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Eh,oui jme suis tape presque toute cette série là(j'acheve le 3).Par contre, cette histoire de fille m'a quand même touché.Pas par la nullite d'edward,ni par l'innocence de jacob,ni par les description de premier degré de l'auteur, ni par le fait que j'aie du passer la moppe parce que la fille mouillait trop dans le premier livre,un quart moins parce que l'auteure fout des variables inventé dans la recette sacro-millénaire de ces mythe.. Mais par le sentiment de folie et de confusion sentimentale de Bella. C'est le personnage dans lequel je m'identifis le plus.Edward a pas d'autre motivation pour l'aimer que parce qu'il ne la comprend pas(telepathie)pis qu'elle est un peu maladroite.Je ne suis pas decu d'avoir commence cette serie, même si la motivation pour la lire n'était que pour mieux la bitcher. Moi j'avais entendu que Bella était une gentille petite fille, presque parfaite..Bullshit,c'est une fille normale qui ment a tour de bras,qui cache des choses,double dépendante affective,un peu schizo.Normale quoi. le livre est beaucoup mieu que le film en passant. http://desencyclopedie.wikia.com/wiki/Fascination
I i don’t miss you. my walls stayed white. my eyes stayed blue. that disordering of senses promised for so long is undelivered. nothing is breathing except a taut beauty where the sheets are drying. II there is no heart. lifted like swimming i am more weightless than one hundred small fish. but i am out of water and i am going bad. there is no heart in an ocean. III my eyes are open, naturally. if i could sleep i would dream of white crows pecking my ego down to size. instead, my eyes cannot even close to blink. i thought i saw you looking in the freezer for vodka. IV and where did we meet? the night you lied and said it was poetry, and not the way my lips moved as i read it that you liked. but you admitted it later, it was my lips all the time. V that was a cold september and you without running water traded secrets for a shower i was the writer and you did all the talking my other asked me if one of the languages you spoke was "kat". VI with an armspan that almost doubled mine, he speaks of my friendly cruxifixion. but a man who holds back, who denies me my piercing when it is precisely that which i require, that man makes me strong when the blood in my hands is weak. VII i mark the hours like some mark days. 4am is a holiday. it is a solstice. the longest hour of the night. VIII i am uncomfortable in my own bed. i am remembering a breakfast, our first, when i was embarassed to swallow. funny how that morning’s coffee still keeps me awake. IX you are not a soldier. you are duty-free. i read your poetry and you read mine and i wondered if we were fighting the same war. even when you loan me a book, i study the bookmark as a map to your territory. those scraps are the details you’ve forgotten and the cities you’ve seized. X i see it coming. dawn is the most silent catastrophe around. but i cannot afford sunlight. literally. cheap apartments are surrounded, and mine is always dark. my ears slide on sheets that held our conversation about how you are not my boyfriend. and you said "yet," not me. XI and i think of your mouth. the funny way it twists around french words and how you suck my tongue like a suicide in a locked garage with the engine on. but my need to breathe is as eloquent as any frenchman’s kiss. XII such a good lie to say "i have no memories" no still-life snapshots no motion pictures of little bites above my knees and little bruises rising. i could see them if i crossed my eyes. but to remember is to lie and no perfect memory can touch me, can leave those marks with such gorgeous perfection. XIII i sing a song of teatotalers. drunk only with sleep, that stranger, that tease, i tell the joke that is decaf. bitter and useless as old age. XIV "a couple of kids" you called us, as if we meet each day to skip rope. as if tetherball was foreplay and i was your hopscotch virgin. do you remember growing up? i remember pretending to. XV 1pm is almost christmas. i will freeze your vodka and hang parsley over my door and we will pretend. you will come with your full bag and stir me like pudding. i have counted the hours and the days between the birds and the bees and it is now. XVI find me in the doorwat come time your breaths in sync with the spaces between my ribs. homing pigeon, come squeeze your notes into me. we can ignore the stroke of 2pm in favour of our own holiday. you can pretend to forget. i will loan you a pillow and later we will sleep like two bulbs that must be switched off, occasionally. Listening To: in for the kill // la roux (skream remix)
Petit exercice qui m'est venu en tête comme ça.. toi ami lecteur, as tu déjà retourné dans certains lieux dans tes rêves.Exemple être dans un centre d'achat inconnu et quelques semaines plus tard rêver du même endroit? J'ai décidé d'essayer de faire les plans de telles construction d'ici les prochains temps. Celui que j'ai visité plusieurs fois se trouve à être (dans ma tête)le place rosemère altéré.J'y suis allé environ 4 fois. Alors, pour le plaisir, prenez-vos crayons et essayez de faire le plus précis possible les bâtiment possible de vos rêves! par structure possible j'entend qu'une maison qui change de décor lorsque l'on ouvre une porte ne compte pas(selon moi).En plus ça travail la mémoire de se rappeler à quoi ressemble un bâtiment altéré.
PODCAST 12 Playlist : 01. Chainsaw (The Crow mix) - Dj Shredda 02. Sirens of time (Dub mix) - Fast Floor 03. Keep rockin (M.t.w mix) - Fast Floor 04. Digital interface - Ray Clarke 05. Flashback (Dave Joy mix) - Alphazone 06. Circle of the darkness - Dj The Crow / Mad Creatures 07. Acid message - Ray Clarke 08. T34 - Mark Norman 09. Few days away (John Askew red square) - Sensorica 10. Here come the drums - Mark Sherry / Dr Willis 11. O (Dark By Design rmx) - Dj Scot Project 12. Getting better (Technikal rmx) - Darren Styles 13. God - Jason Cortez / Phil York 14. Ebony angel (Mat Silver rmx) - Lisaya / Dj Deraven http://djinthebox.mypodcast.com/index.html
If you're ambitious enough to go to Toronto to attend a rave November 14th is a good day to go since TRR4 is then and it should be amazing. Here is the link if you're curious! http://www.nocturnalcommissions.com/index.php?opti...
hohoho, 40 days of visit in china . great family time . back to the cold city again , let us party now .