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BOuuuuuuuuuu!!! JuSte in Ptit bonJOurrR A TlmMmmmmmmmmmmmm... Puis UhMmm.. De pas Vs GeneR pr Vnir MpaRler.. jMOrD Pas PEnTOute.. Chu HautE komMe 3 PommeS =D FaCk.. GeNeR Vs pas !! oxoxox
in my head a hundred moments of starry realization in the dark cosmic basement of the French Bath- a history of counter culture vibrating through acoustic space. in my head the faces of old people clay-like with cracks and folds and hollowed-out places- sunken by the smog of the city. in my head the speed of light, of sound, of infinity in motion spinning uncontrollably through time and universe. in my head constructed visions of a utopia I don’t believe in and idealism characteristic of humanity’s own defeat. in my head hope because it’s subversive and refusing to buy into millenarian skepticism, believing in life even though I have long since been dead. in my head the color purple and all the meaning we gave it my relationship with this optical nuance changing with my world view but the history of purple remains intact. in my head lying down on the hot pavement in the middle of the road, in the middle of nowhere, letting the sun cook me into a tar-fleshy substance absorbed by the industrial organic. in my head generations of women sad and strong, uncertain which is our greatest virtue, who masochistically revel in emotion, find glory in martyrdom, and then die alone- none the better… in my head two thousand names, one thousand I named you, one thousand I named me, none lasting long enough to call home but at least we can hold hands and walk nameless together into the oblivion of aimless thought. in my head the violence of a tortured artist, poor sad soul born in a bed of flowers tasting beauty only where we can’t. in my head the alienation of self, from other, from self wandering under an aggressive sun, skin burning, searching for a rainbow, a myth, a story book from childhood… and weeping when crowned by dandy lions in any green field next to any grey highway. in my head the exquisite curve in the heavy wood of that clock, unknown and familiar, sitting in a corner on top of an empty bookcase in Saint Hyacinth. in my head the clenched-teeth, strung-out maniac, heart beating out of time, cleaning up spilt milk, spilling milk, cleaning it up again, and so on… until wake and sleep can no longer be distinguished caught in gears of power and feigning control. in my head the invented state of ecstasy in social suicide, spontaneously combusting and reborn of my ashes a single-celled freak. Listening To: piano sonatas vol1 --Beethoven
¤*¤Un sourire ne coute rien mais a une grande valeur il enrichit ceux ki le recoivent sans appauvrir ceux ki le donnent il dure un instant mais on sen souvient longtemps personne n'est assez riche pour sen passer meme les pauvres peuvent le posséder quand nous sommes fatigués il nous encourage kan nous sommes déprimés il nous réconforte kan nous sommes tristes il nous aide a combattre tous nos soucis CEPENDANT il ne peut pas etre acheté,emprunté ou volé Si vous rencontrez kk1 ki ne vous donne pas le sourire ke vous méritez soyez généreux, donnez-lui le votre car personne n'a plus besoin d'un sourire que celui ki ne peut en donner aux autres¤*¤
Il y a eu cette lueur dans mon oueil ..s'était chaud et aveuglant... la rétine roussit par la soleil, le crâne gratiné, mon cerveau bien cramé... le sang bouillie je sublime... je me traine vers la lumière brulante, déja depuis combien de temp? depuis cent eons... figée dans dans mon élan... Une froide chaleur...Depuis... depuis le début des temps... mais je ne me rapelle plus.. je ne sais plus... la lueur?
[zig zag man] YOU ARE TOOO HIGH!!!!! WAY TOO HIGH!!!! food for thought on my crazy trip: imagine this; a fat stick man in spinning class wearing a helmet!!!! CLOWN SHOEING ROUND!!!! Listening To: underground burlesque- beat freakers
J'AIME PO LA PLUIE JE DÉTESTE LA PLUIE J'EXÈCRE LA PLUIE LA PLUIE ME DÉGOÛTE LA PLUIE M'ABOMINE LA PLUIE M'A EN HORREUR LA PLUIE ME RÉPUGNE ETC... BREF. LA PLUIE EST UNE DES CHOSES QUI ME FAIT DRESSER TOUS MES PETITS CHEVEUX SUR LA TÊTE PAZE KE JE DEVIENS TOUTE MOUILLÉE DÉGEULASSE PARTOUT PI JE TROUVE ÇA KAKA ET J'AIME PO ÇA!!!!! OKI??? Mais, une chance ke j'ai une belle parapluie ke j'ai acheté au LeRouet proche de la Gare centrale pendant que je m'emmerdait pour 9,99 + taxes au lieu de 39,99 + taxes! Ahhhhh... Quelles économies :P! J'aime cette parapluie. Elle est full trop belle. On peut voir une rue parisienne là-dessus avec plein de petits cafés, des arbres de même que la fameuse Moulin Rouge! Hmmm, j'aime ma parapluie et je ne veux vraiment pas la perdre. Si jamais ça arrive, je pleurerai ;(... Snifff... Entk, je pense ke je vas arrrêter d'écrire ces choses pas rapport pour la journée... Peace... Listening To: My stupid brother making fun of me
i'm blind, i must be... to be here, now. give in to the black, the dark where what seperates us simply isn't infinity contradicts our social order and i'm facing the firing squad, in my facist state. the reformists, those liberal thinkers, are trying to kill me softly... with bureaucratic small print; treaties, negotiations, compromise. the religions assure me that my soul is safe from this corporeality. but the now, the self...the ego, find no solace in the abstractions of the future. perhaps guided by irresponsability towards the creation of existence, because infinity supersedes it. Listening To: Hallucinogen in Dub
we go.. Listening To: somewhere only we know
Things we do in our lifes are motivated by two basic emotions... Fear... And Love We are afraid to be alone...so we meet new people because we don't want to be... We are afraid of broking up with someone because of the unknown that is in front of us if we do.... We can also be afraid of taking drugs...or jump from and airplane with a parachute because we are afraid to die.... We do things also by Love We meet new peoples because we love meeting new peoples... We stay with our partner in life because we love this person, not because we are afraid to loose him... We can also love taking drugs...and jump from and airplane with a parachute because we are not afraid... (ANd those are only a few exemples....We can also love not beeing on drug, and, etc...) Love is really the best way to take any decisions...I have thousands of proofs in my mind right now and that have just appens because i've started to do things ONLY, by love. It is like goiing out of a cocoon. WITH LOVE EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE Forget fears...And everything you want to appens will.... And ether : Regrets are not good. (SUITE) Jviens de commencer un livre qui décris bien le fond de cette pensée... "Toute action entreprise par les êtres humains est fondée soit sur l'amour, soit sur la peur, et cela ne se limite pas aux relations personelles. Les décisions qui affectent le commerce, l'industrie, la politique, la religion, l'éducation de vos jeunes, les programmes sociaux de vos pays, les objectifs économiques de votre société, les choix concernant la guerre, la paix, l'attaque, la défense, l'agression, la soumission, la décision de convoiter ou de donner, d'épargner ou de partager, d'unir ou de diviser, chacun des choix que tu fais librement, tout cela vient de l'une des des deux seules pensées possibles: un pensée d'amour ou une pensée de peur. La peur est l'énergie qui contracte, referme, attire, court, cache, entasse et blesse. L'amour est l'énergie qui s'étend, s'ouvre, envoie, reste, révèle, partage et guérit. La peur enveloppe nos corps dans des vêtements, l'amour nous permet de rester nus. La peur s'accroche et se cramponne à tout ce que nous avons, l'amour donne tout ce que nous avons. La peur retient, l'amour chérit. La peur empoigne, l'amour lâche prise. La peur laisse de la rancoeur, l'amour soulage. La peur attaque, l'amour répare. Chaque pensée, parole ou action humaine est fondée sur l'une ou l'autre émotion. Tu n'as aucun choix à cet égard, car il n'y a pas d'autre choix. Mais tu es libre de choisir entre les deux." Neale Donald Walsch -Conversation avec Dieu (1995) Listening To: BJörk (Homogenic)
[img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] TRANCELUCENT PRODUCTIONS(TPCD-IL014) - V/A THE AYAHUASKA EXPERIENCE CD - COMPILED BY DJ AYAWASKA [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] SOUND ENHANCED RELEASE PAGE: [url]HTTP://WWW.BOADISTRIBUTION.COM/NEWS/TP/TPCD-IL014[/url] TRANCELUCENT PRODUCTIONS WEB SITE: [url]http://www.trancelucent.com[/url] THE AYAHUASKA EXPERIENCE is the new installment from Trancelucent Productions, after an ultra busy year, it comes as the first blossom for yet another fruitful year, 2006. 10 exquisite, fresh & luscious previously unreleased babies, pounding & grinding, introducing new aspiring talents along side Trancelucent's heavy rollers, each with his own agenda, melting down borders, fusing-in an array of Psychedelic trance delicacies, flourishing with spirit & pride. A personal journey, hand-picked by Dj Ayawaska, an underground activist since 1991, who's years of traveling all over the world, love of nature, people & culture,…hearing & seeing,… smelling & feeling, has lead to this highly rich & colorful release. ETIC VS. DJ AYAWASKA spice things up with a powerful entr?e, introducing us to this full bodied experience, ELECTRO SUN, currently working on his second album, producing & performing all over the globe. SYSTEM NIPEL, completing their highly anticipated debut album expected later on this year (Trancelucent Prod.), THE MISTED MUPPET, Dagan has added a new member to this infectious act, a gifted keyboardist – more to follow…, OPPOSITE8, Trancelucent prod. new aspiring additions the surprise for 2006…, DOUBLE IMPACT, the wiz-team coexisting by Dj Slider & O.M.C, LOUD, with the retro-current smash. Last but far from least, comes BRAIN DAMAGE with a powerful groovy tune. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAPHIC ART WORKING PROCESS [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] **ORIGINAL DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY BY: NOMGY** [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] TRANCELUCENT PRODUCTIONS(TPCD-IL014) - V/A THE AYAHUASKA EXPERIENCE CD 1. ETIC VS. DJ AYAWASKA - THE AYAHUASKA EXPIREICE 2. ELECTRO SUN – DEATH WISH 3. DOUBLE IMPACT – ON & ON 4. SYSTEM NIPEL – BICYCLE RACE 5. THE MISTED MUPPET – THE MISSING SUN – (URABN RE-MAKE) 6. BUBBLE – POZZA 7. OPPOSITE8 – GAME BOY 8. LOUD – MACHINES 9. BRAIN DAMAGE – NO GRAVITY [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img]
[b][img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] TRANCELUCENT PRODUCTIONS - OPPOSITE8 - HARD ENOUGH CD [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/ads/TPCD-IL015.gi...[/img] PROMOTIONAL STICKER & DJ SLEEVE ARE INCLUDED!!! [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] TRANCELUCENT PRODUCTIONS - OPPOSITE8 - HARD ENOUGH CD [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] Trancelucent Productions is known for its hand picked talents on their way to blast the international circuit. Acts like Perplex, Cosmic Tone, Electro Sun, The Misted Muppet, System Nipel, Etic etc… are a huge success stories. OPPOSITE8 are Trancelucent Productions newest installment, bringing in a fresh & infectious scent to the dance floor. OPPOSITE8 are Idan Hos (28) from Rishon Le-Zion & Kobi Kastoriyano (31), married+1, from Holon, Israel. These energetic souls have been taking an active part in the local psychedelic trance scene from its early evolutionary days. Kobi is an active Dj and music collector, he has been working in the past with Pandora Rec. & Krembo Rec., serving as Dj and A&R. He was in charge of the production of the legendary series from Krembo Rec. - "Ptzazot", which featured the early melodic Goa trance sounds. Idan has been producing music since 1998 and was featured on compilation released during 1998-2001. OPPOSITE8 teamed up a year & a half ago, each contributing his long years of knowledge, summing it all up in their remarkable debut album – HARD ENOUGH CD. HARD ENOUGH brings new emotions to the dance floor, full-bodied, powerful tracks, presenting OPPOSITE8's orientation of Trance Music. IT WILL GRAB YOU ON THE DANCE FLOOR... [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] TRANCELUCENT PRODUCTIONS - OPPOSITE8 - HARD ENOUGH CD Track list: 1. ELECTRIC FUNK 2. HARD ENOUGH 3. EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR MIND 4. FROM NOGA TO VENUS 5. BLACK OUT 6. LIQUID EVOLUTION 7. STOP THINKING 8. BEHIND THE AMAZON 9. LINE IN LINE OUT [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLDWIDE DISTRIBUTION BY [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] BOA DISTRIBUTION [url]http://www.boadistribution.com[/url] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUND ENHANCED RELEASE PAGE: [url]HTTP://WWW.BOADISTRIBUTION.COM/NEWS/TP/TPCD-IL015[/url] [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img] LABEL WEBSITE: [url]http://www.trancelucent.com[/url] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STILL FRESH!!! [img]http://www.psymag.com/siteUpload/newsletterimages/...[/img][/b] |