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Angeliknightmare's Profile
» Angeliknightmare
a.k.a. "Amedeo Grosso"

38 year old sagittarius male
From Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Is feeling strongly balanced...
Last On:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Profile Views:9,227
Height:6' 4"
Hair Colour:Brown
Rel. Important:Very
Daily Diet:Healthy
Annual Income:Under $10,000
Want Children:Maybe Later
Social Status:Single
Political:Not Political
Friend [ All 5 ] Friend of [ All 5 ]
Recent Moods [ All 9 ]
strongly balancedMar 13, 2007
strongly balancedFeb 15, 2007
super awesomeFeb 8, 2007
im feeling blah todaFeb 7, 2007
awesomeDec 16, 2006
Site Additions
105 image comments made.
Discussion Board History [ All 4612 ]
Gallery Photos [ All 167 ]
Poems [ All 12 ]
2007-01-23 One Way (0)
2006-11-29 Go Drown Now Please (0)
2006-11-29 Fear is the most beautiful thing (0)
Taking care of yourself is of number one importance.

Take a deep breath and please try to relax.

I will like you if you will like me too.

Make the balanced decision.

Feel out the connection.

Knowledge is a tool.

Become one...

Be free.





I only believe in Love.

Balance out the balance.

Meditation is my perfect drug.

Don't waste your time, time is precious.

the space between you and your goals is your life leading into the future.

My number one goal is to rid the world of unnecessary suffering.


We can all discipline and excite ourselves through balanced understanding.
The control of the mind, spirit and body leaves us independent and self serving,
where we need only ourselves to live, grow and be free.

My Sayings:

it is necessary to love yourself and be able to trust and depend on yourself
through thick and thin.

i will study the way life works and learn all the good of it and all the bad to see what
is necessary.

you have no choice but to live with your decisions and hope to make better ones in the

remember that the future is alot bigger then you know.

doubting youself is only a negitive state of mind.

negitivity comes from not knowing.

the key is to not pay attention to anything that doesn’t matter at any present moment.

just think of the right thing at the right time.

all the time i estimate what i don't know and analize what i do know as best i

i believe in everything hoping that everything will believe in me.

there is no reason to be sad, you are who you are and you should be happy.

eventually it won't be about whether or not you like what you see.

the more you do for yourself the more you can do in general

everything is needed with perfect timing.

sometimes you have to use your instincts instead of your logic.

isn't love so fantastic?

responsibility is just a game that you have to try your best at.

just trust in your every feeling.

i improved my wisdom by making myself only ever focus on better ways to look at problems
and by always talking to other people about better ways to look at problems.

friendship is an important thing to remember.

i am nice for goodness and not goodies, for i am a man and not a guy.

just keep your perspective in the right place.

without a care, you'll get nowhere.

the gods guide me everyday in many ways, they think i am their prodigy....

do the best you can and don't regret not being able to do the impossible.

it is all about love and understanding.

nothing is ever meant to happen, we all just make choices and get reactions.

you are in control, do not set yourself against yourself for the sake of yourself.

love is unstoppable, so in the end, love will be the only thing left.

when you see the past and the future together, you see everything.

i sold my soul to the universe.

the female body is a pretty thing but without love, it can never fully be enjoyed.

living impulsively positive and completely carefree is the only true way to be.

be what other people think you are!

it takes a very smart person to make sense out of being alive.

be true to yourself by sticking with the truth whether it is good or bad.

don't underestimate what i haven't shown you.

true beauty is on the inside.

i have angels and demons and they all get along.

you will always need to truely know what you want and what you don't want.

if you are an intelligent individual then no other human will ever be your enemy.

anything you think of can be looked at in a good way.

i am patient like snail.

all you have to do is try.

you might as well connect to everything that affects you.

i might as well have big dreams if i am going to live such a big life.

when you are about to lose, effort FUELS your viens.

i have a very sensitive personality.

change has benefits if dealt with patiently.

from now on i will be satisfied with just being a good person and accepting anything that
comes my way.

If there is nothing wrong with you then you are perfect.

it is possible to become the best you can be with yourself, friends and family

when something is bothering you, deal with it before it becomes you and bothers you

it is funny what you think of when you think of funny things.

there is no such thing as giving up.

be your own religion.

reading is cheating, go learn on your own.

i can choose who i want to be.

think about your instincts.

handle the flow bro.

great assumptions are behind every great glory.

we all need a perfect healthy balance between people, technology and nature.

i can make it look like i am thinking whatever i want the person to think i am thinking.

smart people are always the minority.

i like:

buddhism, movies, toys, the care bears, poetry, school, god,
america, outer space, astrology, i WaNNa BeCoMe... aN aSTRoNauT, soccer, baseball when i
hit the ball, invader zim, classic power rangers, telekinesis,
jewish people, families, cars, technology, computers, drawing, writing
stories, fantasy novels, red necks and hilbillies, deer, being
sarcastic in a nice way, being sarcastic in an obnoxious way, standing on my
head, doing a hand-stand, dancing, singing, philosophy, hot
girls (everyone likes them), foot stench, mongolia, little furry puppies,
lotsaheart, big fat buffalo, native people, birdies, teeny little
birdies with huge heads, giants and all other kind of mystical creatures except for
the cyclops, baby kittens, blue eyes, deep green eyes, silver eyes, the
beach, free raves on the beach, free raves at cherry beach every sunday in the
summer, little creatures with glowing red eyes, huts, my true lover, farm animals,
every animal except the sloth(drives me nuts), helping hurt animals, talking
to people i don't know, loving people i don't know without ever telling them, fridays,
super powers, insane perceptions, weird people, people that love other
people, squares and circles, the egyptians, vegetarians, torturing insects, tv when it
isn't annoying, being god-like, seeing crazy shit in my head, imagining
perfect heaven-like worlds, talking to myself, living backwards, thinking
backwards, doggy style, 2 women threesomes, dried fruit, america, jesus freaks, jeeps,
really big pumpkins, little cute fairies, finding cool stuff, beautiful horses,
jumping, running, kicking bitches in slow motion (i have done that before), training
young minds to become masters of thought, affecting the universe with thoughts,
spreading positive ways to as many people as possible....

i love you all, i really do
oh, you know you meant that
what is that susposed to mean? of course i meant it
there is no reason to humor others, say what you mean
shut up! there is no reason for you to interrupt me when i am busy talking to other
it is better if i do. then i can keep you in line
will you lay off the poor boy? he is silly, so he can communicate in any way he
wait, i'm silly? is that what you have thought of me this whole time?
well, it is more like an observation than an opinion...
yes, we ummm, clean up for you okay?
clean up for me? i do what needs to get done, i slave sometimes..
you have done very well, better than any other filthy human...
you see? can you guys listen to what you say? filthy human?
well, people are kinda dirty, well, sometimes... well, you always have dirt on
yeah, you can't ever be completely clean...
will you guys shut the fuck up already?
why? hmmm? because you are a normal human with a normal mind and normal SUPER
NATURAL POWERS?? there is no normal kid...
well, if you get your awareness snuffed out by society, then that is pretty close to
being normal
but we're talking on a universal level here. you can't go to a planet with talking
animals and teach them how to be normal...
enough of this!!! you all have to stay in my head... dammit...
the time is coming for you to accept what you really are....
who the fuck was that?
sounded like it was coming from... umm... somewhere else...
did you hear what it said!?
yeah, weird... i'm guessing that's why we exist in the first place...
alright... whateverthefuckthatwas, you all leave now
god, sorry you had to hear all that...


one thing

that i am guessing

is that all of this space here

as it is and as it was, forever and ever

into the past, is all one big thing that continually

grows, bigger and bigger, and we are actually long snakes

that come from other snakes and we grow bigger and bigger ourselves.

if that is the way things REALLY are then would the entire universe be one big snake too?
Member Comments
Page: 1
» Andrea_Baboushka said @ Tue Jun 5, 2007 @ 5:38pm
serieux .. ak un comment de meme , j regarde ton age pis t es plus jeune que moi man! Grow up !
» Psyborg said @ Thu May 31, 2007 @ 3:25am
Your drawings look a lot like what I can do at times... Very nice. I put some of my drawings on my profile too, just check them out!
» AYkiN0XiA said @ Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 9:13am
hey man what are you doing in toronto? do you go to parties? i'd really like to know you, chill with you, converge ideas to be part of the world action..
» WassUpOnEarth said @ Tue Jan 30, 2007 @ 11:40pm
nice pics and beginning of profile! for the rest...tldr!
» Miss_Fox said @ Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 11:11am
Hey!!! You coming out for DTM's b-day or what?
» DJ_DTM said @ Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 1:09pm
One love bro, I know you love good music.. !!! LOVE THIS !!! [ rave.ca ]
» Tipou said @ Thu Dec 14, 2006 @ 2:25pm
Thanks for the comments :P
» madamme_sara said @ Sun Dec 3, 2006 @ 6:56pm
for real ur profile is to long no 1 is gonna read it
» BOBDYLAN said @ Thu Nov 30, 2006 @ 2:12pm
profile too long, a bit.
» m4xom4x said @ Wed Nov 29, 2006 @ 4:36pm
Your drawing ability is exemplary, keep up the nice Art :)
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