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[ ]psychedelic experience
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Title:psychedelic experience
Posted On:2008-07-21 21:50:09
Posted By:» uglyposergirl
i am trying really hard to simply just be. i find it funny to have a psychedelic experience because i leave my body for a bit and then i come back and sometimes i'm not sure if it's really me or if it's because of those that surround me. like seeing the light and then not sure exactly what to make of my experience. the more and more you think about it the more you become lost. i think it's more in the now, just do what you know is you because you do it spontaneously, without hesitation or thought attached to it. i think i am able to see what there is beyond, but i find it difficult to connect between the mind and body; what my mind feels is incredible, i am growing my own garden within my reality, but it's really rare that i can really let out my magic through my body. i think i'm afraid to not be accepted being who i am, moving how i move, acting how i act.
i think all i need to do is really just accept and love who i am, because i know that i have so much to offer. i know that i can really create magic in the moment, all that's missing is certainty within myself so that i can show what there is inside this soul. i feel so close to being complete.
i am so happy to share my life with someone who is so willing to grow and evolve and share with me. together we can really do anything.