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Bag_of_Shut_Up's Profile
» Bag_of_Shut_Up
45 year old scorpio male
From Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Last On:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Profile Views:1,558
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He's Moodless!
I­'ve recently returned from a long trip abroad traveling among other Bags and discovering the inner Bag in me.
During my journey I discovered that I was not the only Bag trying to find their inner Bag.
In Asia they have Bags full of dead asain babies, they were named Bag of dead Asian babies.
In Africa they have Bags full of salt, they were named Bag of Salt. (I`m still trying to understand this Bag)
In the United States they have bags full of Phili Cheese steaks, these were named (quite clever actually) Bag of Phili Cheese Steak. I discovered these while in Chicago, on the Oprah Show. She went through three during a commercial break.
In France I discovered Bags full of French, they included a bagette, a poodle, escargo's and a baret. They were named Bags of French.

Upon returning to my native land and getting back into the 'scheme' of things I realized a part of me was still incomplete.
After several attempts to complete myself after discovering my inner Bag and a hand full of difficult blind dates I find myself back here.
Much different then I remember.
This is my last attempt to complete myself.. I hope to, if nothing else, maybe find myself a companion bag.
Member Comments
Page: 1
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY said @ Fri Feb 1, 2008 @ 2:31am
Shut the fuck up you stupid bag!
» LuNe said @ Sat Oct 15, 2005 @ 1:04am
hahahahahah this is awsome *nostalgie* :P
» ikce said @ Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 3:45am
Oh My... a real one ! On parle toujours du faite ke stun trou de cul pa vrai?
» Smartyz said @ Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 3:45am
Oh my an asshole.
» blop said @ Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 4:59pm
someone's copping bag of chut up's steez.
» nter said @ Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 4:08pm
chelsea.. stop being a typical bitch.
» Bag_of_Shut_Up said @ Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 8:20am
Who the fuck is ben?
» wisp said @ Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 7:43am
i dunno, he spelt beret wrong and said then instead of than. seems un-ben to me.
» said @ Thu Dec 23, 2004 @ 5:40am
wtf.. ben? :D
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