Title: | Friday July 8th 2005 |
Posted On: | 2005-07-08 00:00:00 |
So Angels memorial service was today, it was really nice, despite the bullshit that went down.
I spent the afternoon with Eva and Antoine, Eva picked up an ipod and we wondered around and went to eat at amir.
She's leaving for spain on sunday most probably :(
For the rest of the summer, she was suposed to go in 2 weeks. Im really gonna miss her.
When she comes back her new home is going to be at antoines. He is such a great guy, i've known it from the start, jokingly saying how I went out with the wrong guy to make an example of how great he is.
Im happy Eva has him, im happy eva has great friends and family. Im just so amazed how during the hardest times peoples true colors really show, and that they really are the person you've always thought them to be. Wether it be good or bad..
I've had a lot on my mind for the past 3 weeks, and after today, I feel my mind will be at ease, I've made some decissions..bassed on poor ones i've made in the past.. even though its something i've been avoiding telling myself for a little time now.. its just the way things have to be.
I made a packed with pascale that by the time she gets back I will have a job, and were gonna do fun stuff for the remained of the summer, with out girls.
I hate how every so often I have to remind myself of things..
I hate how one thing can effect a bunch of other things and everything changes..again.
I hate how I dont know what im supposed to do with my life, and how sometimes I feel that i'll never find it.
Ive contemplated a lot of great options, things that most people would devote their entire lives too, but it just doesnt seem to be enough for me, I feel like im meant to do a lot with my life.
I just hope I start the process soon.
Jul 8 Aries (March 21-April 19): You made your bed; now lie in it. Lucky for you, it's a nice soft bed, but be careful not to sleep your life away. Dreamers sometimes miss out on the real thing. Wake up and seize the day, before it fades away