Posted On: | 2006-01-05 14:40:39 |
i just woke up and it is almost 2:30 in the after-noon. DAys off kickass. Now the question is what shall i do with it. ITs a total waste if i just spend it here.I think my muscles are finaly back to normal. Untill the next time i dance for 10 hours. hehehe. well actulay i'm not gonna go for so long next time, my body realy hurt. It was realy worthe it though. But i can still dance my heart out and still have evrything intact the next day.My feet were fucked though, rubbery floor + bare feet = bad. But dancing bare foot is so much better. i guess u just have more controll over how your moving and u just feel more free. God i love to dance, its the only timewhen my mind is free, i can just lose myself. Someone at the rave was giving me tips ion how to dance but i told him thanks but no thnaks just cause thats not what dancing is for me. I could honestly care less on how i look when i'm doing it, i just let the music take over.Thats why i think the best rave ever would have every single genre u can think of, cause with the same kind of music all night its one mood all night, it'd be awsome to switch it up.