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Title:OH Festivus!/ Magic Baking
Posted On:2007-12-20 08:53:54
Posted By:» PrettyKittie23
So I've been baking for about a week now.....sadly not in the enjoyable intoxication way but literally...like baking stuff. Chocolate Chip cookies, Caramel Corn, Chocolate Snowballs and Rum Balls for 70 people. I never want to see flour again!
This year no major disasters in regards to cooking (unless you count dozzing off on the sofa until one in the morning with the oven on after 'testing' too many double-booze rum balls)But it's been fun I do love to make stuff in the kitchen. After the horrible 'obligation' X-mas parties are out of the way I plan to bake some 'special' things...like 'green' cookies and brownies. They are more fun for sharing in my opinion. ANYHOO! Merry Fetivus-type holiday from work for all that is applicable to and My deepest sympathies for those who must deal with the public on the most consumer-driven of holidays. From experience I know that is a MAJOR drag!

My best to the best!
Peace, Drugs, Hugs and Electric Snow!

Listening To: DJ Frostywaterz 25minute trance mix
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