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2003 December:
[ ]the start of my Dj life
[ ]...
2003 November:
[ ]1
[ ]Oh yeah
2003 October:
[ ]nouvelle recrue
[ ]Aria
[ ]i have a journal?
2003 September:
[ ]hello
[ ]cloud 6
2003 August:
[ ]Cool... Journal
[ ]The Blackout
Posted On:2003-10-26 00:00:00
Posted By:» Festive
Went to Aria on Oct 16 and i had a great time :) Saw the hottest blonde guy and he was the hottest chick wearing a sequinced shirt like mine. They were just friends though (i think) He was dancing next to me for a long time and enfluenced me and vice versa but no one did anything (fuck!!) met this guy from the u.s and he gave me $20 to buy the goods what a nice stranger i should really talk to them more they don't bite!! Made friends with the dealer and grinded all night long. He was all possive which sucks since i wanted to get my groove thing on with hottie over there but couldn't cause of mr. octopussy but what can you do? Went for coffee with them after and went to his friends house and chilled. Good times!! :)
Want to go back on nov. 21 or nov. 28