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Title:Another WTF dream that goes into a sleep paralysis
Posted On:2008-10-16 18:50:03
Posted By:» Screwhead
I'm living somewhere.. it kind of looks like where I lived in the West Island with my mom, but it's not quite right.. The neighborhood looks more like Laval. A lot of this part is a blur, but I remember I was doing something at home.. I think I was watching a horror movie. Then I go outside and I get in the car with my dad, and we were going to a bank in Carfour Laval..

We get there and he parks the car in the handicap parking spaces, and then most of my family park infront of us.. My dad, two of my uncles, my grandmother and my cousins get out of the cars and they all go to the bank and come out, get back in their cars, and then we drive off. My dad tells me that we're going to watch one of my uncles preform a show at a brasserie.

We drive to a little hole in the wall kinda place that looks more like a diner than a brasserie.. As I'm getting out of the car, the thing I notice the most prominently is that across the street is a Donald K Donald sponsored strip club called Les Filles Dore.

We get into the place, and I see a small stage in the corner of the room, and there are a few cheap plastic tables. On the stage, there's a drum kit and a stand with an old Roland SH-101, but the label says that it's a Juno 116. I sit down at a table and a waitress comes up and says "here, we're out of plates" and slops down a bunch of sauerkraut infront of me, and then takes a boiled hotdog sausage out of the container she's carying and puts it next to the sauerkraut, covers it all in mustard, and tells me to take a plastic fork and knife from the small wicker basket in the middle of the table filled with plastic cutlery.

My uncle that's going to be performing the show comes in with his own synthesizer, and asks his daughter to take the one that's on the stand and go throw it out onto a homeless person. As she's walking out with it, I say that they shouldn't throw it out, give it to me instead! So I get the car keys from my dad, go and unlock the car, and for some reason I sit in the pasanger seat while my cousin puts the synth in the back seat of the car, and then she closes the doors and goes back inside.

For some reason, I put the keys in the car, turn on the engien, take my shirt off, and then tilt the seat back a little to try and sleep.

Suddenly, the car springs to life and starts driving down the streets back to what looks like my house, but it's driving on it's own and swerving out of the way of cars, always going as fast is it's capable of going.

The car turns onto a dead end (where I seem to recal I live) and then drives right to the apartments at the end of the streets, doesn't stop or slow down, but swerves to the right like it was going to drive around the apartments, only all there is to the right is a fence, and a tree that's behind the fence has fallen and has the leafy-end of the tree is sticking past the fence.

The car goes driving straight for it, and I finally come to my senses and slam a foot down on the break from the passenger side to stop the car, and it starts breaking, but it still skids and flies into the tree-branches.

I get out, and even though I'm right next door to "home", I walk to a nearby payphone to make a call to my dad and tell him what happened with his car.

When I get there, the payphone is right outside this small, trendy looking coffe shop, and searching my pockets I have no change on my. I take my cell phone out of my pocket, and the flip-part of the cover is partialy broken off, and for some reason the part that's broken is the only button I can press to see what time it is on the phone. I try to call my dad, but I can't remember his phone number (THAT's the first thing that makes me 'aware' that I'm dreaming; he's had his cell phone with the same number since at least 1995-96), but I've noticed that if I shake the phone around like if I was moving a record, the static that comes out of it "scratches" like if I was scratching with a turntable and a mixer, so I start having fun and wiggling my phone around and making a racket.

By this point, I'm totally aware that this is a dream, so I figgure I'm at least going to get laid, and a short blonde girl walks out of the crowd of people on the sidewalk, comes up to me and takes my hand, and we start walking towards what looks like an area under the 20 going into montreal (big concrete columns holding up a huge structure.. almost like a tunnel, but there's just sand/dirt on the ground and the real road for cars is above us)

As we're walking to this area away from everyone, I notice right ahead of us, hiding behind a support column and peeking out of the corner, is someone that's looking at us with wide eyes, like they're completely and totally terrified of something in the direction we're coming from.

Now for some reason, my brain decides it's not going to focus on the 'me getting laid' aspect of the dream, and leaves that off, and it's like in a movie or tv show, the camera pans off from behind us walking off and turns to the window of the coffee shop that I went to to use the payphone, only now the coffee shop is a restaurant for dogs. A family of dogs walks into it and sits down at a long table right onfront of the window. I'm watching all of this as if it was a camera outside the restaurant, even though I can hear them talking.

The dogs all sit around the table and start talking and eating like a family having a large meal on the holidays. The scene ends up looking like the Last Supper painting, but done with these reddish-brown dogs. All of the dogs that do any talking have the voices of characters from Family Guy. One of them is a scientist and he's invented a robot dog-computer that walks around infront of you and it has a keyboard on it's back right near where it's butt would be so that you can type while it's walking infront of you.

The dogs finish eating and walk out of the restaurant, and the camera pans back to me and the girl that had walked off, and we're lying down on a blanket on the dust/dirt after obviously having gotten laid. I'm lying on my back and she's cuddled up to me with her head on my arm, when suddenly she freaks out and gets scared and terrified and says to me something like "Oh god, I remember what just happened to me!"

She looks behind us at the parking lot next to the restaurant and suddenly my dad's car is there, and for some reason I seem to "remember/understand" that the whole 'car driving out of controll on it's own and slamming onto a tree' part of my dream is a memory of hers that she'd forgotten from having hit her head, and behind us, in the parking lot, is my dad's car (SUV, really.. It looks like a Nissan Murano, but it's in the grey colour of his old Honda CRV).

Suddenly in the dream, it's night time, no one is around but us, and the car in the parking lot has the front hood open, and it's not the insides of a car, it's a mouth and it has teeth and a tongue and looks like the inside of a mouth.

This is when I wake up, and I wake up RIGHT into a sleep-paralysis.

Usually, when I get sleep paralysis, I just can't move, and it only 'feels' like there's something bad/evil in the room that wants to hurt me/kill me, but this time I could actually SEE someone sitting at the corner of my bed..

It looked like it could have been a small/young child, sitting there with his legs pulled up to his chest and hugging his legs, staring at me.. But his face was deformed and fucked up, like the face of the girl in the closet from The Ring; his mouth is all stretched out, his skin is blue and has patches/lines of black from where he's started rotting.. And he's just staring at me, and he's smiling, because he knows that I see him and that I can't move or do anything about him being there, and that he could do whatever he wants to kill me/steal my soul.

It takes a few minuts of fighting to regain controll of my body, but I finally manage to start moving my arms, and the thoughts of me thinking "you're not real, you aren't here" start coming out of my mouth in a whisper, and I'm actually able to slowly start sitting up and moving my head, but he's still there, staring at me and smiling, like he knows something I don't, like he's got something horrible planned for me and that I only THINK I'm going to escape/get out of this..

By the time I'm fully in control of myself and actually, fully awake and can stand up and move around, when I look in the corner of my room, I can still sort of see him there for the first few minutes.. Even standing up and walking out of my room, going to the bathroom, and coming back in and turning the lights on, I can still make out.. not really an outline, more like the shaddows that make up a person.. Like if you were to take a picture of a person, completely remove them, but keep the shadows they cast (like the shadow of their nose on their face, the shadows of their arms crossed infront of their chest)..

And the thing is, it's still staring at me. No matter where I go, where I sit, where I look at it from, I see these shadows on a body that isn't there, and it's head keeps turning to stare at me, and I can still see it's smile, and even though I can't make out the details of it, I can almost see or feel the intent behind those eyes that won't stop looking at me..

I've had weird, fucked-up bits of Sleep Paralysis kind of like this before; where I'd wake up and actually see someone or something staring at me, but it's almost always been a blur, never clear, just like some dark, human-shaped shadow from a picture taken out of focus, and by the time I've managed to start moving in the slightest, it's gone.. But never have I actually been able to actually SEE the 'thing' up to 5 minutes AFTER I've woken up and started walking around and moving.