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Le chemin d`un humain dans la vie est comme le parcours d`une onde cerebrale choisi au travers des neurones. On passe beaucoup plus de temps a constater de nos manques que de nos avoirs et de nos gains. On se plaint de ce qui nous a manque durant notre vie. Ainsi l`enfant de famille pauvre, toujours prive de tout, se trouve une riche carriere et couvre de cadeaux son enfant. Celui-ci grandira en souffrant que son pere, qui travaillait trop, ne lui donna pas suffisament d`affection et se jurera lui-meme d`etre un pere attentif a sa progeniture. Cette progeniture grandira en etouffant dans la surprotection de ses parents, ne trouvant aucune opportunite de s`emanciper et il ne fera certainement pas de meme avec le sien. Ce dernier grandira sans estime en disant que son pere ne lui demontrait aucun interet et qu`il devait tout apprendre lui-meme alors il promettra d`elever le potentiel de son fils, mais encore, ce fils trouvera qu`il a trop de pression et ne saura plus ou donner de la tete pour poursuivre ses propres reves... Qui veut prendre tous les chemins n`arrive jamais nulle part... Ne blamons pas les autres d`avoir choisi une voie qui ne nous satisfait pas si nous ne sommes pas capable nous-meme d`avancer. Avancer veut dire apprecier le peu que nous avons et en tirer le maximum. La vie prend un cours tres sinueux pour nous permettre de voir de nombreux paysages, mais notre baton s`use et un jour il faut se reposer et raconter notre recit de voyage a qui veut bien en profiter. Qui est bon dans tout n`est maitre dans rien. Sachez vous voir, vous voir vraiment, avec VOS forces et VOS faiblesses et les apprecier. Personne ne pourra faire mieux que vous avec ce que vous avez, car vous en etes le seul detenteur. Le gazon sera plus vert chez vous si vous l`arroser. Listening To: Joga - Bjork
Nature of the beast life & death are cosmic dancing partners ever fallowing the Pide Pipper. I’m a bike courier and have been for i think 12 years now not too sure on when? What you have to understand about what i have been doing is living my life on my rules of sorts & playing well with others to a point. Yes i will admit that i 'm over grown spoiled kid, but the magic part is that I’m happy and all the money in the world can not buy that. I'm not rich, i don't have a lot of thingz but on the other hand i have some wicked ass friends & my families so I’m i poor? I love what i do for a living because it's all about me... there is no passing the buck in this game & fucking right i love playing in traffic! I'm writing this to put some people's minds @ ease... this is about the event that @ this moment in time has changed the game plan for me...... November 8, 2010 5 pm ish? It was rain filled evening heading home that fateful night. My roommate & myself had finished work where heading home going north on st Laurent street. It was raining but nothing to write home about......Micheal was in front of me....there was a car beside me when i saw the action of person that started all this.....you might ask what that started the next order of events......(i did not @ any point pass out)....well what i noticed was a car door being opened (called being door prized) .....car next to me....i angled the handle bars forward with my right hand so that it would not take the hit from the car door...... in doing so the handle bar was violently slammedd to the right side....i was @ that point flying..(i cleared a car'slengthth through the air)....i still rember the reflection of the light from the window shops in the wet street along with car fronpanelle & tire..thinking shit this going to hurt....i hit head first into the street which caused a 2 inch or so gash 2 open (*note* helmet would have saved me from getting 7 stitches, but not what happened 2 my neck)....i hit & rolled to a sittinpotionon on the ground.....I had intense hardcore pain in my left forearm & i thought it was broken....that is when the tingling in my arm started.....by this point Micheal was next to me....i was sort of dazed but full of adrenaline.....all i wanted was fucking smoke....instead i have people handing my Kleenex...(what i did not know @ this point was that i had blood flowing down the side of my face.....still wanting that smoke here.....& then cirrus began....i could see the fire truck come charging up...... three fire fighters get out......i said “ hi there guys i think you are looking for me” & that is when the back board & head gear comes into play.......so there i am strapped to this back board with everyone asking ?.....so they put me into the ablance & off i go.......I knew i was going to the general......Now here is where experiencee pays off......in 2006 when i was t boned they cut off everything i had....OKK normal i would be very excited if where being stripped naked by a group of women....in this case i was saying plzdon’tt cut my shit!!!!!!! so off i going to x-rays.....i get a ct scan & xrays of my arm.......now this is where thingz get interesting....i hate when people do this to u....”i have good & bad news”.....FUCK OFF & GET 2 THE POINT....good news arm is not broken but bad news u have fractured your spine.....nice never done that before....ya 4 me! Now going back to the left arm well @ this present moment it's no freaking picnic....there is something blocked somewhere for my arm does not feel normal & is causing abit of pain....so me i get 2 play the waiting game i got that smoke @ 3 am or so........ I miss biking and the work i love.....call me crazy but I’m crazy happy when I’m not a broken toy......
It is inevitable that ideas will be shared and creativity will blossom with or without financial incentives. The patent and copyright system are no longer sane methods of protecting individuals, even less so entitys such as corporations and organizations that represent nobody's interest specifically. If someone comes up with something good, something useful and therefor marketable, under the current system they may legally prevent others from enjoying the same freedom of action in enjoying the benefits that such an idea might bring. This is wrong for so many reasons and given the inevitable future of an ever growing population and ever less important borders, we need to start thinking about sharing our good ideas freely. Sooner or later I guarantee you that sharing of this nature will be forced upon everyone. Every action you take affects others and it's only been ignorance in our world that has stymied that fact from our common knowledge. Everything you have ever had and ever will have has been given to you. What is so wrong with giving something back? I love this one quote from the recent movie Avatar that Neytiri says to Jake: "All energy is borrowed and one day you have to give it back." This is true of our world as well and until mankind truly understands what that means, we are doomed to extinction of our own doing. Listening To: the heater clicks