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» AlienZeD on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 3:13pm
Posted On:2007-03-29 15:13:38
Posted By:» AlienZeD
The world is a harsh unforgiving wasteland of cruel fate and undeniable injustice. I strive to mend the wounds of those unforgivingly abused by others. I aim to show by example that there are still moral beings in this world, that greed and hate have not claimed every soul. I will fight till the day I die to make the world a happier place, and realizing that right and wrong are nothing more than opinion and perspective, I will forever keep my mind open to new situations. My oath is to cast generalizations into the burning hell from which they came and to secrete humor in every form.

» Cya on Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 3:28am
Title:les mains pleines de sang
Posted On:2007-03-29 03:28:39
Posted By:» Cya
Même dans l’absolue démence
Même dans la plus totale dégénérescence
De tueries à outrance
J’tomberai pas dans l’abysse
De la masse indifférente
Même si la foule est morte
Même si le désastre atteint son paroxysme
Au coeur d’une humanité léthargique
Même enfoui dans le sarcasme
Même enfoui dans le cynisme

Du nouvel ordre mondial
Néo-fasciste meurtrier, libéral
Le lavage de cerveau total
S’exécute au niveau global
C’est pas un roman, c’est pas d’la fiction
On a les mains pleines de sang…
Et je vais rester naïf

Qu’est-ce qui faut pour qu’on réagisse?
Faut que ça nous explose en pleine face
Pour qu’on réagisse
Faut que la bombe tombe sur nos satellites
Pour qu’on réagisse
Faut que ça nous explose en pleine face
Pour qu’on réagisse

Au nouvel ordre mondial
Néo-fasciste archéo-libéral
Le lavage de cerveau total
S’exécute au niveau global
C’est pas un roman, c’est pas d’la fiction
On a les mains pleines de sang…
Et je vais rester naïf

» Pan-do on Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 8:46am
Title:winter demons
Posted On:2007-03-28 08:46:33
Posted By:» Pan-do
THe cold season is finally going away.
I hope its demons will vanish just as well.

Its coldness was all around me,screaming into my ears.
All was dark a filled with spirits.


I banish thee.

Lets spring be an omen of this truth I scream!

May the warmth of the sun heat the land and make the nights warmer.

Because night is not shadow.

because dark is not evil.

begone spirits,

you are cast away.

Let the nights be full of dreams,and the days made of hope.

May our heritage be equally shared.

I am left Hybridized after this long night,for the better or the worst.:)

On this,

I welcome you,spring.

» LuNe on Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 4:11pm
Posted On:2007-03-26 16:11:43
Posted By:» LuNe
Synchronicité :)*

» InKeepingSecrets on Sun Mar 25, 2007 @ 1:14am
Posted On:2007-03-25 01:14:56
Posted By:» InKeepingSecrets
Eh oui! Pour mon premier rave, j'ai la chance d'aller a ce show-la ;)

J'ai ben hate de voir sa, et c'est mieux d'etre bon et a me faire suer parce que je fais 6hrs de route pour!!! haha

» Kr4zyK4t on Sat Mar 24, 2007 @ 9:51am
Posted On:2007-03-24 09:51:39
Posted By:» Kr4zyK4t
J'ai commencé le beau projet de partir ma compagnie de vêtement dont l'objectif premier est la LIBERTÉ DE CRÉATION!

Je veux me spécialiser dans les kangourou, chandail, et autre vêtements en coton ouaté, jersey, etc. Femme & homme!!Une collection de T-shirt et top est sérieusement envisageable...

Pour le moment, tout ceci est encore à l'état embryonnaire! Vous pourrez donc assister live à l'évolution du projet Schizo! vos commentaires et suggestions sont tous bienvenus!

Il est encore possible de passer des commandes "spéciales".Ce qu'elles ont de "spéciales"? C'est une création faites sur-mesures à partir d'un mot-clef et d'un choix de couleur mais dont le design reste a ma discrétion et une surprise jusqu'à la livraison! Chaque modèle est unique et fait en fonction de la personnalité de son future propriétaire!<


» Purple_Lee on Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 8:09am
Title:You might be a bike courier if...
Posted On:2007-03-20 08:09:45
Posted By:» Purple_Lee
01. You know what a fixie is

02. You have gotten more than 2 or 3 flats in an 8 hour work day.

03. You know that just because your dispatcher yells at you on the radio, its nothing personal.

04. You have a code name [i.e. 8-ball, Fire Leader, Squid]

05. You have gone the wrong way down a one-way street just to deliver a package.

06. You know how to ride a bike with one gear and no brakes, somewhat safely.

07. You know the people in the local bike shop bike first name.

08. You know that downtown, a bike is SO much faster than a car.

09. You measure distances in blocks.

10. After work, you still refer to your fellow couriers by there code name from work.

11. You are not offended by rolled up pants.

12. You wear tights, and if you are male, you are not bothered by it.

13. Your back has been sore for says on end from that one heavy ass box that had to be delivered on a 15 minute service, just because the people that called it in are your biggest client.

14. Not all of the places in your city are fully said on the radio [i.e. Triple 5, Triple 7, The Dub]

15. You have several bikes

16. You don't have a car.

17. You drink beer at base with your other couriers after work.

18. You have been cut off by cars more than 10 times in one day.

19. You have ridden a flat tire just to deliver a package.

20. All of your friends are couriers.

21. You have met all of your friends on bikes from other biking events.

22. You don't ride in bike lanes.

23. You love your bike mroe than anything

24. You have ridden in over 100 degree heat and below 0.

25. You have ridden in all elements.

26. Hills.

27. You know what a "Free Lock" is.

28. You can ride all the way across town without putting a foot down [trackstands]

29. One handed trackstands.

30. No handed trackstands.

31. You are a vegetarian.

32. You are a vegan.

33. You know what the NACCC is.

34. Skid comp.

35. You know that bladed spokes have no place in the work place.

36. You have a ton of Old School Chucks and cycling caps.

37. The terms "Bianchi", "Alleycat", and "fixed gear" have special meaning in your heart.

38. You see sharply dressed women and men at all of the offices that you go into.

38A. You talk about the forementioned people back at base.

39.You get honked at to "get on the sidewalk".

40. A 15 minute round trip to the county at 4:45 doesn't make you mad, if you can get into the courthouse.

41. It is hard to decide between that new bike or rent.

42. You do your best multitasking while trackstanding.

43. You have a mini U-lock

44. You have been pulled over for having no brakes on your bike and going the wrong way on a one-way.

45. You realize that some people hate you and some people wouldn't surevive without you.

46. Your bag cost alot of money, possibly as much as your bike.

47. People don't understand how you stop your bike.

48. You hate checking your bag at the front.

49. Critical Mass.

50. Two words: Spoke cards.

» Purple_Lee on Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 8:05am
Title:Winterize Your Bike
Posted On:2007-03-20 08:05:33
Posted By:» Purple_Lee
Biking in the snow and ice is hard on your bike. If you have a nice bike, we recommend storing it and picking up a beater (aka cheap bike) for winter commuting. You may also want to use cheap old-school components.
Install Knobby or Studded Tires

* In mild conditions you can use low-pressure knobby tires on both the front and rear wheels.
* In severe conditions, winter tires with hardened steel spikes and a wide tread pattern will clear snow and increase traction on packed snow and ice. Basic studded tires have around 100 studs. More expensive models have up to 300 studs for better traction.
* The key to control and traction is the front tire. So place a studded tire on the front wheel first before investing in a studded rear tire.
* On my bike I have solid knobby tire (700 C X 38C) on the front with a knobby tire with a ride line in the back (700 C X 38C)

Prepare the Frame and Components

Snow, slush, salt, and sand can make short work out of a steel bicycle frame (another good reason to store your good bike for the winter and pick up a used one).

* Touch-up and repaint all scratches and dings to retard the onset of rust. This is not necessary if you have an aluminum frame.
* Repack your bearings.
* The truly dedicated can wax the underside of the frame with basic car wax. This will resist snow and slush build-up.
* Once a week give all drainage holes and the seat posthole a blast with WD-40. This can prevent water from freezing inside your frame.
* Give most of your bike's moving parts a blast of WD-40. Products like WD-40 are great for loosening rusted, stuck, or stiff metal parts but are not ideal as a lubricant for bike chains and derailleur. WD-40 may also help to loosen brake cables, clipless pedals, cogs, freewheels, or other frozen parts.
* Clean the chain set regularly. Expect your chain to take a beating over the winter and be prepared to retire it after a season.
* Chain Lube Purple Extreme Lubricant is what I have been using and it rocks!!!!!! http://www.bike-rack.com/purple_extreme.htm
* Carry a lighter and a small bottle of lock de-icier in case your brakes or moving components freeze-up. But be careful with the lighter so you don't melt any plastic or rubber parts.
* During warm spells, wash your bike with hot water and let it dry before you take it out in the cold. (Bring the bike inside and give it a shower & rub it down)
* Note bike should be dry before putting outside again

Choose the Right Parts

* Brake pads with curves in them scrub away mud, and work better than other brake pads in wet weather.
* Most bikes have aluminum rims, although some have steel. Steel rims tend to ice-up and don't brake as well as aluminum.
* After 5 winters on a bike & if you use V-Brakes then get eagle claws 2 (http://www.koolstop.com/brakes/index.html#Anchor-a...). These pads last forever!!!!!!


* Close-fitting fenders can clog up with slush, ice, and snow and impede your progress. Fenders that clip on the down tube and seat post provide good protection and plenty of clearance. Make sure your fender on the front fallows the tire (fender attaches to fork & not to the frame of bike). For the back one make sure it is fully covering you from the spray (if not add a piece to extend the fender…plastic is the best to use).

Lights and Reflectors

* Short days and falling snow or rain can drastically limit a driver's visibility. Use a powerful, highly visible front light or flashing white LED. And at least two bright red flashing LED rear lights.
* Most winter riders use two bright red flashing rear lights because batteries can fail in cold conditions.

Winterize Yourself

Once you've got your ride in order, take stock of your own gear for protection from cold, snow, and wind.

* Watch the weather forecast, and factor in the natural wind chill and the chill that's generated by your riding speed.
* Set a personal comfort zone or cut-off temperature. For example, if the weather drops below -15 degrees Celsius when it's windy or snowing, you may choose not to ride. If it's sunny and -25, you might opt to ride out.

Body Protection

Dress for maximum visibility. Bright colored garments accented with highly reflective tape are ideal. There are also a variety of personal flashing red LED lights that mount quickly and easily to the back of your helmet to add extra security.

For truly foul weather, well-layered clothing is the easiest way to regulate body temperature and stay dry. Even though it may be very cold outside you will perspire if you are riding hard, so try not to overdress. In dressing you have to stop two things wetness & wind. If you have all these covered you should be fine.

* A thin moisture-wicking layer against the skin moves perspiration away from your skin and keeps you dry.
* Above your wicking layer, an insulating breathable layer like a midweight or heavyweight fleece is ideal.
* As an outer layer we recommend a wind-deterrent jacket or shell. Some people even use old ski jackets! You'll probably also want shell pants. Warning: Your outer layers, attacked by road salt and slush, may get wrecked.

Protect Your Extremities

Cold extremities can turn a pleasant winter ride into an endurance-fest. Frostbitten toes and fingers can cause problems for years. So, to protect yourself, take care of your head, face, neck, eyes, hands, and feet.

Not only does your head need to be safe, it needs to be warm. You'll need a helmet with adjustable pads that can accommodate headwear. Remember that cycling helmets must be replaced after a single impact. Toques, headbands, and cold water paddling caps work well under a helmet. Ear covers that attach to your helmet also chic and cozy. To keep your face and neck protected, use a balaclava, neck warmer, or scarf. Make sure you can breathe well through the material!

Blade-style glasses or goggles will stop your eyes from watering (and eyelashes from freezing) and keep flying road grit out of your eyes. A must for year round biking (dark for day and coloured ones for night (yellow, clear and orange)

Any warm, windproof gloves will do. Lobster-claw-style cycling mitts offer maximum warmth without sacrificing dexterity. The ultimate in cold and wet weather hand protection are cycling pogies. Pogies (if you are really hardcore…but would not use it fro couriering) fit over your gloves, your bike's shifters, brake levers, and handlebars to completely seal out the elements. What ever gloves you pick has to fit well & not put pressure on the nerves in your hands…if after awhile your hands go numb then you know the gloves are no good)

Wet feet equal cold feet, and cold feet can lead to a cold body. Wet shoes also dry slowly, so at the end of a long workday, putting on your cold, wet shoes can dampen your enthusiasm for winter commuting. Here are some solutions:

* Winter or Hiking Boots You can dust off winter boots or grab your hikers, slap them on, and ride to work – a great solution if you have a fairly short, low-intensity commute. For long distances or in busy traffic, bulky winter boots may not offer the performance and response you need to ride safely.
* Plastic Bags An inexpensive and simple solution is to put a small plastic bag over your feet or inside your shoes. A great short-term fix if you get caught at work and the weather turns nasty.
* Gore-Tex® socks A more sophisticated option that is warm, breathable, and waterproof, but still doesn't solve the problem of perpetually wet shoes. This is a must for any winter biking (frozen wet feet sucks!!!!!)
* Booties Neoprene cycling booties are made to keep your feet as warm and dry as possible under bad conditions. Waterproof overbooties made of moisture-repellent packcloth keep your shoes and your feet dry and comfy. Remember, even with booties on, you'll need warm socks.
* Gators covers the ankles & shines stops snow & water from getting into boot or shoe

Riding Tips

Winter conditions offer a unique set of challenges to the bicycle commuter. You must be a defensive cyclist and anticipate possible problems. Keep these tips in mind next time you head out in less than idyllic weather.

* Choose your route to work based on the winter road conditions. If you are confident riding in traffic, busy streets tend to have the least amount of snow and ice. However, be aware of huge, tire-swallowing potholes, slush puddles, and snow banks. Also remember that snow-covered roads mean narrower thoroughfares. So be vigilant in busy traffic and never assume that drivers can see you.
* Less traveled roads and bike paths are generally safer but can be covered with hard pack snow and ice. Riding on rutted ice and hard pack snow is extremely challenging. If you choose a route less traveled, plan to add more time to your commute so you can slow down and ride carefully.
* Ride slow, steady, and smooth. Try not to make sudden emergency maneuvers. Keep your head up and anticipate the next turn when you will need to brake. Remember wet, slushy, roads mean reduced stopping power and extended braking distances. This also applies to cars in front and behind you.
* You may want to pedal in the same low gear all winter (mostly used gears are 4,5,6 in the second ring. In slushy and/or snowy conditions your cogs may get gummed up – your gears can skip or freeze in place. If you’re frozen in low you can still pedal in most terrain. When it is snowing getting into your higher gears will not work due to the snow buildup near your frame
* If you start to loose control, aim for a snow bank. It will still hurt when you run into it, but it beats sliding helplessly into an intersection or a parked car.
* Modulation in your petal stroke can get you past anything
* Black ICE or any types of ice if you hit it do not try to turn off it. Just let your motion carry you forward. Relax your body & expect to bail off your bike if things start going wrong
* Quick easy bail move…….put hand on front of the seat between your legs and push. You will clear your bike as it moves forward. This little move has saved my life a couple of times. Your bike can be replaces where as you can not

this is from MEC with some from myself

» LuNe on Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 5:19pm
Title:Au nom de la lune
Posted On:2007-03-17 17:19:38
Posted By:» LuNe
kin 240: Yellow Rhythmic Sun
I Organize in order to Enlighten
Balancing Life
I seal the Matrix of Universal Fire
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality

13-Moon Date: Moon 9 Day 12
Gregorian Date: March 18, 2007
Galactic Overlay: Yellow Lunar Seed

Greetings! You are a Yellow Rhythmic Sun!

The next few pages will help you to understand what that means.
In the 13 Moon Calendar there are 20 seals and 13 tones. Since you are a Sun your seal code number is 0. Everyone is coded by one of these 20 seals. They are as follows:


Now that you know what seal you are you need to learn a little about Galactic Notation. Remember you are a Sun, which is seal number 0.


In Galactic Notation, Sun is written with 0 bars and 0 dots. Find your seal below, the Sun, to see what its Galactic Notation looks like.


Each person is in one of five different Earth Families according to the Seal code number. The Seal code numbers break down into five mathematical sets. Each set is determined by the number of dots it contains. Remember you are a Yellow Sun which is Seal code number 0.


In Galactic Notation 0 is written with 0 bars and 0 dots.

This means you are in the no dot, or bar family.


For each of the 20 Seals there are 13 Tones.
You are a Yellow Rhythmic Sun.
The Yellow Sun is Seal code number 0.
Rhythmic refers to the Tone, which is number 6.

Here are the 13 Tones



Each of us progress through a 52-year Destiny Path which is divided into 4 distinct color cycles, or Wavespells, of 13 years. Knowing where you are in your destiny path can help you see distinct cycles in your life.

Remember, you are Yellow Rhythmic Sun. The Rhythmic tone is the 6th tone.

Find the Yellow Sun Sea(http://www.tortuga.com/eng/decode/sealstones/glyph...) above in the 6th position. This is your Destiny Kin, your face before you had a face.

From your Destiny Kin, a 52-year destiny path spirals forth. Starting at 0 years old, when you were born, you can follow the numbers from that position to where you are now. Your first birthday would have been 7 Serpent. When you were two you would have been 8 Dog, then 9 Eagle, etc. When you reach a 13 tone that is the end of that 13 year cycle. Your next year is a jump to the adjacent Wavespell in a counterclockwise direction.

To truly see how all this works you may need to print this page and study it a while! Notice you will have the same tone as your Destiny Kin during your 13th, 26th, 39th, and 52nd birthdays. You will have the same Seal during the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, etc. Through the rotation of the Seals and Tone you may look at and experience your life in four-year and thirteen-year cycles.


As each of us change through the years of our lives we take on different personas. Notice as you progress through the 52 year cycle that the four seals that you pass through: Sun, Serpent, Dog, Eagle, are the four seals of your Earth Family.

Now that you know your tone and seal, you can look at your Oracle.


http://www.tortuga.com/eng/decode/sealstones/glyph... http://www.tortuga.com/eng/decode/oracle/analogkin...

Destiny Kin. Basis of life destiny:

Analog Kin. Like-minded power:

Antipode Kin. Challenge power:

Occult Kin. Hidden power of 7, the unexpected

Guide Kin. Fifth force outcome power

You are a Rhythmic Sun. Below is a poem made from combining your Tone Rhythmic and your Seal Sun.


Yellow Rhythmic Sun
I Organize in order to Enlighten
Balancing Life
I seal the Matrix of Universal Fire
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I am guided by my own power doubled

There are many things you can learn by looking at this information. Think about it. You can also go back and find the Kin for your friends and family. Follow the calendar day-by-day and things will slowly become more clear. You will get out of it only what you put into it.

Tone 6: Rhythmic - Organic Balance

Yellow Sun is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.

"I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am." This mantra of Yellow Sun is a meditation for accessing the I Am presence that contains great power and universal truth. Yellow Sun is the mystery unveiled, the simplicity of unconditional love and limitless bliss. Known by many names, Yellow Sun is the Solar Lord, the Mind of Light, the Center that is also your center. Yellow Sun is your solar home, the Great Central Sun.

Yellow Sun is a reminder that you are, at every moment, in the center of All That Is. In your journey of remembrance, you are crafting a light body to return to a home in the stars that you never really left. Return as a child of the sacred to the Great Central Sun! You are the crown of creation, infused with the blueprint of solar mind. You are a Godseed, the reflection of cosmic consciousness. You are love made visible!

Discover the simple secret encoded in Yellow Sun's star-glyph: you are unconditional love, the stone of indestructible liberation. Radiate that knowing in all your thoughts and actions. Love all of creation. Join the dance of light, the fundamental constant of nature, and shine forth the clarity of your true essence. There is great power in simply identifying with the light:"As above, so below." You are in God, and God is in you.

As you express unconditional love, you become more than you previously perceived yourself to be. You become illumined, the full manifestation of your divinity. In the embrace of your humanity, accept yourself and others unconditionally. Magnify your full presence. Yellow Sun will come in myriad forms to assist you. Be limitless. Accept and understand the nature of judgement, fear, light and dark within yourself and others. Love and accept yourself and others as you are, freed from previous boundaries. You are the dawning of the solar age.
As you move toward your core of light, you will find a clear-light awareness that is innately innocent. In this place, the mind is restored to it's original state of receptivity. Clarity and freedom become expressions of being, and bliss becomes the body. At this core of light, a new reality is born. From the union of the divine masculine and feminine is birthed the solar androgyny of cosmic consciousness.

Now we find ourselves in a great awakening. We have the opportunity to retrace our steps, to return to union with Original Cause. We who have deepened the illusion of seperation are now poised to retrieve what seemed to be lost forever. Through the gift of rebirth and ascension, we are reclaiming our original state of union with God. We are going home.
The process of rebirth and ascension can be viewed simply as the raising of the vibratory rate of the Earth and her children. It is embodied in the state of consciousness that knows the self as divine. The circlet, or crown, is a symbol of recognizing and knowing that divine self. So the crown as a sacred tool is a universal symbol of the completion of a circle of self-empowerment and self-authority. Full ascension is the freedom to take your physical form with you to other planes and dimensions. In preparation for the ascension, there is an opening and clearing of your light seals and chakras. If you choose to walk this path, know that in the embodiment of your "I Am" self, you will learn to accept all things unconditionally, forgiving and releasing all judgements of yourself and others. The activation of solar mind and ascension is already in progress. In divine fusion, you are becoming the one body of the ascension.

Open your heart as a flower to the Sun, and become the same love that holds universes together!

Yellow Sun is also your Higher Self & Guide. (you are guided by your own power doubled)

Be at peace. Yellow Sun indicates that the activation of ascension, your solar mastery, is already in progress. Stay identified with the power of the Sun. Sail on golden solar currents to your home in the stars! Move joyfully toward whatever creates bliss and ecstasy for you! Forgive, release, and love all beings, all creation, as the unconditional caress of the Sun. Honour and trust the language of light held within your feelings, spiritual compass that guides you home. Open your hearts as a flower to the Sun, and become the same love that holds universes together!

Red Dragon is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper.

Red Dragon represents the root source of life, the nurturance and support of primary being, and within it are found the primal waters of unity. This is where your deepest roots receive true nourishment. Red Dragon is the energy of form contained within the formlessness of the primordial sea.

Primal trust means making choices with no guarantees, knowing that divine nurturance will provide what is needed for your journey. It means making choices moment by moment, implicitly trusting your innate steering mechanism of heart-knowing. Primal trust implies surrendering to the will of the divine self, letting go of what your ego deems to be control of the outcomes in your life. It means deeply trusting the processes that are at work within your present spiral of evolution.

The energy of Red Dragon asks you to embrace the depth of your receptivity. Perhaps you have been taught that it is better to give than to receive. Giving is a powerful way to learn how to receive, but it is not the whole picture. There is a circuit of completion in giving and receiving that happens within you and in your external world at the same time. If you trust unconditionally in the giving, you are not attached to how the gift is received. When you freely give, you fill your cup with sweet waters, which you can then offern innocently and purely to another. Know, on one level, that your gift is poured out universally regardless of how it appears to be received. However, when the gift comes from the ego, it is limited by expectations and conditions. Love just is. It is neither given nor taken; rather it is simply discovered and allowed.

The universe is an inseparable whole. Red Dragon represents the energy matrix lines that look like a web in the universe, through which all points are connected in time and space. This energetic web of communication is known as the 'crystal grid network.' It is a cauldron of creation, a potent field in which all things are not only possible but constantly being created. Within this grid, the linear causality of time and space has been freed into an open system in which all time and all space exist and interact simultaneously. This grid connects the larger holograms of reality with our own. Its energy lines connect all places, times and events - even those that are seemingly unrelated. All phenomena and all actions are part of this larger whole; it is the very foundation for telepathy and synchronicity. Red Dragon embodies unity, in which all things are one with the Source.

White Dog represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime.

Do you feel caught up in the emotional drama of life? White Dog asks you to take an honest look at repetitive or obsessive roles. The charged emotions in these roles are often associated with anger, fear, or jealousy. White Dog offers you a different experience of yourself - that of the objective 'witness' who can choose, rather than being drawn into charged emotional reactions. You can feel the liberation of observing your life from varied positions. At the same time, befriend the emotional, reactive part of yourself by examining its underlying issues and their emotional source.

All emotions hold the positive intent of assisting you in seeing the truth, receiving the teaching, and healing the root cause. Strong 'negative' emotions often come from hidden wounds and unresolved life experiences. Deep emotions may arise from a sense of separation and a desire for unity that may be misunderstood by the emotional body. Are you easily "unhinged" by feelings of possessiveness or jealousy? If so, learn how to take the position of "the other". Step inside the other's skin and see how it looks from his or her perspective. Then feel the release that comes from stepping out of your position and understanding from another's perspective.

Remember, you are always at choice. If you hold memories or wounds relating to unfinsihed emotional issues, you are being asked to interact with individuals, situations, or memories that still hold their charge. These issues are requesting healing and release. There is no blame, and there are no victims. Now is the time to clear these issues, to make way for new and liberating perceptions.

As you express who you truly are, your companions of destiny acknowledge your true essence, building the trust and connection that reveals your destiny.

The Harmonic Wisdom of White Dog is affinity, the attraction of like vibrations or substances for one another. Such companions are drawn together by the same aligned force that draws iron filings to a magnet. Companions of destiny are drawn together to do work that is naturally harmonious.

Blue Storm is your Compliment - something that comes naturally to you.

Blue Storm is the initiation by fire, the lightning path, the arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation. To the Maya, Blue Storm represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. Blue Storm is the purification of the 'body temple' and the ignition of the light body. In these last years of a twenty-six-thousand-year Mayan grand cycle, Blue Storm comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to ascension. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of All That Is.

Blue Storm provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to surrender everything. You give up what you seem to be in order to become fully what you are. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever.

Allow Blue Storm's storm to purify and cleanse you.

Blue Storm catalyzes and prepares your nervous system and circuitry for complete transformation. It is the electromagnetic storm of transmutation, the clearing and quickening of your physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies. As you become aligned with the descending energies, and evolve in consciousness, you body's vibration is raised, becoming less 'dense'. Your new alignment ignites the quickening process that transmutes the shadows of the past, including experiences, judgements, thoughtforms, and old patterns that have held you back.

As you move into this new vibration, you may feel off balance. In this transformational shift, you will feel unusual quickenings on every level of your being. You will sense emotional and physical 'imbalances' and restructuring. Your issues will be catalyzed and brought out for you to address. By being present with your old patterns you have a unique opportunity to access the energy of Blue Storm, which is experienced as an inner transformational 'storm', a natural part of the process of vibrational shift and quickening.

Whether you are experiencing these changes consciously or unconsicously, the vibrational change is adjusting your energy pattern to accomodate the flow of the language of light. These new frequencies feed you on every level of your being. As your transformation progresses, you quickly become aware of the unconscious material you still need to process. No longer can you escape the effects of your belief systems. Fears and negative images can all be felt very quickly. The transformation is experienced as if it were happening 'from the inside out'. Things seem to 'cook' inside you.

Remember that you have chosen to take part in this rebirth, both on a planetary and a personal level - the planetary dream, the miracle on Earth, is what brought you here! You are becoming the living model of the new reality. As an emissary of the great change, you are a transformer of the collective myth. Riding the crest of the wave, you are travelling both outward and inward on your journey home - for yourself and for all those who will follow after you.

A simple catalyst for this catapulting force is the integration of duality within. The personal integration of shadow is what will create the miracle! Personal shadow is simply that which is separated from the full light of consciousness. By integrating shadow, you are freed from delusions of right or wrong, good and evil. Shadow provides an opportunity for you to bring in all of your expanded essence.

Consciousness is a structural metaphor that is calling for transformation. As your consciousness becomes crystallized, narrow, and complex, it invites the process of dissipaton to 'unravel' and break it free. As you travel the spiral vortex of light, expanding into ever-widening realms of truth, your crystallized energy breaks down and trasncends form. This process can be very intense, but if you embrace it, you can be transformed into a freed adventurer - a divine actor who can play any part without becoming attached to it.

Your Tone is Tone 6 - Rhythmic

Receptivity, ability to respond, dynamic equilibrium, roots in many directions.

Six is the ray of organic balance, the dynamic equilibrium of the foundation of self combined with the one point of unity. Organic balance is an active process, not a static or fixed state. It is rooted in teh totality of who you are. Let your receptive roots run deep, grounding your ability to respond in this world. Bring your Essence Self into your present expression. Aliveness is derived from essence.

You are the unity that creats organic balance. You are free to choose, respond, give, and receive. Six asks you to respond to life with love, to bring heaven to Earth (*anacronym for Heart!) through your embodiment of the six-pointed star. Embody the Divine in your organic form. As you are infused with the vibration of heave, heaven is brought to Earth. As you journey homeward, Earth is brough to heaven. Thus is created organic balance, heaven and Earth in symbiotic union.


» uglyposergirl on Fri Mar 16, 2007 @ 7:17pm
Title:the secret
Posted On:2007-03-16 19:17:09
Posted By:» uglyposergirl
sometimes it just can't be the way you want it to be. i guess that's just the universe's way of letting you know that what you would like right now just isn't in alignment with you currently. the secret to a permanent state of peace and bliss does not come from thinking of the things you would like as in the future, rather, it comes from experiencing the things you would like through the power of thought, as in the present. experience all the thoughts and emotions that come along with what you want... imagine actually BEING there. it's really quite fun, like bringing the future to you now. too many dwell on the "hows" as to getting there... that doesn't matter, those things seem to simply work themselves out once you have the power of attraction pushing you toward your ultimate goal. you have to have complete faith in yourself... to never doubt your instincts. emotion and thought are almost synonymous... what you think determines how you feel, and how you feel determines what you think. when you have found who you want to be and truly live each day thinking all the thoughts that go along with who you are, you will naturally attract people, things, and be in situations that will help you get to where you want to go... or to where you are destined to go.

i really think people should have faith in themselves, not "god".

» Erzsebet on Thu Mar 15, 2007 @ 3:25am
Posted On:2007-03-15 03:25:15
Posted By:» Erzsebet
Je me sens douteuse, je fleuris, je faunie, j'ai perdu le contrôle... Étrange sensation que d'être impuissant face à une guerre nucléaire inter corporelle... J'me sens paraplégique sur les bords... j'ai l'impression qu'y a une partie de moi qui a décidé de faire la révolution et qui est en train de se déclarer état indépendant. Chicanne de couple monumentale entre les deux hémisphères de mon cerveau, j'suis l'enfant parachuté, amadoué et négligé par ses deux parties parentales... putain, je suis une troisième guerre mondiale, je suis un écosystème, je suis une république, res publica, c'est l'affaire des autres j'm'en mêle plus. Délire psychotique tourbillonant dans une soupe de neurones anarchiques, les lois c'est fait pour être transgressé, pas d'exception pour les lois de la nature. Ma très chère dame, vous avez une fuite, vous perdez de précieux liquides... Qu'on le remplace par du pétrole, qu'importe et pourquoi pas, méthode de nos encêtres, pratique d'une civilisation évoluée dévastée, et après tout, c'était pas si fou puisque leurs corps ont su se conserver depuis toutes ces années. Faisont fondre les routes, d'une pierre deux coups, on embaume et on détruit les frontières, les limites, les territoires.. terres-irritoires, ostentatoire, nonobstant le néo-judéo cataclismique purgatoire.... mon cocon est fin mûr, laissez moi sortir, mon maillot est maintenant trop serré, d'un orifice crânien doit s'expulser ma métamorphose... je suis un vers luisant, un insecte phallique, un tronc gluant insignifiant déployant d'horribles excroissances, exhibant un monstrueux handicap.. il faut d'abord avoir été une chenille pour devenir un papillon. La croûte charnelle m'envellopant s'aggrippe, ASPERGEZ-MOI D'EAU, je n'arrive pas à muer. Je traîne un cadavre moulant, un costume pathologique, quel sort morbide après de si pathétiques efforts inutiles... je suis un foetus mort-né, une chrysalide violée, dans la promiscuité de mon anatomie.. Enfin, je ne suis que l'ombre d'un organisme agonisant, le reflet d'un mécanisme survivant. Je... .... .... ... Mais toi, te t'en te tu???

J'enveloppe ma lucidité de cheveux mort et l'enterre sous les débrit de ma vie...

... les débrits de ta vie, les débrits de ma vie.. mes débrits; ta vie... vie-laine bifurcation vers un sempiternel rond point, vie-ce vertueux m'en rappelant incessament à ton imaginaire, ma propre fantaisie, et pourtant vie-taux vie-bices à ma santé mentale. Une voix dans ta tête, miniature vie-gie incrustée dans les profondeurs de ta boîte crânienne, un vie-olent vie-brato transportant l'information, veillant sur toi. Une vie-dange, avec une vie-d'ange, vie-olant ton intimité par intermitance, vie-ctorieuse dans sa vie-duité. Un ange gardien? non. Une fille? Oui, une simple fille sachant aimer au-delà de l'amour, toujours en plan pour te signifier ta propre existence, prête à te rammener à la vie, ta vie, VIE!!! Dans les décombres de ton hécatombe, une mandragore survit, petite fleur lubrique née du dernier foutre... progéniture incongrue d'un ultime échappement spermatique, grandissant parmi les cadavres grouillants. Désolante pourriture ou engrais enrichissant? Faut-il en mourrir ou s'en nourrir?...

» RavenDJ on Wed Mar 14, 2007 @ 12:18pm
Posted On:2007-03-14 12:18:36
Posted By:» RavenDJ
C'est actuellement mon second compte sur Rave.ca, la raison est que mon premier compte "semble" plein, 49 titres sur http://www.rave.ca/?s=member&u=DJRaven . N'oubliez surtout pas de me donner vos commentaires à propos des titres présents sur les 2 sites, ça me fait chaud au coeur peu importe...

» Pan-do on Mon Mar 12, 2007 @ 5:29pm
Title:Seelie court all the way
Posted On:2007-03-12 17:29:45
Posted By:» Pan-do
The Seelie have a reputation as the guardians of fae traditions.
They see themselves as peacekeepers, proponents of
courtly love, protectors of the weak and embodiments of the
ideals of chivalry. They tend to be traditional and often conservative
in their outlook, preferring the tried and true over the
risky and innovative.
Most Seelie seek the reunion between the mortal world and
the Dreaming, and would like nothing better than a return to the
time before the two realms split apart. To this end, many members
of the Seelie Court consider the gathering and preservation of
Glamour to be their sacred duty, a process of reawakening in
mortals the ability to dream. Though they may consider the
Unseelie Court their greatest rival, Banality is their greatest
Seelie changelings place honor above most other virtues. For
them, the concepts of oathbreaking, treason, cowardice and other
dishonorable behavior comprise a litany of the most grievous
crimes imaginable. In addition to honor, they value courage, truth,
beauty, justice and other attributes of the code of chivalry.

The Seelie Code
• Death before dishonor.
Chivalry still lives. Honor is the most important
virtue, the source of all glory. Personal honor must always
be kept stainless. Sometimes death is the only path which
can erase a mark of dishonor.
• Love conquers all.
Love lies at the heart of the Dreaming. True love
transcends all and epitomizes what it means to be Seelie.
Courtly love best expresses love in its highest form, although
familial love and love of companions also serve as
pure embodiments of that exalted virtue. Anything is
permitted in the name of true love.
• Beauty is life.
Beauty is a timeless, objective quality that, while it cannot
be defined, is always recognized for itself. Beauty is the muse of
creation, the ultimate flowering of the Dreaming. Once found,
it must be protected, for it is both eternal and fragile. To die in
the service of beauty is an honor and a privilege.
• Never forget a debt.
One gift deserves another. The recipient of a gift is
obligated to return the favor. Likewise, a curse should be
returned in kind. An oath of friendship should be answered
with a corresponding oath. Never refuse to aid anyone to
whom you are indebted. Never forget a kindness... or a cruelty.

Listening To: my own stuff

» CaptainHappy on Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 7:01pm
Title:First Rave |-|£LL `|´£/-\ !!
Posted On:2007-03-11 19:01:05
Posted By:» CaptainHappy
Sup fools! This is my first Rave and it was so fucking nice! Trop de la balle! I knew Clash was perfect for newbies ans it's true! I 'CAME FUCKING ADDICTED!! CSo Crazy! ok, there was the fucking Trance who's became too long but when Tispsy came da house was on fire!

J'ai fucking hâte au prochain! BACK TO THE GROOVE!!

» Fredyo on Sat Mar 10, 2007 @ 6:14pm
Title:Election democratique pour dissimuler l'autocratie
Posted On:2007-03-10 18:14:37
Posted By:» Fredyo
Le fonctionnement d'une personne politique élue, sur mandat est déjà à la base à revoir. Comment est-il possible pour des «gestionnaire» qui résument des dossiers élaborés par des assistants, qu'ils puissent prendre la bonne décision sur un problème quelconque. Quelle image de la réalité et du quotidien ont-ils ? Sur quelle base réaliste sera fondée leurs décisions ? Pour qui ? Pourquoi ?

Le citoyenNE a délégué ses pouvoirs a des «spécialistes», par facilité, paresse et manque de conscience collective. Le même citoyenNE reproche à la politique son manque d'imagination, de pragmatisme et de courage. Mais il est le premier responsable de son sort, car on a le gouvernement qu'on mérite. Nous serons gouvernés dignement le jour où nous aurons définit nos priorités, dans une perspective humaine. L'accumulation du profit ne peut plus être la seule raison de vivre et de se développer. Pour qu'une société soit viable et progressiste, il est indispensable que les individus prennent conscience de la collectivité, qui leur procure des droits et des avantages, mais envers laquelle ils ont des devoirs.
L'individualisme conduit directement à l'isolement, au sectarisme, autrement dit : à la misère humaine.

Vous êtes conscientE ? RÉFLÉCHISSEZ :
Quel motivation vous agite à ce point ?
De quoi avez vous vraiment envie ?
Quels moyens vous donnez vous réellement pour y accéder ?
De quoi avez vous vraiment besoin ?
Qu'avez vous comblez de ces besoins et envies ?
Comment réagissez-vous devant cette frustration ?
À quoi croyez-vous réussir ?
Comment assumez-vous l'échec ?
À quoi croyez-vous ? À qui croyez vous ?
À quoi pensez-vous ? À qui pensez-vous ?
Quel bonheur est censé vous apporter la soif du profit et de son accumulation ?
Quels biens vous font du bien ?
Qu'allez-vous manger une fois qu'il ne vous restera plus que de l'argent et du matériel transformé ?

Pourquoi allez-vous voter le 26 mars ?
Pour qui voulez vous votez le 26 mars ?
Pourquoi ce choix ?
Avez-vous vraiment le choix ?
Croyez-vous en la démocratie au Québec ?
Est-ce que notre civilisation a vraiment progressé ?
Avez-vous déjà falsifié une histoire ?
Pensez-vous que l'histoire de l'humanité est constamment falsifiée ?

Autorisé et payé par Cyn Ismo du Ministère de la Lucidité minimale.

» Lyzzie on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 10:28am
Title:Quand ça va bien
Posted On:2007-03-09 10:28:45
Posted By:» Lyzzie
Vous savez, il y a des jours où vous vous levez le matin et tout semble beau, la vie semble être faite pour être belle. C'est mon cas aujourd'hui, j'ai du ménage à faire, ma journée de travail devant moi, un examen à l'université en fin de soirée et un paquet de trucs à faire en arrivant chez moi vers 22h après l'examen, en plus d'une gang d'amis qui voudraient que je sorte avec eux en soirée! Mais étrangement, ça ne me dérange pas!

Aujourd'hui, ça va bien pis il n'y a rien qui va changer ça! Les deux dernières semaines ont été complètement folles. J'ai rompu avec mon chum, on s'est engueulés comme jamais auparavant, j'ai passé quelques jours à me demander chaque matin où j'allais dormir une fois le soir venu et à me quêter un lit chez des amis... Ensuite, le dimanche, en revenant de Sysmyk Storm toute magané, j'ai eu une magnifique discussion avec mon ex au sujet de mon appart. Finalement, en prétextant que je n'avais aucun moyen légal de le mettre dehors, il m'a dit que je pouvais rester co-loc avec lui ou crisser mon camp, que c'était ma décision! Merde! La raison pour laquelle ça marchait pu c'était qu'il crissait jamais rien dans la maison et qu'il se servait de moi comme sa bonne... Son gros argument c'était, ben moi ça ne me dérange pas alors je ne vois pas pourquoi je le ferais. Si toi ça te dérange, occupe toi en toi-même. Voir que j'allais rester là! Ensuite il s'est mis à m'insulter alors j'ai pris une douche et j'ai foutu le camp.

Le lendemain matin, j'appelle une de mes amies qui était supposée emménager avec moi, finalement elle m'apprend qu'elle ne part plus de chez ses parents et que je me retrouve donc toute seule.

Le lundi soir, je discutais avec deux amis qui ont finalement décidé de me libérer une chambre dans leur appart, je venais donc de me trouver quelque part où vivre. Mercredi j'allais faire des boîtes et ramasser les petits meubles et finalement, Vendredi, dans la grosse tempête de neige de 30 centimètres, je déménageais le reste de mes affaires... dans le noir parce qu'il n'y avait pas d'électricité dans mon ancien appart! Quelle merde!

Finalement cette semaine j'étais en mi-session à l'université et dans les boîtes par-dessus la tête. On est vendredi aujourd'hui, donc 2 semaines plus tard... J'ai commencé à profiter de mon célibat et à voir des amis, j'ai apprivoisé la vie avec mes deux co-locs Sylvie et Dominic et avec nos 3 chats, 1 chien, 2 lézards et 2 poissons rouges, j'ai fait mes examens tant bien que mal et je me suis installée dans ma nouvelle chambre!

Maintenant, la vraie vie va pouvoir recommencer, le printemps s'en vient, il fait beau dehors, j'ai pu à voir la face de mon ex!... Pis j'm'en vais à Human Blood samedi!!! Yeah! sérieusement, après le bordel des deux dernières semaines, il n'y a rien pour m'abbatre aujourd'hui! C'est une de ces journées où on croit que tout est possible et que rien ne peut nous arrêter! J'adore ces journées!

Vivement que le soleil et l'été arrive, c'est tellement plus facile d'être heureux quand il fait beau!

» BACKSTAGE on Wed Mar 7, 2007 @ 9:14pm
Title:backstage night club
Posted On:2007-03-07 21:14:39
backstage night club/Afterhours

Listening To: Afterhours

» narfette on Mon Mar 5, 2007 @ 11:50am
Posted On:2007-03-05 11:50:37
Posted By:» narfette
je suis vivante, et a buenos aires, en superbe compagnie.
j´ai passe quasiment 70h dans des bus pour passer de lima a buenos aires, dont un qui a dure 28h sans clim ou je crois que quelqu´un a essaye de me violer pendant la nuit, mais c´est peut etre aussi les 5 valium que j´ai bouffe pour oublier qu´il faisait 50 degres dans ce foutu bus.
j´ai traverse l´atacama et le purmamarca, je suis amoureuse des andes et je suis amoureuse de ces pays. j´ai vecu avec une chilienne de 19 ans dans une petite ville au nord du chili durant 5 jours et j´ai danse du reggaeton avec des peruviens jusqu´a 5h du matin.



» eatingownbrain on Sat Mar 3, 2007 @ 10:11pm
Title:five minutes
Posted On:2007-03-03 22:11:28
Posted By:» eatingownbrain
the next five minutes could be eternity... every second bleeding into the next and time is obliterated... i am alive. my thoughts wander back and forth, but everything is connected to these five minutes, nothing exceeds now, nothing undermines this moment... mundane beauty; home. peace, because i am not afraid to believe, and i see doubt as a choice that i don`t make... i feel my will growing strong, my heart beating strong- i close my eyes.
the next five minutes i will spend with Hades sleeping next to me; in the underworld where i said yes to all of infinity- the next five minutes are sleep and dreams.
...if i could, i would never wake up...
lucid, i am alive and i can feel this moment in motion, i`m rushing one with all the elements, transparent and light as air. the next five minutes are more real than any others... i am living dreams.
a new spiral in my re-evolutions; D.N.A recombinations in the matrix of my soul simultaneously affected by and affecting everything that goes through me. and in the next five minutes: hybridization- one organism- one life- one love.