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exT's Profile - Events Attended
[ 127 Total ] [ Hide Flyers ]
2013-03-09 6Infexious
2013-02-09 4Emotion 7: Love Never Changes
2013-01-24 1Evil Activities
2012-11-10 1The Final Euphoria: Aaron Olson And Zoe Van West
2011-10-29 41Black Light 7
2011-10-28 117Mort 2011
2011-09-09 64[Cancelled] Resurrection 2: Rédemption
2011-07-23 5Bring It Back
2011-07-22 97Heroes Vs. Villains Feat. Dj Sharkey (London, Uk) & Lenny Dee (New York, Usa) !!
2011-06-07 12O C D J & Datagram !
2011-05-21 43Morning Glory 3
2011-05-14 5Dubstucktor
2011-04-29 104Dark Tendency: Chosen Few Vs Rob Gee
2011-04-22 231Research Phase - Free Party
2011-04-15 17Dj Hype [Uk], Vilify, Elo!i & Heights |||dubma$hine & The Session|||
2011-04-05 22O C D J -- Season 2
2011-02-11 8Emotion 5 - Still Alive!
2010-10-30 1Dv
2010-10-30 43Black Light 2010
2010-08-28 12The Session Presents: Goldie [Uk] Metalheadz
2010-08-27 158Warning! Incoming Game
2010-07-31 41Official Warning: Incoming Game Pre-Party!
2010-05-28 285Epic Coalition 3
2010-03-20 8Rise N Shine
2010-02-26 239Rainbow Trip - The Other Side
2010-02-10 17Bass Drive Wednesdays And Bouddha Slinky Present Emalkay!!
2010-01-30 103Time In The Technosphere
2010-01-29 52Igloofest: Ghostbeard (Ca), Douster (Fr), Rusko (Uk), King Cannibal (Uk)
2010-01-16 16Dig.It.Al Presents: Sub Swara
2010-01-16 34Ignoofest: Living Stone (Ca), Noisia (Nl), La Riots (Us), Renaissance Man (Fi)
2010-01-09 67Excision & Datsik @ Montreal
2009-11-28 106F.A.K Invasion
2009-10-23 144The Beet Harvest
2009-10-17 114Dimension X
2009-10-10 139Castle In The Sky
2009-09-25 76B-Day Ultimate Bash!
2009-09-11 2Termination
2009-08-14 65Radar Alliance
2009-07-18 79Human Blood 2009
2009-04-11 274Rewire 5 : Easter In Mtl
2009-02-14 22Emotion 3: Every Day Is Hallowe'en Edition
2009-01-08 18Lenny Dee, Ext, Merkurius
2008-12-06 263Reign In Blood
2008-11-21 206Rainbow Trip: Multi-Birthday Bash!!
2008-10-31 186Black Light 4
2008-07-18 20Wemf 2008
2008-07-12 187Project Mayhem : Explosive Kandyfest
2008-05-17 116Festival Kinetik Phase 4: Producer, Outside Agency, Manu Le Malin
2008-04-25 6Rave of the Living Dead
2008-03-01 180Les Bûcherons II
2008-01-26 136Little Plastic Castle
2007-10-27 179Black Light 3
2007-10-06 11Demolition Tour Ottawa
2007-09-08 112Time Machine 2: Frankie Bones
2007-09-01 82English muffins vs. French fries
2007-08-03 80Bass Machine
2007-06-16 220Hitched!
2007-05-04 172Dark Matters II
2007-03-10 134Human Blood 6
2007-03-02 59Denture Adventure 4
2007-01-06 104S.T.U.V.
2006-12-31 15NYE 07' BackStage
2006-11-12 11Unofficial Euphoria7 After-Party
2006-11-10 65Zygote
2006-10-28 133Black Light 2
2006-10-07 15Tournée Demolution Tour
2006-10-06 86Tournee Demolition Tour
2006-09-03 11Everlasting Gobstopper
2006-08-12 67Kanibalz Free Party
2006-08-11 11Dark and Dirty
2006-08-06 20Definition Of Dance
2006-07-29 59Neurotoxik: Manu Le Malin
2006-07-01 14Alter Nation: Omar Santana
2006-06-30 206Hard As Fuck : 666
2006-05-22 11Rock, Rave, Rampage!
2006-05-12 2In Orbit
2006-04-14 78Hard as Fuck : World War V
2006-03-18 36Demolition
2006-03-10 118Human Blood 5
2006-03-04 121Rave Wars: Episode 2
2005-09-24 105Biological Project 2...extension 303
2005-08-20 54Hardcore United!
2005-08-19 24Techno Church
2005-08-06 137Hard as Fuck : Mars 2044
2005-07-16 19Never End
2005-07-08 15Wemf 2005
2005-07-02 104Awesome Power
2005-05-21 24Overdrive
2005-05-18 5GOT BASS?
2005-05-14 2Ragga Revival 2
2005-04-30 18Hulla: Lost in Space
2005-03-18 21STFU
2005-03-04 102Human Blood 4
2005-02-12 284am Forever
2004-12-31 4Ultraviolet Sky
2004-11-26 6Freak addiction krew
2004-10-30 57Frightening Versus
2004-10-22 5Fright Night
2004-09-18 6Drift On A Dream
2004-07-23 17WEMF 2004
2004-07-16 7Teknival
2004-06-25 3Quest For peace
2004-06-18 126We Are Slaves II
2004-06-11 3Energyzer
2004-04-30 39Diztorted Vizion
2004-03-26 40Knite In Paradise
2004-02-14 38Deelight 7
2003-11-18 1Muchmusic VJ Search
2003-10-31 30Extinction
2003-08-23 4Together as One
2003-08-16 8Evilution [Cancelled]
2003-08-16 13Shortlist
2003-08-02 25Shockwave
2003-07-19 49Sepulcher Conception
2003-07-18 13Old Skool Revival
2003-06-13 15Friday The 13th: Part 3
2003-05-17 17Ground Zero 2: Happy Vs. Hardcore
2003-04-26 33Project V
2002-05-31 8Two Tribes
2002-02-15 20Deelight 45
2000-08-19 12Luna 3
2000-06-10 4Commander Tom
2000-04-01 15Tryptamine Dream
2000-01-29 15Ready To Rumble
1999-12-11 12Tranceformer 3
1999-10-30 3The Haunted Mansion
1999-08-07 5Noctis Mirabilis
exT's Profile - Events Attended