been nothing but a good friend to you, maybe even to good, and i've always helped you out anyway I could. Im sorry if I havent been able to see you this week. Ive had ALOT to deal with. I don't need this.
This is really stupid and immature.
I can't deal with shit like this right now. This is so "grade 5 we got into a fight and im gonna turn everyone against you" I don't have the energy for this and lately I feel like i've been putting up with alot of it.
I need you as a friend right now. I hope you can understand that.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 6:58pm. Posted in Christmas List.
Coolness: 277180
I want everything to be ok.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 6:47pm. Posted in wat skool do u all go to???.
Coolness: 277180
I dont knoe wat skoul iz.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 6:41pm. Posted in Who Do you Hate the most right now?.
Coolness: 277180
I hate.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 12:52pm. Posted in Changes.
Coolness: 277180
*raises her hand*

If I choose an Icon will it get changed by a random one??
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 12:47pm. Posted in i wake up and read this on icq.
Coolness: 277180
Wow, who knew trance djs could be so evil..
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:55am. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 277180
Viagra, now theres a pill I would do.Not just whenever but if it was the right momment and the aportunity arrose.. why not?
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:52am. Posted in help!!!.
Coolness: 277180
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:50am. Posted in hmmmm.
Coolness: 277180
LOL.. and what a bum it is ;)
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:45am. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 277180
I want that one and a pill that gives you one thing you trully desire.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:43am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 277180
My partner in crime, my brotha' fo life...
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:41am. Posted in who should be banned from ravewave.
Coolness: 277180
Why ben?... Feel threatend by someone who challenges your intellect and puts this board to good use??

And the bag will never leave.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:34am. Posted in help!!!.
Coolness: 277180
OMG!!.. remember the nakid chick in the building accross the street!!!
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:32am. Posted in hmmmm.
Coolness: 277180
Ian, I have no goals.. things just suck.

And iza, its easier said then done, sometimes theres access bagage that always ends up comming along.
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 3:24am. Posted in Hulla - Digital Outlaws.
Coolness: 277180
Bathroom momments??
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 12:19am. Posted in Party D'Noel.
Coolness: 277180
Caillou sounds like fuun ;)
» daFTWin replied on Fri Dec 6, 2002 @ 12:18am. Posted in hmmmm.
Coolness: 277180
Do you ever feel that NOTHING is going the way it should, that you've messed everything up, lost sight of your priorities and that the only thing that can make it better is out of reach?

Thats how I feel today and im sure you can relate.

I hate shitty days.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 11:32pm. Posted in Next!!!.
Coolness: 277180
Baby jesus cries whenever Ian tries to make a joke.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 11:21pm. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 277180
True, but the idea was there. I mean two friends dont just one day decide to sleep together. It happens because they (if not both, at least one of them) want it to.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 10:28pm. Posted in The WHY thread?.
Coolness: 277180
Why me?

Where did everything start to go wrong... im stumped.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 8:33pm. Posted in Who Do you Hate the most right now?.
Coolness: 277180
No one, I hate things but not people, situations and feeling.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 8:31pm. Posted in if the world ended tomorrow....
Coolness: 277180
Id be happy it finally happend.

Update » Nuclear wrote on Fri Oct 12, 2007 @ 7:19am
I'll continue the backup tomorrow at 5am till 7am again... It's half done now...
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 8:29pm. Posted in Words of wisdom.
Coolness: 277180
Why bother.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 8:28pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 277180
Nothing, anymore. Things help me escape, but thats never forever.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 8:27pm. Posted in Christmas List.
Coolness: 277180
To be rid of all emotions.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 8:26pm. Posted in The Crush Thread.
Coolness: 277180
If your looking for a fuck then go find a fuck no need to lie and become friends with the person, someone always ends up getting hurt and its less complicated this way.

Some people like things being complicated though, it makes things more interesting and more long lived, gets people who dont need to be involved, involved esspecially on ravewave. Everyone here so so involved with each other.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 8:05pm. Posted in xploited- december 5.
Coolness: 277180
I really wanted to come and was looking forward to it. I had my whole evening planned.

It seems everyone happens to like picking on me on the same day.

Im sorry Amber. I'm still putting a little something aside that I would of spent tonight and ill give it to you next time we meet up.

P.S. I really need my 9-11 book by chomsky that I leant you this summer. thanx.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 8:00pm. Posted in Skittles rush Tonight! Special guests!.
Coolness: 277180
Pat, theres 7 days in a week.. you don't have to do it on the same day... I dont see why you dont just all play the same night next tuesday, but split it.. see how people respond to ur stuff. Then after that make ur own night.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 7:58pm. Posted in Hulla - Digital Outlaws.
Coolness: 277180
I think I can come now.. I dont have to worry about school anymore .....crap.
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 5:51pm. Posted in kafwin.
Coolness: 277180
wow.. will it ever end?
» daFTWin replied on Thu Dec 5, 2002 @ 5:04pm. Posted in Bad drugs are bad..
Coolness: 277180
noo.. its ILL-uminum.

Thats fucking hillarious.

Update » Nuclear wrote on Wed Jun 6, 2007 @ 1:06am
It's kind of messed up now so I put it how it was before... I'll fix it up tomorrow.
daFTWin's Profile - Community Messages