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» basdini on Thu Jun 23, 2005 @ 12:00am
Title:why everything sucks...
Posted On:2005-06-23 00:00:00
Posted By:» basdini
well, it just does.

but only because we make it that way.

Really, it doesn't, it's always changing, that's the beauty of life if something bothers you you can change it, or at least try to...

i'm trying so hard not to let the world get me down and, i think, i 'll be ok.

come on, even an old rascal like me deserves to have his exile end some day, to come home, to live free in his own city...

it's difficult to share with you.

i want to go home, but it doesn't exist anymore, maybe that's one of the saddest things about life so many places you can never go back to, so many things only existed once for a second perhaps, a look, a feeling, a mood. What do we do when these things are gone?

memories were meant to fade...

there are many ways to look at the past.
first we can look back and feel a sense of longing for those times, to want to relive them, to feel as we did when we felt then,
secondly we can look back at the past and feel a certain sadness and think that things could never ever be again as good as they were...

there is a third way
we can look back at the past and say 'i wished it to be that way'

some people think because we don't succeed at one thing we don't succeed at anything, this is polarized thinking and should be discouraged.

the momment that you feel yourself against me, you have misunderstood me, you have to suffer from the same passions as i do.

if i told you that i knew the future would you believe me?
probably not,
such is the way of cassandra syndrome...

one day death and i will meet,
who can say who will triumph...

people are only as good as the world they live in permits them to be...

ours, is truly esthetic life.

And although my eyes were open,
They might just have well have been closed.

now that i know what is to live
i wouldn't trade that for nothing...

do you love me?
for all that i am?

now that i know what it is to live i wouldn't change that for nothing

what do mountains taste like and smell like? They taste and smell like freedom.

I'm feeling weird these days...not bad, just, nothing, i look at things that i know should make me feel something and they don't, nothing, just nothing.

» Andiie on Mon Jun 20, 2005 @ 12:00am
Title:se tuer à petit feu...
Posted On:2005-06-20 00:00:00
Posted By:» Andiie
Jeunesse d'abus. Des années passées à expérimenter, à vivre pleinement et à se défonceravec son frère, mon oncle de 8 ans son aîné. Dix ans plus tard, après s'être casée, calmée, mère de deux merveilleux petits garçons, la voilà couchée sur son lit d'hôpital. Se remettant de son opération, elle pense aux mois de radiothérapie à venir. Elle pense aussi aux pilules qu'elle devra avaler à tous les jours pour le restant de sa vie pour pallier à l'absence de glande thyroïde.

Ça, c'est l'histoire de ma tante de 35 ans qui ne sortira pas de l'hôpital comme prévu ce soir. Un cancer. Le message laissé sur notre boîte vocal était empreint d'une impuissance ponctuée de trémolos, signes de toute sa détresse.

Je l'aime, ma tante. Son chum aussi et ses deux p'tits marmots l'adorent. On la taquine toujours, mais on l'aime tellement. La voilà maintenant en train de payer pour ses excès passés.

Cette histoire-là, on l'a déjà vécue. Il y a 7 ans de cela. Mon oncle. Coïncidence? Je n'y crois pas. Cancer de la langue dans son cas.

J'ai de la peine. En pensant aux gens autour de moi qui agissent sans réfléchir aux conséquences futures. Je les vois dans 10 ans, dans la même situation que ma tante.

Et ça me fait mal.

Et ça me fait peur.

» karpe on Mon Jun 13, 2005 @ 12:00am
Title:killer tomatoes
Posted On:2005-06-13 00:00:00
Posted By:» karpe
Ho cool, I just browsing for fun.

and I found the official webpage for KILLER TOMATOES !


» Miss_Stef on Thu Jun 9, 2005 @ 12:00am
Posted On:2005-06-09 00:00:00
Posted By:» Miss_Stef
petite salutation de la part de mon espace vital, mais la porte est grande ouverte, entrée a votre guise et venez fouiner...
les ordinateurs ne sont pas mes amis, jaimerais habiter sur le meme nuage que celui des calinours, je veux manger le soleil en entier.
je suis ici et là, seulement si tu y crois vraiment
prend moi par la main, et flocons de neige je soufflerai

» karpe on Mon Jun 6, 2005 @ 12:00am
Title:Fool of Muchaku - Part II
Posted On:2005-06-06 00:00:00
Posted By:» karpe
Our fool after walking around 5 minutes find a little road. This road construct with rock, seems maybe the same's person use this road often or a lot different person use it, because a lot of rock is broken.

He said "Road have always a beginning or ending path. Rock ! Rock ! Sorry, My friends I will need to use you. Do you accept my feets ? Ooooooh Thank you very honored, you can be sure, I will take care to not broken you more then you are now."

So Happy our friendly fool, begin to walk but replace each time all piece of broken rock he saw. Say each time "HAVE A NICE DAY !" Or "You ROCK!".

After 10 minutes, he stop to move because he hear a crazy noise, he look around ! No ,nothing ! Continue to walk after 3 minutes, hear another cripy sound, decide to surprise this cripy noise. Turn his head 180 degree "AH AH! Booboo ! A small dog ! so wonderful, oh ! You seems to have hungry my friend ! Well Well Is another mission for me, WE WILL FIND YOU SOMETHING TO EAT ! I PROMISE !"

He walk with his new friend, after 20 minutes, to replace all rocks in the road. He come in village, he see a little place where seems to have food !

FOOL - "Oh ! Look my friends ! Look ! Our mission will be a success !"

When he come near from the place a man stand behind a table and said

Vendor : " Hello SIr, What Can I do for you this wednesday"

Fool look is dog : "Oh you see we got a lot a chance, we are wednesday, this honorable man can help us."

Vendor still not understand because the stranger, seems to talk to someone don't exist. Look other people and no one still not understand.

Vendor "Can I ask U a Question ?"

Fool - "More then one if you want ! Depend how much you are curious or not !"

Vendor "Euhhhhh oki ! I don't want to upset you sir, but you seems to talk to someone doesn't exist !"

Fool "Why do you said that, If I see you and talk with you now, is a great chance you exist. You think you not exist this is sad, my friend"
Look other people around "Do you think this man exist"

Vendor "Not ME ! The thing you talk before you talk with me"

Fool "Oh this ! Ahhhh this is a dog a find from the road"

Vendor "AH DOG ! Mister your Dog doesn't exist, you talk with empty space, no Dog at all!"

Fool check to be sure dog don't run away, but dog still there. Fool "Sorry friend, but my dog are here, just here"
Fool point the dog with his finger.

VENDOR - You are Fool, Ah damn go to hell

FOOL - Thank you !

VENDOR - what ?

FOOL - Why What ? I didn't know where to go, I think you have an excellent idea.

VENDOR - *Stomach* Euh ?

FOOL - Do you you know how I can go over here ! In fact, I didn't know where 2 go, what to visit, I want to see something new, I'm ready for new adventure. Do I need to have Ticket ? By Train or plane ?

VENDOR - You cannot visit Hell !!!!!!!!

FOOL - Why not if you tell me to go to hell, you create place doesn't exist ! Ahhhh you are fool !

VENDOR - I'M NOT FOOL ! You kidding me right ? When someone say to you "go to hell" is for insult this person.

FOOL - Euuuuh ! You are little bit crazy to try insult someone with tell him to someone to go somewhere
*Talk to someone in the market* Eh youuuuu ! Go to Heaven ! Go to London ! No NO ! Paris !

Anyway, if you want to keep in secret. I will find a way to go to hell ! I'm sure you regret what you said and want to keep your Hell. for you ! But I will find I promise ! Do you need something in hell ?


Fool talk with is dog "Vendor seems to be angry, maybe he doesn't sleep very well, last night. You know this happen often because human, create some occupation they don't need just for showing to other they are busy. They forget to dream and after he realize this they become upstet about the fact, they don't dream anymore."

Fool talk to the vendor "Thank you my friend, we will find someone who sleep better to give something to eat to my dog and find how to go to hell. have a nice day !"

Our fool and his dog left the place, with ambiance of laugh from people was around the vendor. Our fool was sure the people laugh because the men realize they forget to dream and this cause him some problem with his vision, so sad so sad.

Now our soul is decide to visit this terrible village secret, visit the Hell

Next Part of the story ..Continue soon..