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Title:People. Raves. Death. Badly structured, full of ideas.
Posted On:2005-02-12 00:00:00
Posted By:» thehemeraproject
People these days...they work, study all week, then they stop everything (actually, they stop by themselves), and then they go out to realease all this energy that was pushed back down, deep in their souls. Most societies had their celebrations, their "out of time" events. A moment where normal life stops, and where you get closer from the essence of life. Raves are one form of it. In the western civilization, people go clubbing, take a drink, play video games, fuck, trash, listen to music, draw... The natives used to play music too, around a fire, I think it could be considered like the ancestor of the rave scene. It is a universal thing. In order to do what is right and to avoid what is wrong, people need to take a step backward from whatever reality they are in, and feel life in a pure way, whatever what "pure" might turn out to be. Pure energy. Fucking is one way, dancing your ass off is one too. What form, what method you use is only based on who you are, what you went through, and what you think is right for yourself. So from this perspective, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to live, how you spend your energy only concerns yourself. There's no way to justify yourself, because the only way to truly understand someone else's concept of living is to live it yourself, which might be impossible. For example, females will never fully understand mens, and vice versa. It is just impossible. The mere fact that living with a dick and living with a vagina changes a lot of things, different perceptions.

Working, studying is not living, it is only a survival thing, the need of money, the need of knowledge. Needs have to be satisfied, but true living comes where you don't need to satisfy these needs, when your mind is no longer limited by whatever your body wants. The soul, or whatever you might want to call it, is a prisonner of the body, the body is not your soul. So when you die, your soul still lives, but in a very different form. It's not because something can't be touched or can't be seen that it is not alive, it is only for the humans who have a very limited perception of reality. The fact that we only have a limited perception of reality explains why we cannot agree on what is it.