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» clown replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 8:10pm. Posted in Pioneer djm-800.
Coolness: 222445
tes fucken crazy mon gars..
» clown replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 8:09pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
Hek, i'm missing piknic for rewire too !!!
» clown replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 1:56pm. Posted in question for Screwhead , Host One and beyond.
Coolness: 222445
Exceeder rocks .. that's all i know ! :)
» clown replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 1:51pm. Posted in Self Respect.
Coolness: 222445
hahahahaha ^^^^^
» clown replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 1:37pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
» clown replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 9:02am. Posted in Should i do this?.
Coolness: 222445
new dj's have to suck cock to play at events...

i recommend buying some knee pads !
» clown replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 8:59am. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
crim, lasalle ces juste a cote de verdu... lol.. ces vraiment pas si loin que ca. bahh, a moins que tu reste a laval.. j'dois vous avouez que ca ce fait mieux en char, mais ces quandmeme pret du metro et pret de pleins d'autobus.

anyhoo, ca va etre packed de tout facon !! :P
» clown replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 8:49pm. Posted in Psyfreaks.
Coolness: 222445
lol.. jai vue le message moi aussi... he he he !! !:p word up a ced !! :)
» clown replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 2:39pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
elle va au mexique ?? :(

Anto : tu veut pas etre scrap samedi au travaile ?
» clown replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 12:21pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
C'etais a but d'evitez de la confusion !!!
» clown replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 9:10am. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO
les logos sul coté c tu pour prévoir nos drink davance en faisant du mix and match?

» clown replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 8:22pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 222445
Originally Posted By SMURF
on a funny side note, i've also seen a promoter asking djs to bring their own needles. As one might expect, he never found enough djs to throw his party.

I always ask my Dj's to bring needles, just in case our's break or get damaged.. that way i don't feel bad when i avoid them telling me that the needles are broken and they can't spin afterall.. hehehehe !!
» clown replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 7:01pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
that's right Seb.. your right on the money !! :D i've always loved DnB !!

and now, the flyer is right too !!!
» clown replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 2:49pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
new updated flyer up tonight before bedtime .. banner will be on site starting at midnight !! :P
» clown replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 2:48pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 222445
Noah : you are half right.. i'll give you that much..

A Dj WILL bring people (if you book him) because, like you said, if a dj didn't bring people, why would someone book him. so, by that logic, all dj's that get booked bring people. And that's cool.. now, forcing your dj's to sell tickets to bring more people is out of the question. Because, like you said, people are already comming because he's playing or else the promotor wouldn't have booked him..

so yeah, you can have two kinds of parties..

1 with Dj's nobody cares about but sold 50 tickets to there friends, so you now have 3500$'s to make your party worth 1340$, which leave's alot of profit for the promotor.


you book dj's you actually like and would like to hear and hope that people come !! ------> Rewire !!!!

I've never pushed tickets down anyone's through in my LIFE and the Jester parties have always had enough people. If the promotor makes the party interesting enough, he doesn't have to force his dj's to sell tickets because the party will sell its self.. ask thierry or anyone who's ever played at my events in the past 3 years if i forced them to sell tickets in order to get there money..

and our budget was more like 12000$ as apose to your small 1300$'s that's getting you all worked up.. ;p

either way, we need both types of parties to make the scene go around !!

i still love you man !! but stop thinking about only the money !!!
» clown replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 1:26pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 222445
Why do we suck ?? most people gave you fucken good advise on what to expect as a Dj.. shit, i didn't want to step out of line in this thread but you seem to have an "i don't give a fuck" attitude so i feel its safe to be a dick.

If you have been around the scene for as long as you state, i am pretty sure you should already have a clue on how things work as a Dj in a scene. You must have friends who get paid as dj's. Why not ask them ? i mean, you pretty much shat on everyone's replies to your already ackward question.

Did you not take sec 4 economy class ?? you know, the whole supply and demande shing-ding ?? If there is no demande, why the heck would people pay ?? I've been around for a while myself and have never heard of you or what style you spin.. that mean's you probably wouldn't be much of an asset to a party. You said you promoted before ?? for what events ?? Molly's Babysitting agency ??
i mean, does anyone on this site know you ?? if not then you probably don't spin at raves.. and if you don't spin in raves, i understand why people aren't paying to hear your 170bpm music that you play.

my tip, get a day job !!
» clown replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 1:12pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 222445
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
I think selling 10 tickets at 10$ a piece is better then getting 50$ cash. For 50$ I expect that a dj would bring more then just his girl friend / fuck friend to the event. This was also a massively cheap event which you knew would loose money. Every DJ, Promoter and anyone who did anything for the scene got in for FREE at the event. It was an event to try and promote parties as a whole. So by you getting people to come helps promote. Anyways...

look over here noah..

not crack attack at all !!!
» clown replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 1:08pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445


ces le 28 !!!


Update » clown wrote on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 1:11pm
p.s. i wish there was an edit button......
» clown replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 8:42am. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
LOL.. tout serais enregistre.. mais ca veut pas dire que je vais tout fouttre sur le net.. lol.. :pp

p.s. Flyerz !!
» clown replied on Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 7:53pm. Posted in Pourquoi j'ai pas créé Facebook Criss!.
Coolness: 222445
Moi jai entendu dire que ca valais environ 2.2 Milliard !!
» clown replied on Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 7:51pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
moi aussi je travaile samedi.. project special.. comment me desaouler ! :D
» clown replied on Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 7:49pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 222445
Stop thinking about only your parties man. Parties bring the people and people bring the people. Dj's inspire confidence in the people so they know what to expect when they arrive at the party.

Its as if someone paid you to code a website for them too but there was a clause in your contract that you have to sell there product 10 times before they pay you the money from designing the site.. and if that's the case, i can sure use a hand with my site, noah !!! :)
» clown replied on Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 7:36pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 222445
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
I say djs should be paid based on how many people they will bring to an event... If you don't bring anyone, don't expect to be paid... Your dj name should promoter itself and if it does not then why would anyone want to book you.

I'd say you should be paid 25% of the money you bring into a party... So for every 10$ ticket **you** sell you should get $2.50... So in order to get 50$ payment, you should bring in 20 **paying** people to an event...

Noah, i think we been through this before, but just in case.. let me get this straight.. you want your Dj's to sell tickets AND dj at the party ?? umm, that's not what i signed up for. lol. so not only should i buy new music for your event, but i should sell tickets for you as well, meeting up with people and selling them tikets ?? humm,.. yeah, it would work good, but then again, what is the promotor doing if his dj's are selling tickets ?? lol

Sorry, i get pissed when promotors impose tickets on me and expect me to go door to door asking people to buy tickets.. hell, i don't even do that for Rewire.....
» clown replied on Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 7:24pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
Thierry : je t'aporte des ecouteurs ??

Ils n'aurrais pas de moniteurs car le sons est deja bien installez dans les plafonds !!

» clown replied on Mon Sep 24, 2007 @ 1:33pm. Posted in Vagitron U.
Coolness: 222445
Its good to complain from time to time.. i mean, especially when it comes down to sound.. so many parties i've been to had only monitors around the room and a sub. yeah sure, the party was cool and it was nice to see people, but damn, it could have been better..

now, i'm not talkin about this jam as i was far from being there (80's disco aint my thing), but when someone says the sound sucks we should listen !!
» clown replied on Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 6:47pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
why ?? what gonna happen durring thierry's set ??? :p
» clown replied on Fri Sep 21, 2007 @ 1:23pm. Posted in 7rick that will save you some cash.
Coolness: 222445
fucken awsome.. thanks !! i'm going to buy myself one of those lantern batteries !! :D
» clown replied on Fri Sep 21, 2007 @ 1:06pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
Le tout serais enregistre anyways !! :D yay
» clown replied on Fri Sep 21, 2007 @ 8:36am. Posted in Max Graham/Steve Porter FREE @ S.A.T. Sept 27th.
Coolness: 222445
any idea how to book Max at an event ?? :)
» clown replied on Thu Sep 20, 2007 @ 8:00pm. Posted in cd dvd duplicator.
Coolness: 222445
Originally Posted By EL_LEADER_MAXIMO
dans ce cas la, achete 10 bruleurs de cd pis ça va te couter 300$ de moins

oui, mais ton ordi pourrais pas gravez 10 cd's en meme temps.. ;)
» clown replied on Thu Sep 20, 2007 @ 7:57pm. Posted in Groovy Psytrance Time - Promotion.
Coolness: 222445
yeah, or Dj Milas !! :P
» clown replied on Thu Sep 20, 2007 @ 6:55pm. Posted in For you all Cheese lovers....
Coolness: 222445
yeah. this thread is GAY !! lets talk about cheeze in another thread now !! this one smells !!
» clown replied on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 12:10am. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
:es bouchez Tai sont tres bon aussi.. yeah. un peut cher pour ce que tu recois, mais ces tres accro aussi ! :P Pizza Alfredo.. yummy !!
» clown replied on Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 2:55pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
that's the spirit..

et oui, Simon, tu a raison je crois.. lol.. j'me demandais ils etais ou cette assiette la sur le menu !!
» clown replied on Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 9:02am. Posted in mixer a vendre pas cher.
Coolness: 222445
LOL @ Databoy.. its cheap, but the price is right and i'd take it insted of a newmark.. :P
» clown replied on Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 8:56am. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
La bouff serais servie une grosse partie de la nuit sur demande.. juska minimum 1:00am !! Yummy !! :P

» clown replied on Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 12:50pm. Posted in Review rave vs. afterhours.
Coolness: 222445
» clown replied on Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 10:02pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
Si tu aport ton clamato pour faire tes drinks, je ne vois pas de trouble dutout.. dans le pire, j'vais leur demandez de te faire un deal sur la bouteille.. lol.. ces drole, parce que ont parle de clamato.. :p

mais serieux, je crois quils pourrais t'en vendre a la limite, mais ca, ca detruite le concepte un peut du open-bar !!
» clown replied on Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 6:23pm. Posted in lick an anus, have you?, would you?.
Coolness: 222445
Its all about the "no, please, stop, it hurts" bro !!
» clown replied on Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 6:20pm. Posted in Rewire 3.5 : September 28th, 2007 : OPEN BAR !!!.
Coolness: 222445
Slight change to the line-up ..

dj CLOWN will now be playing a DnB set !! 1st time EVER in front of a crowd !

More reason's to come !


Update » clown wrote on Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 6:22pm
P.S. Sorry DeadFunk, j'ai demandez, et ils ne font pas des Bloody !! Tomato Juice isn't part of the menu :( J'espere que tu trouverais le remplacant.
clown's Profile - Community Messages