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2005 February:
[ ]teh superbowl!!
2005 January:
[ ]20 minutes!
[ ]up an atom
[ ]ARGH!
[ ]Post numero duos
[ ]I get a journal!
Posted On:2005-01-27 00:00:00
Posted By:» Skunkington
I'm SOOOO fucking bored.
I'm watching family guy. I got off the phone with my boy, he pissed me off so bad earlier i hung up on him. It's so hard being with someone who just doesn't have any consideration for you sometimes.
I'm SOOO bored i think i'm going to bang my head against the wall. my night was full of insaniquarium and 12 year old desperate hormone driven kid conversations.
ON TOP OF THAT. My mom hid my god damned cheque book. Well she didn't hide it but when i moved out she cleaned my and re-arranged my entire room and i was going to write a cheque for PR. BUT NOW i can't because my fucking cheque book is somewhere invisible to me.

and tomorrow i get to ride a bus for 5 hours to get home to a boy that's not even going to be there until later, and a beautiful night of probably watching him play NHL 2005 again.

i need something to do with myself. it's killing me.