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Title:Dj In The Box! PODCAST 02
Posted On:2008-10-25 21:24:53
Posted By:» Djinthebox
One week later, this is my last PODCAST!

PODCAST 02 (25/10/2008)

1) Smalltown boy (Luca Antolini rmx) - Bronski Beat
2) Why does my heart (Technikal rmx) - Masif Dj's
3) Children (Sean Tyas rmx) - Robert Miles
4) Omega thursday - Tom Colontonio
5) Platitude - Onova
6) Lmy (Aira Force rmx) - Nr 32
7) Compurter Park (Redstar rmx) - 4Mal & Matthew Adams
8) Stadium - Greg Downey
9) Deflector - Kamil Polner
10)Indefinite suspension (Paul Miller rmx) - Adam Foley
11)The way it should be - 4 Strings & Dj Shaine
12)Undone (Dj In The Box! nine rmx) - Anton Sonin
13)La ultima (Deep Voices rmx) - Kyo & Gil


Listening To: http://djinthebox.mypodcast.com/2008/10/Podcast_02-153647.html