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2007 January:
[ ]Green Speckled Wings
2006 June:
[ ]The Land
2005 December:
[ ]Bleach closing
[ ]Romaji
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[ ]Water Carrier
2005 August:
[ ]Oh le raunch
[ ]to: mr.greedy
2005 March:
[ ]Kali
Title:Bleach closing
Posted On:2005-12-13 00:11:58
Posted By:» moondancer
Because of all the days that have passed, I am who I am now.

I can keep on living because it doesn't go easily

People passing by with hurried steps

"Has your dream come true?", I'm still struggling.

Instead of going back to my childhood,

I'd rather try living well here and now.

I was born a scaredy cat

I went out to where the sun shone,

and clenched my hadns tighly...

...smashign that place, that time.

But I really can't completely express everything thats in my heart

I can keep on living because it doesn't go easily.
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