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MoonlightDancer's Profile
» MoonlightDancer
a.k.a. "Michel Paquette"

38 year old gemini male
From L'Ile-Perrot, Quebec, Canada

Is feeling dancing in the night...
Last On:Sat Aug 21, 2021 @ 7:00pm
Profile Views:19,606
Website:[ r2.bloodwars.net ]
About MoonlightDancer
General:tout de l'énergie vital en passant aux traver les esprit jusqu'a la magie et autres dons sans oublié toute les grande question de la vie , ma curiausité est tel que j'aime philosofé sur tout et n'importequoi
I'm In These Pictures [ All 61 ]
Height:5' 5"
Hair Colour:Brown
Rel. Important:Somewhat
Daily Diet:Healthy
Want Children:Yes
Social Status:Couple
Languages:English, French
Style:Cool, Trendy
Political:Not Political
Friend [ All 97 ] Friend of [ All 54 ]
Friend's Are Attending [ All 2 ] Future Events
Recent Moods [ All 41 ]
dancing in the nightJan 12, 2010
dancing in the skyOct 22, 2009
just had the best seOct 12, 2009
the need to danceOct 6, 2009
in loveOct 3, 2009
Latest Attending Events [ All 133 ]
Party Photos Of Attended Events [ All 30942 ]
Site Additions
83 image comments made.
Gallery Photos [ All 329 ]
Poems [ All 9 ]
2009-06-05 les yeux reflet de l'âme (0)
2009-06-05 de ton regard (0)
2009-06-05 jour de pluie (1)
je vais commencé par vous dire que je m'interesse a tout (je suis très currieux)mais surtout aux spiritisme, méditation, phylosophie, massothérapie, reiki, etc.
concrétisens mes interès en un métié je vais devenir massothérapeute et gueriseur énergétique


(\ /)
(> <)
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Member Comments
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» HighdroXy said @ Wed Sep 28, 2011 @ 11:13pm
» nads said @ Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 3:24pm
happy to see you`re coming to philo night! :)
» IndigoChild said @ Sat Apr 9, 2011 @ 6:15pm
yo!! i think i have your cell phone! there is no batterie! I will bring it to katacombe this tuesday!
» Virtual_Light said @ Sat Apr 9, 2011 @ 5:09pm
I wasn't part of the organization man .. I dunno !
» Juliapoopy said @ Sun Apr 3, 2011 @ 11:02pm
nawww man Xd
» Juliapoopy said @ Sun Apr 3, 2011 @ 2:28pm
LOL man thaat wasnt me Xd i mean i was fkd but no one ever gave me a massage that night and i never lost my bag baha
» Juliapoopy said @ Sun Apr 3, 2011 @ 2:31am
Hello : ) yeshh yeshh i did ! not to be rude or anything but i remember seeing yer face but idk when or if we spoke lol im sorry. did yew have fun ? : D
» alakazoo said @ Thu Feb 3, 2011 @ 12:52pm
PSYCORE the resurrection 16 avril [ www.rave.ca ]
» Kire said @ Sun Jan 2, 2011 @ 12:15am
Mitch!! it was great ravin with u man i didnt get to see u much tho! come to black magik :D
» Streicher said @ Mon Aug 23, 2010 @ 7:16pm
BAMM! HARD ATTACK! [ www.rave.ca ]
» LAZYHAWK said @ Mon Aug 23, 2010 @ 1:35pm
ohn! merci pour le 'bonne fete' y'a deja quelques mois :) evidament je check pas mon profile souvent ahah. j'espere que ta journee a ete fab aussi !
» Nameless said @ Wed Jul 7, 2010 @ 12:39am
yo coco sa fait un tit bout , pass me a call you i need to see you or u see me or wtv man i have the summer off alors ! i can go out sleep over and what not !!!!! joy !joy !
» Smartyz said @ Fri Jun 25, 2010 @ 6:51pm
Salut! Je t'envois ce message parce que j'ai vu sur le site que tu étais présent l'an passé à la ventre trotoir sur Ste-Catherine pour "MTL Hardcore On The Streets". Je passais pour t'informer qu'on en refait un à la même place encore cette année. Passe faire un tour si tu peux! :) [ www.rave.ca ] Ammene tes amis!
» Rexx said @ Tue May 25, 2010 @ 12:08am
check sa out: [ www.rave.ca ]
» MoonlightDancer said @ Thu Mar 18, 2010 @ 9:36pm
» Streicher said @ Fri Feb 19, 2010 @ 7:14pm
he wassup mister !
» Nameless said @ Thu Dec 24, 2009 @ 10:25am
» XxXSkippyXxX said @ Sun Dec 20, 2009 @ 10:36pm
iv been bizzy looking for dubstep & D&B raves
» Nameless said @ Sun Dec 20, 2009 @ 12:01pm
ill try
» Skittels said @ Thu Dec 3, 2009 @ 2:45pm
» Destructiva said @ Thu Dec 3, 2009 @ 6:41am
heey /c va??... :P :) :D
» Nameless said @ Sat Nov 28, 2009 @ 1:24pm
cou cou tu va a FAK invasion moi aussi alors on se vera la mon chum y vait to alors a bientot dans quelque heur . calin !
» Nameless said @ Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 4:56pm
hey there ses moi alors sa va ? dit salut a Yuki tu pouais pas me donner une facons de la contacter mon chum veux totallement lui parler ... lol alors ouai aimerais bien sa chequer lespace tous en semble et moi puis toi nous somme dans la merde sis mon chum et ta blonde s'entende bien ensemble coco .. a bientot .. message moi sur mon profile daco ... calin @+
» Psyborg said @ Fri Oct 9, 2009 @ 1:18pm
I might go to Dimension X, I have to check it out! I'm not sure yet what to do for Halloween, I hesitate in between Amazone and Black Light in Qc City... We should hang out somewhere else than parties though, what do you think? ;) See ya soon!
» Psyborg said @ Thu Oct 8, 2009 @ 1:49am
Eh toi! C'est quand que je te revois?
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