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Title:A better Way.
Posted On:2010-03-05 02:19:53
Posted By:» ikce
Choking Victims - Suicide

Sippin on the dragon the other day,
Tompkins Square Park up by Avenue A.
Halfway down the forty and a pig come up to me,
said listen here boy, gotta show me yer ID.
Well living in a police state,

I tell you man, it ain't that great,
I know it doesn't even matter what I say,
but don't ya know there's gotta be a better way?

I'm all alone, I'm feeling bad,
I'm by my self, all I ever had.
I hate my life, I'm such a mess,
I wanna die, I'm so depressed.

And every time I look at you,
I know exactly what to do.

I didn't want to be born, the pleasure all has died,
so now I'm gonna snuff it with a suicide.
Suicide (anok?), it's a better way.

Sit in a hot bathtub, raise a blade
and slit your wrists, watch your life fade to black.
You have this power to kill yourself, it's suicide,
and no one can take that back.
There is no better death than suicide, suicide...
There is no sweetter way...

Listening To: Choking Victims - Suicide
Member Comments
» Daf said @ Sat Mar 6, 2010 @ 6:42am
c'est pas leur meilleur pour rien. j'ressens la même chose pour IN MY GRAVE <3<3
» ikce said @ Fri Mar 5, 2010 @ 7:31pm
C'est plutôt paradoxal en fait Daph, bien ce soit la chanson que je préfère de t'choking.. L'image que cette chanson projète n'est que le triste reflet de la réalité de plusieurs personnes .. L'issue qu'elle propose me répugne.. mais la douleur qui s'en dégage m'attire. Moé si j'taime daph t'sais. :)
» Daf said @ Fri Mar 5, 2010 @ 10:50am
la différence que j'aime entre cette chanson et toi, mon ami, c'est que tu n'es pas tout seul <3choking victim <3<3 Ecki