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Title:ROLLING the MOVIE is finally available to purchase on DVD at http://rollingmovie.com
Posted On:2009-05-27 20:47:01
Posted By:» rollingmovie
ROLLING the MOVIE is finally available to purchase on DVD at http://rollingmovie.com

If you missed Rolling in the theater or if it didn't play in your area you can now buy your own copy.

See what people are saying about Rolling...

- Daily Variety

"Vibrant, captivating slice of Los Angles party life"
-WeHo News

"It’s hard not to lose yourself in the entrancing world of “Rolling.”
- Manhattan Movie Magazine

"Camerawork is stylish, and the script is briskly paced and concise …"
- San Francisco Examiner

Tagline: "The feel-good movie of the year."

Synopsis: ROLLING follows a med student, a teenage runaway,a lawyer, a drag queen, a high school basketball star, a drug dealer, and a teacher as they all cross paths in the Ecstasy riddled Los Angeles underground party scene. The film is a turbulent journey that takes a groundbreaking, incomparable look at this unique drug phenomenon. With the documentary-like style, ROLLING captures the highs and lows of Ecstasy culture, while exposing the delicate balance of its users' relationships and responsibilities as they chase its dangerous drug induced euphoria. Rolling is the feel good movie of the year.

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