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» lyls on Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 5:54am
Posted On:2010-06-29 05:54:18
Posted By:» lyls
que fsont nous...
je ne sais pas ca ne me vien pas..ouais mais encore...jle sais bin pas...et bin...long silence qui continue et continue et continue...(miaow de chaton) pied qui bouge dans le lit...je sais pas..soupire....une tite
souafe..? ouais..mais on bouge pas...on se regarde
ont sourie...ayoye hein ! bras croisée...que fsont nous...bin rien du tout !


» Vee-Vee on Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 5:41am
Title:Mayrig (movie review)
Posted On:2010-06-29 05:41:21
Posted By:» Vee-Vee

Movie Review

(By the way, "Mayrig" means "mother" in armenian)

Written and directed by Henri Verneuil


I am Armenian. Well… my father is Armenian and he was born and raised in France. He then decided to move to Quebec (Canada) to study but ended up staying here and bringing his parents. My mom is French-Canadian. I went to Armenian school and so I speak, write and read it. My grand-mother was one of the survivors of the genocide. She passed away a few months ago at the age of 98.

What does this have to do with the movie you ask? Everything. It has everything to do.

This movie made a lot of sense to me. Yes, the parts about the genocide were heartbreaking but I'm also speaking about the alienation the family feels after moving to France and how they try to adjust their values with the ones from this country they now live in.

Being Armenian and French-Canadian has caused me many headaches. And though today I am very proud of both cultures, the major differences between them sometimes still leaves me in a place of no man's land.

And the love we feel between the family members in the movie is VERY realistic.

After the genocide, it is love that saved the survivors from a life full of resentment. Sticking together and loving each other with all of their hearts and souls was the only way to move on.

Not forget. We can never forget.

But in order to put those dark days behind us and be happy again, we needed this love.

The way the parents genuinely sacrifice themselves for the happiness of their son is something I am very familiar with. My father did the SAME thing for me and for my brother. Armenian parents are like that.

But with this great generosity and unconditional love comes great expectations.

Of how we should live our lives. About what we need in order to be truly happy. And they care SO much. They literally live and breathe through us in a way. If we succeed, they succeed. If we are happy, they are happy. If we are sick, they are sick.

I'm not saying that if we fail, they fail. They are very supportive and as long as you do your best, they are always proud of you. And trust me when I say that we love our parents with all our hearts and are grateful for all that they did and all that they still do.

I am so proud to be Armenian. I am so proud of the strength of my people who not only lost everything and had to build from scratch but did it in the best possible way to give the children of tomorrow the chance to hope for something better.

But being Armenian gives you a responsibility. In memory of those who died but mostly, of those that survived and made it possible for YOU to be alive today. We have a responsibility to never give up on ourselves and on those who brought us into this world. And this feel of responsibility will be passed on to our children and so on. And as a child of the third generation, I find it sometimes hard to know what part of me wants what it wants because I really want it or because I know that this is what my family wants for me.

It's not a bad thing... but it's a thing and at the age of 26, I'm not done trying to figure it out.

So I guess this movie helped me in a way... It helped me understand myself. Understand where I come from. And where I'm going...

» Vee-Vee on Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 5:36am
Title:Teenage Dirtbag (movie review)
Posted On:2010-06-29 05:36:30
Posted By:» Vee-Vee

Teenage Dirtbag
Movie Review

Written and directed by Regina Crosby


"Teenage Dirtbag" is a love story between two teenagers who seem different but in reality are very similar.

The chemistry between Thayer and Amber is mesmerizing. And it doesn't seem to matter how the characters relate to one another – whether they are fighting or hanging out – their scenes together just leak with sexual tension. And the way everything unfolds is not so much in the words they say but in those silent moments they share: moments that can easily be overlooked if one is not careful.

What also makes their chemistry so effective is the awareness Thayer and Amber have of each other. As the attraction between them matures, they always seem to know where the other is without realizing it. For instance, when she's in the football field and he's looking at her from afar, hiding in his black sweatshirt. The way she looks up because she feels him looking at her is an undeniable example of that chemistry. Or when she's eating her orange and feels bad because she knows that he's looking at it. By bringing him one the next day, she's acknowledging the fact that she heard the silent way he wanted the orange. Even more so, she's acknowledging the fact that she hears his words unspoken and thus, this orange marks the beginning of a short yet beautiful friendship. The next few scenes are my favourite. When she sees the peeled orange in the snow and the paper he left on her car. The paper doesn't say much, he just writes her name all over it and instead of finding it weird and ignoring it, it inspires her to write a poem that she reads in class the next day. As she reads it, the silent connection between them becomes stronger...

After that, Thayer comes out as the more aware partner in the sense that he consciously opens up to her. He lets her see the real him as if he is trying to show her that he sees and trusts the real her. It is not him who has trouble being vulnerable, it is her. She's afraid to let someone in and that is what comes in the way of them being together. Maybe he moves a little too fast for her and that is what makes her uncomfortable. She's not denying the feelings that she has for him but she's just not ready to explore them at this point and while he is attentive to everything, he somewhat neglects to see that. It's sad because he really puts himself out there when he asks her to come to the party with him. But the thing is even though he is ready, she's not. Maybe if he had waited a little bit more, she could have prepared herself for whatever was to happen between them.

The awareness between the two is also the reason why both of them know almost intuitively what would hurt the other person the most. Thus, Thayer knew exactly how much he was hurting Amber when he exposed her need for love in his poem and she was very aware of what she was doing when she exposed him by showing everyone the notebook. It's not so much the fact that everyone knew how he felt: that, I think he could deal with. It was the fact that her gesture said loud and clear that she didn't take anything that they shared seriously. And sadly, that could be a little true. It's like she never really realized how badly he needed her to love him. What's even sadder (to me anyways) is that the character of Amber ends up going through life without ever fully realizing how her love could change someone else's life.

It's also sad because he ends up believing that she hates him and everything goes downhill after that. Neither one of them is to blame. He made her out to be his Savior and it's a role she didn't ask to take on (of course, in life, the only person who can save yourself is yourself but that's a lesson that most of us don't learn at the age of 17…).

Nevertheless, this is one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen in my life. Granted, it isn't flawless: I had to watch it more than once to actually grasp everything. But it is SO sincere. I forgot to say how much I love the scene when they are eating chips and listening to metal music… the very loud "crunch" sounds and the giggles made me feel like I was right there with them. I love how close I felt to the characters.

This being Regina Crosby's first attempt at writing and directing makes this movie even more amazing. Big time filmmakers have failed where she has succeeded. She managed to draw me in so far that I forgot everything else but what was going on in front of me. Even after the movie was finished, I was left in a weird emotional state that tasted a bit like love, a bit like nostalgia.

The things I wish were different: Even though we spend the most time with Amber, we have very little insight on what goes on with her family. We guess by her behaviour that she feels ignored by her parents but it would have helped to see a little more of that.

Also: I desperately want to share this movie with my friends but since most of them are french, I can't do that. I bought the DVD but there are no subtitles and so, it puts a barrier in my attempt to let other people in on how good this movie is.

I would like to end this (very) long comment by saying that I can't wait to see what else Regina Crosby comes out with. She has definitely made it in my top 10 favourite filmmakers list!

Listening To: You're Not Gonna Save Me by GENO LENARDO

» AlienZeD on Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 1:37am
Posted On:2010-06-29 01:37:25
Posted By:» AlienZeD
An infinite universe makes infinitely improbable events reality.

Listening To: Whose line

» couleombre on Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 11:48am
Title:2012 jespere
Posted On:2010-06-26 11:48:09
Posted By:» couleombre
jai marché dans la rue et je me suis arrêté devant deux sorte tarentules qui se battaient sur une toile. en m'approchant, la noir me mord l'index extérieur de la main droite et sur le coup ça chauffe.
Je me rend devant un édifice qui semble fait pour une exposition d'art et une femme bleu un peu chubby me parle un peu. elle a un oeil blanc et l'autre rouge. arrivé a l'intérieur un homme bleu aux rides profonde me dit que c'est une nouvelle église et qu'il me recontacterait quand le moment serait plus approprié.une femme au teint végétale et aux yeux bridé passe près de moi.' La nouvelle religion arrive bientot. 'Je quitte le lieu et dans la filé, une femme bleu accompagne une personne sur 4 environ.

» ikce on Sat Jun 5, 2010 @ 8:31am
Title:L'mea culpa.
Posted On:2010-06-05 08:31:33
Posted By:» ikce
J'ai callé my self ecki v'la some years.. But, what je read about ecki is not vraiment élogieux.

Back then, when mes friends me callais ecki j'étais on l'Irc, chat software for ceux qui don't known s'que c'est. J'ai starté to chat at 13 maybe.. j'was un virtual guy. J'typais fast, pis badly in phonetique, but t'was cool dans s'temps la.

Pour être honnest, j'avais no friends dans la true life. So, mes friends j'leurs speakais on le chat.

One day, one de mes chum ask me to go in un rave. Quoi's'de'fuck is that?
Prendre une pillz, and dance all la nuite? Je don'T say no, j'veux meet du peep. J'fuckin alone avec my pc, J'live dans un shit hole de village and mon only firends here chat with moé.
But tu sais, j'was young, j'veux des friends, fuck I wanna vivre esti!
So mon first rave était Impact, damn j'was stone.
Tipsy, un well-know Dj d'la scene make moé une celebrity avec une picture que ma mom should pas voir!

Ny way, full de vie after mon first rave, j'feel j'ai trouver un new source de friendship.
Des raves every two weeks! Drugs, girls, musique. Je don't care, j'ai du cash, and I have un char! Québec-Montréal two time per month to see mes new friends!
But even avec une real life, ma virtual life still grow.
What j'veux dire, l'monde who's raving go sur un site global, Rave.ca. Social shit, party photo, event liste.
Tu create ton user pis tu try de grow up ton cercle de chums.
Sa work pas pire in the begining. J'ai mes real life friends qui join aussi, so on exchange des comments sur des pictures and les partys. But then, j'switch de job. J'sit in front un comp la whole day. At this time, j'was fuckin addict à l'internet. J'spend mon whole day a t'chatter with mes firends without working... sur mes hours de jobs. Sa suce bad.

So je start a posté on les rave forums parcqu'cuz, mes chums have to work while je chat..
Tu must know, j'ai never posté sur un disussion forum avant ça, j'catch pas all sa marche.

Forget pas, j'viens de hole de 2000 habs, j'type comme Anal Phabette pis j'really think j'suis hot. But, la rave scene c'est pas only moé pis mes chums, mais j'realise point. Fak just to pass time while j'ta job, j'post des opinions sur what ever tu veux jaser. Tu think j'post d'la shit? J'don't criss fuck all about! Je talk, j'suis smart pis mes anwsers are cool. JE GOT LA PHRASE tu don't wan't!

J'see rien de all la marde j'doing! Je just post.
J'defend my opinions! No sources, je know, s't'assez! J'look comme un ignare (ignorant) but J'suis just blind et bucké. Mos de mes firend leaves le forums and the raves scene. But fuck, j'can find du monde pareil! J'spend mon whole day a posté avec du monde, jamais je croirais j'can't find other ravers? Nope.

Un day, after un LSD trip while j'ta québec with un d'mes chums at un d'mes chums place j'realise un brin de tout le shit j'ai fait. But s'trop late.
J'ai foutu some shit with une girl in Québec. Une shit d'over.
J'loose ma job 1 week apres.

Je know je did wrong quelque part, but j'don't see, so j'ai relus all my posts dans les deux forums where j'post ; Rave.ca et Ravezone.

Rave.ca est mostly anglais, pis at la base j'speak french and j'suis very proud de ça. But j'ai never been confront to how l'monde anglo live et think. Fak, je can't count how many fois j'blast and say shit about them. But, c'est reciperoque.

Also, je read les threads where j'blast and bitch du monde. Un guy with un cell phone.. Damn.

After reading presque all mes posts j'realise all le shit j'ai done. Pis j'domp all, friends, raves, forums. All.
J'cant look at moé in un mirror without feeling coupable about tout ça. J'ose point excuse my self. So j'disapear. Pis j'come back some time just pour read what le monde say about moé.

If tu as never feelé stupid ou ridicule at la whole rave scene tu peux pas understand ça.
After 3 ans tu check what tu have done pis tu regrette, but tu can't tell.
All le people savait, but pas toé. Genre, everyone.
Oublie ta face, tu veux juste pu la voir.

J'ai arrêté de raver a cause de ça. La honte. The Shame. La vrai.

On est five years after, j'still look mon profile sometime pis j'rave 2 time par année.
La plupart de la new scene don't know qui j'suis, sa help big time. But, when j'danse dans l'front du Dj Booth, j'pense pas a la music. J'pense a all the shit j'ai done.
J'passe en revue all the quotes people write about moé pis those j'ai posté when j'tape ecki on the search bar.

Any way, quand j'look at moé asteur, j'don't really care. J'ai passé thrue all that. J'ai grow up, j'ai maturé. J'pu l'kid I was 5 years ago.

ecki c'est moé, pis je l'assume.

J'meet une girls called Melina qui fuck un gars friend des promotors "trance-nrj" qui ma teaché l'verb aimer.
J'still encore with her.

Ny way, tu probably laugh live now.

Listening To: Radio Radio