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Bunnytronix's Profile - Community Messages
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» Bunnytronix replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 3:09pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
» Bunnytronix replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 1:47pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 153235
what up. My total inspiration right there.
» Bunnytronix replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 1:41pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 153235
It's Flavor Flav's B-day today. turning 46.
» Bunnytronix replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 1:37pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235

Burn him to the stake.
» Bunnytronix replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 1:35pm. Posted in Boyfriend / girlfriend and your parents.
Coolness: 153235
My boss told me I'm weird.
RW > job.
» Bunnytronix replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 1:30pm. Posted in THe Real St. Patty!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 153235
Yer'Mad, Old Dublin (in the back of a parcking lot???), or that one on Metcalf.

I'm down anyways.
» Bunnytronix replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 9:34am. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 153235
movie theatre. Trash it!!!!

Imax or climax
» Bunnytronix replied on Wed Mar 16, 2005 @ 9:22am. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
it's a Cosmic Country Strip Karaoke Pool Bar.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 3:05pm. Posted in Hello!!!.
Coolness: 153235
what is this man?
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 1:36pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
I guess that makes me Guy Cloutier.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 12:53pm. Posted in Beautifull North Korea.
Coolness: 153235
[ jason.defillippo.com ]

You should go too.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 12:47pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
[ www.divtune.com ]

doesn sound work on your cpu?
Mine is Crapoutte.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 12:34pm. Posted in How to get a RAVEWAVE chick!!!!????.
Coolness: 153235
Take pictures of you licking a knife and post'em.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 12:33pm. Posted in Why the 50/Game beef was REALLY squashed.
Coolness: 153235
so Beef and 50 had some sort of game going on? and they shot who in the what now?
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 12:24pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
watch out. RW is not the place to talk about windows in front of showering girls.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 11:15am. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
Maybe. We'll say your all transvestites.
Show them monsieur coucou on your camera so they believe you.

Top Ten Reasons Why Karaoke Is Better Than Sex
10. With Karaoke, you're always sure you can find someone worse than you are.

9. You don't feel obligated to buy someone dinner for singing Karaoke with you.

8. When you sing Karaoke, it's OK to have multiple partners.

7. It's OK to sing Karaoke with your sister.

6. With Karaoke, you never have to be sorry about forgetting your lines.

5. It's OK to drink too much and sing Karaoke.

4. With Karaoke, no one will complain about the size of your microphone.

3. It's OK to sing Karaoke in front of your neighbors.

2. You'll never feel uncomfortable knowing your parents still sing Karaoke.

1. No one complains about a 3-minute Karaoke performance.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 10:49am. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 153235
One ear

Decepticons or Cobras
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 10:47am. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
I know some ppl wanted to go a gay bar too.
[ www.montrealmirror.com ]
says :

Club Date Piano-Bar 514-521-1242
1218, rue Sainte-Catherine Est,
Montréal, QC


Bar Le Stud (only mondays)
1812, rue Sainte-Catherine Est,
Montréal, QC H2K 2H3

That would GARANTEE I wouldn't pull out monsieur coucou.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 9:46am. Posted in What are you eating right now?.
Coolness: 153235
my own intestines
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 9:41am. Posted in Hello!!!.
Coolness: 153235
So shoot some LA board names. Dude, I went to a party in that Blimp hangar in OC. Do you remember the name of that party? it was in 2002 I think.
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 9:38am. Posted in Attn: All Concordia Students.
Coolness: 153235
So is there a strike or not? I have a class and I haven't been going realy. Should I worry?
» Bunnytronix replied on Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 9:36am. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
Too bad the Ritz carlton doesn'T have a Karaoke.
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Favorite Quotes.
Coolness: 153235
Beaudelaire: Les fleurs du Mal

La sottise, l'erreur, le péché, la lésine,
Occupent nos esprits et travaillent nos corps,
Et nous alimentons nos aimables remords,
Comme les mendiants nourrissent leur vermine.

Nos péchés sont têtus, nos repentirs sont lâches ;
Nous nous faisons payer grassement nos aveux,
Et nous rentrons gaiement dans le chemin bourbeux,
Croyant par de vils pleurs laver toutes nos taches.

Sur l'oreiller du mal c'est Satan Trismégiste
Qui berce longuement notre esprit enchanté,
Et le riche métal de notre volonté
Est tout vaporisé par ce savant chimiste.

C'est le Diable qui tient les fils qui nous remuent !
Aux objets répugnants nous trouvons des appas ;
Chaque jour vers l'Enfer nous descendons d'un pas,
Sans horreur, à travers des ténèbres qui puent.

Ainsi qu'un débauché pauvre qui baise et mange
Le sein martyrisé d'une antique catin,
Nous volons au passage un plaisir clandestin
Que nous pressons bien fort comme une vieille orange.

Serré, fourmillant, comme un million d'helminthes,
Dans nos cerveaux ribote un peuple de Démons,
Et, quand nous respirons, la Mort dans nos poumons
Descend, fleuve invisible, avec de sourdes plaintes.

Si le viol, le poison, le poignard, l'incendie,
N'ont pas encor brodé de leurs plaisants dessins
Le canevas banal de nos piteux destins,
C'est que notre âme, hélas ! n'est pas assez hardie.

Mais parmi les chacals, les panthères, les lices,
Les singes, les scorpions, les vautours, les serpents,
Les monstres glapissants, hurlants, grognants, rampants,
Dans la ménagerie infâme de nos vices,

Il en est un plus laid, plus méchant, plus immonde !
Quoiqu'il ne pousse ni grands gestes ni grands cris,
Il ferait volontiers de la terre un débris
Et dans un bâillement avalerait le monde ;

C'est l'Ennui ! - l'oeil chargé d'un pleur involontaire,
Il rêve d'échafauds en fumant son houka.
Tu le connais, lecteur, ce monstre délicat,
- Hypocrite lecteur, - mon semblable, - mon frère !
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 4:25pm. Posted in What are you looking forward to?.
Coolness: 153235
april fools
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 4:24pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 153235
any ambitions I ever had.
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 4:24pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 153235
My dreams falling appart.
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 4:23pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 153235
Stevean Seagal: the poney tale. it's too strong.

Smashing shit or smashing your head
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 4:22pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
I'll be in NYC.
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 3:34pm. Posted in Hello!!!.
Coolness: 153235
Run. Run while you can.
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 3:30pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 3:11pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 153235
Made: Crazy Carpet at 3am
Made: Hot coco baileys
Made: New lesbian friends. Their 1 1/2 Kills.
Ruined: Office sex imbroglios.
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 3:09pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
I would say stupid things until page 20.
» Bunnytronix replied on Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 10:36am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 153235

1984 NYE resolution: stop drinking.
» Bunnytronix replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 10:30am. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
I'm not making any promises.
» Bunnytronix replied on Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 10:11am. Posted in Bo Ling.
Coolness: 153235
1999. Don't diss the chinese. My sister's from there.
» Bunnytronix replied on Fri Mar 11, 2005 @ 3:43pm. Posted in Stupid pointless music albums.
Coolness: 153235
Cry baby
» Bunnytronix replied on Fri Mar 11, 2005 @ 3:32pm. Posted in karaoke.
Coolness: 153235
yeha, but the one next to my house was just a head splat. Nothing else was ran over realy.
» Bunnytronix replied on Fri Mar 11, 2005 @ 3:26pm. Posted in What should i do?.
Coolness: 153235
Burn your clothes.
at the strip club.
» Bunnytronix replied on Fri Mar 11, 2005 @ 2:55pm. Posted in Stupid pointless music albums.
Coolness: 153235
Check out the tracklisting:
1. Psycho/Psycho 4:44
2. Up Your Jurassic Park 3:36
3. Everything's OK at the OK Corral 5:55
4. I Love You So Fucking Much I Can't Shit 2:18
5. Everyday I Leave Ten Dollars on the Table 2:14
6. Baba Booey 2:45
7. I'm a Wabbitt 2:41
8. Indecent Proposal 2:39
9. Two Strangers From Georgia 2:45
10. Two Pack Shaker 3:25
11. Calling Casablanca 3:06
12. Like Beavis & Butthead 3:01
13. Artie Wexler 3:08
14. Are You a Lover? 2:37
15. Oh Madonna (you stole my pants) 4:05
16. Bingo Gazingo's Bolero 14:14
» Bunnytronix replied on Fri Mar 11, 2005 @ 2:54pm. Posted in Stupid pointless music albums.
Coolness: 153235
post the dumbest album covers you can find:

[ www.geocities.com ]

it has to be published somehwere to be legit.
Bunnytronix's Profile - Community Messages