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Title:Well THAT was fucking close
Posted On:2008-04-27 12:23:22
Posted By:» Screwhead
So I'm on my way to Never Never Land to play at 6am.. Quickest way there is to take a short walk up Pie9 to the 370, and that drops me off on St Denis, about 10 minute walk to get to Studio Loco.

I sit down at the front and ask the driver to let me know when we're at st denis, in case I space out while listening to music and miss the stop. I sit right at the seat next to the doors.

Not even 2 minutes later, the bus is crossing St-Michel and WHAM, drunk driver slams right into the bus, speeding his fucking ass off, RIGHT into the spot that I'm leaning back on. He slams into the bus so hard and so fast that he ends up almost at the oposing corner of the intersection, facing backwards.

Engien is rammed into the car (the front of the car was about 4 feet shorter than it's suposed to be) and his airbags didn't go off. Fortunately, he got out of that alive, though probably with a lot, if not all, of his ribs broken.

It's a good thing those buses are built solid; if they were built like all the cars are with "crumple zones" And weak-ass plexiglass, I'd have had a car going easily 80+ KM/h embeded into my back. Instead, I've just got a sore shoulder.

So, didn't make it to the party I was suposed to play at.. but fuck, that was insane. Comparing the damage done to the bus, and the damage done to the car, I honestly can't see the effectiveness of all that "crumple zone" crap; using plexiglass and weak aluminum to make the frame and body of the car.

If cars were built like they were in the 50s; full, reinforced steel frames.. Throw in some airbags and seatbelts that they didn't have back then, and you'd get WAY less injuries and deaths from car accidents. Those old cars could drive through a brick wall and it would just scratch the paint!

But, aluminum and plexiglass is cheaper than steel frames, and a company's bottom line is always the money saved, not the lives.

The other great solution to this is pretty simple; hard-limit all cars speed! No more speeding, and if they are, the accidents would be a lot milder if your car was speeding at max 50km/h than if it was only 1/3 of the way up the guage at 90.