DJ Hashek - Ottawa, CANADA
[ Framework, Ritual Nights, Alweezgrooven ]
Over the years, Hashek has expanded his musical genres to fit many different venues and shows. A veteran DJ of over 15 years, he switches from house to techno, from psytrance to progressive and other genres in between to accomodate any event. Hashek is also the brains behind Alweezgrooven, an annual free festival in nature. Alweezgrooven has also become a way of life for many like-minded people who follow their hearts and dreams into musicland. Hashek is considered by many to be one most technically proficient DJs in Ottawa, having won the latest So You Think You Can DJ competition at BPM afterhours for Framework Music, where he holds a quarterly residency.
Check out his mixes online at:
genres played: psytrance, progressive, house/techno and chill
spinning since: 1997
places played: all over Ontario and Quebec, Arizona, Washington DC, Massachusetts, New York, CHUO 89.1FM, CKCU 93.1FM
travelled to: Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany, Canada and USA.
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