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» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 6:47pm. Posted in Hot or Sad.
Coolness: 193400

Video Games?
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 5:54pm. Posted in People Association Thread.
Coolness: 193400
Bunny Easter
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 5:42pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 5:40pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 5:26pm. Posted in 17 Year Old get 10 years for Oral Sex with a 15 Year Old.
Coolness: 193400
UPDATED: 2:18 p.m. October 26, 2007
Genarlow Wilson expected to be released today
Georgia Supreme Court rules his sentence was cruel and unusual

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 10/26/07

The Georgia Supreme Court on Friday ordered the release of Genarlow Wilson, the Douglas County man who has been serving a controversial 10-year sentence for having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old girl when he was 17.

The court's 4-3 decision upholds a Monroe County judge's ruling that the sentence constituted cruel and unusual punishment under both the Georgia and U.S. constitutions.

The majority opinion said the sentence appeared to be "grossly disproportionate" to the crime and noted that it was out of step with current law.

Wilson was expected to be released Friday afternoon from Al Burruss Correctional Training Facility in Monroe County, according to his lawyer.

Wilson was convicted in February 2005 of aggravated child molestation for having oral sex with the girl at a 2003 New Year's Eve party in a hotel room.

The crime carried a mandatory sentence of at least 10 years with no parole. However, the law was changed in 2006 to make the crime a misdemeanor, with a maximum 1-year sentence, if it involved teenagers within certain age ranges.

"Although society has a significant interest in protecting children from premature sexual activity, we must acknowledge that Wilson's crime does not rise to the level of culpability of adults who prey on children ..." wrote Supreme Court Justice Leah Ward Sears in the majority opinion.

She said that "for the law to punish Wilson as it would an adult, with the extraordinarily harsh punishment of 10 years in prison without the possibility of probation or parole, appears to be grossly disproportionate to his crime."

Justice George Carley, in the dissent, said the 2006 change in the law was specifically written so it would not be retroactive. The sentence is not cruel and unusual because "the General Assembly made the express decision that he cannot benefit from the subsequent legislative determination to reduce the sentence for commission of that crime from felony to misdemeanor status," Carley wrote.

Carley said the majority opinion showed "unprecedented disregard" for the legislative intent of the law change and creates the potential for releases of "any and all defendants who were ever convicted of aggravated child molestation and sentenced" under circumstances similar to Wilson's.

Wilson's lawyer, B.J. Bernstein, said she is elated by Friday's decision.

"We never turned away from the courts," she said. "The Supreme Court issued a wonderful and just decision. We had faith in this all along -- although it took a little longer than we thought it would."

Bernstein said she was waiting for a judge's order directing the Department of Corrections to release Wilson from custody. Once that happens, Bernstein said she and Wilson's mother expect to drive to the prison Friday afternoon and pick him up.

Wilson, once released, will do all he can to encourage teenagers to do the right thing, Bernstein said.

"Genarlow is going to be committed to talking and working with young people to spread the message that he made a mistake that night and doesn't want it to happen to anyone else," he lawyer said.

In a statement issued Friday, Attorney General Thurbert Baker said he will "respectfully acknowledge" the state Supreme Court's decision.

"I hope the court's decision will also put an end to this issue as a matter of contention in the hearts and minds of concerned Georgians and others across the country who have taken such a strong interest in the case," Baker said.

Baker's office had appealed the ruling by the Monroe County Superior Court judge who overturned Wilson's felony conviction last summer and reduced it to a misdemeanor. That judge's ruling to resentence Wilson to a misdemeanor, "however well-meaning, was unauthorized under Georgia law," Baker said. "It was for this reason that I appealed, in order to (ensure) a fair and consistent application of the law, not just to Mr. Wilson, but to others similarly situated."

In its majority opinion, the state Supreme Court acknowledged that it rarely overturns sentences on grounds that they are cruel and unusual. But the court also noted it has done so twice before following legislative changes. It also said a review of other states showed that most "either would not punish Wilson's conduct at all or would, like Georgia now, punish it as a misdemeanor."

Wilson's case has drawn national attention, and a hearing before the Supreme Court in July drew a large crowd of supporters.

U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-Atlanta) said Friday that the state high court "righted a great wrong, an unbelievable wrong. This young man, each day he stayed in prison, was a day too long."

Lewis said he visited Wilson in prison a few months ago. "His head was on straight. He's smart. He realized he had made mistakes. He said, 'Congressman, I'm a good person. I want to get out and make a contribution.'"

Lewis said he will do all he can to make good on a promise to help Wilson after his release from prison.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson and four state legislators held a press conference at the state Capitol on Friday, at which Jackson called for an end to "over-prosecution" of young black men. "Genarlow is a symbol of a a system that's out of control," he said. "We need oversight for prosecutors who abuse their position."

"It looks like we may be near the end for Genarlow, but let me emphasize there are a thousand -- ten thousand -- Genarlows," said state Sen. Vincent Fort (D-Atlanta).

Said state Rep. Alisha Thomas Morgan (D-Austell): "I'm proud to say that the stain that was on the state of Georgia has been somewhat removed."

Jackson said a service is planned at 10 a.m. Saturday at Ebenezer Baptist Church to celebrate Wilson's release. He also said that his organization, Rainbow/PUSH, will contribute $5,000 to a college scholarship fund for Wilson already started by African-Americans in the legislature. "We want schools to bid to offer him scholarships," Jackson said.

Wilson was arrested following a party also attended by five other male youths. His sex act with the 15-year-old girl was videotaped by one of his friends.

Wilson was also charged with raping a 17-year-old girl at the party but was acquitted of that charge.

Several months after Wilson was convicted of aggravated child molestation, a felony, and given the mandatory 10-year term, Gov. Sonny Perdue signed legislation making consensual sex between a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old a misdemeanor.

The Monroe County judge's decision came last June, and the state's appeal by Baker sent the case to the Supreme Court.

Also last summer, Douglas County District Attorney David McDade offered Wilson's attorneys a deal in which he could plead guilty to another felony and get a sentence including 5 years of jail time with credit for two years served. Wilson and his lawyers rejected the deal.

Joining Sears in the majority decision were justices Carol Hunstein, Robert Benham and Hugh Thompson. Joining Carley in the dissent were justices Harris Hines and Harold Melton.

-- Jim Galloway contributed to this report.
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 5:03pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 193400
cause you are fuckin quick to post in the LAST thread
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 4:12pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
Never was,never will be musicians
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 4:10pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 193400

Update » Anarkoid wrote on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 4:11pm
P.S.:I'm Last:p
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 4:10pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 2:57pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 2:25pm. Posted in 25 Geekiest Anniversaries.
Coolness: 193400
Yeah I have to agree that I not sure about the watches...and I seem unable to look at #6 to #25, I only see comment on these pages
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 2:07pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
Teen pop singers
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 2:05pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 2:04pm. Posted in Hot or Sad.
Coolness: 193400
Hot he made good movies (oh... wait...)

Stockholm Syndrome?
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 12:56pm. Posted in People Association Thread.
Coolness: 193400
Laura Prepon
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 12:55pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 12:54pm. Posted in Hot or Sad.
Coolness: 193400
HOT...a genius he was!

Orson Welles?
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 12:27pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:49am. Posted in Hot or Sad.
Coolness: 193400
Burning Hot

» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:49am. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:34am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:33am. Posted in Hot or Sad.
Coolness: 193400
sniff sniff...very SAD :(

» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:29am. Posted in People Association Thread.
Coolness: 193400
Tommy Chong
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:15am. Posted in Hot or Sad.
Coolness: 193400
Hot (cause it is all we have)

» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:13am. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 11:12am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
Friendly Ghost
» Anarkoid replied on Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 1:57am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 193400
Damn, I was under the impression I was bored and had nothing to do!!!

Anyway I am last for now!
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 11:42pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 193400
Wide Awake and Last...

(but nice that water pic)
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 11:40pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
Crack and Pills
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 9:22pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 193400
Why all the drama when everybody should know that...

» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 8:07pm. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 193400
Wrong again!!!!!

» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 4:48pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
Jack O'Lantern
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 4:26pm. Posted in Mutant Tadpoles May Give Humans New Eyes.
Coolness: 193400
British scientists have discovered how to grow tadpoles with extra eyes.

The discovery may pave the way for human eyes to be grown in laboratories
for transplant.

It was made by chance by researchers at the University of Warwick, who
had been attempting to study the development of movement in frogs.

They found that when they injected embryos with a particular ectoenzyme,
tadpoles were created with extra eyes.

Further research showed they had stumbled upon the trigger that starts
eye development in a cell.

The extra eyes could be fully functional, even if they are not situated
on the tadpole's head - it seems they may create their own pathways to the brain.

Professor Liz Jones told Sky News: "They have the normal layers that
an eye would have, so we would assume they're light-sensitive.

"The discovery is a world first - and could have major implications for human health.

It is already known that a mutation of the same
ectoenzyme is connected to severe head and eye defects in humans.

Professor Nick Dale told Sky News: "The slightly futuristic
idea of eyes in a dish is not quite so ridiculous now.

"Ultimately, if you knew all the control processes, you could grow
an eye or at least eye tissue in a dish - and I think this is a very
important step in that direction."

[ news.sky.com ]
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 4:05pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 193400
Jack Black
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 3:43pm. Posted in What do you think of the person ^^^^.
Coolness: 193400
Can't puke, have'nt been able to for years!!
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 3:32pm. Posted in A To Z.
Coolness: 193400
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 3:30pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 193400
Babies are evil!!!!
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 3:26pm. Posted in What do you think of the person ^^^^.
Coolness: 193400
If I am as drunk as I am planning on being...that will not be such a great feat;)
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 3:21pm. Posted in Hot or Sad.
Coolness: 193400

Lots of stars visible in the night sky.?
» Anarkoid replied on Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 3:17pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 193400
Yeah, but still poor girl, usually I would say that she has a face that only a mother would love...but even then I am not sure! I hope doctors can do something for her
Anarkoid's Profile - Community Messages