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Title:PODCAST 04
Posted On:2008-12-04 09:35:47
Posted By:» Djinthebox
This is the link to download the latest DJ IN THE BOX! podcast:



1 - Full tiltin (Joint Operations Centre rmx) - Timmy & Tommy
2 - After hours (Steve Alle/ Ben Alonzi rmx) - Simon Hunt
3 - Galaktika (Mike Klogin rmx) - Sasha Virus
4 - Wet dreams (Gothek Dc rmx) - Coca & Villa
5 - Romantic Avenue - San Antonio Harbour
6 - Hybrid harm (Talla rmx) - Alex Morph/Van Eyden/ Talla 2Xlc
7 - Ritual - Sean Tyas
8 - Intricacy - Armin Van Buuren / Sean Tyas
9 - Long way home - Redstar
10-Keep the fire burning (Sean Tyas dub mix) - Talla 2Xlc/ Carl B/ Kathie Marne
11-The burn (Manuel Le Saux rmx) - Simon Hunt
12-Earth protector (John Huijbers rmx) - Kamil Polner
13-Nefertiti - Tom Colontonio