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» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Anyone wanna mess on a mic?.
Coolness: 55980
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Anyone wanna mess on a mic?.
Coolness: 55980
I made a ridiculous track and I think it needs some lyrics. Any one want a stab at it?
We can, theoretically, record vocals professionally if it accidently turns out good.
Anayway, have at it.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Wanna drop some lyrics?.
Coolness: 55980
I posted a super big and epic thuggy rap track up on [ www.rave.ca ] and was wondering if anyone wanted to fuck around and do some vocals over it. It'd have to be ridiculously big.
I can record vocals if we want in a big studio. It'd be fun.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 9:25pm. Posted in Hi..
Coolness: 55980
If you get this it looks good tonite! Def worth checking. Had some sick DnB sounds ce soire.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 7:27pm. Posted in Hi..
Coolness: 55980
The SAT Mix session is also our promotion night. There's 3 parts to the project. mix session, junior, and the web program. I needed to write that down anyway. :P Now I have a copy too!
I'm going to go tonight, but I'lll be there at 8. It's kind of hit-and-miss. Sometimes the jam and visuals are siiiick, and other times you sit there and think "maybe I don't get it".
Sorry bout the diatribe. Like I said. I'm the geek! ;)
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 6:53pm. Posted in Hi..
Coolness: 55980
I'm the director of the program so I'll be running everything. I wish I could tell you what it will actually be like but truth is I have no idea. We've never done it before. We looked into it and nobody has done this anywhere!
Theoretically it'll be like a University with a 5 week semester where the Bacc students spend one sunday in a different subject to get a feel for it and try some exercises. The subjects are mixing, scratching, production 1 (hardware), production 2 (software), and then there's a bonus Urban Culture section that introduces break dance, graffiti, and MCing with the idea that those would be offered as their own subjects when this thing gets established.
Then there's the masters students who pick one subject to work on for the full 5 weeks. We don't offer the urban culture as a masters level yet. The others are on an popping.
Then there's the PHD level who are former masters students who are talented and we think they could join our staff, so we give them an audition to see how well they work and how good they really are. Since we don't have grads, we've filled these spots with talented individuals from the montreal scene who we would have made staff if we had more positions.
Finally there's the Post-doc professors and they are the instructors and councillors on the course. They are all pros and headline parties, host radio shows, produce and release tracks, and generally make positive influences in the underground hip hop, jungle, breaks, techno, and reggae communities.
Everyone gets a digital yearbook with clips and pics of the course, their audio projects, as well as the best tracks to come oout of the program. Everyone also gets a course-specific wrist band that gets them into Urban Knowledge events for free. In a couple years we want to open Urban Knowledge 416 in TO and the wristie gets you in there free too. Plus if any of our staff or alum blow up big, you're from the same roots.
I hope that gives you an idea. If you have any questions, I'm the geek to send em to.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 5:58pm. Posted in Hi..
Coolness: 55980
they're really particular about music here. Techno is electronic-based music with 4/4 beat, tempo in the 130-150bpm range, and it is generally light on melodies, but heavy on rhythms. Most people here take it as an insult cuz they say it has no soul or talent anymore. But there is good stuff out there.
Welcome to this site though!
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 1:23pm. Posted in Urban Knowledge presents SAT[junior].
Coolness: 55980
That's just the front side. The otherside in a corniacoia of info! The website will have the appropriate forms to register. I've sent them the forms so I'm checking every 2 minutes to see if it's updated!
The exact times will be Sunday June 13th from 12:00pm -7:00pm and then each Sunday after that until the July 11th (5 Sundays total). There's a special final jam on the 11th with special guests and freinds and family can be invited too. That will run til about 10pm.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 12:28pm. Posted in Urban Knowledge presents SAT[junior].
Coolness: 55980
Def gotta sign up. We have security at the door that bounces anyone who don't have a pass to get into the SAT (gotta protect the wee ones! It's a nasty part of town!). Space is already starting to dissappear and I don't think this shizzle is entirely online yet!
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 1:55am. Posted in Urban Knowledge presents SAT[junior].
Coolness: 55980
It's almost there! The flyer is up on the website so you can see it looks cool! This is minute by minute updates peolple! Like CNN without the evil.
[ www.sat.qc.ca ]
Let me know if it doesn't work!
» Atrix replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 6:06pm. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 55980
Here's where it gets tricky. Is there any hope for this raver culture, or, has it come to an end ten years after the legendary parties of the early 90s the way the hippies and beatniks all faded away after a similar time, succumbing to similar indulgences and vanities? Or is it the same spirit transforming with the technology and social awareness of the times, creating, emerging, growing, thriving, and ultimately being exploited by the greed and reluctance of the very members who created it and forged its early years? What's next then? Can there be a culture of hope and optimism in a world where there is no reason to believe such a concept, especially over the last few years? Or will the suffocating culture of fear we exist in cause an even more wonderful explosion of creation in defiance? Let people create freely and it is indulged by the comfortable wealthy citizens who are inspired by nothing; make creation illegal and only the truest artists will take the risk to express themselves.
Where do we go from here? Sorry about this one.
» Atrix replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 3:08pm. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
Maybe the Violently Stabbing Westerward trend of empires has to do with the rotation of the earth? I always thought it was interesting that not only does toilet water swirl differently on either side of the Equator, but you can notice a trend in civil planning that tends to contain the rough, poor end of town in the east end and wealthy in the west end in the North, and opposite in the south. East London and East LA, Scarborough all are nasty bad neighbourhoods whereas the East side of Sydney and Melbourne and Johannesburg SA are all the rich and trendy side. I just thought that was really weird. Like a social coriolus effect...
» Atrix replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 1:51pm. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 55980
Toronto is the business centre, Montreal is the cultural centre. They get bigger concerts, we get bigger festivals. And our women? International phenomenon.
» Atrix replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 11:31am. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 55980
You gotta get a bus. And a warehouse. That'd be awesome.
» Atrix replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 11:27am. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 55980
Of course TO does drugs! And they're DnB scene is like a bunch of pitbulls without leashes. But it's like that because it's successful. They are where we were in 1999/2000 where 514 was dropping massive 10,000+ person parties and everyone was on everything. Like any civilization, it is indulgence that leads to destruction. We can't change it, we can only adapt to it.
The TO parties I went ot this weekend were full of drugs in quantities I'm not even remotely familliar with.
I'm really glad it isn't a Vinyla Syndicate scene here. I wouldn't have moved here from the TDot if it was. The montreal scene is like the more spititual rasta-zen crew and I'm proud to work within it.
I would rather fail and starve in Montreal than find all the success of my dreams in Toronto.
» Atrix replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 11:00am. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 55980
Our scene is at risk. Bad media, drug abuse, and really shitty producers and DJs have exploited our scene. I just got back from TO and they are having parties like it's 1999 there. Their scene improved as soon as Vinyl Syndicate started representing internationally (1999-2001), much the way montreal's awesome scene arose when Tiga started being a contender in 1994-5. DnB is massive in TO, and getting bigger than Hip Hop. House is the massive sound of Montreal. We have to decide if our music is what drives the scene or if it's the drugs. The consequence of a successful scene is larger parties, more people, then more drugs. The scene gets commercially exploited, then it bottoms out. I hope it's the music, but if it's drugs that people come for I'm afraid our scene is trivia for the year 2020. I think there's only a few massive druggies left and I think they are outweighed by the talent I've seen here.
Time for Montreal's Renaissance.
» Atrix replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 9:52am. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
Every empire must fall. The US is no different. They will most likely be the empire that does to "Freedom" what the Soviets did to "Communism". China's economy and industry have put it in a really unique position, much the same position as the USA was in in the 1930s when Germany started picking on, well, eeveryone in their neighbourhood. And Japan started getting all mentrual in the south Pacific. What will be interesting is who will be playing what part now that China is getting the lead role as "Super Power 200X". North Korea, India, Pakistan, Israel, Japan, Britain, France, and Russia will all be featured in different capacities. What really really sucks is that I think the good Ol' U S of A will be playing the part of Hitler's Germany. An administration driven by arrogance and fueled by fear and hated by most of the world community. A force that would only possibly be stopped by the world collective. Michael Moore's new flick Farenheit 9/11 is about this. And given relationship, proximity, and global importance of Canada, I'd say we're living in France circa 1939 and our neighbours are getting antsy.
How far would you defend Montreal against America?
» Atrix replied on Mon May 17, 2004 @ 1:56am. Posted in Urban Knowledge presents SAT[junior].
Coolness: 55980
For real. That DVD is enough to at least let you figure out if you got any hope for skills. The ages for our students is now from 13-24 so pretty much everyone is eligible!
» Atrix replied on Fri May 14, 2004 @ 9:43am. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
So far you all sound like the frightened children you are. Conspiracy theories are the trademark of the wanna-be intellectual trying to make sense of a situation by over-thinking, little 14.4 brains shooting steam out the ears. Others of you sound more ignorant than a Springer audience.
None of you know a bloody thing tha's going on and there is no way you ever will. I doubt any of us will. The powers that be have so much power we can't really understand it. Saying an opinion about what you think is going on is as ludicris as pretending to know what happens after you die, or organized religion.
What you do realize, thankfully, is that shit ain't right in the world. We, as the young generation, are going to have to deal with a war, almost certainly within our lifetime, likley in the next couple of years. WW2 was simply Western cultures most recent violent confict within it's own boundries. Now Western culture is ready to go at it with its most opposite culture, the Islamic world. That is one big conflict. And we the young are most likely going to have to fight it.
» Atrix replied on Thu May 13, 2004 @ 12:28pm. Posted in Urban Knowledge presents SAT[junior].
Coolness: 55980
if you want to be kept up to date by the minute check the Formation section at [ www.sat.qc.ca ] which was still not up as of my last check. Shortly we'll have the site [ www.urbanknowledge.ca ] that will link directly to the relevant pages.
You're safer than the expos man!
» Atrix replied on Thu May 13, 2004 @ 10:23am. Posted in What would You name Your KID?.
Coolness: 55980
If it's the Dr. Evil variety you could call him Wrinkledforskin! That's a great name for a kid! I have no idea what I call my kids but you guys have had some really wicked ideas! I'm thinking maybe a Matrix theme to the kids, you know if it's a girl Trinity, if it's a boy Agent Smith.
I've taugh a set of fraternal twins, and the girl was called Titania and the boy was called Oberon. I though the Mudsummer nights Dream ref was cool, but the short form of their names would be a hassle. Tit and Obi?
» Atrix replied on Thu May 13, 2004 @ 10:11am. Posted in happy biRfday kitty cat cat.
Coolness: 55980
Happy BDay Cat! Go nuts!
» Atrix replied on Thu May 13, 2004 @ 10:09am. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
You'd be suprised how little people resist to a knife in the throat. I don't know if any of you have been stabbed but it doesn't hurt as much as you'd think. Adrenaline does most of the pain-killing and the blade usually severs any nerves that would bring extraordinary pain. It still hurts, but that's more pain later and the scariest part is really the lack of pain you experience. If Nick Berg was alive and coherent before the knife was in he probably didn't feel the knife going in, or couldn't believe it was going in. It also looks like he was 'bled' at the beginning with the guy holding the knife in his juggular vein (low pressure) as opposed to the carotid artery (spray). Any butcher would know how to bleed something. Special forces certainly know how.
As for the Orange, Muslims wouldn't sexually humiliate a prisoner because the consequences of such violations would make them worse than murderers.
I'm certainly not saying that a conspiracy story is impossible. I believe that history will judge this US administration and I believe there is a lot of evil in the way of arrogance, ignorance, fear, and greed motivating their policy.
Keep your eyes on Pakistan. When it goes, our world will turn ugly. Then you should start to watch China.
» Atrix replied on Thu May 13, 2004 @ 9:47am. Posted in Urban Knowledge presents SAT[junior].
Coolness: 55980
Safe! Lone Star, Soy, you guys are going to be the first to know. The Website is gonna be up any minute and ready to take applications. I'm doing a general announcement after it's up. The rest of the world won't know until next week.
Sam, seriously, gimme a holla and we'll jam on your new shit! I'm going to Toronto this weekend but my weeks is chill.
» Atrix replied on Thu May 13, 2004 @ 9:44am. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
Decapitation, contrary to what lots of peaople think, is not quick and painless even with a guillotine, forget about the slow cut with a knife. I've seen about 5 decapitations but the one that got me the most was the one that was used to stop beheading as a legit method of execution in France in the 1970s. A physician proposed that life does not end with the severing of one's head and that a person can be alive for a period of time after their head is off. Anatomically the cause of death is anoxia (lack of blood O2 to the brain) and neurologically it isn't much different from quadropelegia. In other words you die from suffocation of bloodloss and it can keep you conscious (in shock) for up to 2 minutes. The french doc was able to communicate, on film, with a convict to prove how long a person is conscious and coherent by blinking responses to questions. Nothing wrong with being taugh, but knowledge is a burden.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 1:36pm. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
At the end of the day both King and begger, and every human between, share a common fate, and the earth and worms will reap all their benefit.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 1:32pm. Posted in Urban Knowledge presents SAT[junior].
Coolness: 55980
It's here! We may have done the impossible!
What happens when you take a bunch of Montreal's best underground DJs and producers, give them a few dozen students from the MTL Island, and put them up at the Society for Arts and Technology with their federal funding?
SAT[junior] is going on June 13th for 5 Sundays.
I'm pleased to present you the sickest staff of Urban Knowledge 514:
SaseOne: Mixing Instructor
You know Sase. Stop being silly. Sase has a ridiculous amount of credentials and experience in almost every aspect of the music industry. He is a respected leader in Montreal's Drum and Bass community hosting several nights, headlining many events, and bringing DnB to the masses.
DJ Mana: Scratching Instructor
Mana is a ninja on the decks in the Hip Hop and Breaks world and has several titles under his belt including DMC Champ (MTL) and finalist in the Canadian ITF Finals. He represents here in Montreal (just check the "Best of" Mirror) and in his "other' home, Hawaii. This guy can do more just touching a record than most DJs can do sweating up the mixer.
Steve Cloutier: Production Instructor
Steve is joining us from Guy Rhaume Studio, one of the top 3 recording studios in the Montreal area. A graduate of L'Institute D'Enregistrement du Canada, Steve knows a hell of a lot about recording, engineering, and mastering and puts it to good use creating Trip Hop.
Sean Kosa: Production Instructor
Sean has been producing music in various styles and plays out with the likes of A-Track, Simhalak, and other Montreal heavies. If you've been to Moog (UK514's equip sponsor) you've most likely met Mr. Kosa who is often there running the ship.
APrime: Urban Culture
Bo! Selecta! B-Boi! This rude boy has been involved with the scene for years, spinning Hardcore and DNB and has experience playing out parties like Scream, and Gravity, and is proud to announce his new residency at Mint alongside Punnani Bizness and The Nitrous. He's tagged the hell out of the STM and was a dancer at the first IDJ Breaknite. It only seems fit that he bring the element of UC and talk about the peripheral cutures of the music including breakdance, MCs, and graffiti.
Steve Lalla: Mentor
Steve mixes, promotes, produces, lives, and breathes techno with Level 4 Productions. He also supports our electronic communities by providing the 411 on whats happening and who's doing it in his weekly column Lallaland in the Hour.
Mayday: Mentor
This l'il firecracker came to the Mtl DnB and Ragga scenes from Toronto and spins at BlueDog, Asphalt Jungles, and other events. She produces and has had experience in the Ragga and Reggae community working with the KOPS crew.
Dan Zachs: Mentor
Dan knows music. Particularly vinyl music. Dan can trace the roots of Electronica, Hip hop, and any music that is on wax and has been very successful as a trader and dealer of exotic vinyl. You can catch Dan's radio shows on CKUT where he is a programming director.
Regimental: Mentor
Regi can spin, produce, and MC like a champ in Hip Hop and DnB. He's been featured at IDJ for his turntablist skills and he's one bad boy yardie if ye ken what I mean.
Galaksy: Mentor
If you're reading this post you know who Galaksy is. A leader with the IDJ crew, headliner at more than a good share of events, and now, proud daddy, Seb has been a positive force and an inspiration to many around him.

So there they are! It's a pretty all-star team and our launch should be sick! Check [ www.sat.qc.ca ] to keep updated. Classes are SMALL to make sure our students get something out of it.
Let's see what kind of a scene we can build!
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 12:45pm. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
Awesome. I was just devils advocating it. I'm getting sick of people just shooting off that the yanks deserve it with little more to back it up than "they're american" and I find that to be just as ignorant as anything out there. What you said in your last post was EXACTLY the intelligence I was looking for and I thank you!
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 12:37pm. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
Back the fuck up yo. I asked you if you were condoning the execution and if it was tantamount to the innapropriate actions committed by the Americans at Abu.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 12:34pm. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
That is weak. Are you suggesting that a 26-y-o guy from West Chester PA deserved (at least in a moral-political sense) deserved having his head sliced off because some Irakis were nude and had dogs barking at them?
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 12:32pm. Posted in Would you be a terrorist?.
Coolness: 55980
A terrorist is anyone who acheives their political means by inciting fear of repercussion within the civiliam population of a society. By definition, a terrorist is anyone who will attack women and children to excercise their will on the men and leaders of a society. Since their cause is not financially, politically, or practically capable of presenting their ideology in a civilized manner, they attack that which is weakest and dearest to the society. The conventions articulated by the Western world that protect prisoners, children, civilians at large, and medical personel were devised by the civilized world to diminish War's capabilities and to hold those that commit attrocities accountable when the dust settles. These protected individuals are the exact targets selected by a disciple of terrorism. Terrorism is the poloitical philosophy of the savage. I'd rather be executed then be counted among their ranks.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 12:19pm. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
They tortured people? Your mean the Frathouse antics Abu Prison?
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 12:15pm. Posted in Nick Berg Execution.
Coolness: 55980
What did the Americans do that was as cold as that? Just curious. I think I missed it. I've yet to see any Americans celebrate around a severed head or some charred corpses.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 10:12am. Posted in And the avenge in Irak has begun.
Coolness: 55980
I guess that the middle east is simply not at a stage of civilization that will permit them to work with us Westernized countries. Too bad we need their oil and we set up Israel in their backyard! At least our weapons are better so when rational thought breaks down (you KNOW it is never gonna fly in that part of the world) we can get what we want.
In summary: Humans are a disgusting species of mammal that lives like a virus and believes itself to be divine. I hope we all get what we deserve.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 12, 2004 @ 9:59am. Posted in American abuse of Iraqui POW.
Coolness: 55980
Azzz, I don't think we've met, and I have seen you post a couple intelligent thoughts up on this site, but lately I've had to ask, are you either a)really young (like under 14) or b)in a remedial program at an alternative highschool? I'm just asking cuz if I were to substitute every "American" you've said in this thread with Jew or Muslim I'd say you were ready to shave your head for the Heritage Front.
Dude, Hate is Hate. And hate is ignorance gone scared. Saying that all Americans are nasty only proves that you either never been to the USA or have only met a few folks from the states.
Of course, maybe you're being sarcastic or whatever. You've pegged me as litteral before when I was kidding so maybe it's my bad.
» Atrix replied on Tue May 11, 2004 @ 8:07pm. Posted in American abuse of Iraqui POW.
Coolness: 55980
I have borne witness to such attrocities, exactly duplicated, and repeatedly conducted right here in Canada and USA. Every year literally thousands of educated young men and women run through the rites of passage to join a fraternity or sorority and are subjected to conditions far worse than what the media has shown. Hell, the specky bastards do that shit at a home game.
Of course, one must take the cultural perspective of Islam where the concept of a frat is synonymous with Satan and the Americans will have to deal with the repercussions of the stupidity of a few. It's a spin the Bush Admin is not capable of doing on the world stage. At this point I really don't think re-election is the issue that history will remember.
» Atrix replied on Mon May 10, 2004 @ 3:54pm. Posted in whats your job and how much it pays?.
Coolness: 55980
I'm subbing right now at many schools. Maybe. Even. Yours. Ha ha ha. I'm going to teach full time next year in the Math/Physics dept.
» Atrix replied on Mon May 10, 2004 @ 11:22am. Posted in idj dj competition.
Coolness: 55980
Sick time! I thought TNT Junglist should have won and not just because he's a HE. Throwing scratches down was something else and he had presence in front of the crowd. He played with the half-tempo and brought the sound into places that Jungle doesn't go that often. TNT has Capital J in his scope (not to insult TNT). Rue played a lot of anthems and it was like a review of last summer's hits. Maybe Chicago is getting our hand-me-downs? She definitely deserved placement and I hope we'll see her again, but I don't know about winning.
» Atrix replied on Mon May 10, 2004 @ 11:12am. Posted in whats your job and how much it pays?.
Coolness: 55980
I'm a highschool teacher, Director of the SAT[junior] program and Urban Knowledge 514, and I produce music for stage and screen, as well as the dancefloor. Despite making $50/h in school and having a career path that will likely land me and my crew some exotic sports cars, I'm broker than a moafack and the light at the end of the tunnel is a crackwhore lighting up.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 5, 2004 @ 11:17am. Posted in P-Candy's departure date.
Coolness: 55980
Godspeed man. Have a wicked go of it. But get the fuck outta T-Dot. Ew.
Atrix's Profile - Community Messages