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Kelso's Profile - Events Attended
[ 36 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2009-05-17 38Festival Kinetik 2.0 - Phase 4 - Ebm
2009-05-16 43Festival Kinetik 2.0 - Phase 3 - Noise
2009-05-15 45Festival Kinetik 2.0 - Phase 2 - Harsh Indust
2009-05-14 50Festival Kinetik 2.0 - Phase 1 - Opening Night
2009-05-01 113Space Invaders Are Back!
2009-02-07 252The Final Raves'r'us: The Last Chapter Of A Great Story
2005-12-10 42Collide rave
2005-06-10 13VNV NATION Formation Tour 2005
2004-06-25 19Cosmic Gate
2004-06-18 126We Are Slaves II
2004-04-30 147Energyze
2003-10-31 280Scream
2003-09-28 8Assemblage 23
2003-09-08 5Decoded Feedback
2003-07-06 8Funker Vogt Canadian Survivor Tour 2003
2003-06-07 171Impact
2003-04-20 35The Horrorist + TTC Artists
2002-12-31 10Apocalypse 2003
2002-11-23 139Outerspace Energy
2002-09-28 73Mayan Mysteries
2002-09-13 135Shooting Star 2
2002-04-06 59Fuck Off
2001-11-03 41Brain Damage
2001-10-20 8In Nomine
2001-10-06 78Substance
2001-08-04 70Shooting Star
2001-05-29 23The Horrorist
2001-04-21 11Improvisation
2001-02-16 90We Are Slaves
2001-01-26 54Braïn Wash
2000-11-18 81Isotope
2000-07-01 80Utopia 2
1999-05-15 6embryon
1999-04-24 44Eclipse
1999-02-06 43Utopia
Kelso's Profile - Events Attended