A great time to smoke a joint. But I'm at work so why not update that Ol' profile of mine instead...
A few years later, here I am. My DJ equipement got stolen along with the best of my CD collection. I had the time beforehand to act as a DJ in rare occasions, which I enjoyed a lot. The Orgone crew from the area of Quebec city encouraged me a lot with their interest for my mixes. Losing all that stuff got me totally jaded towards music of all genres. This lasted for about 1 year and a half. I moved, got back into listening music and I just plugged in my amp and speakers again! I even started shopping for a mixer. To hell with CDJs for now, I'm confident enough to follow my training with mp3. At the point I consider being at, I need to work on my EQ/transitions techniques and my musical selection.
Philosophy is still in my reading program, but dilluted drastically by all these sci fi / fantastic books I'm renting at the library.
Currently I have a dream schedule for a DJ : weekdays at night. Why am I not partying more? This is a mystery...
5h55 am
A great time to update my profile.
I left what I had first written for personal reference. It's fun to see yourself evolve on a large timescale.
I left the university not long after creating my profile. I went to work for almost two years in a research & marketting firm (surveys first, then I went more in the admin field). After a while, the schedule wasn't satisfying so I got hired in an Internet support company. Now, talk about schedule! I got the weekend nightshift! I know, it sucks, but I managed to take advantage of it. I hope to keep working at night or evening, but during the week so I can party and be booked more conveniently.
I'm still very fond of philosphy, but I should read more. Getting rusty... Still also very into psy partys, but I don't attend many enough to my taste yet and I want to quit doing pills to stay awake (hence the night shifts).
Now, I have to talk about me being a DJ. I'm at last putting some significant effort into becoming a good beatmatcher and mastering the EQ. It's been 1 year and a half now since I bought Clown's old CDJs and I've been shy long enough. In that spirit I intend to record myself on a regular basis, work my relations with promoters and post demos on forums to retreive comments for improvement. Already, with the time I have at work I'm being more present in the forums I like.
If you want to know more about my projects, you can always visit my msn space, listed as my Website.
4:50 am
A great time to write my profile.
I'm a guy thorn apart between raves and philosophy. If you see someone reading a German author in a psytrance party, that's probably me. I don't mind being disturbed in my reading, since it happens all the time back here in my residences, so don't be intimidated if you wanna talk.
I'm amazed and thrilled by the teachings of this site. If I may, I'd like to share some of my knowledge too. For example, do you know the ethymology of the word psychedelic? My Heidegger teacher taugh us this a while ago:
We have "psyche" wich stands for "the soul" and "delic", from "delos" in antique greek, that stands for "wich reveals". So basically psychedelic means "wich reveals the soul", isn't it nice?
He told us about extase too, but I'm gonna check my notes 'cause I don't remember well what he said.
Thanks to Thog for this site.
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