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» seasound
a.k.a. "Cristina Yang Jaguaribe Ekman aka kiki jaguaribe"

54 year old pisces female
From Sao Paulo, Brazil

Is feeling hopefully...
Last On:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Profile Views:5,963
About seasound
Interests:those are my details: Cristina Yang Jaguaribe Ekman aka kiki jaguaribe ekman 12/03/1970 brasilian RG 17.902.005.5 CPF 142.386.158-24 Rua Professor João Mendes França, 223 São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil Zip 05690-030 *-*************************************************** kiki jaguaribe ekman 55 11 34730090 55 11 37580137 (fax) E-mail: sea.sound@gmail.com msn kikijaguaribeekman@hotmail.com skype kikijaguaribeekman http://seasound.multiply.com orkut sea.sound@gmail.com ******************************************************** Cristina Yang Jaguaribe Ekman aka kiki jaguaribe (12/03/1970) brasilian work with computer since 1977 As a teenager she studied with a teatcher that was very inovative, school tasks as performance and poetry, or other languages, where introduced to her them. Later at college, she changed school and there was a group of people that used to make performances aswell (for example a guy with a towell attached on his neck flying as superman pass the classes room windows) At college, Santa Cruz, she, as a member of a chorus called "coletivo", where the regent was Hermelino Neder, (that lived together with Arrigo Barnabé, known by his work on experimental music and polyphonical music), she learned to sing as soprano a very ecletic repertory of music, from church traditional music to rock and samba. They made several tradicional presentations on theaters along with old ladyes chorus, one opened at downtown street, and one really ellaborated at an underground club called Madame Satã, The presentation started with antik praying musics and developed on a planned sequence, in a moment of this show the girls ripped off the clothes of college students disclosing to its lingeries, moving diferent at the sound of that music, with an atitude more dark, as prostitutes, and the guys as pimps. actualy the whole presentation was teatrical. at the end a guy painted in green performed the hulck (it was related to the music, a Jovem guarda song about a party with super heroes) Kiki, another girl and aguy of the chorus been invited to join on a teatrical "reading" directed by the controversial and radical director Zé Celso playing at the piano, called "accords" . She participated singing , when the theater was being refurbished (had no roof yet). on this metiée she knew many artists, much older then her, and they became friends. photograpers, actors, coreograpists, musicians, more) She started to watch theater and dance spetacles, alternative movies, those people, as a friend of her said, "opened the lid of her head". but at same time her life was going on other direction. She had acces first to a amiga, a machine used before the personal computers, it was operated with the use of a scientific calculator. there she made her first digital drawing. it was a moving image written tat beattles song line "love was such an easy game to play". she was 15 then. later she had access to a real computer, and this feature amazed her. Virtual three dimension was a complete new world to be explored. At first she worked as a technik drawing with autocad, but soon became a programmer (first in brasil to work with autolisp, programming language used by Auto CAd. This small group, (her dad, his partner and his nephew, and herself) the first one to use computer to project arquitecture, when even teachers of university didnt know about it. She lectured Basic features, 3dmodeling, Layout, AutoCAD, developing menus and also Autolisp, (Later the group had become developers). Her work was to find parameters that could work on a specific way, but able to change the values of the elements, for example, a door is aways similar, just change the size and the wall thickness. Also she developed the custom files, that where used as model to all files at the project and to each project she developed routiness especific to automatize it the most possible, so the users wouldnt need to made repeating movements or procedures, it was all easyer for them. This way, the user can really achieve the objective, thinking about more important details then to loose energy pressing the same keys. As a programer she developed for example one software that could draw slidimg archives, with shelfs, and folders, all specific to one project, draw it in 3dimension (archives, shelfs and folders), and calculate the dimension and amount off each element, and table with all information, produce a plane wit up, frontal, side n 3d perspective views, and also calculate the price of it. Later, she also worked on a project called AutoCAD online, it was a service of tecnical drawing and proramming assistence by telephone. At 18 she was responsable for the night turn o te office, coordinating the work off seven technics, and lecturing executives at companyes like the French and Brasilian Bank, Pão de Açucar supermarket, and others, training users, and exploring the wireframe world of threedimensional virtual space. se as been involed on developping tecnics for smart designin minimal or practical lay-outs, shapes and space organization or social habitation, stores and supermarkets, condoms, parkings, and oters, developing digital mapping producedures, level planes concordation to projected streets, curves, and stairs, automatic dimensioning, planning concordation, systems of visual representation, attacing and retrieving data, also labeling te chosen fields at the final draw, customizing and generation of concordance of dimensioning, text style, linetypes, linethickness and colours, layers rules input of elements organization, optimizing and concordation as final product projects made by several individuous n ofices, in such a way the final product would be omogein. also crossing information between various ofices as fireman, calculators, electric etc, so they could be updated about te coworkers last moves and interact (tat was muc before internet) For her, it was like her cientific fiction books became possible in this virtual dimension. Also it was an oportunity to create, manipulate, visualize, easily modiy and multiple copy, and share with oter people any thougtseeing idea. Her dad was also excited, he developed one accessory that fixed in the screen, had two lences, and at the screen he produced two views of a projected building for example, in 3 dimensional but on a slightly diferent angle, and looking through it the result was a sensation of 3dimension, with diferent depths and similar to a real perspective. This was a improovement of the use of computer to envisionate the final appearance off the building projected, remembering that this program is just a feature, the objective is to draw directly at the computer, project, simulate, review, adapt, test materials and details, and also dive in its possibilities. virtual reality. Ingressed with 20 yrs old at te state University of Architecture and Urbanism, best o south america (her contact with architecture started before choose the uni, her whole family is of arquitects ( mum, dad, uncle, broters, cousin, dads uncle) and her grangrand father was the first architect that has studied it and came to brasil, his name was Carlos Ekman, an art nouveau stylework swedish, wose father prefabricated wood houses. As at this universe she had contact with so much sources of knowledge, and more important to be in contact with people and masters that where interested on similar explorations as herself. This universe lecture not only architecture and urbanism, but also landscape design, history of art, objects design, as furniture or a book, perspective, scale, typografy, litogravure, graphic design, modeling and technics to produce images or objects etc, as constructing and planning ones, weater, sound, ligtening, ergonomy, isics, integer calculation, geometry, researching o technics, history, documentation, statistics, graphic analing, manipulation on people responses to contrast, colours, shapes, lineorces, compósition, images cosen, combined subliminar triggles, articles and teory or filosophyc production, intencional control of absorved information without conscience by graphic technics or other ways, as marketing technics or eample, control of sensations provoqued by an hambient (shape, ilumination, color and elements disposition, sound, and more) , art as itself. there was also a complete equipted officine for the students produce theyr projects (in wood, ceramic, ets), semiotics, interaction between spaces and trajectory, landscape n signs, urban intererence and urban teciture, social impact by directions of urban planning., understanding of te concept of space as material, momentaneus, imagined, memorized, planned, public, private, semi-public, commercial, habitacional,etc or mixed purposed,exposing information n giving directions, logotypes, efects of onts n combined languages of words, tet and disposition styles, icons, concepts of harmony, beauty, natural, classic, imposed and cultural beauty n other concepts, ideal planning, utopic cityes, industrial cityes, enviroment, architectonic styles, art history and arcitectural istory, monuments, preservation, contrast, equilibrium/desequilibrium, enclosured , divided spaces by walls or similars. or by materials, colours, or levels, enviromental impact, natural resources, developing materials and macines, etracting materia, nature destruction or preservation, energy wasting or preservation, transportation, dislocation, truncate or improve locomotion, impact of construction of shopping centers airports, industrial and ofice or abitional planes, miniclimatic creation and climatic impact, accesss between points n its effects, places or well, understanding and manipulating the world, ideal way o living in a habitation, enviromental issues, comunitty, city, country or world, quality of life, economic issues, resources issues, human ressources, natural resources, whater and ground composition and manipulation, polution, greenareas, soil permeability and impermeability effects, draynning, disasters, subterrain whater galeries and trash maintence, export and leisure needs, capability off attending population on all necessityes, access to education and culture, social economic cultural and ethnic increasing diference, dislocation o the poor population to periferic comunities with no construction planning and difucllt access to work, imobiliary expeculation, violence, lack of work, corruption, diicult access to art, culture and information, increased by the internet and computers use, social inclusion, efects of all tose issues on near and ar uture, new generation used to te atual crise situation (misery, streetkids, beggars, irregular jobs, drugs, violence, political scandals) and it effects on the future, alternative places to live needed by the incoming exauring o earth ressources, (alternative planets, moon migration, sattelitte cityes, underground and sea extracting and submarine cityes, creation of floating plattorms cityes, alternative energy, critical waste of whater and energy and how to reutilize it on industries, etc, captation off chemical residues and reutilize it to other purposes, captacion of rain and despolution off rivers n sea n athmosphere, developing altyernative technics to create several points of miniclimatic confort, enviromental preservation laws), understanding and acting wit conscience by this architectural perspective. unfortunately, ideal, purpose and priorities are very diferent to many people. She also studied at ECA - Arts university, multimedia and intermedia, where she developed a technic of generating figurative simple icon images within rotational moyreé optical effects. She has known Jonas Mekas, and learned with him about art veriteé, to live with art, enjoy the brief magic moments in our cotidian life. she got so impressed by him that decided to change from programmer to artist, but she was insecure and only now she has conviction enough on her ideas. She has been introduced to him by Peter Sempel, a german musicmoviemaker, and looks forward to take her project to New York and Berlim to meet them and others. experimental poet (hambiental poetry, poetry kinectik objects, colaborative poetry, imagepoems, more), lyrics composer, ilustrator, writer, stonecutter, now exploring movie making, has made already four musics in colaboration via intermedia and two movies also in colaboration. .aways focused on interactive works, artist painter, sculptor (wearable rice paper wings, silver feather and oters), focused at optical art, kinetik art, intermedia and multimedia, intermedia, colaboration, xeroxart, mail art, matchboxes and little surprise boxes, feathers, angels, happenings, performer, dancer ( studied classical ballet, jazz, modern dance and afrodance, aways been in the scene, member of the group that started raves in brasil) designer: graphic interactive objects, interactive jewellery , furniture, optical ilusion applied to the most varied objects, she calls her work "Art for Fun" , one of her poems been published on a poster of one of peter sempels musicmovies, she appears for some seconds at the movie "Johnas in the Desert", She has recorded her voice for Johnas reading about the Shroedingers cat theory, also has been filmed by him with his videocam while he was in São Paulo, she has also been filmed by Loriane Icibaci, pictured by several photographers as Malte Braun (Germany), Peter sempel (germany), Claudio Wakahara, Jorge Lepesteur, Ali karakas, Gal Oppido, Bijari Crew, herself, and others, a cartoonist, Adão Iturrusgaray, has named one of his caracters kiki, the little sister of Aline, and used her as inspiration for it, at the cartoon published all over the world, japan, etc., called "aline and her two husbands" she used to agency other artists, but she aint known at all, she does know many talented people though her main interest is Independent projects of experimentation with inovative apropriation and interactive colaborative multiple combined languages and technology wich product may be considered art but its more like a semiotic, intelectual, perception research of time and space, what could be called a "moment". Curious about the relation between humanities (art, miths, religion, mithology, paranormality, insanity, other beings) and astrophisics, geometric, genetics, enviroment, networks, specific knowledgement and languages, technics of representation and developing, parameters, customization, softwares, dimensions, composition of chemical elements, effect of chemical substances, or any other scientific and technological rational theoryes and explanations of phenomenals, in special the concept of perception and reality, hambient and space, subconscience, conscience, omniscience, individuality, time and memory. Aways watching the sky I am rullling a bunch of projects lately so its dificult to get time to chat. sorry.
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sea.sound project looking for colaborators

sea.sound project

An independent project of ambiental collaborative poetry by intermedia on interactive multimedia

An initiative of Cristina Yang Jaguaribe Ekman, aka kiki jaguaribe

"There is a sea inside me"

Everyone who participate or collaborate with the project has their credits at the website. The group is opened, feel free to join us, and please take a time to visit the site. http://seasound.multiply.com

This is an attempt of inclusion and memory . Also it is a calling for environmental and social consciousness, and invokes everyone to think about the meaning of the poem. For each collaborator, those words " There is a sea inside me" has a different meaning and interpretation, also their unique voices, language, culture, location, mood and ways to express it. But we all have this inner sea. Generating life and oxygen that we breath, connecting us, recalling old child memories, waves of thoughts and feelings, people that crossed the ocean and spread ideas, information, knowledge, or even genes, a soul as my own daughter: Her dad is from UK, my mum is from China, and my great-grandfather came from Sweden to Brazil. Now with Internet, this global device of communication and sharing, and its growing networks, is crossing the ocean and land in light speed for us all to be able to get connected.

Gaia is our spaceship, its alive, and we are all part of it. Lets collaborate.


sea.sound project first presentation was in 2004,at FAU_USP, São Paulo Architecture and Urbanism University, after a discussion about the new paths of art, with voices from people all around the world saying "there is a sea inside me "in their original language, collected by intermedia and presented as a pocket show with kiki jaguaribe mixing sounds, image projections by VJBeteRum and public participation at microphone. Jorge Lepesteur as photographer and Farid (Lebanon) on video cam. Unfortunately the movie has been damaged, the pictures may be seen at the website. I am collecting sound files from people all around the word saying "there is a sea inside me" in their original language. the idea is to make a sea of voices, mixing live images and sounds, playing the voices and also real ocean sounds, bit by bit, or many at once, till it seems like a sea with waves...I already found many collaborators in other countries and some co-workers also. All files are going to be available at a site, for people listen, download, manipulate, interfere, or use it however they want to, and upload it or send to the same mail so I can post there the result of other artists. Everyone that want to participate or help to propagate this message will have credits on the project.To collaborate it’s just send the recording to this email: sea.sound@gmail.com with name or nick, and location, for credit. For example, (kiki-brasil-sp) or (yang- china)

I would like to ask your collaboration and support to spread this idea

"there is a sea inside me"

We call "pocket show", this format of presentation, a live performance of VJ BeteRum and myself.

If there is interest on the pocket show just let us know, we can open a festival or close it for example. We would like to travel through the world with this project, inviting local artists to join us and format the presentation on each location, making a performance that will never be repeated, as the waves of sea are never the same. We are also opened to suggestions, critics, or any other intellectual collaboration related to the project.


ambiental collaborative poetry by intermedia on interactive multimedia

complicated? not at all... it’s simple.

+Poetry+ because the sentence is a poem, as the whole event is a form of poetry. +Hambiental+ because its related to a location and interferes on it, the poem leaves the writing and becomes part and even create an ambient, recalling old memories of other places or feelings or thoughts and sensations, or even stimulating unexpected reactions of the public, also agent on this process of generate an unique moment of brotherhood, with a microphone, so +Interactive+

The sea of voices surrounds us, incessant, never repeating. the sound of waves mixed with genuine sea sounds, acquired from specific sites of noises at Internet, mixed live with images, creating an atmosphere that never will be recreated, stimulating our senses in several ways, as pictures, movies, digital images, music, noises, sounds, emotions, foreign languages, diferent voices, website, so +Multimedia+.

+Collaborative+ because people from all world collaborated sending sounds and images, and also discussing about the project.

+Intermedia+ because almost all files at databank has been collected via Internet, speaking to each one in the beginning but now I receive spontaneous contributions, in foreign languages, the wave is beginning to form.

Every contribution is appreciated. Examples: A PhD in astrophysics used an equipment that measures the sounds of universe by pointing it to the stars, to generate a graphic image of the voices databank. Another collaborator achieved to collect files in language deceased, old Persian dialects, and told me that in his country the tradition was to get together to declare poetry, but this language has been forgotten.All those files I collected are available for anyone to download, interfere and upload again, or to add for example lyrics to a music in the site, or the opposite, etc. Well, all this creates a poetical ambient of the sea that exists in each one of us. This "site" in the direction that the place is not only the material but yes the perception of all a moment.

With a group of co-workers, Myself and BethRum, Alessandra Galasso, Eduardo Fernandes, Emmanuel Funghi and Giuliano Obici as sound management advisor, we formatted the following presentation of the project in São Paulo.

Proposal for Itaú contest 2006(We haven’t been selected)

For a new phase of the project we proposed a cybernetic installation, automatized, independent, described as follow. It will be also constructed a propper website in which the project will be presented and where will be possible to send files through Internet to the databank (remark here its just a proposal, for the moment what we can do is a live pocket show, the same kind of presentation we made already at FAU, we need resources, equipment and time to prepare this new presentation)


The installation sea.sound is a poem that rises from the words:

----------------------------there is a sea inside me------------------------------

Those words, spoken by various people from various places, in different languages, are the waves that will produce an ocean of voices, through the overlaying of those sounds with the sound of sea, available at the data bank. The set generates a sensation of space into a closed ambient, where the public will circulate. The movement of them will determinate the amount of sound waves to be randomly trigged. The public, more important variable of this work, will be able to send the recording of the voices of them to integrate the databank through Internet, as also make the recording via microphone at the installation itself. The installation will have space on a room by 6x6 meters. One grid of 9 sensors, at each 1.5 meters, will be connected via midi to 8 soundboxes distributed through the walls and ceiling. Algorithms will be created so there will be an interaction between the sensors and the sound boxes, what will generate an octaphonic system trigged by the public amount and movement caption and the sea of voices propagation. The sentence spoken at microphone will be heard at real time and also will be recorded and become part of the data bank. The sound waves of voices as the sounds of real sea will be determinate in a random and interactive scheme.

It will also be necessary to construct a website, in which the project will be presented and where it would be possible to send files through internet to the databank, as promoting the project, look for colaborators, keep a register of previous presentations and schedule of future events, related links, recording online, watch the performances and even maybe participate through distant locations, etc.

To this installation we have then 3 ways of interactivity of the public with it, by movement and presence, by sonority at microphone, and through internet.


We are willing to know if you would be interested to collaborate and support us on this project.

Everyone who may help us to support the project by promoting it, will have credits and links or any information required on the site. We would appreciate to be informed about contests, events, or any other means to present our project. We can get in touch by this

email sea.sound@gmail.com

or by msn kikijaguaribeekman@hotmail.com

or skype kikijaguaribeekman


phone 55 11 34730090

fax 55 11 37580137

Also we would like to know if this project fits the projects you are ruling.

please check out http://seasound.multtiply.com

help me to spread this idea:

"There is a sea inside me"

"There is a sea inside all us"

regards from brasil,

: ^ ]
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