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Amp_Up's Profile - Events Attended
[ 58 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2008-07-19 7Full Moon Mountain Trance
2007-10-13 2964Hz Session.1
2007-10-12 19K.O.
2007-10-05 40Electro-Chic 14
2007-09-30 84Piknic Électronik Ninja Tune
2007-09-29 3FLASHER! - Cirque de Boudoir - DJ Davidé, Mary Hell. Hosts Bunnyguts & Plastik P
2007-09-22 26Vagitron U!
2007-09-16 60Piknic Electronik w/Marc Romboy
2007-09-15 41Teebee & Calyx
2007-09-09 106Piknik Electronic w/ Fairmont, James Holden & Nathan Fake
2007-09-03 57Piknic Électronik I Love Neon w/ Tommie Sunshine
2007-09-02 62Piknic Électronik w/ Misstress Barbara
2007-08-26 70Piknic Électronik
2007-06-29 34Electro-Chic 12
2007-06-24 63Piknic Electronik w/ Josh Wink, Fred Everything and Millimetrik
2007-06-23 7Broken Crew & DJ Bind Present: Elite Force
2007-05-26 50Electro-Chic 11
2007-05-26 51Breakin' 7 - iDJ 5th Anniversary Party
2007-05-24 29The Rogue Element (UK) w/Bind + Melon + Rhys Taylor + SpaceKadet
2007-03-30 27Oxy Cottontail, Jokers of the Scene, Jordan Dare
2007-03-16 6Private Loft Party
2007-02-17 92SUGR
2007-01-20 116Magnetica
2006-12-23 69Electronic High V Christmas Bash : Rewired
2006-12-16 51Ravothon
2006-12-09 92Big Bamboo Land
2006-12-02 40Electro-Chic 10 - Akarien christmas bash
2006-11-25 16Circus Maximus
2006-11-18 166Les Bûcherons
2006-11-11 62Breakin' 5
2006-11-03 27Good Citizens Have to Hit the Dance Floor
2006-10-28 4Black Mass
2006-10-06 34Electro-Chic 9 - Spécial Pop Montréal
2006-09-23 50Breakin' 4
2006-09-15 38John Dahlback, Mateo Murphy, Bender, Jeff Grosse, Sad Mafioso
2006-09-02 30Summer Breaks: Atomic Hooligan
2006-08-24 22Jordan Dare, Nellboy, Radarsat-1, Omni, Axel Klein, Master Beater
2006-08-11 29Electro-Chic 8
2006-01-27 23Planete Break
2005-12-10 15KO la drum n bass mensuelle
2005-11-11 24Electro-Chic 5
2005-10-29 10Gloom 8: Michel Simard, Clare Large, Nivoc, Eddy Jasmin, Uppercut, Wizz
2005-09-10 4Je Me Souviens @ Mad Max
2005-09-01 7Programmation D'Automne
2005-07-29 169Eclipse 2005
2005-07-08 19Amazone Pre-Eclipse
2005-07-01 10Electro-Chic 2
2005-06-25 140Electric Church
2005-06-04 56In Da Jungle
2005-04-23 51Hybrid
2005-03-12 15Indajungle
2005-03-05 52In Da Jungle-3rd anniversary
2005-02-11 3Next Level
2005-01-16 6NK, Insomnia Zed Aksis
2004-07-23 71Evolution Radar One 7
2004-01-31 55Wings of Ambriel II
2003-03-01 132Secret Society
2001-10-06 78Substance
Amp_Up's Profile - Events Attended