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» Atrix replied on Sun Jun 20, 2004 @ 4:29am. Posted in Germany FuBball: Good for NOTHING.
Coolness: 55980
call me crazy but I'm gonna miss those crazy orange bastards!
What is the world coming to?!
» Atrix replied on Sat Jun 19, 2004 @ 5:29pm. Posted in Germany FuBball: Good for NOTHING.
Coolness: 55980
Germans drew against Latvia. LATVIA. Here I am thinking Germany will ruin every other nation in soccer and they can't even beat the rookies from a country that didn't have plumbing until 1995.
Stupid Germany.
Good for Latvia anyways.
» Atrix replied on Sat Jun 19, 2004 @ 1:47pm. Posted in First Music Program You Used.
Coolness: 55980
I used mixman studios to make beats and my roomie's Techniques keyboard, patched into my minidisk recorder. What was a little rough about that was the bpm in the keyboard was different that the bpm on mixman, so I had to keep adjusting tempos on the fly and record everything live in one take.
» Atrix replied on Sat Jun 19, 2004 @ 1:39pm. Posted in PCandy Survives the Mideast Thread.
Coolness: 55980
Dan, you are so fucking cool! Good on ya bro. Keep your head down and don't accept any rides from anyone.
Please keep sending more of this kinda thing up here.
» Atrix replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 12:16pm. Posted in who's a racist?.
Coolness: 55980
I hate idiots. Ignorant small minded idiots. I've met idiots of all races. Race is not my credential for whether or not I'm nice. Nor is religion or nationality. I make my judgments on a case by case basis. If you're an idiot, I'll treat you like one.
It's a fact that certain regions of the world are more prone to Idiocy, but if I meet someone from one of the Idiot Belts, I won't judge them on that. I get to know them first and more often than not I make a new friend! [ www.... ] PLUR.
» Atrix replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 12:00pm. Posted in euro 2004 - england vs france.
Coolness: 55980
What's there to know about soccer? Of course they'd have ancient records cuz apparently all you need to know to play soccer is how to walk upright. You don't even need opposable thumbs. It's the simplest form of sport outside of running in a straight line. It depicts a battle, whereas Football (I mean real football, i.e. American Football) depicts a war.
Okay okay...I'm honestly kidding. I just find that the chicks who are into soccer always get their panties in a knot when anyone disses that shit.
I myself am into soccer, though no where near the level displayed by most soccer fruits. I support Koln in der Bundesliege (I'd have to be into soccer substantially to support that brick of a team) and I'm all for Germany in the World cup. I've been to see Rangers vs. Celtics in Glasgow.
I've been to 6 matches in 90, 94, and 98 World Cups. I've already got my tickets for Germany '06 which I'll bet Germany will win.
Side note: What's up with Germany being good at everything??? Soccer: #1. Cars: #1. Drivers: #1. Hot Women: #1 (tie with Brazill). Music: #1 (3 centuries and counting...except during the dark ages of WW2 and the David Hasselhoff Dynasty). Techno und Elektronik Musik: #1. Porn: #1-3. Beer: #1. Engineering: #1. And they get the credit of being The Most Evil Empire in Recorded Human History (mit iodine!), but I think the Yanks will quickly superceed the Germans in that category.
Violence Inc: I like your use of facts to inform and educate! Much better than most of the mindless rebuttal one experiences on this board (for example, re-read this message)
» Atrix replied on Mon Jun 14, 2004 @ 9:36am. Posted in euro 2004 - england vs france.
Coolness: 55980
Ha hah hah... England is not a real soccer country. I mean, they love it and all, but as players...tsk tsk. Poor show old chaps!
Of course, nor is France, really despite the statistical fluke of World Cup 98, Euro 2000, and this game. France will forever be known for it's mimes and willingness to surrender, not "football".
Germany, Italy, and Brazill are the big 3 nations of soccer, and Brazill doesn't really count cuz it's a 3rd World nation.
It's really fortunate that soccer isn't a real sport. Unlike Real AMerican Footballl! Woooo! Go Patriots! Woooooo!
» Atrix replied on Sun Jun 13, 2004 @ 11:32am. Posted in formula 1.
Coolness: 55980
Pat, you should have a wicked time! I hope you see a spectacular death! I'd go if there was a higher chance of someone crashing and dying. My understanding is it's far too safe right now. Now if some silver-spoon fucker from France, Italy, or Monaco thinks he can get paid more than any of the other ridiculously paid sports figures, and have the hottest wife possible with a mansion in Cannes just for driving a really cool car in a circle all day...then a few of the bastards better die horribly! There must be consequences. The worst are NASCAR. All the gay repetitive circle-jerking, with the speed of commuting on the freeway. Dale Earnheardt's death was a total joke.
» Atrix replied on Thu Jun 10, 2004 @ 1:46pm. Posted in I now post music too.
Coolness: 55980
I'm having no luck with this posting bidness.
» Atrix replied on Thu Jun 10, 2004 @ 1:44pm. Posted in I now post music too.
Coolness: 55980
Originally posted by @TRIX...

Good for you! Throw more tracks up so we can compare and contrast.
Count how many comments I post on other peoples tracks. Not too many. I put a comment on yours because it wasn't just different, it had some pretty sick soul to it.
What are you using to create this?
» Atrix replied on Thu Jun 10, 2004 @ 1:43pm. Posted in I now post music too.
Coolness: 55980
Good for you! As as soon as you are comfortable with constructive criticism, you'll be ready to be taken seriously! Throw more tracks up so we can compare and contrast.
Count how many comments I post on other peoples tracks. Not too many. I put a comment on yours because it wasn't just different, it had some pretty sick soul to it.
What are you using to create this?
» Atrix replied on Thu Jun 10, 2004 @ 1:28pm. Posted in I now post music too.
Coolness: 55980
I don't know about Outkast digging it. While it isn't bad and has some really nice ideas with the melodies and rhythms, it sounds way too FrootyLoops to be taken seriously. Translate those sequences into a better program and the rookie sound will be gone, and it wouldn't hurt to look into constructing a track. It's definitely worth working on that track to make it presentable!
» Atrix replied on Wed Jun 9, 2004 @ 6:28pm. Posted in 2004 stanley cup.
Coolness: 55980
Da. Premium crank comrade! But back in Mother Russia before glasnost it cut with fiberglass.
» Atrix replied on Wed Jun 9, 2004 @ 12:46pm. Posted in 2004 stanley cup.
Coolness: 55980
I'm not going to get into that kind of debate: Who dominated. Too subjective. I'll save that for the clones on Jim Rome. Also, I have to admit that beer gradually impaired my perception of the game.
TB definitely gets the stats behind them all season.
Khabibulin is a better goalie, and in sports it always comes down to that one key player: Goalie, Quarterback, Pitcher.
My question, and I'm sure you've all asked it: Khabibulin...Crystal Meth addict or just twitchy? I swear he's barking or something when he's outn there.
But sports are fixed. There are no atheletes anymore. Only sports entertainers.
» Atrix replied on Wed Jun 9, 2004 @ 10:59am. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 55980
If you want to see raves thrown the way were back in tha day, you can't. It's gone. All that reemain are fond memories, a few flyers, and maybe your old shoes.
Woodstock blew the shit out of everything in its day. It was THE defining event. What happened when they tried it again 25 years later? You get Fred Durst being a douche bag, a riot, and corporate logos everywhere.
Humans. It's in our nature to rape anything and everything if it means more money.
» Atrix replied on Wed Jun 9, 2004 @ 10:46am. Posted in Mc Donalds.
Coolness: 55980
SOme crazy bitch tries to get in between me and a big mac?? She'd be much safer practising her lunges at a bear cub.
Noah, if you didn't kick the smack out of her, you're a saint 'mongst men.
Anyone ever deal with fucking gypsies? If there's a scum to humanity, it's gypsy. I almost got rolled in Florence by a pack of gypsy kids. They came up begging, then grabbed my arms, then I felt little hands searching for my wallet and undoing my pack with my passport etc... So I freaked and accidentally elbowed one 11 yo kid in the nose. The others let go when they saw him bleeding and his moms came after me. I had to keep hitting her with a stick so she wouldn't stab me.
And don't get me started on the Parkies in the UK. Make regular gyppos look like Royalty.
» Atrix replied on Wed Jun 9, 2004 @ 10:22am. Posted in 2004 stanley cup.
Coolness: 55980
I don't know what game Aziziizizi was watching but I saw Calgary make far more shots on net. If anything Khabibulin is simply the better goalie...that night. But at any rate, it doesn't matter: For those of you who think sports are real: Grow up. It's like the WWF. Let's see...a 30 second ad space in a game 7 Stanley Cup costs over $60K. If I owned a network (and in the states all the media is run by 5 fellows) I'd pretty much be leaning on all the teams to try and bring it to game 7. And by "lean" I mean "Force". Pro Atheletes, though compensated nicely, are still pretty much slaves. Nike, Reebok, MSNBC, AOL-Time-Warner, Coke, these companies have power. It would be in their best interests to tell the players how to play. I'm not saying that the games are fixed. But there's probably only 1 period (max) where the players are actually playing.
» Atrix replied on Tue Jun 8, 2004 @ 1:56pm. Posted in 2004 stanley cup.
Coolness: 55980
Did you know that Tampa Bay's Stanley Cup Victory was considered second page news in Tampa? 2 out of 3 Floridians believe that a "Stanley Cup" is some kind of hardware. And 60% of the people attending the final game were contest winners who only went to escape the humidity. Let's loot Florida. The median age is like 86 so we could pillage without much resistance.
» Atrix replied on Mon Jun 7, 2004 @ 10:29am. Posted in Terry Tate.
Coolness: 55980
Guys....Terry Tate's OLD. I think he debuted during the Superbowl 3 or 4 years ago. Very funny though.
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 4, 2004 @ 6:31pm. Posted in Maxxx -- Basement Odyssey (new mix).
Coolness: 55980
Is your professional name seriously "Basement Maxxx"?
» Atrix replied on Fri Jun 4, 2004 @ 1:19pm. Posted in Attn: Ze'ev.
Coolness: 55980
Congradulations for making it through another year in this crazy town!
» Atrix replied on Wed Jun 2, 2004 @ 9:59am. Posted in Be Or Notta Be.
Coolness: 55980
I think these are the best threads! If more people got messed up and posted regularly, we'd probably have a lot better reading material. Edgar Allen Poe, Karouak, and, let's say Stephen King all wrote while messed and the litterary world is a better place for them.
I don't think this thread accomplished that but keep reaching for that rainbow!
» Atrix replied on Wed Jun 2, 2004 @ 9:52am. Posted in Vote Conservative.
Coolness: 55980
The funny thing about Canadian Politics is the there are so few people in Canada that we end up with the same 4 blue-eyed clones signing up to do the same job. They're all the same dorks who would run for school pres and edit the shitty Jostens yearbooks. They are, at best (or worst) the kids of rich parents who sent them to Upper or Lower Canada College, studied Poli Sci at some pretentious university like Queen's or McGill (with a major in drinking, blow, and trying to get laid), and Daddy always made sure that they never had to have a real job.
Look at Joe Clark. That guy's never really worked a day in his puff, and is about as clueless about the true nature of reality as Paris Hilton on mesc.
Canada isn't looking for a Captain to sail a massive ship; we just need someone who can row for 4 years.
I've gone ANTI Death Penalty. Not cuz I think it's mean or cruel. I don't think it's mean or cruel enough. If you give them lethal injection or any of these 'humane' methods of delivery, it's a pretty sweet way to go. No pain, just sweet black sleep. It's actually more humane than what little Rex and Snowball get when the Vet puts them down. Why relieve them of their consciousness so soon?
Now you keep them locked up TO DEATH, that's cruel and horrible. The convicted would know that they've recieved the death penalty, and parole would have no meaning. The only way out is as a body. At that point I believe the biggest problem would be the convicts constantly trying to commit suicide. But the innocent would not be killed so if new evidence overturns their conviction, they are still alive to collect a massive appology cheque from the government and spend the rest of their days on easy street doing mesc. And isn't that what Canada is all about?
» Atrix replied on Tue Jun 1, 2004 @ 12:25pm. Posted in Go Flames Go !!.
Coolness: 55980
Canada deserves it.
» Atrix replied on Mon May 31, 2004 @ 1:39pm. Posted in Pakistan ain't looking too good.
Coolness: 55980
So it looks like the shit could be warming up in Pakistan. Cleric gets killed, mosque blows up. I have a really bad feeling about this.
If you read anything about WW1, it sort of smacks of Archduke Francis Ferdinand's assasination in Sarajevo.
I hope I'm wrong.
» Atrix replied on Sat May 29, 2004 @ 3:33pm. Posted in What do yall think.
Coolness: 55980
Exactly. It's mathematics in sonic form. But more like aritmatic than calculus!
» Atrix replied on Sat May 29, 2004 @ 3:30pm. Posted in the day after tommorow.
Coolness: 55980
If you buy into the Gaia Theory that the Earth is one large organism, then if the humans fuck with our habitat enough, our planet would mount an immune response to us. If that's the case, a virus would be an antibody for a planet and WE'RE the virus... Messed up.
» Atrix replied on Sat May 29, 2004 @ 10:26am. Posted in What do yall think.
Coolness: 55980
Maybe it's just techno? I've personally felt that techno owed its existance to the introduction of music technology to non-music types. The Ritchie-Hawtin-esque, computer programmer advancing technology but doesn't understand musical theory genre of music.
But some Techno has got soul. It's intangible and probably indescribable, but some songs got it, and some don't.
Your track, unfortunately, seemed to lack that soul, although it sounded tight from a technical standpoint, kinda like Max Graham's classic Airtight, but without the massive delivery.
Don't produce techno cuz it's easy, produce it because you hear the soul and want to express it in your own way. Otherwise, stick to the decks!
» Atrix replied on Wed May 26, 2004 @ 1:18pm. Posted in wtf is wrong with women?.
Coolness: 55980
The differences between men and women is a lot simpler in my mind's eye, for what it's worth(presently trading at $weet-fuck-all on the NASDAQ). I've noticed that 99.9% of our percieved differences and consequential conflict stems from the WAY men and women think. Neither technique is right or wrong, but the approach causes a lot of tension and confusion. Men, by and large, are concerned with, and better at figuring out global, big-picture concepts whereas women are more suited to the details and fine points. Ask a guy what he did today and you'll either get "Nuthin" or "Met up with so and so for lunch". As a woman, you get a really comprehensive breakdown like "I went to eat at Luigi's with Cathy and I had this really amazing cheese cake, and, get this! We saw Jude Law at the other table eating the SAME cheese cake! So cathy decided it would be cute if we....etc". It the same reason why women can notice the dirt men leave behind at an almost microscopic level, while men don't notice their dirt till it's big enought to represent itself in parliament. Women tended to nest during the early evolutionary years while men would go out and 'hunt' (although they probably just said that while in fact they were hanging out checking out cave girls and comparing the size of their clubs). Women can't understand that a man's brain works as topically and simply as they do becasue their minds are more suited to disecting and disseminating details in such a complex way; Men can't understand how a woman thinks because, frankly, you're asking a 28.8 baud to do some pretty heavy computing there and we can't figure it out.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 26, 2004 @ 11:19am. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 55980
And for the record, I don't actually hope the 514 Production dicks get it in the batty from livestock. But I do hope they're losing all the nice shit they've bought because Sona 2 flopped like a Kevin Costner movie (they thought keeping LaFleche as resident was a good idea?!). They might not be evil...just really dumb, non-adaptive, and greedy.
Also, for the record, I'm pissed because our UK514 massive has had to distinguish ourselves from the mess 514 made on numerous occasions, which is too ironic a problem given that our purpose is to undo the damage they're responsible for.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 26, 2004 @ 10:36am. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 55980
I'm glad to hear that 514 Productions is/was in worse shape than I'd understood. They represent, incarnate, everything that is wrong with any movement or scene that holds the potential for beauty yet succumbs to the old greed and business side of things. They are the cancer that would seek to exploit Woodstock, the Beat generation, raves, and Punk music if it meant more money for them and their coke-fueled attempts at reproduction. I hope they all overdose or get ass-fucked by livestock.
They, and their kind, are the enemy of any honest creative movement. Trance, progressive, jungle, hardcore, none of these can be blamed. They are merely styles of music that started with good intentions as creative outlets, but were taken over by the parasites. It could have happened with any style because this cycle is repetitious and unavoidable. It is up to us (enthusiasts?) to be aware of the enemy, and when the scene starts to change, it's up to us to either grow out of that phase of our lives and go work for Nortel or whatever, or take control of the direction of the movement with all the risk and responsibility that implies.
» Atrix replied on Fri May 21, 2004 @ 5:08pm. Posted in For junglists who hate hhc.
Coolness: 55980
I'm down with that. It works it works.
» Atrix replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 3:20pm. Posted in happy birthday carlos!.
Coolness: 55980
Quiero Taco Bell! Los Toltecas tienes mi corazon en tes manos sombrero! Happy Birthday chiquita!!
» Atrix replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 2:49pm. Posted in SAT[junior]: Ready for Applications!.
Coolness: 55980
Fo real! You got a brother, sister or friend that might want to get into this, let them know. We got one shot at this and success means a healthier communitiy that ever before, new talent discovered earlier, and the potential to have a community like no other city in the world has.
But time is not on our side and we're working against a massive gradient of cynicism and apathy.
I have faith in MTL. If there's a single place in the world that could do this, it here.
» Atrix replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 2:40pm. Posted in SAT[junior]: Ready for Applications!.
Coolness: 55980
Subjects available are DJ (mixing), DJ (scratching), Production (hardware), Production (Software). The general program also gets to mess around on the microphone with some MCs, try some break moves, and develop and work on their tag with graffiti techniques.
I mentioned the applications are on the website. Keep the questions a comin! ;)
» Atrix replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 2:36pm. Posted in SAT[junior]: Ready for Applications!.
Coolness: 55980
Hi everyone!
SAT[junior] has gone online and the application forms are available, as well as general information about the programs we're offering. Info packages are being sent to schools in the EMSB and the CSDM and a few select CEGEPS and universities. There are flyers in stores around town, and keep your eyes on the papers!
There are 5 general classes of 12 that get to test out every subject offered, and 4 classes of 8 that are learning a specific subject intensively so space is pretty limited, but that's a good thing when you really want to get something out of it!
The course is also being offered at a price that is much less than what it will cost once it's been established so be a part of history and save some of that precious bling at the same time!
[ www.sat.qc.ca ]
in the Formations/Workshops section for all your 411 needs!
I hope I'll get to meet some of you there!
» Atrix replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 2:26pm. Posted in SAT[junior]: Available NOW!.
Coolness: 55980
Okay everyone! Applications are available now at [ www.sat.qc.ca ] It's under SAT[junior] in the Formations/Workshops section and it's in pdf format.
This is going to be ill.
» Atrix replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 9:57am. Posted in Hulla Flyers.
Coolness: 55980
Plesae remember that they are drawing from a population of Toronto women who are generally known more for their aggressive business tactics than their beauty. You've been spoiled by La Montrealaise.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 9:55pm. Posted in Tipsy and Screwhead 1K.
Coolness: 55980
Oh yeah...and Alien Zed. He would be like Prince Charles to Scotty's Queen Elizabeth II. Picture it.
» Atrix replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 9:53pm. Posted in Tipsy and Screwhead 1K.
Coolness: 55980
You guys are about to cross into the 1K club for your downloads, a land where only Scotty P dwelt till now!

Reach for that Rainbow you crazy bastards!

Atrix's Profile - Community Messages