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» Phoenix on Thu Sep 28, 2006 @ 9:36am
Posted On:2006-09-28 09:36:33
Posted By:» Phoenix
01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110010 01100001 01110100 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01110010 01110101 01110100 01101000 00101100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01100001 01100011 01100101 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01101110 01101111 01100011 01110101 01101100 01100001 01110100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110010 01100101 01101110 01101001 01110100 01111001 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 01100101 01101111 01110101 01110011 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 01110100 00101110 00101110 00101110

» Cya on Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 7:00pm
Posted On:2006-09-26 19:00:25
Posted By:» Cya
Et ouais, on a des nouveaux collèges
Collèges de l'imunité on va faire des bons élèves
Les enseignants seront armés,
Les classes en bétons armé,
Quand à la cour de récré,
Conçu en fil barbelé.

Et ouais, enfin une nouvelle éducation
Travail, famille, patrie
Educons la nation
Vos gosses sont des Junky
On les jette en prison
Ce sont des mal poli
Qu'on des parents indécis

Et ouais, on prend des décisions
Les gens d'en bas sont mauvais en terme d'éducation
Puisqu'ils gèrent mal leurs mouflés
Puisqu'ils tiennent mal leur maison
On va leur sucrer
Les allocations


Allez fusions les droits de l'enfance
On avait trop avancé
Dans notre si jolie France
Enfermons les nouveaux nés
Avant qu'ils se mettent à pleurer
Le calme c'est la santé
Faut pas se laisser en emmerder

Allez fusions les droits de l'enfance
Beaucoup de nos voisins,
En ont fait l'expérience
La prison fait du bien
Ca remet dans le bon sens
Tu deviendras un adulte
Sans passer l'adolescence

Allez fusions les droits de l'enfance
Augmentons le temps de travail
Diminuons les vacances
On va leur peter 20 chaines de télévision
Ca va leur zapper
Leur envie de rebellion

Allez fusions les droits de l'enfance
Augmentons le temps de travail
Diminuons les vacances
Faut que les parents bossent
Faut que les parents bossent
Pendant que la police
S'occupe de leurs gosses

Allez fusions notre jeunesse
Fini les fénéants
Remplis d'allegresse
Fini les rave partis
Tout le monde au fitness
Le sport c'est la santé,
Les jeunes ne font que de se droguer
Allez sortons le gouvernement
Impunité zéro
Pour notre président
(...) pour les ministres
Qui se sont augmentés
Pendant que la moitié du peuple
Se bas pour bouffer

Allez sortons le gouvernement
Impunité zéro
Pour notre président
Il est surment plus coupable
Que la misère des enfants
Qu'il veut enfermer
En bon dirigeant

Allez sortons le gouvernement
Il faut avancer
On est intelligent
On va user les pavés,
User les pavés, user les pavés
Et ils vont reculer

» Mezion on Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 9:14am
Title:Nine Inch Nails - Closer
Posted On:2006-09-26 09:14:34
Posted By:» Mezion
you let me violate you
you let me desecrate you
you let me penetrate you
you let me complicate you

help me
i broke apart my insides
help me
i've got no soul to sell
help me
the only thing that works for me
help me get away from myself

I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want fo fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god

you can have my isolation
you can have the hate that it brings
you can have my absence of faith
you can have my everything

help me
you tear down my reason
help me
it's your sex I can smell
help me
you make me perfect
help me become somebody else

I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god

all through every forest
above the trees
within my stomach
scraped off my knees
I drink the honey
inside your hive
you are the reason
I stay alive

-Nine Inch Nails

(A classic ... Simply awesome song)

Listening To: Nine Inch Nails - Closer

» Mezion on Mon Sep 25, 2006 @ 3:24pm
Title:Nine Inch Nails - The Great Below
Posted On:2006-09-25 15:24:08
Posted By:» Mezion
staring at the sea
will she come?
is there hope for me
after all is said and done
anything at any price
all of this for you
all the spoils of a wasted life
all of this for you
all the world has closed her eyes
tired faith all worn and thin
for all we could have done
and all that could have been

ocean pulls me close
and whispers in my ear
the destiny I've chose
all becoming clear
the currents have their say
the time is drawing near
washes me away
makes me disappear

I descend from grace
in arms of undertow
I will take my place
in the great below

I can still feel you
even so far away

- nine Inch Nails

( I realy love that song, quite powerfull and emotionnal.
For me , it's about death or love. Beautiful )

Listening To: nine Inch nails - The great below (Duh..)

» AlienZeD on Mon Sep 25, 2006 @ 1:34am
Posted On:2006-09-25 01:34:59
Posted By:» AlienZeD
When your life flashes before your eyes. All you notice are the moments you most cared about and logic takes a trip far from your mind. You act on instinct or you don't act at all and even though you don't understand anything for all it involves, your mind is clear. When your whole life flashes in your mind at the same time, you're mind is clear but your futur is the most foreign thing ever. Nothing you are about to engage in is real and therefor does not exist. This lack of existence, this void that we become fills us with stress, doubt, confidance, fear, courage. It pushes us to complete what we believe in. The past gives us the means, the present gives us the motive and the future gives us the will.
Never take shit from anyone because you'll never get that time back.

» FaUst on Fri Sep 22, 2006 @ 1:47pm
Title:Où est passé l'imagination?
Posted On:2006-09-22 13:47:40
Posted By:» FaUst
Un professeur dit à un gamin: «Quel beau dessin!...Mais ça ne marche pas ton truc... Un arbre ça ne peut pas être violet! C'est vert. Recommences!»

L'école défend et enseigne des conventions.
Lorsque qu'un étudiant n'y addère pas, il est montré du doigt.
Il se transforme en menace, en monstre à abattre...
On le force à entrer dans le moule, à accepter ces conventions comme siennes.
S'il refuse d'y adhéré, il est rejeté, renvoyé chez lui.
C'est un marginal.

Les conventions tuent l'imagination.

À tout les individus instruits:
Battez-vous pour retrouver votre imagination.
Vous baignez dans les conventions, vous les connaissez, vous les avez appliqué...


Il est si absurde de vivre dans une société où l'imagination et l'originalité sont dévalorisé

Listening To: Venitian Snares

» HowssBoi on Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 3:36am
Title:1st Entry - "The Rundown"
Posted On:2006-09-20 03:36:11
Posted By:» HowssBoi
So you already know a little about me from my posts on the boards and from my profile. This will bring you up to speed on the rest of things.

I'm struggling to find a little work here in Southern Ontario - just for a few weeks until I go out to Alberta. It will be the biggest geographical move of my life and it will be my first time "out of the nest" and away from my parents. I suppose that what I am doing is the best thing because I am leaving absolutely no room to move back in with my parents. I can't just drive home on a whim because home will be a 4 day drive away!

Most of my friends wonder why I want to move away. The main reason is money. I want to make as much money as possible and Alberta is the place to be if you're young and single (like me) and you're looking to make a lot of cash. Another reason is that I feel like there is nothing here in this little town for me any more. All of the pretty girls I know are in serious relationships and there is pretty much nothing for work - well, work that pays you enough to cover all your bills, anyway. Plenty of shitty jobs but nothing worth sticking around for.

I don't have a girlfriend. I don't go out because I hardly ever have enough money to go out after I pay my bills (another reason why I'm moving to Alberta!).

My goal before I leave Ontario is to go out and have one solid night of partying. Drinking a little bit, dancing a whole lot (even if I look like a total idiot doing it - I've learned that as long as you're having fun it doesn't matter what you look like!). I don't care who is there. I'm having a good time!

Listening To: Infected Mushroom - Dream

» Le_D on Mon Sep 18, 2006 @ 10:21pm
Title:Raving at Aria!
Posted On:2006-09-18 22:21:26
Posted By:» Le_D
Rewire 3's gonna be at Aria! This is cool news. It does remind me of another party in fact. Anyone remembers Phase one? Phase one was a party held on november 6th 2004. It turned out pretty good, and I remember having a lot of fun there. What's the link between Phase one and Rewire 3? Well, Phase one was held at gravity. Actually, it was the first rave ever to be held there. Same goes with Rewire 3, it's opening Aria's doors to rave promoters.

Anyone who's been raving during the months following Phase one remember Gravity all too well. So many parties where held there everyone hated the place. People get tired of a venue, but it's even worse when it's an afterhour. The first party to be held in an afterhour is always cool. People feel like they've taken over a place. That the afterhour, that's normally the clubber's realm, and is viewed as hostile to ravers, as been "invaded". After a few parties, everyone notices this isn't really true; the afterhour still belongs to it's owner. Security is always present, and people get searched at the door. There's always the drug issue (I won't elaborate on this on a public blog, even though most people would) and an afterhour just doesn't lose that "club" feel.

We all know that when a venue is found, it usually gets overused until it's burned up. An afterhour won't burn up. You can rent it again, and again, and again. The only thing that will put it out of business is if people stop renting it and the place doesn't host regular club nights. This is what happened with Gravity actually, people stopped renting it, so it closed. Anyway, the point is that if an afterhour becomes a regular rave venue, it hurts the scene, a lot. It happened with Level, it happened with Gravity, let's hope it doesn't happen with Aria.

Many ravers are attracted by the underground feel found in raves. When all the parties happen in clubs, they lose the motivation to rave. Usually, when a raver leaves the scene, he leaves it for good. He might make a few combacks, but it's just not the same thing. Also, less people bring their friends. Parties just don't seem as fun anymore. We no longer feel like it's our party. Surrounded by big light effects, unfriendly security, publicity, the little rapper drug dealer hanging out by the bathroom selling overpriced crystal meth, what part of the rave still belongs to the ravers? In theory, it doesn't change anything. In practice, ravers don't like it, and it shows in the vibe.

So in the end, I'm sure Rewire 3 will be a success, but anyone who's thinking about renting Aria afterwards, think about this. The scene doesn't need another "dark age" of afterhour parties. Keep in mind that if you're doing a party in a club, you're gonna have a club vibe. Aria will be a fun venue 2 or 3 times, but afterwards, it's not gonna work.

Listening To: Some happy hardcore

» Le_D on Sat Sep 16, 2006 @ 3:00am
Title:It's not dead yet
Posted On:2006-09-16 03:00:52
Posted By:» Le_D
There's one thing that's been pissing me off for a while now. You all know how important I think it is to give the scene a good image on message boards. There's one particular type of attitude that's particularly annoying and insulting to the people who struggle to make the scene alive. I'm talking about the people who keep claiming that raving is dead. Comments such as "trance is dead, no one listens to it", "no one should dress candy, it's all over" or "don't go to raves, clubs/bars/afterhours are the real thing". People who post things like that should remember the name of the websites they're posting on,, or Even smaller message boards shouldn't get this kind of attitude. If it's a rave board, then the rave scene should be respected there.

First, the "trance is dead" attitude. I'm not just talking about trance here, but any style of music that gets dissed. No one's forcing you to listen to trance, or techno, or hardcore, or any of the other styles of electronic music that's popular at raves. We all agree that these might not be as popular as they used to be, and more "mature" styles, such as house or breakbeat, gain more popularity. There's a difference between a style that lost popularity and one that's dead. The producers and djs who work hard all deserve respect, even if their style isn't as popular as before. That the quality of the matterial released isn't as good as it used to be is an opinion, and it's ok to say it if it's being said politely. Most of those comments are made by people who don't like the style of music they're dissing, and for some reason think it shouldn't exist. You can have that opinion if you want, but don't drag people who might be interested to find out about a certain genre into it. Would we diss people for listening to 80s new wave? No, because it's a style of music that was once very popular, and that influenced many artists. The same can be said of trance, happy hardcore, or any other kind of rave music. Respect the artists who make it alive, because as long as tracks are being released, it's still alive, and even if no track is being produced, people still have the right to listen to it.

Now, the "no one dresses candy" comments. I'm not just talking about dissing candy ravers, but about any kind of "rave" attitude, such as spinning glowsticks or having massages. Some type of behavior that aren't allowed in normal every day life are common at raves. It's the kind of things that make raves so different from other parties, and make them unique. Anyone who complains about those things should remember that they have the rest of the world where they don't have to see those things. Please, leave raves to the ravers. On the other hand, we should encourage people to do things like that at parties. A rave is supposed to be a place where we can go crazy and do things we'd never do the rest of the time. Why would anyone want to make parties exactly like every day life? The worse part is when new ravers get scared of trying these things, because they've read diss about them, and don't want to get judged. This is killing the scene, for real. Let people have fun, live and let live.

Finally, there's the "clubbing is better than raving" argument. This one actually goes both way. Ravers shouldn't diss clubs or afterhours, because raving is also about promoting electronic music, and some clubs put up a lot of efforts into that. Now, it's perfectly normal that a big club like aria gets more attendance than underground parties. It's also normal that some people will prefer going to the commercial clubs. If you're not going to raves, then why do you need to diss them? Just don't go. People must realize that we're all sharing the same message boards. Respect where other people like to go out, and respect the promoters who make parties possible. Most importantly, let the people try out raves! You have no business telling someone who wants to go out that raving sucks, let them decide for themselves!

In the end, the important part is to give the scene a good image. New people are gonna read the message boards, and they shouldn't get the feeling that raving is totally over. Undergroud raves still happen, and even if you don't like them, a lot of people do. I know some people never liked raves too much, and are only interested in one particular branch of electronic music. That's ok, just remember other people. There's no reason to diss events you're not gonna attend. It's just a question of respect. Keep in mind that when you're saying that "it's all over", you're insulting the people who work hard to make all of it still alive.

Listening To: Virus & Milo - Runnin' things

» Lola on Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 11:46pm
Title:Yay I dropped a course
Posted On:2006-09-15 23:46:24
Posted By:» Lola
God I am soooooooo fuckin relieved. I dropped a course at law skool out of 6 coz :
1) the professor was nice and stuff, but she couldn't present the subject of the course in the way which I would actually survive 5 min!
2) Fuck I wanna live! People at my skool, many of them don't work like 15-20h a week and they're not really into partying and stuff. I am still fuckin young and y should I become a huge bookworm right now (I already am but whatever), when I'll pass my entire life of reading and writing anyways. I still have to get my year in common law, a masters and a pHd, which is a LOT of wurk.
3)Oh silly me I forgot to mention the course's title :P. It's the European Union Law course. God it's sooo fuckin complicated with like the ten thousand treaties that they have and stuff. I'll probably take that course with a better teacher.

Nways, yay I've made the right decision and what the hell, I have to enjoy life somehow!

Listening To: A State of Trance 2004 by AVB

» TheGreatMagician on Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 12:00am
Title:Starting Life Over Again...
Posted On:2006-09-14 00:00:52
Posted By:» TheGreatMagician
It's been an interesting transition... moving back to Canada... yet feeling like a stranger in my own country. Montreal is also a new place for me, so it is both exciting and scary! It will be great to perform once again, and to get involved in a social scene where I can enjoy myself as a performer and a punter! Hurray!

» Screwhead on Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 4:32pm
Title:In this one I say "fuckin'" a lot
Posted On:2006-09-13 16:32:33
Posted By:» Screwhead
Fuckin' hell. No more fuckin' weed for me. Absolutely, ever, again.

So, here I am, no internet access at home and having another panic attack. Went over to a friend's place and caught the tail-end of a documentary he'd done on extreme body piercing, followed by smoking a joint. Totally put me in a horrible state of mind.The soundtrack had part of one song playing, and that totally set me off on a negative thought loop. Should have eaten way before smoking a joint. Then I get home right in the middle of a sisters of mercy album.

Oh god.

I am so fucking emo.


It's crazy. I should have known this fucking shit would happen. I've got so much on my mind all the time that the slightest being stoned sends me into a negative thought loop, quite like bad-tripping on a little shrooms with no visuals. The last thing I needed to do was watch a video of a guy piercing his own dick while Inferno played in the background. Then I come home to catch some kind of stranger.

Sitting here hugging the fuck out of a pillow helps, but just a little.

I feel so fucking pathetic. I'm exactly the kind of person I want to hate.

I'm gonna go chill at Dave's place, I need to be as far away from stress as possible.


Fucking hell, woke up at 6am to get ready for my hospital appointment, and like a fucktard I fell back asleep before getting out of bed. In the 2 hours that I slept, I had a weird-ass dream that I was sitting
outside somewhere with Dave talking, and some guy just walked up to us and pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot me unless I left. So I got up, left, and as I'm walking away some redneck cowboy-wannabe looking
guy walks up to me with a gun in a holster that's got a pair of redneck-cop mirrorshades clipped on, gives it to me and says something to the effect of "You shouldn't let people get away with shit like that", and then I woke up.

Then, today, at around 1pm there's a shooting at Dawson.

Fuckin' weird.

Got to the hospital on time, even though I got lost on the way. Fucking doctors, I swear they could try to do a little more to re-assure people. I think I spent less than 10 minutes talking to this guy who looked like some kind of albert einstein wannabe with a wacko
moustache. "Yup, sounds like irritable bowel syndrome. Eat more fibre, avoid all stress. Look the rest up on the internet. Come see me in a month"

The fact that I've spent nearly every day for the past 3 months in pain and/or pretty major disscomfort doesn't seem to mean much, no explanation of anything, no tips or advice, just in and out as fast as possible. I thought doctors were supposed to make you feel better, not treat you like a number on a list.

And now, more problems with getting my welfare checks. Fuckin' yay.

» Le_D on Fri Sep 8, 2006 @ 4:21am
Title:Support your scene
Posted On:2006-09-08 04:21:16
Posted By:» Le_D
We hear that all the time, support the scene. It's even became a popular diss to tell someone they're "hurting the scene". Do we really know what supporting the scene means? First of all, you can't support more than what you want. Supporting too much means getting jaded, and that's definitely not good support. (read "a raver's life" to find out how) This entry is not about what to do, it's about what not to do.

First, message boards. It's pretty simple, lots of random people read them, and what they read is the image they have of our scene. When they read threads that diss a dj or a promoter, or random raver drama, they see the scene as being full of drama. Some things are meant to stay private. If you have a problem with someone, just talk to that person in private. This is the kind of things my mom used to tell me when I was a kid, and I honestly still can't believe adults can't do it. You can't be friend with anyone, and there will be people you won't like. That's fine, but leave the rest of us alone with it.

Second point is the ever famous guestlist. No wonder for how much time you've been in the scene, what you've done, the friends you have, no promoter will EVER have to write your name on the guestlist. Most promoters lose money, and when they do make some, it's well deserved for many months of hard work. All you need to pay is 10, 15, 20 dollars. Even if the party is more expensive, no promoter's doing it for the money. Paying your ticket is probably the best way to support the scene. This is how we're gonna have bigger parties. If you're broke and can't come to a party, it's sometimes better to stay home, or borrow some money from a friend. Keep in mind that most promoters risk their shirt in throwing raves. Far more than the 20$ you would pay to get in.

Another thing, thread the autorities with respect. Sure, you don't like to see the police at a party, but they're just doing their job. Busting a rave is a lot of paperwork, plus they'll get tons of kids in the streets in the middle of the night. Most policemen would rather leave the party as it is. If people are disrespectful, it might just convince them to go through the trouble.

In the end, it's the same conclusion as always, have fun, respect your scene, and everything will go well. And before you tell someone that they're hurting the scene, think about your own attitude. Those people are best left ignored. Let's focus on the people who make the scene alive, rather than those who disrespect it.

Listening To: Sayan - In da club

» Le_D on Tue Sep 5, 2006 @ 8:00am
Title:The Project Mayhem
Posted On:2006-09-05 08:00:02
Posted By:» Le_D
I think now is time to talk about my future projects. A lot of people have been asking me questions after Time Machine. When is the next party? How many parties are you gonna throw per year? Are all your parties gonna be oldschool? etc. I'll try to explain my project here.

First of all, what I want to do is throw raves the way I think they should be. There is a part of oldschool there, as I like things like venue 24h in advance or people dressing crazy. You all already know what I think about the scene, and what I want to bring back. Those of you who have been reading this blog also know I believe in strong promotion, that means 2 party per year, no more. I might move to 3 per year eventually, but not right now. The fact is that I wouldn't throw a party without putting it minimum 3 months promotion in it, and I like to give myself at least a month of organisation before. Another thing I like to do is to have my ideas approved by ravers. Not djs, not other promoters, regular party kids.

Now, those two parties per year both have a different theme. The summer party is Time Machine, Time Machine 2 will be held next summer, unless I can't afford it for some reason or another. The winter party will be my favorite kind of music, happy hardcore. I will also try to explore different themes, and try to make these parties as original as possible. While the Time Machine series is themed around being a replica of older parties, the winter series will be more upfront, both musically and in the themes. This is where I will try all my craziest ideas. I also expect these parties to be a bit more expensive than Time Machine, but with out of town djs, and eventually international headliners. (hopefully)

As for djs, my main goal is to create original and interesting line ups. One thing I'm 100% against are gig exchanges. For starters, I'm not a dj. Still, I wouldn't book a dj just cause he throws parties. This kind of attitude destroys the scene. I'm not saying that those djs are bad, what I mean is that some excellent djs who don't throw any parties don't get as many gigs as they could, while we ear the same people over and over. Again, I'm not pointing any fingers here. As for my line ups, feedback is always appreciated, and I'm always willing to listen to dj demos. One thing's for sure is that I prefer booking djs who don't get as much gigs as they deserve than those we hear every weekend. Oh, and I might play at one of my parties eventually, but not for a while. I've taken this decision for personnal reasons. I have a lot of people who've been asking when they'll hear my spin. For that, I have to be able to play a set that I'm satisfied of. I do not throw parties so I can play, I throw parties so I can have fun with loads of hyped up ravers.

Well, for now, I'm gonna start working on the next party. I'm starting to have a line-up in mind, and I think a lot of you are gonna like it. Web site is coming in soon too. You're all welcome to pm me or leave me a comment on my profile about this, I want to know what the ravers think of what I do. After all, I throw parties for you kids!

Listening To: Tipsy Tamere - Gate toé

» Chuck_B on Mon Sep 4, 2006 @ 5:01am
Title:la vie...
Posted On:2006-09-04 05:01:29
Posted By:» Chuck_B
I feel nice. life is such a "FUCKIN' MYSTERY"!!!
i like it, no matter what!

» Andiie on Sat Sep 2, 2006 @ 11:01pm
Title:La beauté.
Posted On:2006-09-02 23:01:18
Posted By:» Andiie
La beauté n'est pas vulgaire ni artifice.
Elle n'est pas un look ni une coupe de cheveux.
Elle n'est pas un regard ni un sourire enjôleur.
La beauté ne se commande pas ni ne se crée.
Elle n'est ni factice, ni immitable.
Certes, plusieurs en seront bernés,
Mais jamais assez pour rester.
Elle ne se trouve pas là où elle est assumée.
La beauté recherche la modestie, l'incrédulité.
Elle réside là où la paix se trouve,
Là où les tempêtes dansent en rond.
La beauté ne cherche pas le regard des autres,
Elle l'attire.

» Miss_Stef on Fri Sep 1, 2006 @ 1:23pm
Posted On:2006-09-01 13:23:02
Posted By:» Miss_Stef
So Long Suckers

Listening To: chemical brothers