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WhatsUp's Profile - Events Added
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2010-10-08 3Mochipet- Living-Stone - Rilly Guilty - @ Warehouse (Ancien Decibel)
2010-05-06 0Douster (Fr, Ar), Mmdm.Com, Pompe Tes Pipes Dj's
2010-03-05 9Fulgeance (Fr), The Gulf Stream, Living~stone, Funkyfalz, Primate
2010-01-15 22Igloofest: Mono-Poly (Ca), Robert Babicz (De), Adultnapper (Us), Popof (Fr)
2010-01-14 19Igloofest: Mini (Ca), David Carretta (Fr), Jesse Rose (Uk)
2009-08-21 0Pompe Tes Pipes @ Stimulus Package (Jupiter Room)
2009-07-17 0Pompe Tes Pipes @ Stimulus Package (Jupiter Room)
2009-06-19 1Piknic Electronik @ Fringe Fest
2009-05-08 6[Cancelled] Pompe Tes Pipes V.7
2009-01-31 27Igloofest: Evil Nine, Adam Freeland, Le Matos, Hatchmatik
2009-01-30 52Igloofest: James Holden, Alix, Greg Pidcock, Vj’s : Les Crazy Tapis, Baillat Car
2009-01-24 23Igloofest: Damian Schwartz, Tony Rohr, Frivolous, Bleuchut, Vj Futil
2009-01-23 67Igloofest: Modeselektor & Pfadfinderei, Housemeister, Skratch Bastid, Funkyfalz
2009-01-17 45Igloofest: Drop The Lime, Bad Company Uk Feat. Vegas, Banditos, Yankat
2009-01-16 21Lee Burridge (Uk), Maher Daniel, Olivier Saint Germain, Vj Baya
2008-10-24 1Pompe Tes Pipes V.4
2008-10-24 0Pompe Tes Pipes V.4: Au Gymnase !!!!
2008-09-27 16Piknic Électronik: Alexi Delano, Maus, Nathan Burns
2008-09-11 0Mightykat, Mir & Bleuchut, Slap
2008-09-04 0Deadbeat
2008-09-04 3Soundshaper
2008-08-28 0Jennifer Cardini
2008-08-21 05 A 7: Slim Jim, Alix
2008-08-15 1Pompe Tes Pipes Vol. 3, Version Light
2008-08-14 3Alex Smoke (Live), Jeff Fontaine
2008-08-07 0Fricoti: Smirk Live !, Bleuchut
2008-08-07 0Jeudi 5 @ Set: Bender, Alix
2008-07-25 3Pompe Tes Pipes V2.00 All Night Long
2008-07-24 0Fricoti : Mir, Bleuchut
2008-07-24 0Jeudi 5 @ Set: Eloi Brunelle, Alix
2008-07-17 0Krikor (fr) Live @ Fricoti
2008-07-17 0Jeudi 5 @ Set: Cabanne (fr), Jeff Fontaine
2008-07-10 0Jeudi 5 @ Set: The Bulgarian, Monsieur Seb
2008-06-27 5PomPe tes PiPes
2008-06-26 0Monsieur Seb, Vega
2008-06-22 22Piknic Electronik: Archipel @ Piknic: Melchior Prod (De), Pheek (Ca), Baya (Ca),
2008-06-19 0Jeff Fontaine, The Autist
2008-06-12 2Jeff Fontaine, Dj Mini
2008-06-05 3Monsieur Seb, Olivier saint Germain
2008-06-01 29MUTEK @ Piknic 2: Nôze (Fr), Mathias Kaden (De), Onur Özer (Tr), Ernesto Ferreyr
2008-05-31 20MUTEK @ Piknic 1: Kode9 & Spaceape (Uk), Martyn (Nl), Flying Lotus (Us), Komodo
2008-05-29 0Terrasses Bonsecours : Monsieur Seb, Sety, Mossa
2008-05-25 36Piknic Electronik: Alex Under, Jimi Trip vs. Konpiùta, Sety, Clif
2008-05-22 0Terrasses Bonsecours: Alix, MightyKat
2008-05-18 74Piknic Electronik: ZIP, Mighty Kat, Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts
2008-04-06 7La Cabane à Sucre Electronik: Gui Boratto, Vincent Lemieux, Alix
2007-09-29 37Piknic Aquatik
WhatsUp's Profile - Events Added
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