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2005 June:
[ ]why everything sucks...
Title:why everything sucks...
Posted On:2005-06-23 00:00:00
Posted By:» basdini
well, it just does.

but only because we make it that way.

Really, it doesn't, it's always changing, that's the beauty of life if something bothers you you can change it, or at least try to...

i'm trying so hard not to let the world get me down and, i think, i 'll be ok.

come on, even an old rascal like me deserves to have his exile end some day, to come home, to live free in his own city...

it's difficult to share with you.

i want to go home, but it doesn't exist anymore, maybe that's one of the saddest things about life so many places you can never go back to, so many things only existed once for a second perhaps, a look, a feeling, a mood. What do we do when these things are gone?

memories were meant to fade...

there are many ways to look at the past.
first we can look back and feel a sense of longing for those times, to want to relive them, to feel as we did when we felt then,
secondly we can look back at the past and feel a certain sadness and think that things could never ever be again as good as they were...

there is a third way
we can look back at the past and say 'i wished it to be that way'

some people think because we don't succeed at one thing we don't succeed at anything, this is polarized thinking and should be discouraged.

the momment that you feel yourself against me, you have misunderstood me, you have to suffer from the same passions as i do.

if i told you that i knew the future would you believe me?
probably not,
such is the way of cassandra syndrome...

one day death and i will meet,
who can say who will triumph...

people are only as good as the world they live in permits them to be...

ours, is truly esthetic life.

And although my eyes were open,
They might just have well have been closed.

now that i know what is to live
i wouldn't trade that for nothing...

do you love me?
for all that i am?

now that i know what it is to live i wouldn't change that for nothing

what do mountains taste like and smell like? They taste and smell like freedom.

I'm feeling weird these days...not bad, just, nothing, i look at things that i know should make me feel something and they don't, nothing, just nothing.
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