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» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:46pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 510255
well yeah. but you know I think he's doing something really smart by acting really fucking stupid, like the fact that these claims are actually look through by law means there's a problem with our system, and according to the article, they are considering changing the way you sue people because of it.
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:45pm. Posted in What do you think of the person ^^^^.
Coolness: 510255
kammmmon come get your drink on!

sadly my cat is neutered, so no repoduction. :(

I think Tamala cares about her appearance
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:41pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255
I blame the fact that I've had 0 things to do at work since Monday.
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:38pm. Posted in this site is wiked.
Coolness: 510255
I can't wait to start the 3rd season, my gf needs to watch season one and two first
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:36pm. Posted in The 25 Ugliest Celebrities.
Coolness: 510255
humans are so mean.

I love it.
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:35pm. Posted in Self Respect.
Coolness: 510255
Survival of fittest still wins in this respect, it may not mean strongest or even smartest anymore but the emotionally weak are doomed, DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED.
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:27pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
Quote by Alien Zed:
"I CHALLENGE you to quote me gloating just once, THEN I'll take you seriously."

The challenge wasn't for you, but ok...

Originally Posted By BR34TH3
Gloat: to look at or think about with great or excessive, often smug satisfaction.

malicious satisfaction
dwell on with satisfaction
gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy

Originally Posted By BR34TH3
...quit fucking around and take a good hard look in the mirror.

I do everyday, god I'm beautiful.

Originally Posted By BR34TH3
describing your own music:
"A track so original I can't quite explain it in words. But this is one full-on work of psy for sure so listen in"

there's no gloating there, by any of the definitions... look up the word original maybe...
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
"You're right, I am not marketing my product, I am showing it off"

I don't know where that's from, but again, there's no gloating there, I am not saying anything about the actual quality of my music
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
"(link to his own tracks here)..is where you can find something just so special, you won't believe even after you hear it."

there's no gloating there either... look up the word special maybe...
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
"If you want your party to be on the cutting edge of new full-on or even classic psytrance, I am the DJ to book."

that's not gloating, that's a fact. I always have the latest releases and I have an extremely large collection of old classics, by my standards of course. That's also called 'marketing', you don't get people to hire you by saying 'I'm pretty good, I guess.'
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
"I am offering DJ Mixing lessons for any style of music. I guarantee a quick and easy process. I believe I can teach you to mix in two hours for 50$ negotiable. Practice beyond that is up to you, if you're cool, you can come over and practice on my equipment"

I'll let you explain why advertising a service is gloating :S
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
"One of my high quality productions"

if all my quality sucks, this would mean that it's one of my better songs, how is that gloating and not simply describing a track's characteristics within context of my other songs.
Originally Posted By BR34TH3
..these took 5 minutes to find.. there are so many many many more... very amusing to say the least.

Again, the challenge wasn't for you, but you managed to fail miserably anyway. Better luck next time.
oh and btw...
Gloating vs Marketing
BIG difference.

Update » AlienZeD wrote on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:29pm
You see, people chose to misunderstand written words to support their own opinion on an issue. Just because you interpret something I say a certain way, that most certainly does not mean that that is how I meant for it to be understood.
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:12pm. Posted in ... cher vincent larouche.
Coolness: 510255
well it's not a big deal, I mean it's not like the article describes any future parties or anything
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:06pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 510255
Your friendly local Alien ZeD.
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:05pm. Posted in Got Some?.
Coolness: 510255
allergic to olives tho? that's new to me
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:04pm. Posted in What do you think of the person ^^^^.
Coolness: 510255
i think she likes to get drizzunk
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:04pm. Posted in I Can Has New Lolcats Thread.
Coolness: 510255
fuck this vase!!
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:02pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 510255
it is hilarious! he says Steve Jobs aimed nuclear weapons at Lance Armstrong's bike!!
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:01pm. Posted in Got Some?.
Coolness: 510255
eewwww olives :S
one of the two things I say 'no' to every time. too bad too because they are healthy.

Update » AlienZeD wrote on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 1:01pm
also, got some!!!
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 12:36pm. Posted in The 25 Ugliest Celebrities.
Coolness: 510255
i'd still do Kirsten Dunst
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 12:21pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255
Originally Posted By SABINONSTOP
Okay my replie to all this is its okay to b bitchy! u expect it from [ rave.ca ]
dr gonzo i think is funny (ask a funny question get a funny answer)
But alien zed i agree with betty haze your one mean stupid probably westisland
boy(i say boy cause my 3 year old girl seems more intelligent than u)u dont go
attacking someones look or whatever that is so mean...
so smart boy in my books inverse the who would hire an a munchkin to would hire
a hater,a cant stop gloating kid,a guy who mixes only at the last minute of 8 minute trax!
Anyway alien zed!forget playing at mofarlo parties(space gathering)...and lots more...
Smarten up! peace out! we all learn from mistakes...

You want an intelligent response skeletor? I get gigs based on selection and performance, not my opinion on someone's looks. Who am I a talent scout? No, so my opinion isn't a very important one, I am however entitled to it just like everyone here is.
Besides if intelligence is a characteristic you value, I strongly suggest you learn how to recognize it properly because someone's demeanor and/or attitude is but one of many elements that make up a person's psyche and overall level of knowledge. In fact, mood is way more likely to affect those things rather than intelligence.
Also, without even realizing it, you try to insult me by assuming I am 'one mean stupid probably westisland' which is prejudice and also very wrong. I've never lived in the west island and I am most certainly not stupid, I can be mean sometimes though. In this case, I was being insulting, but only through my perceived truth of the situation. My advice and comments to her may very well prove more useful than any one else's here. You DON'T get better by having people tell you northing's wrong; sorry but that's just how reality works.
And you say I gloat? Put up or shut up; I CHALLENGE you to quote me gloating just once, THEN I'll take you seriously.
You feign anger at me only to prove that you're a hypocrite by insulting me unprovoked. You call me 'mean' without knowing me AT ALL, proving you have NO credibility; and lastly you threaten, nay assure me that 'mofarlo' will never hire me to play at their parties, BIG WHOOP, it's YOUR loss buddy; how can I lose something I've never had?
What I say on these boards has FUCK ALL to do with my DJ skills, so if you think you're a talent scout, you're a horrible one.

All in all, if you met me in person, you'd see that I'm one of the nicest, most kind hearted and moral people around. Lynzyn shouldn't be on the internet if she can't take some offensive behavior. However, if for whatever reason she did take offense to what I said, I apologize and remind her that I do not know her, therefore any judgments can not possibly have anything to do with her as an individual. Sometimes being critical thinkers, we forget that not everyone has the luxury of having common sense.
Between my perhaps uncalled for insults, which were solely for reasons of entertainment, I DID give her very valuable advice. You didn't bother reading those parts though did you?

Update » AlienZeD wrote on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 12:26pm
The Worm: Who decides if someone is ugly? Everyone must decide that for themselves.
I never said she was ugly anyway, i said she wasn't good looking, munchkins are odd but cute nonetheless, I didn't say Troll or anything actually insulting. Hell i've called myself 'my little munchkin'.

You people only fucking hear what you want to hear, or what you DON'T want to hear. Learn to fucking read and analyze like we did in high school with 'Comprehension de texte' Cause this time around you get a F-
Update » AlienZeD wrote on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 12:27pm
LOL I meant "I've called my girlfriend 'my little munchkin'" not 'myself'.
I don't call myself anything.
Update » AlienZeD wrote on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 12:27pm
and with a reply THAT long, this topic is done for!
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 10:55am. Posted in Burmese military threatens monks.
Coolness: 510255
such a violent place this world is, seems it's unavoidable to stem change.
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 10:53am. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255
Well a promoter should definitely provide the talent with whatever they need if they want them to play. If the promoter does not have needles, and is not willing to provide any, then I guess it's perfectly up to him to ask you in advance to bring your own. If the promoter wants your services enough, he will find some though, if he says 'bring your own or don't play' obviously you are not his priority.
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 10:48am. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 510255
i love drama, also hate.

Update » AlienZeD wrote on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 11:09am
you might find this funny
[ www.appleinsider.com ]
» AlienZeD replied on Wed Sep 26, 2007 @ 12:05am. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255
Here's a better one

Compliments of my gf ;)
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 10:31pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255

Courtesy of Neuromyth and Alien ZeD. .--

Second: Betty I have nothing better to do at work than take advantage of poor unsuspecting net users. Frankly I think we all deserve a little truth every now and then. I have nothing on you tho. :)

Third: fuknose: ahahahhhahhahhahaha
true about the music/passion without money thing
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 9:43pm. Posted in I Can Has New Lolcats Thread.
Coolness: 510255
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:54pm. Posted in Why did Dagon cross the road?.
Coolness: 510255
to get to KFC

i should get paid for how often I advertise shit like this for free... :(
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:36pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255
what does that matter, people are going to say tons of wack shit!
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:33pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255
Let's go back to the start.

Originally Posted By LYNZYN
Hey guys i need some opinions please.. As some of u know i am a dj, i love what i do and wil do it as lond as i live... But the question i have is when does a dj ask to get paid i mean i know i have to get my name out and do freebies and stuff but in the long run music costs money needles cost money transportation costs money and when i do a freebie it comes out of my pocket!!! But i am i guess nervouse to ask for some sort of payment.

I am not saying u have to empty your pockets to me but does nayone have any advice on how to asked to get paid!!!!Just to cover transport i guess and maybe a couple extra bucks. I don't want to be greedy but i think that it is reasonable what do u guys think????

You need to decide what you are worth, no one can do that for you. Straight up, ask to be paid, any good DJ deserves money for his/her trouble. Do the first few gigs for free to be more accessible, do your friends the favor for free. If you are too 'nervouse' to ask to be paid, you don't belong in this game. Grow some balls, you already have the facial hair.

Update » AlienZeD wrote on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:34pm
Also, don't take shit on this site too seriously. But if you can't take the answer, don't ask the question.
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:26pm. Posted in What do you think of the person ^^^^.
Coolness: 510255
c pas mal plate comme site quand meme, p-e on devrait faire un [ myplace.com ]
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:25pm. Posted in Got Some?.
Coolness: 510255

all three are hotter
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:14pm. Posted in Things that make you all wet.
Coolness: 510255
lol, so nasty.
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:13pm. Posted in What do you think of the person ^^^^.
Coolness: 510255
c't'un expression en anglais, ca veut dire 'humeur d'une quality inferieur' style South Park.

genre quelqu'un qui pete super bruyamant...
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:11pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 510255
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:10pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 510255
LOL, oh man so many quotes

"The most erotic part of the woman is the boobies."
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:09pm. Posted in Got Some?.
Coolness: 510255
*sigh*, i wonder how she tastes
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:08pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 510255
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:07pm. Posted in Got Some?.
Coolness: 510255
so she IS into zoophilie, or... fantastiphilie
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:06pm. Posted in Things that make you all wet.
Coolness: 510255
well in that case the one with the fewest scars on their wrists
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 4:03pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 510255
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 3:56pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 510255
a manager for a small time DJ??? she's trying to make money here not lose even more.
Check ca ma ptite nounoune, Tu dis "How much are you offering for me to play at your party?" pis si c pas assez, tu hesite et fais un contre-offre. Mais il n'y a aucun prix qui est pas suffisant quand tu aimes ce que tu fais, quand tu sera assez bonne pour etre payer, tu seras payer. T'as rien qu'en parler. Si t'es pas capable to faire ca, degage d'la scene, c TOUT.
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 3:52pm. Posted in What do you think of the person ^^^^.
Coolness: 510255
tsss, toilet humour
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 3:52pm. Posted in Got Some?.
Coolness: 510255

Dry those tears lady, your knight will come.
» AlienZeD replied on Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 3:48pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 510255
c't'un gas? shit i'm gay :0
AlienZeD's Profile - Community Messages