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» Atrix replied on Sun Oct 3, 2004 @ 4:50pm. Posted in Who's gonna win?.
Coolness: 55980
It's already begun! Walmart, CocaCola, Ford, Holiday Inn, Microsoft, Esso, Coors, and not to mention the Network media and Film industries. Hell....Music.
I love how in Canada gets to have all the shit the US has, but without all the international hatred. Sure large faceless American corporations get all the money, but it's getting harder and harder for their employees to keep their heads physically attached to their bodies in some parts of the world. Soon they'll start to think with those heads and realize that money isn't worth dying for, especially when the buck stops at their asshole boss' desk, or his golfing buddies' Bush and Cheney.
» Atrix replied on Sun Oct 3, 2004 @ 12:21pm. Posted in Who's gonna win?.
Coolness: 55980
I don't think Iran would be a pushover. As far as Islamic arab nations go, it's quite disciplined and capable. THere's speculation that the American destabilization tactics are to weaken the surrounding countries so that an attack on Iran would be more successful.

The whole world is watching. The whole world wants the same thing: Not Bush.

If the US invades Canada, China would have something to say. They rather like us as we're helping them in many ways: Their new models for civic government are based on Mississaugua and Vancouver (also a city where the street signs are in English and Chinese). We've helped them to industrialize with our CANDU reactors. It would be similar to Germany invading France next door, and then the US coming in to save the day in WW2. Plus, seriously, who invades CANADA?!?! That's like taking a big Sunday morning dump in the Karma pool.

So if you're facing some invading Americans, smile, invite them in for tea or a cold beer. Be friendly. They're just joe soldier serving a tour wherever Uncle Sam sends them. They don't want to be put in the situ they're in.

Of course, when they're sucking back the last of their nice cold one, stick a fork in their carotid artery and take their uniform. We look exactly like them. The Chinese are on their way.
» Atrix replied on Sat Oct 2, 2004 @ 1:49pm. Posted in ben mulroney's a fag.
Coolness: 55980
Canada's Entertainment industry is a lot like High school. The people who run it are like the smae kids who would be on the Yearbook Committee; anyone who wants to work can just come down and sign up. If they were any more talented they'd go to the states, so we're stuck with the most talented of the talentless (i.e. Mike Bullard).

Ben Mulrooney is like the goodie goodie son of the Principal who is on the dance committee, yearbook staff, and student council, but can't play sports and has to worry about getting jumped by the smokers in the parking lot.
» Atrix replied on Sat Oct 2, 2004 @ 9:03am. Posted in What is your favorite restaurant?.
Coolness: 55980
OH! And I know it isn't haute cuisine, but I am now clinically addicted to St. Hubert's chicken poutine. Sweet jesus.
» Atrix replied on Fri Oct 1, 2004 @ 8:16pm. Posted in What is your favorite restaurant?.
Coolness: 55980
I Indian. All I've really tried are the Taj and Allo Inde (both on Stanley), and they were good, but I gotta try these other places oon your recommendations! My stomach will be rotten with curry. I've developed a fondness for Pepto Bismol since my love affair began.
» Atrix replied on Fri Oct 1, 2004 @ 12:05am. Posted in Noah's Dead!!.
Coolness: 55980
I gotta get my pass for yet another month of hot, steamy metrosexin'. $59 is pretty high. But if you can find girl who turn tricks for $59, well, she is probably gross.
Now back to those screens at Berri...
» Atrix replied on Thu Sep 30, 2004 @ 11:15pm. Posted in Debates @ 9pm.
Coolness: 55980
Kerry did awesome. Too bad the media is going to spin the shit out of everything and highlight Bush's 'jesus talk' (valley of peace?!? what the fuck?) which will be enough to set them southern baptists' heart's a flutter. But any intelligent Republican would have to admit that it was an intellectual beating. To bad the intelligent republican is an oxymoron.
» Atrix replied on Thu Sep 30, 2004 @ 4:53pm. Posted in What is your favorite restaurant?.
Coolness: 55980
I love Moishe's on St. Laurent because their steak is RIDICULOUS. And Cavalli on Peel is a pretty hype place to see and be seen. I've seen Chris Noth, Jude Law, and Ethan Hawke drinking there. It's like Globe and Bueno Notte for people with a clue.
» Atrix replied on Thu Sep 30, 2004 @ 4:48pm. Posted in Sad news: Hullaballoo is over.
Coolness: 55980
These parties were quite impressive. I guess not everyone here has been to one. Those who have been can never really explain; those who have not will never fully understand. It's like owning a Harley Davidson.
But mad props to the Goodfellas on knowing when to quit. Very few in the industry have that sort of grace. Like 514 Productions. Man, I wish those old fuckers would just get colon cancer and die already.
» Atrix replied on Thu Sep 30, 2004 @ 4:45pm. Posted in Noah's Dead!!.
Coolness: 55980
I think you just implied your way out the closet. You could have pulled off metrosexual, but that ship has sailed Sailor! ;)
» Atrix replied on Tue Sep 28, 2004 @ 6:45pm. Posted in Who's gonna win?.
Coolness: 55980
If they come for our water, we'll keep them as happy occupiers until winter comes, then we'll harvest their blubber.
» Atrix replied on Tue Sep 28, 2004 @ 4:02pm. Posted in Most original username here.
Coolness: 55980
RepentTokyo is original. It even has a nice riddem to it.
Cherryonionkiss is also topnotchinmybooks!
» Atrix replied on Tue Sep 28, 2004 @ 3:58pm. Posted in Who's gonna win?.
Coolness: 55980
Leaders in Africa and South America don't have 2,990 nuclear weapons like the US does.
If Bush gets re-elected, I have a sinking feeling our best-case scenario is a global economic depression a la 1929. Worst case scenario...well, WW1 started with a lot less of an ideological conflict under a lot less political tension in a smaller theatre.
But at this point, I don't think it matters which one gets elected. We need to know who will be the best person to have in power when the shit really hits the fan.
» Atrix replied on Tue Sep 28, 2004 @ 12:34am. Posted in Dieselboy & Dj Rap @ Aria!!!.
Coolness: 55980
Scream was fantastic. I can't believe it's coming on a year...
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 26, 2004 @ 2:26pm. Posted in las vegas.
Coolness: 55980
2006 is gonna be a big trip to Germany for the World Cup of soccer, and the Love Parade. It's gonna be hot!
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 26, 2004 @ 10:07am. Posted in Dieselboy & Dj Rap @ Aria!!!.
Coolness: 55980
Nimi, aren't you in Thailand? Or are you back?
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 22, 2004 @ 7:51pm. Posted in Happy Birthday Eldar!! :) :) :).
Coolness: 55980
Yo guy, when you can speak 4 languages we can take certain liberties with the symantics and nuances of the english language.

Don't be so jealous. Not on LD's Bday anyway. :P
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 22, 2004 @ 4:06pm. Posted in Looking for a roomate / Cherche un coloc.
Coolness: 55980
Nitrous. I will keep you informed. News should break in 2 weeks.
Congrats on the new roomie!
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 22, 2004 @ 4:05pm. Posted in after grocery shopping....
Coolness: 55980
the handlebar moustache! :) I wanna start busting the handlebar out again!
Life is good with 2 fridges. One for food, one for drinks. Not that I really know. I've been struggling to keep one of them full all year.
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 22, 2004 @ 4:01pm. Posted in Happy Birthday Eldar!! :) :) :).
Coolness: 55980
Happy Birthday to my Bosnian Brother from another Mother! I can't wait to celebrate with you this year! We have much to be happy over for your...OH MY GOD....Is this your Champagne Birthday!?!?!?
If it is, you're going to be fucked.
Happy B-Dizzle L.Diddy
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 19, 2004 @ 6:47pm. Posted in after grocery shopping....
Coolness: 55980
Mr. Grocer has a siiiick Handlebar Stache. I think it's time we brough back the handlebar. It hasn't been as hot since 1910!!
Food is good. My gf's fam brings up big, American sized groceries with them when they visit. It's redonculous. I go into shock and quivver by the fridge light.
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 15, 2004 @ 9:07pm. Posted in Parkour in Montreal.
Coolness: 55980
Olympic Park is good.
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 15, 2004 @ 9:05pm. Posted in Looking for a roomate / Cherche un coloc.
Coolness: 55980
Location is awesome. If you don't find this space adequate, then damn you're picky!
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 15, 2004 @ 9:02pm. Posted in ivan.
Coolness: 55980
Good luck mike.
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 15, 2004 @ 4:25pm. Posted in olympic-sized fuckups.
Coolness: 55980
Hilarious ! I guess when you hire ex-atheletes with lobotomies as commentators, you can expect language to get away from them a little. GO NBC!
» Atrix replied on Mon Sep 13, 2004 @ 6:07pm. Posted in North Korea Nuked?.
Coolness: 55980
Very true...Sarcasm is always missed.

I've had enough of this "internet" you kids speak of. The site is yours, fuck it at your leisure.

I'm going back to reading books.
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 7:40pm. Posted in North Korea Nuked?.
Coolness: 55980
I'm turk on my moms side. We all spit the venom. You never lire my shit with a sense of humour, so don't go there when it's convenient. You're an obnoxious dick.
But I do take back the hit by a bus comment. It's happened to a friend and I'd hate to see anyone go through that. THAT I should have known better.
The only thing low and cheap around here is your mom and jokes about moms.
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 4:44pm. Posted in What's up with Fred?!?! (screwhead).
Coolness: 55980
Verdun is Reg's hood. Fred is in very good hands.
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 4:28pm. Posted in New Insult of the month.
Coolness: 55980
Well that is special.
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 4:21pm. Posted in New Insult of the month.
Coolness: 55980
It's not how far you can piss. It's how you sign your name in the snow that matters.
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 4:10pm. Posted in New Insult of the month.
Coolness: 55980
You guys have so much in common, it's probably the reason you're always bashing eachother. You're both intelligent guys, creative, positive members of your respective scenes.

But these pissing contests are whack. Go back to composing verbal insults.

I'll start: You Cleavland-steaming hot-lunch-munching genital wart.
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 3:54pm. Posted in North Korea Nuked?.
Coolness: 55980
Azziziziz: Looks like Flecko hit a nerve, didn't he sweetie? Are you full of rage for any particular reason? Were you molested as a child or are you just being Arabic? Don't bother answering cuz I don't give a shit. Go get hit by a bus or something. Yalla yalla habbibi.
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 12:20pm. Posted in North Korea Nuked?.
Coolness: 55980
Just read more, it's more likely that North Korea, while TRYING to get Nuke-capable fucked up and blew up their major explosives and missle testing armoury. An underground facility like the one they keep in Yongjori where the explosion occurred would have enough explosives in a concentrated underground facility to create a pretty big mushroom cloud.
And they wouldn't want to say shit because the blow to national pride would be unnacceptable to Krazy Kim Il.
North Korea is a broke-ass communist state and if you want to compare standards of living, they're on par with Romania and Khazakstan circa 1990. They may have a Million Man Army, but those men are starving and aren't there by choice.
» Atrix replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 11:59am. Posted in North Korea Nuked?.
Coolness: 55980
Remember when there was a forrest fire way up North from MTL 2 summers ago and the whole sky went red because of atmospheric ash? That smoke can go high.
Are there pics of the plume? The timing is a little sketchy. North Korea deserves to have it's ass handed to it. Lets nuke them and get on with things.
» Atrix replied on Fri Sep 10, 2004 @ 7:41pm. Posted in New Insult of the month.
Coolness: 55980
You're a shartlicking Belgian kiddie-diddler.
» Atrix replied on Tue Sep 7, 2004 @ 4:55pm. Posted in Sooo how was everyone's week-end?.
Coolness: 55980
I got hired on thursday to teach Sec 5 physics fulltime so I spent the entire weekend relearning everything about optics and mechanics and making lesson plans. Now I'm in panic mode and can't go out ever again. Well, until this shit prelim shit is done. Then it's nothing but paid summer vacation and TGIF (Teachers Get Insanely Fucked).

Bassic: Shawville? I have a cabin up there! The Shawville County Fair is a riot! Hicks. Love em, or shoot em. Next year, I'm down for some drinking, fighting, and pasing out (Shawville Triathelon). Winner gets a country girl.
» Atrix replied on Tue Sep 7, 2004 @ 4:45pm. Posted in Mortal Kombat Deception....
Coolness: 55980
I'm getting the Xbizzle this month (work is frickin awesome). Good to hear I can have some ultraviolence served up with the GTA pack, counter-strike, and HALO.
This obviously won't fuck up kids. God I'd hate to be a parent these days...
» Atrix replied on Sat Sep 4, 2004 @ 1:38pm. Posted in Atrix Remixes the Beasties!.
Coolness: 55980
Thank you Hansel! I've always appreciated your "body" of work on the fashion runways of the world! Keep looking beautiful!

Thanks Dom! We need to jam!
» Atrix replied on Thu Sep 2, 2004 @ 7:57pm. Posted in Beastie Boys Remix a la Atrix.
Coolness: 55980
Thanks! I use Cool Edit Pro 2 to record samples from my drum machines and synths, then I build little loops. After that its like leggo.
» Atrix replied on Wed Sep 1, 2004 @ 12:23pm. Posted in World Cup Hockey.
Coolness: 55980
We needed that after the Olympics. We're a gad damn winter's people up here, make no mistake!

Great Game
Atrix's Profile - Community Messages